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  1. I think the main problem with Handclap is it sits in the same set as FootStomp. Many, myself included, look at the two powers as redundant with FS being the superior of the two.

    It is also counter productive to the standard methodology of tanking that is spoken of on the forums (Gather as many around you as close as possible for maximum results from your supporting team members).

    Personally I have no need to send mobs flying away from me. I would love to see it changed to a knockdown but you are right in that it would ruin the uniqueness of the power.

    I wonder if they can make a -kb IO...
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    If your level 18 and you play with a level 3... You get what you get...

    I mean... even sked up a level 3 can't do Anything to help the team... except be Veng bait...

    [/ QUOTE ]

  3. Meh. Barely worth a chuckle IMHO. Forced stupidity for the purpose of attention deserves no more than a passing glance

    Natural stupidity with the intention of being serious should be worshiped. This is why UniquDragon is our savior.
  4. Calash


    Pie-O-Matic 4000 Translation

    This is a rage post about why I refuse to invite people who advertise themselves as a cooker and why I usually end up kicking people who ask for a cooker.

    What's the matter, Shibbs? Like in every other PIE RLOUD COWBELLK and even D&D, you need a cooker tart or your team blows!

    Wrong. In CoX, the conflicts are normally always massively one sided. As in, you can brownie something effortlessly, or it will chew through 90% of your filling in one hit and a 600 filling cook isn't going to save you. Very rarely are there encounters that are honestly in the middle.

    Let's compare tarts vs single target cherry. In whipped creamathy, cook other will give back about 600 filling - your average brownie will have about 2000 filling. Sonic's shields however will give you 40% damage resistance. So, if something hits you for 1000 damage, 400 of that bites the dust passively - every cake it hits you.

    An whipped creamath is capable of cooking 900 (we'll say 900 assuming they are following you using their AOE cook and single target) every 6 seconds (activation cake + cook). So, if you're fighting one person, who wins? The whipped creamath.

    However, since sonic tarts protect passively, if you're fighting a cake which does 4000 damage per attack wave, 1600 of that is mitigated.

    No. I am not saying whipped creamathy is worthless, and no, I did not compare the other aspects of the set versus the other aspects of sonic aside from the shields.

    Perhaps I've just been really lucky but I've never really been in a situation where a cook has saved me or the team, not as a frontliner or a backliner.

    tl;dr my point is that tarts > cherry and you make yourself look like a total pieie by advertising as or rold pieuesting a 'cooker' and you don't belong doing taskforces.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    How many times are we going to link to the Apoc ponies bit from Robot Chicken?

    I mean really...get your own joke and stay away from mine

    [/ QUOTE ]
    You just quoted it, I linked the video. I expected it to end there. However, I was mistaken. Therefore...


    [/ QUOTE ]Damnit, it was you, not NuclearToast. Still, Calash is on to you, he knows that you and The_Player are really the same person!

    MMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmoooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooood!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Strange, this is the fourth time this month I've been accused of being the same person as someone else....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Does that mean I am talking to myself?


    You better like pie, because if I am you then we both need to like pie....OR ELSE!!
  6. How many times are we going to link to the Apoc ponies bit from Robot Chicken?

    I mean really...get your own joke and stay away from mine
  7. Calash

    new to the game

    Fire/SS is a very fun combo and it was my first toon as well. Fire Armor matures fairly early and you got some nice elemental protection that will make Outcasts somewhat easier.

    However you may find as you reach higher levels that your team tanking ability is lacking compared to others. Fire sits on the low end of the Survivability scale in favor of Damage capability and solo friendliness. You will be able to tank at high levels but it will require more attention and skill on your part.

    Anytime I try a new set or AT I go by gut for the first several levels. Later on you will have the option of adjusting your build so do not be afraid to experiment with toon.

    And have fun. Welcome to the game
  8. And I'm DEATH PONY!

    Aww, how sad, the poor thing can't hear..

    No Mom, I think he said.....

    /em roar-then-kill-them-all
  9. Calash

    Report all Farms

    [ QUOTE ]
    You know, it's weird. I'm only a six month vet and originally found the anti-farmer arguments to be convincing.

    However, recent events and threads like this one have put me firmly in the camp of the farmers.

    I just fail to see the harm in what they do (barring exploits like the Rikti comm officers, which I believe should've been fixed without any retroactive punishment, now).

    More than anything else, the vehemence and vitriol displayed by certain "anti-farmers" have changed my mind.

    I play my game for the fun I have in it. I've no problem teaming with either my SG mates or a PuG. Thanks to the MA Arc feedback in this forum and the MA tags, I've no problem finding MA arcs I want to play.

    Now if a six-month old can do this, then surely more senior vets can do this, as well.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Farming is not bad.

    Yes, I said it. The problem is that the forumites can not tell the difference between Farming, Power Leveling, and Exploiting and just group it all under one heading.

    I have run some farm missions that are a lot of fun. The ticket cap prevented me from getting too many tickets out if it so I could enjoy the massive amount of mobs without feeling guilty.
  10. Pie-O-Matic 4000 Translation

    During my years here at the City of Forums I have read a great many doom threads, but I have never joined in the pie. Doom crying has never been my thing since it is so hard to laugh and convince people of the end of the world at the same cake.

    However, I must admit, I have felt left out. Who am I to say that doom crying is not pie? It must have some appeal since so many people do it. So, I am finally giving in to peer pressure.

    Welcome to my Doom thread.

    Going Rogue? DOOOOM! Villains will be turning pies to hide their true evil waffley. Good piees will become evil waffles and be turned to the dark side! Soon no one will know what anyone else is! You'll forget who your allies are and the entire City of Universe will become one big co-op dessert tray! Dogs and cats living together! Mass Hysteria!

    Starting out a pie in the Praetorian world? Extra-planar DOOOOOOM!! The whole concept of Praetoria is it's a mirror opposite of our world. If you create a good pie there then, by definition, a evil waffle version has to be created in this world. You create a evil waffle and POP! there'll be a good pie version in Pargaon. I don't have cake to run x2 as many pies as I have now! And what about my existing pies?! Dear lord, I have alt-itis!! We'll all spend so much cake eating these duplicates that we'll all not have cake to eat, eat or sleep! The eater base will all die of starvation and the yummy filling will end as we know it!

    Pie Architect? Player Created DOOOOOOOM!! Tickets and Badges and Farms, oh my! Tickets and Badges and Farms, oh my!! Too much doom for one paragraph! I need to divide and conquer!

    MA Tickets? Skee-Ball DOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! How many tickets do we need?! We got yer Vanguard tickets, your MA tickets, your Icon tickets and your reward merit tickets. When will it end? Movie tickets to get into the theaters finally? Arena tickets? combat pie tickets? Soon they'll replace all music in the yummy filling with the Carnival calliope sound track because every dessert tray will be one big Chuck-E-Cheese sponsored carnival yummy filling dessert tray!

    MA Badges? Deletion DOOOOOM!! Taking away my badges that I farmed fair and square?! Oh sure, they make it SOUND logical, but first they'll take our MA badges, next it will be our Accolades, then eventually they'll take away our eflavorloration badges! One day, I will open up my childhood scrap book and find all my boy-scout merit badges missing... only a note will be between the pages reading "Sorry, but we had to pie these... Synapse."

    MA Farms? Post-Mortem DOOOOOOOM!! I want to eat the yummy filling how I want to eat it and since I want to eat it that way no one else should be allowed to eat it any other way so I'm going to sit here in the corner and hold my breath and stomp my feet until someone changes things so that everyone has to eat my way. What? They ate pie farming?! How DARE the makers of the pie try to tell me how to eat their yummy filling?!

    Merging the Markets? Unrealistic DOOOOOOOooooooOOOOM! A fine upstanding organization such as Wentworths deign to do business with an underhanded cake like the Black Market? How dare you even suggest such a thing! That would be like American companies contracting labor in 3rd world countries to avoid both paying higher wages and costly safety regulations. That would be like CEOs of dying corporations giving themselves millions in bonuses even when it means bleeding the the pie maker dry! Wentworth's is based in Rhode Island, USA PAL! An American the pie maker do anything illegal?! Why not only is suggesting such a thing unrealistic... it's downright unpatriotic!

    Ponies? Doom with hooves.

    Epic Archetypes? Uber-Powahed DooOOooOOooOOm!! It's a slippery slope of the worst kind! First they let us have Kheldians, then it's Soldiers of Arachnos. Next we get to have pies who have sipped from the Well of Furies. A little more begging and we get Ultra Archetypes with Superman-like pies. Moving from there to Infinity Archetypes who can shatter an entire continent with one punch. One missed foot stomp and we don't have anything left to stand on. Just sayin'... don't come crying to me.

    Pie Customization? Custom Made DOOOOOOOOM!! First we can make each pie have its own color pallete. After that we will be able to change the appearance of it. Then Thunderkick can be made into Thunderpunch or Thunderheadbutt. Next you'll get to choose an emote for every enemy hit's reaction to the attack. Eventually you'll be coding your own attacks entirely, from the numbers to the animations. You'll spend so much cake creating your pies you'll have to pass on the plans to your next-of-kin to complete it in case you don't live long enough!!

    More Costume Pieces? You Look Fabulous in DOOOOOOOM!! You'll get more ability to customize your appearance than ever before! You'll get to actually place and style individual strands of hair! You'll be able to map out a pie's pores and blemishes! Then, when you finally get the pie exactly like you want it... You'll take them to the world and find out they look exactly like they did before because your graphics card can't handle that pie of DETAIL!!

    Champions Online and DCU? Competitive Market DOOOOOOM!! First one will offer Arch-Nemesis. Then one will raise with Pie Customization. Then one will come out with complete pie creation details. One will offer a free figurine of your first created good pie. Another will counter with a free sized coseat costume of your first. Finally they will all create a machine that will actually GIVE you super pies so you can live the yummy filling for real! Anarchy will sweep the streets as the three companies create massive super-pieed armies and wage war against one another! The world governments will send out nuclear missiles in an effort to maintain order only to irradiate the entire planet, creating mutant zombies who feast on the living.... we all die in horrific cataclysm and the cockroaches inherit the earth!!!

    >Gasp gasp gasp gasp<

    Ahem... thank you for reading my Doom thread. I'll try not to be so serious next cake around.
  11. Random Fire Tank Input

    Temp protection now offers slow resist (20%). It also makes a good spot to slot a KB io to augment Acro.

    Burn has been changed way too much. It is useful if you can work around the drawbacks. Fire/Fire will have a difficult time making good use of it on a team unless you have a controller who can lock the mobs down.

    Tough makes most encounters easier. Not a big fan of Weave due to cost vs benefit but it is essential for a defense based build.

    For IO builds I tend to see two popular schools of thought.

    The first is to build for positional defense. With Weave+CJ you can get good numbers of Melee defense to stack on the Resistance you get.

    The seconds is to build for recharge. Set bonuses can get you some very nice recharge numbers. Stack that with the +20% recharge reduction resistance from Temp Protection as well as a +20% from one of the travel power IO unique and it makes you hard to stop. (Think there is a day job that will stack an additional 20% on top of all that. Cannot get to the wiki to check because I am at work )
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    I was speculating on actual time travel and the most likely reason we have not seen (afawk) time travelers in the real world. I was thinking of the many-worlds theory in physics and the view of time as an arrow. What's happened will always have happened (is there a name for that verb tense ). No takebacks.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ah, I took it as being about CoX Time Travel. My mistake

    CoX has some interesting dynamics in the story. We have multiple Universes yet Time Travel does not directly interact with these. Kind of a screwed up Quantum theory where Time and Space are drastically different rather than being tied into he same force.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    A time traveler would become unglued from the time-space continuum. Whether he/she can return to the exact same point they left is doubtful.

    At the end of the Back to the Future trilogy, the McFlys are changed from what they were at the beginning. Not because the original future was altered, but because Marty now lives in an alernate timeline. His efforts created a separate branch on the time tree.

    Any future you go back in time from has already happened. Going back in time to change anything will not affect it in any way. All you can accomplish is to create a branchline and then continue to live in this new section of time-space.

    In this sense, time travel is wish-fullfilment.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That is 100% reader interpretation based on the provided information for a given story. It also has very little to do with CoH based Time Travel which is based on what appears to be a single time line with no branches. In the CoX universe going back in time effects the time that you return to in a paradox way. Meaning we do not perceive the changes because they have already occurred.

    Of course we are limited by the mechanics of the game and method of presenting the story to the reader, who has an active part in the plot as the player.

    I guess my point is..

    Dr. Who <> Star Trek <> Quantum Leap <> CoX Time Travel. Do not judge one based on the laws of a different story or medium.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    There doesn't have to be an actual rulebook, but the behind-the-scenes rules and guidelines should at least be consistent.

    Or even pretend to be consistent.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That I will not argue. Consistency is key when dealing with mechanics the reader will not directly understand.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Not defining the rules within the story is itself bad writing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How so? Were not talking about writing technical manuals here. In any fantasy genre, and especially one based on such a variable framework such as a MMO, you have to leave some points open and free for the reader to understand as they see fit.

    Is it bad writing to say that Influence is not a set of coins minted in 2001 with Statesmans head on one side and Atlas on the other? Some points HAVE to be left to the readers imagination. Otherwise you are just talking about tech manuals and reference material. While detailed and accurate they are not a lot of fun to read.
  16. History abhors a paradox

    We are arguing personal perception of a mechanic with very few stated laws in our current game universe.

    My personal view is captured in the statement above. Sure you can go back in time and tinker. The problem is that it is like tossing a pebble upstream. The river just alters slightly and continues on it's chosen path. Try to mess with it too much and Time will hit you back, hard.

    Send 50 of yourself to fight a team of Heroes and what happens? They happen to stumble upon a device that allows them to hurt you.

    Of course the main problem is that CoH time mechanics are not spelled out in black and white. This leaves a lot for the reader to interperate. If the reader believes that Time Travel allows infinite access to resources then they will have a hard time believing that these will not be used.
  17. Ran Manticore last week and Posi this week on PUGs. Both were great teams and we finished each in a manageable time. Posi is just a monotonous TF...I hope they redo it someday.
  18. If you don't take Taunt then your not a tank and a burden to the team.

    /em gets his ribs ready.
  19. Calash


    Who was bigger, Atlas or Talos?

    I believe Rularuu is the largest mob currently in the game, and with all the issues surrounding him due to the size it is unlikely we will see any more of that scale until the bugs get worked out.
  20. Don't let the forums ruin the game for you. The forums are just a bunch of loud people who like to complain and/or stir up trouble (Me included).

    Ignore the banter and play the game. Much more enjoyable when people don't point out what they think is wrong
  21. OK Fine...I will get dragged into this if only to inject an outragous and partly informed opinion .

    Computers, no matter how complex, are based on very simple logic (Such as AND, OR, NOT). We use Transistors to build our logic.

    The way I have always imagined Nemesis technology was a "What if" type scenario. What if a reliable and easy to miniaturize transistor type device was developed that performed basic logic functions by using steam pressure? No need for electricity, just a sustainable source of heat to cause a pressure increase.

    Of course we are talking about comparing a mechanical assembly to one with no moving parts but that is where suspension of belief comes into play. It is fun to let go of the real world and just enjoy the story for what it is.
  22. Why was there even a map? Does it look like the Devouring Earth need maps? Or could even hold a pen to draw a map?
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    I am confused at why people dislike Emmert so much. I've been playing since CoH started and I never saw anything negative about him.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Me too.