250 -
You misunderstood.
I realise it was scratch built, but from the image it looked like you worked it up on the PC and printed/assembled it, like most paper modelers do.
I'll settle for a snapshot of the thing with the measurements photoshopped into it.Determining scale is one of my biggest hang ups when scratch modelling.
I'm trying to con my SG into all getting figures done by you and we're going to need someplace cool for them to hang out.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ahhh total miss understanding. OK the scale is 100% off. The "real" doors in the game are so freaking big you wouldn't be able to tell what they where. I actually sat down one day and did the math to see what it would take to remake Galaxy City in train scale. Lets just say my HOUSE isn't big enough.
And I did it all on graph paper. You see, I can't cut a very straight line. Even with rulers and a straight edge, I always seem to get off. =( So I covered all the inner bits with an outer shell that took my skills into account. The basic dimensions are 9" tall, 18" long, and 9" wide. The "Duck Dinner" is 1"x1"x9". I'd have to find my notes to give you more then that. Doors are about an inch think + detailing. And a little over 8" high. It was a fun project. Nothing other then the pictures where printed out, everything else was painted. Its all 3D. =)
And its made of a plastic sheets on the outside that where painted and weathered. Wood and backer board on the inside. (Its like the stuff peg board is made of but with no holes.).
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Thank you for the information. That information alone gives me an idea of what ballpark it should be in. -
I think the villain groups need more female models.
Although I imagine it would take about two weeks after they implemented it before some women's advocate group started protesting COH for promoting violence against women -
O.O I really love how the perez park entrance is looking! o.O
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I wanted to make something that I think everyone would recognize if they have ever played the game. And I think it came out well. Once I get a chance I will be making a train station.
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Do you still have the templates you used available ?
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Templates?!? That was 100% scratch built! (OK the brick work was a plastic sheet for rail roads) But the rest was scratch. I have my notes, and designs but there are no templates for that playset. Closest thing I have to a template would be the images for the door and window.
Fun fact: I watched ALL of twin peaks making that playset. So add up those hours. Wow.
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You misunderstood.
I realise it was scratch built, but from the image it looked like you worked it up on the PC and printed/assembled it, like most paper modelers do.
I'll settle for a snapshot of the thing with the measurements photoshopped into it.Determining scale is one of my biggest hang ups when scratch modelling.
I'm trying to con my SG into all getting figures done by you and we're going to need someplace cool for them to hang out. -
I could bang out a stick figure really quick if you would like ?
O.O I really love how the perez park entrance is looking! o.O
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I wanted to make something that I think everyone would recognize if they have ever played the game. And I think it came out well. Once I get a chance I will be making a train station.
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Do you still have the templates you used available ? -
As soon as I have an extra $50 burning a hole in my pocket I'm in for one.
Now all I need it to find a woman with a sexy voice willing to record all the new sounds I want.
Things like "Over hear ,big boy" for glowies and such. -
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Thread Necromancy ? -
AFAIK, the redraws are basically "time-shifted". If no redraw is needed, you get dead air at the end instead of the draw animation at the front... but the total time remains the same.
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You are correct .
Weapon Drawn or sheathed the activation time is the same.
BAB has stated so. -
This is a sweet list, thank you for taking the time to compile it.
I also have trouble finding a team on freedom.
[/ QUOTE ]
I've got a working theory that all the worst sorts of players are drawn to the high polulation servers. I'm not saying there aren't good players there as well, but I think most of the 1337, RUAHLR?, and Elitist players are drawn to the bigger server populations like moths to a flame. It's just too easy for them to get lost in the crowd.
On the low population servers if you make an [censored] out of yourself enough, everyone learns to avoid you, and the community there is small enough to actuall blackball you. -
Also, on Respec at 27 as a way to pay for new stuff: The brilliance and simplicity of such an action leaves me kicking myself--hard--for never having thought of it.
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Respecing is also the trendy new way to generate income to slot out old toons in IOs, or to unslot Set IOs that you want to replace with better ones and still have the old ones to resell on the market. -
A FAQ is a good idea.
I swear that the different servers foster entirely different cultures. -
I have to agree with the choir here, where is the scrapping ?
My Kin/Rad stays within Transfusions radius from the enemy at all times, but I wouldn't call that Scrapfending, cause you know that would imply actually using melee attacks. -
What about until lvl 50? What do I do then?
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Roll up another Brute
Nice Guide.
I disagree about Burn, not putting recharges in consume, and taking boxing at 6.
I find that Air Superiority at level six allows you to juggle foes quite well, and adds to your overall survivability tremendously.
Rage is pretty much Perma with 3 SOs with only a 10 second crash period where you cant attack. To me it's the whole reason to take SuperStrength. The damage bonus is huge and it comes before you can get SOs, and stacked with Fury it allows you to do things that make other Brutes cry. -
Yes, there is a need for a dummies guide. =)
<==Dummie -
Just a quick laugh.
I've never read this guide before today, but it struck a cord with me since my PB is named Centinull Ascendant and his partner in crime is another PB by the name of Nexus Reborn -
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Bumping your own guide is lame.
You can't stay at the top of the list forever. If someone wants to roll up a Ice/Cold Corrupter they can use the search function.
If you want people to know your guide exists perhaps you whould put a link to it in your sig. -
Yeah, waiting 2 more levels is absolute overkill.
Enter the safeguard and run around the mobs, going directely to the bank. 3 Minions, 2 lts, and 1 named boss later you have a raptor pack!!!
Safeguards are way easier than Mayhems. -
I just wanted to say this is a great guide. It inspired me to roll up my AR/Nrg.
I however disagree with the lack of love for the M30 and Ignite. Both powers are great for getting mobs off of you, and do decent damage. It's true that both disrupt your neatly lined up mobs, but once they start charging you their formation matters less.
A M30 at the end of your cone chain may just be what you need to finish them off. It's also usefull to keep mobs off their feet. Ignite can be used to block doorways or to deter mobs from entering melee with you.
Pre-Full auto they can be life savers, and if you've had them all along chances are you will still use them post Full auto as well. -
RM I love your guides, and I look forward to the updates like this.
The Hall of Shame is a great reminder of how things used to be -
Great Guide!
I especially like the boom & preboom macros