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  1. Farewell good sir. While I have not been very active on the forums these last few years and the circumstances of my recent revival in activity here is sad, I wish you well in your future efforts and especially in job hunting.

    Keep the family happy - it's why my posting dwindled to begin with.
  2. CatMan

    Downloading CoH

    If the launcher fails to allow you to install CoH, PM me. I have a copy of the COH_Installer I keep on my FTP site.
  3. CatMan


    Thanks Posi.

    Originally Posted by Positron View Post
    City of Heroes AMA (part 1?)
    If there is a miracle and somehow CoH is saved, we reserve the right to change any and all answers given in the doc, to maintain suspense and surprise.
    I am hoping to see the game saved somehow so this is not a problem at all.
  4. From the last days of Beta to now. See my Avatar to the left here.

    CatMan was my first character. Empathy/Energy. The character name is a childhood nickname I've had since I was 3.
  5. I get dibs on the character name: Breaking Wind.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by shadow35 View Post
    This board is getting repetitive with its guesses and go-rounds.

    And Net Devil tried to buy Auto Assault back from NCSoft when they shut it down, but ND (the devs) couldn't get enough money together to do so. So obviously NCSoft can be open to selling off IPs/games, it's just whether or not they ask such ridiculous money that it will never happen, or whether in the case of Net Devil, they just had no realistic investors/backing. NCSoft isn't going to give away anything for nearly free, either.
    Dude, my record is broken, ok?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkBlaster_NA View Post
    Personally, Those years of computer science and hacking lessons from my brother aren't going to be wasted.
    I think the first order of business is to make the internet safer and banning you from it.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cobalt_Cricket View Post
    ..., lets not fool ourselves. GW2, although boasts as being a NEW game, is Guild Wars. City of Heroes is in our hearts forever, thats all that needs to be said...
    Having played GW1 and GW2, I can seriously say that the "2" is well deserved. The game play between the two is very different.

    But it ain't CoH or a CoH2 - which always bothered me. Would I have been able to move my CoH characters to CoH2? []
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
    Well, that's only if NCSoft is receptive to the idea of selling City of Heroes and its IP. If NCSoft absolutely refuses to consider selling the game to anyone--be it Paragon Studios, other investors, or some other option--that's their prerogative.

    I've heard snatches of talk that Auto Assault's developer and fans tried to do this when NCSoft killed them off, but apparently it amounted to nothing. I'm hoping that whatever talks between Paragon's former employees, investors, and NCSoft goes better this time.
    Sorry, should have made my post more past tense. Now that NCSoft is killing the game they will more than likely hold onto the IP as with all prior IPs they have killed off.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Can they hold you to a non-compete clause, if they lay you off?

    If you quit, I can see it. If they lay you off though, I don't think they can hold you to that, as it leaves you without job options.
    Depends on the details. Always the details.

    But of course, enforceability is always the issue.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Now that is just wrong... simply wrong. Like hitting a man below the belt.
  12. As I mentioned before, NCSoft isn't really going to be hurting from any CoH/V fan backlash. Western market share is insignificant enough that the people in charge don't have to care. They are not gamers. They don't play CoH/V themselves.

    Paragon Studios should have bought itself and CoH/V out from NCSoft.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
    That's because CCP (EVE's studio) did something unique (and smart) several years ago: they bought Eve Online from their publisher Simon & Schuster, and never had to ask for permission for anything again, or beg S&S and compete with rival studios for funding. I wish more studios would have been taking that risk in the previous years--the landscape might look different today. Imagine a world where friggin' Origin was still around! CCP has made its share of dumb mistakes, but they were able to bounce back. I played EVE a lot before City of Heroes and I applaud the risks those guys took. They've been well-rewarded and are well-loved for it. Publishers ought to have been made into dinosaurs by now. One of their biggest promises is always funding for advertising (ADVERTISINGLOLOLOLOL). Yeah, right. We know better. Why don't more studios go their own way? I wish Paragon Studios would just stick together, even if it meant making a new game. Maybe there's some angel investors out there. Well, a guy can wish.
    Yeah, Origin was great in the day.

    More to the point: If anybody has shown that you don't need a publisher at any stage of the game it is Minecraft.

    Excellent point about CCP buying itself out - I had forgotten that.

    edit to add link to Origin information - not to be confused with EA's Origin.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
    Lots of GW2 people are on our side. I see stuff in map chat about it every SINGLE day. Heck, I found out about the closure in GW2 map chat. People are not blind as to what this means for the entire stable of NCsoft's western games.
    Indeed. I am less inclined to play GW2 and develop an attachment to the game and my characters after all this. I've now been playing a lot more EVE Online as a consequence - a game that has been around longer than CoH and is still going.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Guild Wars 2 sales refutes that statement since it's sold in the same countries as CoH.
    A lot of those sales came before this debacle.
  16. CatMan

    Blade and Soul

    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    I've also noticed that I can't reliably guess the age of a young woman (within 5 years) anymore. I blame my age and TV/movies constantly casting 20 somethings as teens. Totally blurs the line.
    Getting rid of the TV solves that problem. []
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
    But it was a response to what I quoted. I'm trying to tell you it's not a case of the gaming population being unable to support 50 MMOs. An MMO doesn't necessarily need the kind of population WoW has to be massively multiplayer. City of Heroes didn't. I've played a number of MMOs that only had a few thousand active accounts. In fact, have you ever seen MMO Charts? The size of active accounts and subscriptions among MMOs runs the gamut.

    Quite a number of titles, City of Heroes included, would probably have done fine and continued operating if it was up to the company responsible for the game and not the parent company, or getting pressure put on them by stakeholders in the board of directors.
    Is it me or did the CoH/V tracking end in 2009?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    Unfortunately it took American car makers more than a decade to finally get on-board with smaller cars and even then it required a restriction on Japanese imports and laws passed by Congress forcing them to make more fuel-efficient cars. That sort of thing isn't going to happen in entertainment.
    Investors like predictability. Detroit complained that Japanese automakers were undercutting American Jobs - true, but it was because Detroit was being predictable - it was stuck in it's grove and was not innovating. Fuel efficiency laws required a change, to be sure, but the main driver to change will always be successful innovation (barring monopolies crushing you or Government impeding you with endless regulation and requirements).

    A lot of American's resent the fuel efficiency laws because they, rightly, view it as an infringement on their right to choose. And they are mostly interested in choosing big, heavy cars that can do a job - like moving equipment or a large family. Still, there are those of us who like fuel efficiency as well.

    But to the point: investors like predictability so until the Next Big Thing™, they will demand a WoW killer by expecting it to be... well, like WoW. That is the problem when you have Non-Gamers trying to drive the creation of games. They just don't get it or understand what people like - which can vary between countries as well. Consider the main market for CoH/V is Western while the main market for Aion or Lineage is Eastern. Makes me wonder what the numbers are when it comes to Development support in Korea vs the USA. Does it cost more for less income and overall interest for CoH/V to survive vs pushing another Korean MMO?

    Who knows... NCSoft has the hard numbers we don't.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PPCGunner View Post
    How long did it take Detroit to start making smaller fuel efficient cars ?
    When Japan made smaller more fuel efficient cars in the 70s during the fuel crisis in the USA.
  20. CatMan

    Blade and Soul

    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    The more I see of this new game the more I'm convinced it's softcore porn.
    My wife kinda thinks that about CoH/V given the ... boob issue with them.
  21. CatMan

    Blade and Soul

    Yeah, got the email and all I could think was: seriously?

    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
    Enjoy guys. Have a good night.
    Still can't understand why they want to get rid of great people like ya'll

    Thanks for all the fish.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    It's sad, because it seems that MMO gamers have become conditioned to only want rewards coming at them constantly. I love my loot too, but without a story, it's not satisfying to have the rewards.
    Yeah, when I want pew pew pew... I play a FPS which do a heck of a lot better.

    One of the things I really liked about CoH/V was how easy it was to play and enjoy the story lines in the game. Certainly there was fighting - heck, story line and fighting - who can't resist, but there was no loot. I didn't have to run over to a body and loot it.

    Enhancements and inspirations dropped directly onto your character.

    It was great, it smoothed the game-play out, and it was just one of many reasons I threw my years of misgivings over MMORPGs and monthly subscriptions to the wind.

    I felt super.
    There was a story being told and I was involved in it.
    I didn't have to walk or run to get from point a to point b.

    GW2 copied a lot of useful things from CoH. It failed where item drops comes into play.
  24. Tossing my hat into the ring as well:


    No freeloading here.