Not a complete guide to being a Stalker in a group




I have not found any guides on being a Stalker in a group environment here. (Probably my search-fu is not very good. )
One of the issues I see over and over, that I have found while grouping with Stalkers is the integrating of a Stalker into the group for some effectiveness.
This guide is based upon my experiances both teaming with and teaming as a Stalker.
A Stalker pulling in the middle of a large group is not very wise and usually ends up with a Stalker in debt.
When I team I let others get the aggro then "Assassin Strike" from the rear.
This results in me not being the center of attention and I can usually handle the one or two mobs that do notice me.
One very awesome power I found is Placate; but only use it if you have been noticed by one opponent since the others will continue to beat on you and you will lose the hide advantage; especially if you want to perform another Assassin type attack.
If as a Stalker you find yourself in a position where you are not being attacked, return to hidden state and try to take out a powerful mob, preferably one that is beating on one of your squishier teammates.
A good Stalker will support her team by helping clear the chaff (minions or lt's) or assisting with the demise of the boss or AV, it is to our advantage to ensure that someone else already has aggro.
Something that I have noticed some Stalkers forget is that we virtually get a auto-critical when we attack from hidden; so if you are fighting a opponent it may be to your advantage to stay defensive until you get hidden then attack. The one crit will do more damage than the 2-3 hits with normal attacks.

This is just a little experience that I have gleaned from playing with Stalkers and playing Stalkers.



this sounds like a good start to a faq made by you.
instead of delving into what powers to pick or not to pick, show how to use them to the best advantage in a PuG.
i look forward to reading the next post!



The reason a lot of people choose other Archtypes over Stalkers in teams is not due to their powersets and tactics so much, as to the non-team oriented behavior many of them engage in, imo.

Masterminds annoy everybody, sooner or later. Heck, Masterminds annoy themselves.



yeah...I play a good stalker, but nobody wants to team with me because of the bad name stalkers have...especially on freedom, where everyone who rolls a stalker suddenly thinks they can get away with leeching because "nobody seez meh"



A FAQ is a good idea.

I swear that the different servers foster entirely different cultures.




I also have trouble finding a team on freedom. I have a lvl36 DM/Nin, with only one travel power, no extra stealth, & all the toys that /nin offers (strictly PvE, obviously). I am very team friendly stalker with lots to offer & still get few invites. I find alot of leaders will look at a stalkers build before inviting. Some people frown on the fotm PvP builds. It makes me sad.



How bad is it in Virtue? I've been playing with the idea of making a villain and my 1st pick of AT would be stalker. I've been holding back though cus I keep hearing that people don't like to group with them.

Any virtue villains care to give me some insight?



I also have trouble finding a team on freedom.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've got a working theory that all the worst sorts of players are drawn to the high polulation servers. I'm not saying there aren't good players there as well, but I think most of the 1337, RUAHLR?, and Elitist players are drawn to the bigger server populations like moths to a flame. It's just too easy for them to get lost in the crowd.

On the low population servers if you make an [censored] out of yourself enough, everyone learns to avoid you, and the community there is small enough to actuall blackball you.
