Kilotonnage: Classic Comic Cover - DONE!




Sorry this is a tease until I finish it, but I finished inking tonight, finally after several weeks (those damn commissions held this up bro..) Anyway, figured since I was sketching the 2nd piece for Larissa, and the other two are 50% done stage wise, I had some free time tonight to get back to this... Will definitely try and finish this in the morning.

This is flatted color, will be adding more detail in the end...

Kilo Tease... click below to see the final!

Envisionaries Issue #107




...oh my...



Niiiiiiiiiiiice, GQ Kilo never looked so good. Can't even tell thats a wig



Oh wow. Messy win!



Very nice !



Sorry this is a tease until I finish it, but I finished inking tonight, finally after several weeks (those damn commissions held this up bro..) Anyway, figured since I was sketching the 2nd piece for Larissa, and the other two are 50% done stage wise, I had some free time tonight to get back to this... Will definitely try and finish this in the morning.

This is flatted color, will be adding more detail in the end...

Kilo Tease...


[/ QUOTE ]


Ya know.....

When LJ starts teasing with art it's never a bad thing! I kinda wish he hadn't finished the main piece for me so i would still get these kinda teasers! :P

But seriously thats a great piece for a teaser LJ! Gratz Kilo!



Looks great LJ! Is there going to be a bouquet of flowers involved? I seem to remember the original GQ Kilo having flowers?




"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Wow, that's the sexiest I've ever seen granite armor.

great work LJ



I needed Kilo's iron jaw when I saw this. It would have stopped my jaw from shattering when it hit the floor, that was my reaction. I know this was a WIP for a long time but it was so worth the wait. Thank you LJ you are not only a fantastic artist but a great team mate and a generous person. Thanks so much for this. I am truly honored.



Told you on DA and on Envisionaries board: this is awesome far far beyond awesomeness.



Good Job!



That's the best Kilo I've seen yet!
Great work LJ.