Comic Covers




Spent some time looking for Hero/Villain comic covers here (hoping to find examples and/or templates used by others), but didn't locate any. Found some elsewhere, and kicked out a few of my own - some better than others.

I've thrown the one's I've made into an album over on Guildcafe.

Anyone have character covers they can share?



I don't have comic covers, but i have album covers on my deviant art site Luptonius is a musiciamn Maybe one of these days i'll make a ad for my alt on Virtue The happy Hoodlum someday (He's the Host of Happy Hoodlum's Happy hour, The Rogue Isles number one rated children's television show)



I did a bunch some times ago, I believe during the first year and half of CoH.
Here are some examples of my favourites, this brings back some good memories of some heroes I had forgotten:
Astounding Aurorae 01
Atomar 01
Canadian Cougar 06
Aurorae Chronicles 02
Classic Jack of Hearts 01
Crocolisk 01
Jake of Hearts 03
Spacedust one shot (made from a Celtic Bolt piece)
Rocket Rider 01
Loaded Deck 01
Toxic Menace 01
Ultimate Jake of Hearts 01
Ultimate Spinomania 09
Volt-Man 02
New Breed 08
New Breed 14
Spinomania 06
Spinomania 07
Spinomania 08
Spinomania 10
Spinomania 12
Now I don't do this anymore, but I have some covers on my Deviant Art space:
Comics on Deviantart.



Some of those are exceptionally well done, with a range of creative elements I hadn't even considered (including a few obvious fixes to some problems I had in my first set). Thanks.



Glad you like them



CentralNexus: Yours was the one set I'd actually found on my own through google. It's what gave me most of my elements and (combined with some old comic covers I downloaded) my template layout. Great work.

Ironik: Very Cool. I especially like some of what you did with alternate formats like People and TV Guide.



Old post containing many comic book covers I did this last year, then the second link is the full comics I have done this last year also. I enjoy Photoshopping this stuff! LOL

Comic Covers Post

Full Comic List