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Im going to have to redo my posting with the new templates when I get time.
Oooo new templates.
Can someone tell me as a moderator how I can "approve" new postings? Thanks! -
Everyone feel free to take inspiration. Some of what you see above was my ideal completely, and I borrowed some ideas from here and there as well. I am not one of those people who get mad about "taking credit." I have a friend on my server who builds bases and we steal from each other all the time.
I really hate how some objects can be seen at a distance and others you have to be almost right up on them to spawn. The only way to get around that is to ensure that people are close to those objects before they are even visible (like making a room filled with many small rooms so the player never sees too far into the room, etc.) or to just not worry about it.
Thanks, the oro room has been getting a lot of attention lately. Despite being time-consuming, it was fairly easy.
Quote:To form the cyrstal room I just stacked a ton of crystals of various sizes all around, alternating the directions they faced to make it appear "natural." Once I made the walls I covered the floor with small crystals and then stacked small crystals as high as they would go to make a "ceiling." Outside the crystals, the room is really just a big empty archane room.Also, as far as new "styles" of room, a lot of folks use room items to line the walls for a custom effect. Most common is covering a wall with wall cabinets, but it's possible to use arcane blocks, desks, shelves, whatever. One of the threads here has screenshots of a crystal cave made by just putting a whole ton of the crystals from I think the Room Details list all over the place.
As for the OP:
"Stacker" has some pretty good youtube videos about how to stack. It's far from being a self-explanatory process so all of us had to learn from someone (except whoever invented it perhaps).
I'd just play around the base editor for awhile until you felt comfortable with the basics, and then research stacking if that's something you choose to do.
For me, the best way is to be shown how to do this sort of stuff. Once you get the basics down, then I would ask someone to show you how to do the more complicated stuff. Believe it or not, you can do all the stuff you have seen on the forums with just a little help and some practice. Base editors in my experience tend to be happy that someone appreciate the craft and are generally very willing to be helpful to teach someone willing to learn. I could show you even. -
Quote:Well, to use a political cliche, I would say that my fourth statement is a "mistatement." I'd agree that I could have just stuck with the first three and avoided most of the backlash. With that being said, if someone was offended for an honest reason, I regret that statement. It was indeed "unnecessary." In other words, I apologize.The problem is, Chant, in your first post you give reasons why you believe using desks is a flawed process. Your first 3 reasons are logical and well presented.
But your 4th reason is not a support for the argument that the desks are flawed, but that you find flaw in the PEOPLE using those desks. That was an unnecessary comment and was indeed unkind and judgemental toward those in the community who still like to use the process, flawed or not.
You really could have made your case without that 4th "point"... ya kinda shot yourself in the foot with that.
As for Stacker, I'd agree the whole base building system iteself in inherently flawed, and while I have my personal preferences, in reality every design is flawed due to the fact that it's a flawed system in the first place. I guess that brings us all back to what we can agree on, and that is that base building is the most neglected feature of the game. We shouldn't have to stack to create second or third floors, or combine random items together in the hopes that it looks like a toilet in a bathroom or whatever. We should have those options in the first place. I don't think those opinions would offend anyone here in this section of the forums :P
I also think that if I saw bases like stacker's base I would have not been quick to say that. My server in general is very dry of decent base builders, and the few of us who take it seriously tend to build with the same methods. I have visited other servers and seen some very amazing stuff though. Likewise, I am fairly new to the forums and to this section especially, so I am sure I have a lot to see. I know base building is undervalued across the game, but it seems to be especially the case on my server. If anyone here has anything unique that they would like to share with me in-game, I'd love to see it. -
As for Fergie's statement about joined dates, my vet badges would reveal I have been a much longer player than since 2009. I just avoided the forums for a long period of time, and I'm starting to remember why. Please, if you disagree with me that's fine, but stick to the issue and not make a personal attack.
But I respect Stacker not just for his work, but his patience enduring the magic desk method. I was around back then, and I tried it some and honestly I gave up. I guess in Stacker's book that would make ME lazy. -
Quote:I know there is a way to place desks without glitches, I have done it before. I just find it easier to continue to use lamps/tiles for the kind of building I do. Perhaps this is just a personal flaw of my own, but I think its much easier to avoid desk stacking altogether for various reasons as stated above.because you haven't figured out how to not make them glitch or found a way to cover it up.
Covering them up is easy as well. Say if you have a problem with a glitch at the end of a series of desks, and you cannot avoid glitching to make the desks fit a certain way in a certain area. Obviously the solution I have found is to just put something on top of the glitch, or surround that glitch with another object. Maybe you have found a better solution that works for you, I don't know.
I need to find a picture of a base in which I was referring to so you know what I was speaking against. And if you are going to give advice and advocate desk stacking, you should give details to how you avoid the overlapping (this is a general you, obviously you have video links where you try to explain things correctly). I've found it easier to tell new builders to avoid the desks altogether unless really called for, and even if you do use the desks to use the lamp/tile method. I think if you just say "yeah use desks!" then the user will tend to peform the type of building I was speaking against. Obviously you have a completely different approach and one I can respect, but its just not my method.
I also wanted to say that if every base builder that used desks built wonderful rooms like in those pictures then I would retract every statement I made.
Maybe I've just seen too many bad designs that desks have left a bad taste on my tongue. For example, buildings where the knobs of the shelves on the desk are visible in what is supposed to be a wall. I see that you have avoided all of that.
In the few times I have built modern rooms, I have tended to use counters instead of desks myself for walls, etc. I have felt that it gives viewers on my server something more unique to see. Maybe you disagree, but I just find lamps/tiles not only more liberating, but just easier.
I don't think I'm missing anything from not using desks, but I guess thats easy for me to say since most of what I end up doing is archane anyways. -
I disagree with this as well, by my definition of texture overlapping. I have none in my base. I do have items that touch, but no texture overlapping glitches.
Quote:I would by no means insult the amount of effort you put into your base. I still contend that desks used in every case of stacking is less than optimal. And it seems you misread what I intended as well, as even though desks is your main tool for stacking, even you admit that its not the best thing for every case. I think there are times when desks are reasonable to use, and in your case you may have found those. And just as I said before, if I see a base has nothing but this kind of stacking, then I am inclined to make that judgement. Let me clarify in saying that there are exceptions, but I'd imagine they are few and far between based upon my personal experiences with touring bases. And likewise by my original statement, your work would not be included in that category as 5% of what you do does not include desks, and my statement concerned 100% :Pso to call people lazy that just use desks is just stupid. i use them in 95% of the stuff i do but thats just a noob talking.
A better way to say what I intended would be to say that in most every case where I have seen someone use nothing but desk stacking, it has for the most part been either very old work or amateur work. Obviously I have not seen every base on every server, this is based on my personal experiences and observations (and opinion). -
Yeah could you imagine my heartache once UM came out. I was halfway finished with the crystal room. I had to really play with the graphics to tone down the glowing. The room, believe it or not, is actually very dark.
I just leveled a dominator, I really hope that they get that completely fixed!
Quote:If you will reread my comment, I stated that if that is all I see then I make that judgement. Of course, there are instances where using desks are warranted. Me personally though, even if I use desks I still stack them with the lamp to avoid texture overlapping.So your statement that using desks is noobish or lazy or "don't know any better" comes off as a bit judgemental and arrogant.
I'm sure if I saw a room you did, and it was good quality and done before all this other sort of stuff came out, and it was very complex and time-consuming, I would acknowledge why you left the room the way it was. But for NEW base building, I strongly advise against using just desks. As previously stated, if you want to use desks, still stack them with another method to avoid the texture overlapping.
That's my two cents, people can do what they want with their bases and I will just remain arrogant I guess. -
Quote:Desks are flawed because of the following reasons:I havent tried, but can't you use the desks stacked like that to get the floor where you want it? (ie you want the height to be 3 desks off the ground, so stack 3 desks, then lay the floor tile down and build out the floor from there?)
1. There's only one level on a desk that you can place the tile.
2. If you stack desks, and then want to delete a desk in the middle of the stack, you cannot just delete it, you have to drag it to another room to delete it.
3. Stacked desks causes some texture overlappings. This is that graphical issue you see between the desks that occurs when you move the camera about. This promotes a lot of lag within your base if done frequently.
4. To me anyways, it looks like noob base work. You can do the same thing and have 12 more options with lamps and avoid texture overlapping. When I go into a base, and all I see is stacked desks and no other forms of stacking I either assume the builder is lazy or just does not know the better options. -
Maybe it would be worth considering losing RoF and picking up vengeance for the LOTG slot.
Quote:Okay, thanks for explaining that to me. I majored in sociology because I sucked at math :PDamage Procs almost always increase the average damage of a power. For example, in your build Fire Breath does 281.5 damage, If I replaced the acc/dmg Posi (since Fire Breath has an accuracy bonus, it doesnt really need the extra acc), with a Posi Proc the average damage goes up to 292.1.
Blaze: Your slotting provides 514.7 dmg, If you took the Apoc: dmg out the average damage of using the Proc instead would raise that to 530. Or Even Higher to 545.1 if you added a dmg/range hami 6th slot into Blaze (which I would reccomend)
Adding the Purple Proc into Dominate raises the average damage from 99 to 134.
Im going to have to review my other 50's in regards to this as I always previously avoided using procs. I think some procs are worthless though. I don't see much value in the Ragnarok's knockdown proc, for example, when you already have so much mitigation available. -
As for manuals, I'd like to see one for this. Most of what I have seen has been for basic base building stuff. I'd hope that most could learn all that on their own. I've considered writing an advanced guide on how to do the various forms of stacking (safes, lamps, desks, wall objects, ceiling objects, slanting wall objects, etc.) and just general information on design (aka how to not look like a noob).
Whatever you do, ignore what anyone says about using desks to stack desks. Desks can make a floor but do not ever use them as your tool to stack.
If you play around with the floor lamps and floor tiles, you will see that you can "place" the floor tile on about 12 different spots on the pole of the lamp and the lamp itself. You can stack lamps on top of other lamps, giving you literally dozens of options on height. You can stack your lamps to desired heights, then place floor tiles at the desired heights, and place whatever you want to make your floor with on those floor tiles. Once complete, delete the floor tiles and the lamps by going into the sections for current objects in the room.
You can use safes too, but I've found lamps for me to be easier. -
So far I don't share the same concerns as others about RoF. The more I play the toon the more I may change my mind, but I see terrify working as a "ghetto" immob. Same with TD. Since I play with others usually, there is often someone to herd the baddies too.
Quote:In that case I am no longer bothered by that either :PEh... You can get Shards through normal playing; just that the TF's are a "short cut" for some of them.
I haven't read any guides about the new system and I haven't gotten on to Beta yet either. Called me old fashioned, I'd rather give the issue a chance and just try it out once it's live. -
Oh and as for the CC proc, its good to know that that's viable. I thought about using it, but since I had no experience I was unsure.