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  1. These jackholes were actually trying to rob a place barehanded (threatened having a gun but not showing one = lying)? Freakin' morons. They are lucky they didn't get shanked. If I was there, they would have bled. Leatherman ftw.
  2. Condolences to you and Michael's. Though the loss hurts deeply, try and focus on the good times shared with Michael and to carry the best traits of his forward in yourself. At least that is how I try to honor those who have been taken from my life.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Castle View Post
    This is a situation I cannot win with. I removed the prompt; people complained until I was told to put it back. Now it's back, a completely different set of people get to complain.
    On a Liberty global channel with over 90 active players last night, we had not ONE player state that they were pleased with the return to prompting. EVERYONE who stated an opinion on it preferred the prompt gone and were irritated with the prospect of its return. (Not a scientific sample)
  4. They should eliminate ALL looping sounds period. I haven't met a person yet who likes them (waits for first ever looping sounds fan to post.)
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DocArcus View Post
    They just don't like when people hit them with a buff that makes noise when they are not running missions. Then again, I put anyone /ignore that has kicked me from a team because I asked that I not get SB in a cave. It's not fun and if I'm not able to move, what good is the buff anyway?
    The casting makes a noise whether it takes effect automatically or requires a click accept/decline. Are you talking about the slight jingle hum when the graphic cycles? Its minor, but I can see preferring it not loop. That is a separate issue. Requiring an accept/decline click is much more a system adjustment than removing the looping sound, which I would appreciate myself actually.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DocArcus View Post
    It's weird, of the people I know, only a few like that it's gone. I guess that means that around me, only the "whiniest 1%" don't want it back.

    See, I can make up numbers too.
    You must hang out with a lot of control freaks with busy-work addictions.
  7. Good lord. The whiniest 1% are going to get annoyance put BACK into the game. Hey while you're at it, can we get the looping sounds put back in. I miss the "atmosphere". And the rooting in Unyielding. I miss that too.

    Criminy, you people are insufferable.
  8. Man, 500 Days of Summer annoyed me. I'm actually a sucker for romances, but watching that movie was like having a root canal. There was one creative thing in the movie, where it showed the scene in split screen with the "Planned" version on one side and the "Actual" version on the other side. That was clever, but it couldn't save it. Both lead characters were intolerable to me.

    Hated Requiem for a Dream. It was just train wreck after train wreck. Well made, definitely and Aronofsky is definitely a solid film-maker, but I felt like I had been mentally mugged after watching it (much like Magnolia, another soul-scabbing film).

    Throwing in another "final" pair of suggestions for The Fisher King -starring Jeff Bridges and Robin Williams in Terry Gilliam's most effective human drama. Gilliam occasionally busts loose with his requisite surreal visuals, but mostly keeps the story rooted in a touching human reality. It wasn't what I was looking for when I saw it, but it was better.

    And second, Zero Effect featuring Bill Pullman as Daryl Zero, "the greatest detective who ever lived", who is also a complete basket case, with nearly non-existent social skills. Ben Stiller plays against type as the straight man agent for Mr. Zero.

    Also endorsements for several previously recommended films, including Brick, Chocolate, Dexter, Black Snake Moan, Bubba Ho-Tep, and El Mariachi (though not so much for its value as stand-alone entertainment, but more for the fact that it was made by essentially a San Antonio film student on a $7000 budget. That film student was Robert Rodriguez, who has done some impressive stuff since.)
  9. This thread goes to eleven.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
    Re: Constantine: I saw maybe 15 minutes of this somewhere near the end I think and remember thinking it was visually interesting but poorly written and acted.
    I actually thought it was solid. Much better than I expected (3/4 stars).

    I'm with you on Pitch Black. I understand why some people love it. It does some original things and builds good tension, but I felt it just needed something more to put me in the fan category.

    I have my doubts about Wanted and Pandorum - they both kinda looked like they might be worth watching with a few beers in me, but I am not expecting much mental stimulation from them.

    Hot Fuzz was great, and Shawn of the Dead is probably the best zombie movie ever made.
    I thought Wanted was giant disappointment. It did some things very right in the production department and it was very slick. The downfall for me was that it was just insultingly stupid in some parts and really needed some additional exposition to make the premise feel even the slightest bit plausible. The violence felt gratuitous in some parts to me. I'm not against seriously violent movies, but it felt like it was violent just for shock value. Aaaand the ending was incredibly stupid.

    I saw Hot Fuzz about a year ago and it blew my mind. It's like 4 different kinds of movie thrown into one, but it somehow actually works. I liked Shaun OTD a lot too, but not as much as Hot Fuzz.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
    I think a friend of mine has that on DVD and tried to get me to watch it a couple years ago... if memory serves she was taking it with her everywhere she went for a while. I will have to give it a try.

    I do like docs. I have checked out a few on instant watch since I rebooted Netflix. I'm a huge fan of Errol Morris, in particular, and have seen most (but I'm sure not all) of his films.

    Zombieland! That's one of those I wanted to see and forgot about. Thanks!
    Based on your reactions to the suggestions of mine that you've seen, I think we have fairly congruent (i.e. "good" lol) taste in film. I'm feeling pretty good about the unseen ones now. (Drop Defendor to the far bottom, or off. I mainly recommended it, because I had just finished watching it 10 minutes before reading your post. lol.) Yeah. Errol Morris = fantastic. Fog of War was phenomenal.

    Zombieland was quite fun. Discards the zombie movie cliches that get in the way of telling a smart story, but keeps enough to be true to the genre.

    I feel like I am now challenged to find a satisfying anime recommendation for you. Have you seen any Miyazaki stuff? Spirited Away would be the first recommendation, but all his stuff is good, though some more children-oriented. Cowboy Bebop (both series and movie) and Samurai Champloo are also pretty much universally beloved by those that have seen them.
  12. I'm assuming you have seen Gattacca. An excellent thinking sci-fi film exploring the journey of a man striving to achieve beyond his genetic 'station'.

    Freaking love that movie. Amazing musical score.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
    This is another one I heard bad things about - that it was really slow and uninteresting. Of course, the person who told me that is not the world's deepest thinker, so maybe I should give it a second chance?
    Well, it's definitely an odd film, and I can see how its not for everyone, but I just feel that both Murray's and Johansson's performances were so believable and the resolution so natural, that it felt like a slice of life. They aren't the usual 'meet cute' formula characters. They are just two people who are feeling isolated and out of their comfort zones who are basically glad to find some familiar refuge (of another American in a very foreign country) and share some time. I think it's uplifting and a great tale of how generational differences need not be a barrier to companionship.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
    Oh yes I loved Children of Men. Great movie.

    Code 46 looks interesting and I usually like Tim Robbins. Added.
    Man, Children of Men was good! There were several extended single shot scenes that totally blew me away.

    Oh yeah, loved Lost in Translation - Bill Murray, Scarlett Johansson in Tokyo.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
    I heard some bad things about this one which is why I passed on it. I'll put it on the list though and give it a fair chance. I'm holding you responsible if it sucks.
    I would put Defendor at the bottom of the list of my suggestions as it is most likely to fall short. It's kind of a well-written B movie in some ways. If you are reluctant on it, I would drop it.

    I think you'll like Ghost Dog, though.

    Glad you liked I.Q.. It slipped under a lot of folks radar. I would definitely check out Roxanne if somehow you haven't seen it by now. I consider it a classic.

    For other Tim Robbins goofiness, I strongly recommend the Coen Brothers' The Hudsucker Proxy. Great stuff. Dynamite performance from Jennifer Jason Leigh.

    And while I'm on a roll, Dangerous Liaisons is a brilliant period drama featuring John Malkovich, Glenn Close and Michelle Pfeiffer (just ignore the minor Keannu Reeves character).
  16. Ooh, one last one.

    6. A Fish Called Wanda - In my opinion about the funniest movie of the 80's (1988 to be specific), Python members John Cleese and Michael Palin are joined by a riotous Kevin Kline and Jamie Lee Curtis in a hilarious story of a diamond heist gone slightly wrong.
  17. Ok Here are a few.

    1. Defendor - Think Kick-*** but without the snark, and with Woody Harrelson playing a mentally slow (not comically so), but highly principled wanna-be superhero. Not the fastest, most intense, actiony film out there, but a patient movie that takes time to develop its characters. I was surprisingly moved by it.

    2. Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai. - Another film about justice (in a roundabout way) and honor (in a very straightforward way), featuring Forest Whitaker, as a eccentric, samurai-obsessed mafia hit-man. Again a movie that implies action, but that is in fact very patient and cerebral, with moments of quirky humor, especially from the excellent mafia cast members. Great musical score by the RZA.

    3. House of Flying Daggers. - Simply the most beautiful and moving wuxia film I have ever seen. A compelling love story interwoven with some of the most audacious and gorgeous action set pieces. Director Zhang Yimou strikes all the right notes. Fantastic musical score.

    4. In the Mood for Love - A sumptuous masterpiece from Wong Kar Wai, set in 1962 Hong Kong, an unconventional love story featuring a stunning Maggie Cheung and brilliant Tony Leung Chiu Wai. One of my top 5 movies ever. Soundtrack features Nat King Cole, singing in Portuguese (Spanish?).

    5. I.Q. - A great 1994 romantic comedy featuring Meg Ryan, Tim Robbins, and Walter Matthau as Albert Einstein. All three turn in great performances, with likable characterizations. Directed by Fred Schepisi, who also directed the similarly pleasant Roxanne and Six Degrees of Separation.
  18. I'll be there for at least a couple runs. I really like the revamp of the Posi TF.
  19. Great looking pic! Looks like my scrapper Lil' Sizzler ended up on the cutting room floor in the Demo edit version.
  20. Chazzmatazz

    Ultra mode!

    Ok I am currently running on a GeForce 6600, on a 3.0 GHz Pentium 4 (not dual-core or anything like that) with 3GB RAM, and I'm not in position be upgrading anything in the next year. I'm assuming I'm not going to be able to run any UM features and am ok with that.

    My question is: Will my machine still be able to run I17 (and subsequently GR) with current performance on current settings without any UM gfx feature enabled?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smurphy View Post
    I'm curious and don't plan on asking your reasoning nor arguing your opinion...

    ...but what do you and other people consider a "low damage" team?
    Well, realistically I don't encounter them frequently, and really almost never if the team is 6+ players or over lvl 35 or so, but I would consider a lvl 28 ish team with two h3al0r/FF-type defs/trollers, one tank and a xx/dev blaster to be a "low damage team", where one of the def/trollers switching to a scrapper or blaster or force-multiplying attacking defender would favorably increase team pace without significant loss of survivability. In truth, I rarely even find teams with inadequate support unless we are running against particularly tough opponents. I have been on many 6 blaster teams or all melee teams that are devastating and not particularly fragile.
  22. In general, I just want a team of good players (or mostly good), but sometimes it does help to shift one player from primarily DPS to primarily support when going against tough stuff (ie. +3 Vanguard or Longbow on an 8-man team in RWZ).

    Example: Last night my 4 blaster (I was one, SK'd on a pre-Shiver DP/ice), 1spines/reg scrapper, 1 Rad/rad def, 1 Nightwidow, 1 SD/FM tank was fighting just such a +3 (mostly Longbow) mission. We had a couple wipes, despite being mostly rather solid players, usually from ambushes. Now we didn't NEED for someone to swap chars to complete the mission. We could easily have shifted tactics to not be facing full spawns at once (via pulls etc.), but that would have changed the rapid pace that many of us very much prefer to play.

    I decided that I would switch from my lvl 26 DP/ice blaster to my fairly IO'd Ice/FF troller, and the Nightwidow switched to her Merc/Pain MM. Well, as many of you would expect, things went much more smoothly (and rapidly) after those two swaps. A big part of it was getting mezz protection (from Dispersion bubble) which was absent on 5/8 previously, so the Longbow Nullifiers stun-fest was less of an issue (every-spawn Ice Slick and Shiver didn't hurt either and the agro spreading and support from the MM). We didn't mind making the switches, and the team benefited.

    My advice to the OP, is to play what you like to play. That said, try and develop a variety of different ATs to a relatively high level, get them fine-tuned with some IOs (or pick combos that still perform at a high level without them) and have a diverse toolbox of fun available. Most good players/leaders don't care what you bring to the party, though they may suggest 1 volunteer to swap chars, if the team makeup looks particularly vulnerable/low-damage. Almost always a 1 character swap can solve any team tactical issue, and most of the time even that is not necessary.

    Bottom line, have fun.
  23. We can do eeet!

    Maybe after the Striga TFs on Sunday. I can bring whatever.
  24. Chazzmatazz

    Are They Nuts???

    Next Sunday...the Shard! Or maybe Striga (Moonfire/Hess)...
  25. Chazzmatazz

    Are They Nuts???

    Originally Posted by Green_Eyed_Lady View Post
    You and your teams turned in some incredible times! Of the level 24-33 respec, Manticore TF and Numina TF not a single trial was over an hour!

    Terra Volta - 52:44

    Manticore - 58:11

    Numina - 55:03


    It was another great day for Liberty. 3 full teams at Tera Volts, 4 full teams and 1 team of 7 at manticore and 2 full teams for Numina. Go Liberty!
    I thought Night's Dawn's Manticore team finished in 48 something. No? I was on the 58 min team and I thought I saw them saying finished in channel ahead of us.

    Still. Fun time!