912 -
Do we have outdoor Shadow Shard maps available? If so, where are they.
I am trying to stage my final mission in the Shadow Shard, and would love one of the maps you see on some of the Villain arcs.
If not, does anybody have a good suggestion for a substitute? -
Im fairly sure, incidently, that monsters placed into instnaced missions are scaled back to archvillain level danger, but I could be mistaken.
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I don't think so.
For kicks I made a mission filled with Lord Recluse clones that ended up being Red AV level. I then put in a Quarry Ally. Upon setting him free he proceeded to take on 5 of the clones, spanking them all into the ground before they figured out where I was and killed me.
They were Red, so the AV level may have been messed up but that GM crushed the AVs. -
I have finally decided to officially stop playing CoH. It is with great pain that I do so because I still have so many great friends around but I just can't see paying for a game I no longer play.
CoH has been the best MMO I have played with unparalleled customer support. I really don't have a single negative thing to say about the game. I wish my interest could have lasted.
Who knows maybe I will come back some day. But to all my friends, who are too many to name(and I'm afraid if I do I will leave someone off the list and hurt someone's feelings) I love and will miss you all terribly. For those who don't have my info and want to contact me Masque, Valdy, and Fyreknight have my info. Oh and I'm playing Warhammer if anyone wants to look me up there. My 40's are both named Thessela and I'm Order on Vortex server and Destro and Volkmar server.
Thanks for a great run and stay classy Victory.
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Big hugs!!
Have fun wherever you end up. I do hope to see you around again someday -
I would like to suggest that the word "God" be allowed in Architect Missions. This game is very centered around different theologies for some very important parts of the back story.
For example
The Banished Pantheon
Circle of Thorns
Rularuu and all the fragments of him.
To name a few. We also have very strong connections to Roman and Greek theology as part of the primary storyline.
Not being able to use the word "god" in reference to these limits our ability to write stories that tie into the CoH storyline. My example is in writing a story based on the Reflections from the Shadow Shard. I wanted to call them the "Dreams of a god", but was not allowed to for obvious reasons. -
I had that same problem.
Just go to that character and "edit". Go through to the last screen where you pick what group it is in and change it there. (Make up a new group if you have to)
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Thank you, I will try that tonight.
I moved the mob into his own group to be part of a separate ambush during the final boss battle. The stacking of healing was a bit too much on larger teams. -
Running into a bit of a problem on my arc.
I made a healing based LT for my primary villain group and added him in after the story was published. In testing I am finding him to be a pain on larger teams so I would like to remove him, however when I click it says "Base Group" or something like that and will not let me remove.
Is this a bug or some limitation on published arcs.
On a side note I see the same problem on my local copy of the arc, but I can just remove the mob from the text file and call it a day. -
Just leave your name boss in the regular custom group that spawns in the mission, and make him the only character in the custom group. Don't give him any chats.
Then the mission will make dozens of him that you will have to kill looking for the real one.
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For added fun make the named boss a Thugs/Illusion with both set to extreme, and at AV level. Nothing is more fun then getting crushed by Gang War and then getting confused so that the mobs don't attack you. -
Crey, Aracnos, and oddly the Shadow Shard Reflections.
I really want to do an arc based on them. It is on my planning list. -
Or just drag and drop the missions in the top panel to rearrange them. That's less work and less prone to accidental deletion hijinks.
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Love the Drag and Drop. The Devs really put thought into this interface and it shows in the small details. -
It would be nice if we could remove unneeded floors from maps.
In reality my mission that uses that map only really needs 2 floors, with the top being back and bottom being front/middle.
Being able to shut off the unnecessary floors would help a bit.
I added a bunch of battles in the map, just so there is dialog as you are working your way up. -
If i have to go through the damn portal corp map one more time to find one glowie and a boss right at the end, im going to scream.
There are smaller maps to choose from! Save the big ones for missions that have lots of objectives!
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If there is another map that starts you at a portal and looks like your at portal corp I will happily do so.
Until then, all my objectives are set to Back, and I have an ally at the front that tells you they are all on the top floor. -
I tried once, made him an exact replica of Blue Steel.
It turns out that the servers can not handle that much pure awesomeness. Sorry about the delay Freedom..... -
Arc ID: 17006
Title: End Game - Final Moves
Faction: Hero
Difficulty: Hard
Team/Solo: Difficult Solo
Length: 4 missions
Notes: 3 Elite Boss encounters, timed mission.
It has been years since the events that Robert Veil, now known as Dark Veil, blame his sister for. He was arrested, had his mind erased, and sent to prison as part of a cover up by Crey.
Now he is moments from his final plan of revenge against her. Can you, with the help of his former assistant, find out his plan and stop him before it is too late?
Update: 9/22/2009
- Changed final map.
- Adjusted spawning on final map. EB still shows up at the start, but rescue is in the middle and forces you to backtrack a bit should you want to accept the help.
- Reduced final spawn to 1 to try and fix bug.
- Removed some dialog to fix bug
Updated: 9/5/2009
- Corrected some minor typos
- Created weak version of EB from Mission 3 to simulate damage you did to him.
- First EB in Mission 4 (The weak version) is set to Rogue. Former healing ambush now attacks EB and player. Story updated for this.
- Final EB does not spawn with healing mobs. Healing still provided in ambush spawns.
Updated: 8/11/2009
- Tested reducing one EB to Boss level. This threw off the mission balance and was returned
- Renamed EB boss. Now called Assult MK-IV
- Removed on Ally from last mission. New allies that are part of secondary objectives are still available and increased to 5
- Removed Fortitude from ambush spawns.
Updated: 8/6/2009
- Changed map for Mission 4. Objectives now flow better overall. Two seem to like to spawn at the front despite the settings but it works.
- Added hint text for all missions. Check back with your contact for more information should you need it.
- Updated forum post since we now can edit (YEAH DEVS!!)
Updated: 7/26/2009
- Removed Mission 3 to help the story flow better
- New map for Mission 1
- Mission 1 default Crey mobs are now locked at level 45 to fit with the story. Support forces are now player level and allies.
- Mission 2 uses Arachnos map
- Mission two now has an added objective in the form of a rescue. This fills in the gap that removing Mission 3 left.
- Mission 4 map changed to large due to spawning bug
- Mission 4 Ally now Boss level. Additional powers added to balance this.
- Mission 4 now has a hidden objective that will help the player
- Mission 4 ambushes balanced. Much more dangerous if you ignore them
- Group "Dark Veil" now named "Minions of Dark Veil"
- Custom descriptions and coloring for all stock mobs.
*Spoilers and Notes below*
A retelling of the End Game arc posted here Final Moves covers the events leading up to and including the Checkmate chapter of the story. The final battle with Dark Veil in his lab is exactly how I had imagined it when we first completed that event. -
Arc Name:End Game - Final Move
Arc ID:17006
Creator Global/Forum Name:@calash
Difficulty Level:Hard
Synopsis: The mad mastermind Dark Veil has begun his plot to strike back at the sister he blames for his fall from grace. Can you find out his plot and stop him before it is too late?
Estimated Time to Play: Ran it in 1:20 solo on my fire tank.
Link to More Details or Feedback: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showflat....=0#Post13310957 -
Hamster....TPing a pylon into Hamidon goo.
Funny Funny stuff. -
I don't know if I can tear myself away from the test server....I have a Pie based arc planned out.
It was a slow day at work. -
As usual, a great TF.
Now I just need to figure out what to spend my merits on. -
Kid has a sleepover tonight, so I will be home doing nothing.
Need any AT in particular? Can bring my Tank, Crab Spider, or MM. -
Great TF, thanks for putting it together. Clearing that last room was too much fun
I am game for a TF/SF, whatever works for people. I have 2 50s on Red side and one on Blue.
So... wait a minute... Positron can change his build on the fly, while fighting??? Oooh!!!!! I want THAT powaaaaaaaaaaah!
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I want the part when I can spec my defender into Dual Blades.....on the fly......
Positron is hacking again, me thinks... -
I am still running Acro on my Fire/SS, with one IO slotting in Temp Protection for a bit extra coverage.
The dwarfs were cutting right through me, not sure why. The Alpha was managable, the slows were finally catching up after a bit and could not get my heal off in time. Don't remember them being that bad, and I got 40% slow resist now so I am not sure what was going on.
The romans are easy to manage, I just was off my game until later on. At least the AVs went smooth, I dont think any of them dented me.
I take full blame for that run.
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I hope Calash hasn't suffered any long term dammage from Andr'ka pushing the fallout button on his dead tush over and over?
Also, is it a bad thing that I got all six heal badges during that TF on my RAD defedner?
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Well, that was my plan....yeah....my plan....
I have no buff/debuffers at 50 Hero side, and I don't think a second tank would help that much, so I will pass on this Friday run. -
The dwarfs were cutting right through me, not sure why. The Alpha was managable, the slows were finally catching up after a bit and could not get my heal off in time. Don't remember them being that bad, and I got 40% slow resist now so I am not sure what was going on.
The romans are easy to manage, I just was off my game until later on. At least the AVs went smooth, I dont think any of them dented me.
I take full blame for that run.