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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    This technically isn't possible with our engine. It would have to be a huge animated texture refreshing at 20+ frames per second.

    We did think of it, but the engineers' eyeballs popped out of their sockets when we suggested it.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Which is an impressive effect in and of itself.
  2. Actually, I'm glad you did. Missions like that should be open to all. My understanding was that some characters(defenders and controllers especially) were having trouble with it. One empath defender found my level 15 scrapper in Perez Park and asked for help with his cape mission. As I hadn't done one yet myself, I agreed. I've done the cape mission with two characters now myself and my tanker took two tries, but only because I screwed up. My scrapper just did it and it seemed awfully easy. Now I know why.

    One thing, though. For the benefit of everybody, I hope that the difficulty slider can make that mission more difficult too. If not, you should make it so.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Skills is in Issue 5...

    Issue 4 revolves around the Arenas (now under construction)....

    [/ QUOTE ]
    *Very Disappointed*

    FYI, I'd rather have skills than arenas.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    The thing I don't get is, and I may just be tired here and missing something, but you're having difficulties soloing AV's and that's the problem?

    It just seems to me that really nobody is supposed to be able to solo them, but some min/maxers have been able to do it, and spread the word on how to do it, and particularly scrappers have been successful with it, and the rare controller, so now a lot of people just expect to be able to do it.

    I just think if you're that frustrated for having to now fight AV's in some missions in your 40's, that you should just get teams together and beat them, and not worry about it.

    My main is a sliver from 42 and so far I've had no problems, on the least populated server (Protector) getting people quickly to help me dispose of them.

    I'm a blaster. I don't expect to be able to solo AV's.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Players don't have a problem with AVs being unsoloable. I think soloists have a problem with getting so many missions from their personal contacts that require defeating AVs as part of the mission requirements. Players have a problem with unsoloable missions. It doesn't mean that AVs should be soloable. It means they shouldn't be part of the mission requirement if in the mission at all.

    Players want the ability to solo all missions from personal contacts. Not all AVs.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    "For the most part, everyone will be able to solo in some situations. Some builds and ATs more than others. But there are some mobs that can be a challenge - bosses, elite bosses, AV's and monsters - where you'll probably want help. Or not."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    EXACTLY. Bosses weren't meant to be solo-able UNLESS a particular player used Inspirations & strategy. Hence, the Help text & tutorial indicate that a player "probably" should get other friends to take out a boss.

    Some builds are clearly better than others at taking out bosses.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    All well and good. In fact, I agree with you. Bosses(just by the name should be an indication) ought to be tough. At the same time, then, they ought to be rare. Nevermind Archvillains. If bosses aren't supposed to be soloable except by very skilled players with the right inspirations and/or builds, then perhaps there ought to be less of them.

    Not every player is skillful enough. Or has the right inspirations and/or builds. More to the point, many players don't WANT optimum builds. Some players want to play The Punisher and not Silver Surfer all the time.

    Which is okay. But who is this game designed for? When setting the challenge level of this game, unfortunately, you might have to choose between a large and open audience, or a smaller elite one. It's a tough decision.
  6. Heh. I'm not talking about missing a taunt, though. I'm talking about taunted foes still running off. When I HIT a foe, I always do damage.
  7. Captain_Wacky

    More answers....

    The Skill system is going to be level independent and that's great news. The more skills, the merrier. The more abilities they grant, the better. The more ways to earn experience, the better.

    I am wondering what other ideas you are considering for earning experience and/or abilities outside of combat?

    Also, I was wondering if you would ever consider severely toning down the random groups of thugs all over the city, and make crime something that often(though not always) has to be looked for?

    Would you consider removing Levels entirely?
  8. What pleases me most is that they are independent of level. I hope that's true. It's a sign that they are trying to de-emphasize the importance of level.
  9. Hello, fellow heroes. I must say, I am very surprised to see a forum dedicated to us hero-types. Such an overused term, hero. Don't you think? Sometimes I question the 'heroic' attitudes of some of the heroes I see. For every selfless dogooder I meet, I see three who seem to have some other agenda. Eliminating the competition before turning to a life of crime, maybe? I don't know. But I'm a little wary of some of these 'heroes'. Still, they save lives... ah, maybe I'm just being cynical.

    Trudging through the sewers of Paragon will do that. I just spent all day in the sewers rescuing some homeless from the Lost. Ugh. I don't think the smell of sewage will ever wash out of my suit. Time for a new one, I think. Any advice on how to get dookie stains out of spandex?

    On a closely related note, what exactly is in that sewage? It's green! I'm a little concerned for my health. Does the super-disease boosters they give us with hero training cover whatever weird mutant bacteria is in that goop? I'm not going to grow a fourth kidney, am I?

    Well, It'll be nice to chat with my fellow heroes for a change. Getting shot all day tires a guy out. Nice to veg every once in a while.