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  1. I've been watching this subject for YEARS. Clones usually come in cycles -- and seem to increase right before special events, issue releases, and any sort of Free-trial promotions. HEAVEN help us if it all happens at once.

    New users ALWAYS seem to be clueless as to the risk of being genericed. I always see the easy ones -- Superman, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Ms. Marvel, Iron Man, Hulk, Spiderman, Flash, etc. Several of them have gone out of the way with punctuation, capitilization or spelling to get THAT name they wanted. (I tend to "friend" several of these just to see HOW long before they get genericed. Some occur so fast.)

    Some cloned characters were clever enough to change the name, but put copyrighted terms in their Description. If you are Superman-esque and mention Krypton there? You are guaranteeing a Generic name status...

    Homages are tricky -- If you did an OLD style Green Lantern costume, but then changed the color scheme? Yet the Guardian server ATTRACTS GL groups and clones. Several going the Green/White/Black theme.

    I see no problems with some homages. Some characters are tricky -- I did an Uncle Sam character once calling him the American Gentelmen -- He was around LONG before DC made him into a Freedom Fighter. How do they manage with that being more or less public domain before they used it? With so many mythological based characters, THATS got to be a problem.

    I've seen several Thor-like characters, especially post-I11. But most are renamed like "Son of Odin" , "Thunder-Lord" or some such. As long as they don't go for a SPECIFIC blond haired red caped, blue armored look - I see no problem. Its the combination that makes it bad. Marvel has had a Hercules character in The Avengers I believe -- hasn't stopped Wonder Woman from using Hercules from time to time in her story lines. The trick here is are you basing it on the comic character itself, or the original mythological character?

    Cloned characters will be with us as long as there are new players. Last month I saw a costume contest that had 1 Flash, 1 Die Fledermaus, 1 Tick, 2 observers in Superman-esque costumes off and on, 1 female that was going from her own costume thru a Supergirl one, a Ms. Marvel one, and then to a Power Girl one.

    Many Homage characters are on the edge -- but not all.
  2. CentralNexus

    Comic Covers

    Check out the link. I'm closing in on 200 covers here.

    Central Nexus Comic Cover Gallery
  3. I've GOT to get a character up to that level....
  4. Nice -- wouldn't take much to customize that to a group or something.

    Planned for a myspace page or something?
  5. CentralNexus

    screenshot fun

    I hope foxtrot WAS a randomly generated costume -- No one could be THAT colorblind and so UGGH on purpose... <em shudder>
  6. Two covers for a new villain - Atomfire --
    Three new custom covers for Ms. Vista

    Eight more covers for Flagborn. (And here)
  7. I finally decided to set this up on my website -- I've done SO many comic covers, a gallery was needed. It took me a while to set up, but Iv'e got 113 covers now up on the site -- covering Geostrike, Professor Infinity, Doctor Futura, Flagborn, Starmax, Killer-Whale and more.

    Comic Cover Gallery
  8. I'll miss it too... *sigh*
  9. I knew it -- I'm stuck 700 miles away from my computer and can't be there.... *sigh*

    I hope w00tradio.net makes a mp3 of the broadcast...
  10. Another possibility is this online tool -- Gifworks

    It works for most small and medium sized gifs -- but not the huge ones.
  11. I'm Flagborn --- Check the link for details -- enough said.

    Thanks for the promotion Roxstar
  12. As one who has done nearly 90 such covers, you did manage to get a very good angle on the action... Bravo!
  13. I've not been playing much Villains at all lately -- I still have BB -- I think I went on vacation and was no longer in the group when I got back -- that or training.

    Back on topic...

    Issue 15
    Issue 16
    Issue 17
  14. Okay Warface --- (I used to run with you I believe as Bloody Bat)

    Color Pen I ususuall go some where in the 40-50 range, depending on the lighting. Interior shots usually get a lower value. I don't think I've ever done below 35.

    Brightness usually ends up -24 or so. Contrast is at least 24 sometimes 36 or more. EVERYTHING is dependent on the shot. If its a dark shot it usually doesn't work. Some shots that end up with too much line detail tend to get muddied and get too dark before the color level is returned.

    Regardless it makes things in the picture stand out. Reflective surfaces like Leather Jackets or Metallic armor REALLY stand out. Flagborn wears standard tights -- it even makes his shine a little.

    Occasionally I will brighten up the ORIGINAL screenshot before running it through Colored Pen.
  15. I use PhotoImpact Pro by ULEAD -- currently Version 11. They've an artistic effect called Colored Pen -- I slice out the image, run it thru that, and then adjust it with brightness and contrast until I get it right. Doesn't take long now -- I've done a BUNCH between Doctor Futura and Flagborn this way -- over 50...
  16. Issue 06
    Issue 07
    Issue 08

    Wasn't too happy with #6, but VERY happy with the angles and content of the other two... Sometimes you just get lucky with the timing and angle of the shot.
  17. Editing stray players out? Why? If you look in the EULA, Cryptic/NCSoft owns the rights to everything -- INCLUDING your character -- I doubt anybody could legally complain about their character appearing without consent SINCE they don't OWN it.

    Of course unless we have a lawyer playing... this is really IMHO.
  18. I can see some minor editing as needed -- not EVERY shot is directly usable. A lot of my screenshots are too dark at times; brighten them up in PhotoImpact Pro and they are okay. Of course lately I've been using the PenMarker artistic filter on my cover --- I'm not sure I'd want to do that throughout a book.

    I can see lots of clever stuff done -- new headlines on newspapers, new text or images on base view screens, movement lines added to flying, moving, jumping figures, motion bluring on speedsters, etc. None of that is against the rules as long as you are starting with screenshot material...

    The trick is getting good shots AND a having a good story. I could see a lot of stuff submitted for this that is nothing but a showcase of supergroups -- with nice pics of everyone, but no real storyline.

    I'm anxious to see what the winners come up with... Meanwhile I'm going through my screenshots (I only took 1800 this month... so far).

    Does the trial have thought balloons? I've only played a little with it, but didn't see it. I've already looked around town for a copy of the software , but no deal.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Nice work.

    I particularly like the "from the pages of..." banner. That is so comic booky - something you rarely see.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I was inspired to do that -- the Guildportal site of the group ( All Star Sentinels ) has a Comic book cover prominently displayed -- although its drawn artwork. I like that style. When I did these covers I wanted to give a shout back to the group. Flagborn teams about as much as he solos ...
  20. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOO looking into this...
  21. I discovered the PEN MARKER effect filter on my photo software just as I was starting this series -- I liked the way it redid the standard screenshot stuff JUST enough to make it stand out. And its harshness at times did lend well toward the pulpish look and style of the old golden age hero.

    Geostrike was always more of a modern character - and set to look like a more current comic book. I've also started doing Flagborn stuff in the penmark style - but he's more of a silver age character.

    With any of them it is all about finding the right shot. Believe you me I try and position myself and the camera and try and fight. On a ranged character it is FAR easier than on a scrapper. Any character I have to take LOTS of shots -- you never know when an effect, a limb, flying debris is going to screw things up. But that does tend to turn some battles into slideshows on my system if I get too shot-happy. I NEVER know if there is going to be a shot worthy of a cover until I go through them....