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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    So good...

    We totally challenge you rite nao bish


    Yosef! I choose you! *throws Yosef ball at Syph* Kill the talker!

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [/ QUOTE ]

    And lols at the fact that TIG and JLE are split half and half between us on Test.
  2. Also, add @prison bait to the SW roster.
  3. Name- Fatality
    Server- Infinity (Test once we get more members)
    Faction- Heroes
    Size- Small, 2 SHW accounts.
    Recruiting- Yes, recruiting members, only requirement is that you have a Lv50 PvP Spec'd character, or willing to activly PvP with a Lv50.
    Contacts- @Projects
    PVP Preference- Arena 1st, then Zone

    History- I liked the name Fatality, and I like PvP. A few friends jumped on and now we're a PvP SG .
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Ummm, are you even reading the same things the rest of the world is?

    [/ QUOTE ]


    You can't complain, we're actuallly getting more End Game content.
  5. Chris_Crocker

    Drops II

    [ QUOTE ]
    How about we substitute Story Arcs for Mayhem/Safeguards?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Or better yet, have Safeguards be another option for reciepes! I have no problam with Story Arcs, other than the fact that they screw 50s.
  6. Chris_Crocker

    Drops II

    Your just high

    There are repeatable missions, but I don't think those are arcs.
  7. Chris_Crocker

    Drops II

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Inventions has been touted as something that shelved level 50's can partake in. Level 50's that have completed all their story arcs already. Please, how can both of those occur? Level 50's can not experience IO's if they are locked out of acheiving specific rewards because they happened to hit the level cap before I9.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Doctor Brainstorm wrote:
    It's like I said, we are looking into other options that keeps the mechanic of the four pool system. Our intention is to not make people feel "gimped" for previously completing all their story arcs.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Please keep this in mind when posting. No need to get too worked up folks! We appreciate the feedback, thanks!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Lighthouse, my own personal opinion is this:

    If we can't go back and do our story arcs, and there's no way we can sway you from granting reciepes off them, then why can't we just award a reciepes to the whole team, when a story arc is completed? Sure this would cause a lot more reciepes to be accessed, but the chance would still be unlikely that you would get an ultra-rare drop out of it.
  8. Chris_Crocker

    Drops II

    Dr. B

    Thanks for clearing this up, I still don't like that 50s will have to re-do the story arcs on alts, but it's good to know that the majority of reciepes will be based on enemy defeat.
  9. Chris_Crocker

    Infinity SGs

    Remade >.<

    Black Legion (CoH PvP)
    Leaders - @Projects @Mr. Barbs
    Currently recruiting anyone interested in PvP. Arena, zone, or w/e .
  10. Chris_Crocker

    Infinity SGs

    Name-Black Legion
    Leaders- @Projects

    We are a newly formed SG (11/30/06) and is looking for vets, and new people to PvP to join. For more details PM me or send me a ingame tell.
  11. Global: @Projects
    Gender: Male
    Age: 15
    Location: Jackson, MO
    Height: 5'8"
    SG Affiliation: Statesman's Watch, and lookin for PvP SG
    Most Recognizable Server Toon: Project 4
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Your favorite overall game aspect may not be listed, but please, choose your favorite from the list

    [/ QUOTE ]

    gah thats hard...pvp is definantly up there, but i <3 the costume maker...
  13. So…YOU want to be a Claws Scrapper?

    First off, let me say welcome to the life of a scrapper. If played and built right, you can and will be envied by every other archetype. Of course, if built wrong, you will be laughed at…and this is where I step in. Claws is the highest DPS set in the game, how ever it has no extreme damage attacks. However the low endurance and fast recharges really makes claws shine in the long haul.

    Now that we’ve gone over that, lets get into the powers. In this section I will write down each power in the set, along with all the specifics about it. Then I will give you my personal opinion on the power, and why or why not you should take it. So...lets go!
    Recharge-1.2 (Very Fast)
    End Cost-2.912
    You can either pick this, or Strike as your first power. This could help in lower levels, around 1-10, but after this it will be a waste. Even at level 1, Strike is a lot more helpful then this. Defiantly shippable, nothing special here.

    Recharge-3.2 (Fast)
    End Cost-4.16
    A pretty good first power, and will be relied on heavily as you level up into your lower teens. The recharge is good, as it will be up all the time as you get to the higher levels in the game. This is the one to pick out of the first two for sure.

    Recharge-4.8 (Moderate)
    End Cost-5.49
    Another good claws attack. Does more damage then Strike, but recharges a little slower. Also this attack takes down the defense of your foe, making him easier to hit for the next few attacks. You will want this power no doubt, at level 50 you will still use this power a lot.

    Recharge-12.1 (Slow)
    End Cost-9.152
    Your first, and only, PBAoE attack. While this power is available at level 6, you will want to probably wait, and get something from your secondary power set. This power becomes very useful at higher levels, as you can direct your enemies to clump them together, and then hit them all with Spin. It does the same amount of damage as Strike, just to as many as up to 17 people. So get it when you can, but get it before 30.\

    Follow Up
    Recharge-15 (Slow)
    End Cost-7.8
    The Claws version of “Build Up”. Unlike other Build Up powers in other Scrapper sets, FU is an attack, that must hit to function. If it does hit, it increases your damage by 50% and your accuracy by 20%, which is less than a traditional BU. However, if you have specific powers (Hasten, Quickness, etc), you can keep FU on twice for your superior attacks. This power is usually over looked, but it helps a lot as well, specially against Boss/Elite Boss/Arch Villain fights.

    Recharge-3 (Fast)
    End Cost-None
    This is the equivalent to a Tanker’s “Taunt” power. This power can pull a foe off of someone that is attacking a teammate, and make it attack you instead. Sounds dumb I know, but it is very handy, especially when your healer is in trouble, and he needs to get away from the mobs of baddies.

    Recharge-6.4 (Moderate)
    End Cost-6.8224
    Ahh…finally, your first awesome, main attack. This is a ranged attack that shoots a burst of energy from your claws at a foe. I cannot emphasize how important this power is. The animation is very fast, and the recharge is just as good. As a bonus, it can knock some foes down, depending on their KB protection. Again…you want this power.

    Recharge-8.4 (Slow)
    Range-Melee (Cone)
    End Cost-8.84
    Another very good attack. This power has a lengthy animation time, but it pays off with having awesome damage. As a bonus, this power has a narrow cone, that can affect anywhere from 1-5 people on it. Also it has a special bonus that allows it to have a better percentage to land a critical hit on who ever is affected by it. My advice, however, if you get this power is to use it like a single target attack, but if anyone else gets hit, the more the merrier.

    Range-30ft (90 degree Cone)
    End Cost-10.5248
    Your final attack, and instead of getting an extreme attack, you get a wide cone one. Disappointing? Definantly not. This power can and usually will knockback anyone who is affected by it, and can be used in a lot of different ways. For example, you can use Shockwave, and get everyone clumped together, use Eviscerate to get multiple foes in it, and then use Spin to finish them off. Again, you will want this power.

    I hope this guide proved informative, however we are not done just yet, to summarize what I’ve said, or to just give someone the basic good vs bad of Claws…here’s a pro’s and con’s of the set.

    -Lowest endurance cost
    -Best DPS set in the game
    -Lots of knockback

    -No extreme damage power
    -again, lack of Burst Damage

    My build...
    Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
    Name: Project 4
    Level: 50
    Archetype: Scrapper
    Primary: Claws
    Secondary: Regeneration
    01) --> Strike==> NucleExp(1)NucleExp(3)NucleExp(3)
    01) --> Fast Healing==> Heal(1)Heal(5)Heal(5)
    02) --> Slash==> NucleExp(2)NucleExp(7)NucleExp(7)
    04) --> Reconstruction==> Heal(4)Heal(9)Heal(9)Rechg(11)Rechg(11)Rechg(13)
    06) --> Quick Recovery==> EndMod(6)EndMod(13)EndMod(15)
    08) --> Follow Up==> MembrExp(8)MembrExp(15)MembrExp(17)Acc(17)Acc(19)Acc(19)
    10) --> Dull Pain==> Heal(10)Heal(21)Heal(21)Rechg(23)Rechg(23)Rechg(25)
    12) --> Combat Jumping==> Jump(12)
    14) --> Super Jump==> MicroExp(14)MicroExp(25)MicroExp(27)
    16) --> Integration==> GolgiExp(16)GolgiExp(27)GolgiExp(29)
    18) --> Focus==> NucleExp(18)NucleExp(29)NucleExp(31)Range(31)Range(31)Range(33)
    20) --> Resilience==> DmgRes(20)DmgRes(33)DmgRes(33)
    22) --> Spin==> NucleExp(22)NucleExp(34)NucleExp(34)
    24) --> Challenge==> Taunt(24)Taunt(48)Taunt(50)
    26) --> Eviscerate==> NucleExp(26)NucleExp(34)NucleExp(36)
    28) --> Instant Healing==> Heal(28)Heal(36)Heal(36)Rechg(37)Rechg(37)Rechg(37)
    30) --> Intimidate==> EndopExp(30)EndopExp(43)EndopExp(43)
    32) --> Shockwave==> NucleExp(32)NucleExp(39)NucleExp(40)Range(40)Range(40)KB_Dist(42)
    35) --> Revive==> Rechg(35)Rechg(42)Rechg(42)
    38) --> Invoke Panic==> EndopExp(38)EndopExp(39)EndopExp(39)Rechg(46)Rechg(46)Rechg(46)
    41) --> Focused Accuracy==> CytosExp(41)CytosExp(43)CytosExp(45)
    44) --> Conserve Power==> Rechg(44)Rechg(45)Rechg(45)
    47) --> Hasten==> Rechg(47)Rechg(48)Rechg(48)
    49) --> Super Speed==> MicroExp(49)MicroExp(50)MicroExp(50)
    01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
    01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
    01) --> Critical Hit==> Empty(1)
    02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)
  14. dang, how did u do that?? the picture in ur sig that is lol
  15. Ok I didn't know how to explain it in any other way, but I was curious about how people had there powers, chat trays, and navigation set up on there screen. Heres mine...

    My UI Setup
  16. Simply put, where can I find software that lets me record videos of my computer screen? I want to start recording short films of the SG, and I wanted to know where to go and how much its gonna cost me :P.
  17. Well, here goes nothing...powers will be "judged" by the number of it has
    if u need it, or nothing else is available
    pretty good
    very nice =)
    z0mg g3t 1t

    Basic attack, fast recharge, minor damage, sub-par damage, definantly skippable, nothing special about it =P
    Rating -

    Either this or swipe, and this is definantly better, pretty fast recharge and decent damage, will be used a LOT during the lower levels.
    Rating -

    This is another good power to get, does more damage then Strike, and with a good recharge timer. As a bonus it lowers defense a little bit.
    Rating -

    Another good attack, how ever I didn't get it until about 26, but if you can fit it in earlier, definantly do so. It does about the same damage as Strike, but in a circle around you. It has a slower recharge than Strike however.
    Rating -

    Eh, only get this if it is in your concept, or you just have no other powers to get...a typical taunt, used to pull foes to you or off someone.
    Rating -

    Follow Up
    The "build up" for claws you could say. It's an attack that does about the same damage has Swipe, but it increases your damage and accuracy for a little bit. It has a surpisingly fast recharge, and with hasten, you can keep it on through a whole fight, and sometimes two times during one.
    Rating -

    Your first "bread and butter" attack. An awesome ranged attack that can knockdown your target. Does very nice damage with good recharge, definantly a must have.
    Rating -

    Another awesome attack, does a little bit more damage than Focus, but with a longer animation. It's a cone attack, but its a pretty narrow cone, I use it as a single target atttack my self. Recharge is about the same of Focus
    Rating -

    Just like the previous 2, this power is very nice to have. It does semi-average damage, about the same of strike, but it has a very handy knockback that affects foes in a wide arc. Very useful for setting up Spin or a multi-foe Eviscerate.
    Rating -

    Recommended Power Pools
    Super Speed/Hasten
    Increases recharge for 2 minutes. Extremly useful in a lot of situations
    Rating -

    Fighting/Tough and Weave
    Nice to have, Tough provides some resistance to smashing and lethal damage. Weave gives some defense to melee and ranged attacks.
    Rating -