Comic Covers - Doctor Futura




I've done several of these now for this guy - In an old style... (I use Photoimpact Pro 8 -- Slice an image out, resize as necessary. Then I run it thru an artistic effect called Pen Marker, usually with a setting of 35-50 depending upon the image. After that I brighten and contrast adjust it to bring back the color. The effect is as seen.. I mention it now because SOMEONE will ask...)

Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3
Issue 4
Issue 5
Issue 6
Issue 7
Issue 8
Issue 9
Issue 10
Issue 11
Issue 12
Issue 13
Issue 14
Issue 15
Issue 16
Issue 17
Issue 18
Issue 19
Issue 20
Issue 21
Issue 22
Issue 23
Issue 24
Issue 25

Running City of Heroes Panel - Dragon*Con 2012 MMORPG track



Very nice; I love the style of these!

I must admit I was actually somewhat floored when I was shuffling through all the issues and saw that I had a cameo as Golden Bast in #22; rather surreal to be admiring someone's artwork and then to suddenly see yourself portrayed there!

Anyway, thanks for the five seconds of fame. Keep up the good work!



Great job, I love comic book cover art. Doc Futura has a cool look.



Very nice..again!

Man, I mentioned how comic-booky you other set was. Those Doc Futura ones have a great, pulp magazine feel - looks like you were channeling Doc Savage, et al.

Geostrike's seem more modern - a Marvelesque quality.

Nobody "gets" me, Baby! I'm the wind...
Chicks dig Giant Robots!



I discovered the PEN MARKER effect filter on my photo software just as I was starting this series -- I liked the way it redid the standard screenshot stuff JUST enough to make it stand out. And its harshness at times did lend well toward the pulpish look and style of the old golden age hero.

Geostrike was always more of a modern character - and set to look like a more current comic book. I've also started doing Flagborn stuff in the penmark style - but he's more of a silver age character.

With any of them it is all about finding the right shot. Believe you me I try and position myself and the camera and try and fight. On a ranged character it is FAR easier than on a scrapper. Any character I have to take LOTS of shots -- you never know when an effect, a limb, flying debris is going to screw things up. But that does tend to turn some battles into slideshows on my system if I get too shot-happy. I NEVER know if there is going to be a shot worthy of a cover until I go through them....

Running City of Heroes Panel - Dragon*Con 2012 MMORPG track