Issue 10 Guide- Comic Book Style




Just realized I should probably post this here, since this area isn't purged.

Sorry for the unintentional double-post.

After the successful (and extensive) proofreading done by the good folks here, the I10 Guide (Comic Book Version) is ready for prime time... well, maybe on one of those more obscure cable channels.... and maybe not prime-time, but I'd put it against any of those 2:30am B-grade infomercial any day!

I tried to make a comic with enough of an feature tour to be worthwhile, but enough humor to keep it interesting.


Downloadable PDF



This is really, really good. Well done.



Sweet !!




WOW Chase! That is an excellent (if slightly long) guide. The whole think is informative and humorous and very well done. It must have taken a really long time because I made a comic for the comic contest and it took a long time and mine was much shorter.



I had a never-finished guide for issue 9 started, and cannibalized some of the jokes from there to get this one started, but yes, it was quite an effort to assemble.

If you noticed, I'm still looking for the veteran reward set and a pure set of vanguard armor. Didn't have as much time to play and earn the armor because I was too busy writing.



Chase, your awesomeness knows no bounds!

5 stars!



That was fantastic! Great humor, excellent eye for camera angles and cropping, nice information. Thanks a bunch for the hard work, Chase.



That was the funniest thing I have seen here in a long time. And quite informative.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



thanks for the feedback!

Just to note, I've been given a few copies of the boxer screenshots now and an offer for a Vanguard model. Thanks for the help everyone!



Just posting with the new PDF address. I've republished with the missing badges and costumes resolved. has been gracious enough to relieve me of my bandwidth burdens, so if you'd like an updated PDF, go here:

pdf version



Dude! This was awesome!!! I realize no has posted here in a while and you probably wont see this but truly great. Having some experience with comics I know the painstaking work it takes to put something like this together, and I'm blown away by your efforts here. Anychance you've got anything else coming out or already out? CoH or otherwise? You've got a fan here man!!! You RAWK!!!