Michael Scott (Chuda Mezaru, GenericHero)




On Tuesday, July 6, Mike Scott passed away due to illness.

He was a City of Heroes player from very early on, and was one of my friends who helped me get a handle on the game when I finally decided to dive in. His primary characters were Chuda Mezaru, GenericHero (which was also his global handle), and Serenity Jones. His characters were also some of the earliest members of the supergroup called USELESS. Over the last few years, Mike didn't login to the game very much at all, but he would still check in when he had the opportunity. I hope some of you had the opportunity to play along when he was around.

Mike was a good friend, and he's gonna be missed.

I'll post a link to the obituary as soon as it's released -- it will certainly provide a better biography than I possibly could.




I am sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. His name(s) are familiar but he was an acquaintance to me.

My words cannot heal you, nor can they console you. But, through my words, know that your pain is understood.



A fallen hero is never a good thing... especially when they are someone in our hearts... Hope you find the way to recover, remember and embrace your friends memory.



Condolences to you and Michael's. Though the loss hurts deeply, try and focus on the good times shared with Michael and to carry the best traits of his forward in yourself. At least that is how I try to honor those who have been taken from my life.



Originally Posted by Wildcat4Ever View Post
On Tuesday, July 6, Mike Scott passed away due to illness.

He was a City of Heroes player from very early on, and was one of my friends who helped me get a handle on the game when I finally decided to dive in. His primary characters were Chuda Mezaru, GenericHero (which was also his global handle), and Serenity Jones. His characters were also some of the earliest members of the supergroup called USELESS. Over the last few years, Mike didn't login to the game very much at all, but he would still check in when he had the opportunity. I hope some of you had the opportunity to play along when he was around.

Mike was a good friend, and he's gonna be missed.

I'll post a link to the obituary as soon as it's released -- it will certainly provide a better biography than I possibly could.

I'm sorry for your loss.



Mike's memorial is printed in the July 11 Wichita Eagle: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/kan...&pid=143995693

Thanks for your kind words and thoughts, guys, they are appreciated. My primary goal in sharing this information was to maybe prod a memory or two, that any of you that say "oh yeah, I remember running missions with Chuda Mezaru" will know that the guy behind that and those other characters was someone worth knowing in person. That, and I feel that, if he were on any of your friends lists, and realized he hadn't logged in for a while, it's important that you know why, as a matter of closure.




My condolences Wildcat, I have memories of Mike stretching back over the last ten years, and it's sad to hear this sort of news since most of us scattered to the winds four (five?) years ago. I remember him as being one of those people with a rather "unsinkable" attitude.

As for memories of Chuda, it's thanks to Mike and the others at the time who were playing CoH - in what I thought was one of the more creative SG names I have ever seen* - that I became hooked on this game. One of the first memories of CoH really at all that I have was teaming with Chuda and others from USELESS to farm Warwolves in Werewolf World, I was 10th level at the time. Chuda had a huge herd of Warwolves following him, affectionately referred to as the Chuda Train. Though I don't recall what possessed me to be on the ground, I know that Mike didn't see me as he came up over a ridge with the Chuda Train. Before he could finish saying "Was that Morthoron?", I had been clobberred by more Warwolves than I had Hit Points to begin. I was laughing so hard that I had to take a break and walk away. Needless to say, there was NOT enough of me to teleport to the hospital, and as it was my fault there were no hard feelings over the debt (in fact, I still think that rates as all-time funniest face plant). Morthoron, an AR/Dev Blaster, is now Raven of the Red Sky, my sole lvl 50 toon.

Thanks to Mike, I got started in CoH, but I would like to point something else out: that it is people LIKE Michael who have kept me coming back. Not just in CoH either, part-time heroes don't have to own computers. If you know someone like that around you, CoH or not, you should thank them. They may be a teacher, mentor, friend, or family member, etc., but they're here, and you can thank them. For me, that's my dad, and if you'll excuse me, I need to go make a phone call.


* USELESS is an acronym for United States Emergency Law Enforcement Special Services

Even against certain death, it matters not how or if we fight, only that we do.

Most amusing complement I've ever been paid on an outfit, from @Ukase regarding my Blue Eyed She-Devil Anson Maddocs "Fallen Angel" homage:
"She gives my ex-wife a run for the money."



My deepest sympathies, never an easy thing.

Bunch of 50s and a horse with no name...
Global: @Grynder