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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Why is this still going on? 40 pages, and I still don't see why it's such a popular topic. I don't get why everybody is torturing themselves over this.

    I've seen the same points expressed over and over again by multiple people. It's growing depressing that so much attention is being paid to something so irrelevant, both to the game and to the world at large.

    Just like an inflatable Troll balloon, the more attention we pay to this, the bigger it's going to get, but that doesn't mean it has anymore real substance.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Because this is the internet and you are taking part in my social experiment. My hypothesis is that as a thread increases in size the chance of somebody mentioning Hitler approaches 1.

    So far my data is very interesting and I plan on writing a book about my experience.
  2. Based on the current methodology of creating expansion packs I would not expect a sequel but rather continued expansion while improving the graphics to the limit of the engine.

    Can probably milk another 3-6 years out of it before the tech is just too old to build on.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    This guy's a sociologist or something, moreover he's a professor.

    What he did and how he behaved is the equivalent of an electrical engineer with 15 years of experience sticking a fork in a socket and then being surprised at the outcome.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  4. [ QUOTE ]
    griefing players is illegal blah blah blah, against the game rules, can get you banned, or perma banned ya know.

    TP Foe someone 1 time or 1097836489172649012 times is not griefing or illegal or will not get you banned or will not prevent Santa from coming down the chimney.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Anarchy FTW!!!!
  5. [ QUOTE ]

    Yes he is getting some horns but they are only serving to prove the validity of his paper and helping to create a whole new dimension for his future book.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I can get the same depth by poking a hornets nest and then complaining about getting stung. Would probably be much more valid research.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    So, yesterday you were fanning the flames and trying to spur on the riot with two and three word post

    Now today you are suddenly an intellectual who can see the vast reasoning behind the research and paper and who believes that socially developed laws have no weight when held against hard coded restrictions?

    Please pick one internet persona and stick too it. You are messing up my bingo card. :P

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The whole point of my un-intellectual post was because the paper is so incredibly faulty that I didn't know where to begin. If you will notice, my intellectual posts are directly quoting faulty logic within the forums that don't directly involve the study. My post responding to MrQuizzles had to do with NA internet chivalry, not the study, and my response to Grizzle_Bok (what is it with Zs?) had to do with ethics violations, not the study. I did mention the study to the extent that it is the focus of the thread, but that wasn't the reason behind my posts. I'm still of the opinion the study isn't worth the Word document it was written on and if I wanted to try and dissect the faulty logic within the paper I could (I really really don't want to, but I can).

    *Looks at who Calash was responding too.*
    *Realizes O_I is still ignored.*

    Ah crap...Sorry

    I won't delete the above post 'cause people don't like that apparently. However, I'm sorry Calash for misinterpreting your post and you may ignore it if you like.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No worries. Probably should have quoted just to be clear.
  7. So, yesterday you were fanning the flames and trying to spur on the riot with two and three word post

    Now today you are suddenly an intellectual who can see the vast reasoning behind the research and paper and who believes that socially developed laws have no weight when held against hard coded restrictions?

    Please pick one internet persona and stick too it. You are messing up my bingo card. :P
  8. Uniquedragon could have written a better paper than this guy.
  9. I thought I was the most hated person....

    I did take the last piece of pie.

    On a side note did anybody who may have been included in this so called "study" consent to being part of this research?
  10. One thing is better...

    Teaming with somebody who has a heavy Knockdown attack and timing it so they hit just after you hit KO blow. I swear I can almost hear the bones breaking as they slam to the ground
  11. You could use it inside the mission? How cool is that

    Would the changes be live or would you have to reload the mission?
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    your account born on date is the same date as the date you start on the boards..

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I started playing July 2006, yet my registration date on the boards is Nov 2006. So tell me ole wise one, how did that occur?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nemesis Time Travel Plot?
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    you 2 are funny...nothing to add cause you know your advice would mean you attack me cause i have better builds and more money..makes sense.

    jealously is a tough thing...

    life,girlfriend yadda yadda...after being in this game for 5 years you should have all this already. and yes i have a life.full time job ,a home and a woman..thanks for thinking like 12 year olds though.

    oh and my fire tank hs over 600 badges..why all my toons would want all the badges is just dumb.

    grow up and take your own advice..and dont be mad at people who have more then you. its clear you have issues with that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think my cats have crapped better posts then this.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I love you man....
  14. S is for the simple need
    E is for the ecstasy
    X is just to mark the spot...

    Sorry, was listening to Nickleback on the way into work this morning
  15. Cool, glad they are looking into it.

    If I bump the mission level down to 49 will that work around the problem?
  16. Since I14 I have noticed two very odd behaviours in the MA (Bugged then and just now)

    In one of my missions there are two identical Fire/SS tank mobs. One is an Ally you get at the beginning and the other an optional boss in the middle.

    When I first spot the Ally his shields and toggles are up and he cons purple (usually 53 when playing my 50)

    As soon as I activazte him he drops all his toggles and level drops down to 50. If I lose sight he cons back up and toggles go up again.

    The other is an enemy mob who uses all his toggles.

    I noticed similar actions with my bubble defender ally. She will not use toggles once you rescue her, she is LT class.

    Been playing around with different settings with no luck.
  17. Stop playing on Freedom and/or Virtue?
  18. In short, as a summary to all the responces here...

    The problem is not the game, it is you.
  19. Great, Fire/SS is off-tanking again
  20. This post gets the Pie seal of approval.
  21. A very sad week. Farrah Fawcett, Ed McMahon, and now Michael Jackson.
  22. Server merging didn't go so well for Auto Assault.

    Loved that game
  23. Calash

    Blue Steel!

    [ QUOTE ]
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    Not too long ago, they said there definitely was a connection between Warshade Romulus and ITF Romulus. Now they're saying that there definitely isn't. Even if I minded the Blue Steel jokes, that thread no longer holds as much water with me as it did.

    [/ QUOTE ]When did they EVER say that there was a connection between the two? I've only ever seen a dev deny any intentional relationship between them.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It was mentioned once...think is response to a direct question. The comment was something along the lines of "Yes they are related and it will be developed more in the future."

    I think the forum monster ate the actual post though...was around the end of testing for that patch.

    And I almost forgot.

    Blue Steel is the reason Nemesis does not visit his aunt in Kings Row anymore.