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  1. "Flag, If she wanted to hit us she woulda already done it. Let her in," Said a gave voice from behind the doorman's back.

    The door man did a quick double take. "Justice? You sure about this?"

    "What's the worse that could happen? Just let her in, I'll take responsibility," The grave voice said as the doorman and his guards relaxed a little and stepped to the side.

    Dragonistic couldn't miss the owner of the voice, he was standing ten feet inside the entryway. His blue Cy-Tech suit gleamed. The white tribal symbols that flowed up the arms and legs stood out, radiating faint energy. The only thing that was discernable about his face were the dark blue mask, white-opaque lenses that covered his eyes, and a jaw line in desperate need of a shave.

    "Welcome to Bastion," He said as he gave a crooked smile.

    ((OOC: His Cy-Tech suit is like a second skin or spandex. It's made of interlocking threads of self aware nannites))
  2. Death brought back Bucky to fight Captain America. . .BUCKY I lost all respect for the man(?) as soon as I saw that.
  3. *Passes Envy a pointy stick*

    Usually I charge, but for this I'll give it for free
  4. You lost me at Build. . .my name is just so shiny. . .and sexy. . .but shiny
  5. Yeah I know

    *Cage falls from nowhere and lands on Devious. . .not trapping him, just landing on him. You know like the wrong way to where he is sorta pressed against the bars as the cage slowly crushes him.*
  6. Oh I gots one. Always pass any death machines, lazors of pain making, and emo canons to the left. . .never pass them to the right that way lies insanity.
  7. My memory isn't what it used to be, but for some reason that idea is still stuck in my head. Silver Surfer was there because he was with the fantastic four when they were teleported. I want to believe that the game master dropped SS in space. He started flying around and saw the bloke {red shirt, blonde hair if that helps} and said something like "Captain Marvel? What in the Multiverse?"

    And the bloke replies with "I was bored and he said I would be able to fight someone able to weild the Power Cosmic. Pity it's a peon such as you."

    Then boom.
  8. Had to toss in my two bits on Cap. Marvel. There was an issue of Avengers were Avengers East Coast fought Avengers West Coast because of an Omnipotent guy wanting kicks.

    In the comic Silver Surfer fought him and used the whole of his Power Cosmic. SS was killed when the Cap. snapped his fingers and melted his armor away. Interestingly enough the one who won the battle was Hawkeye, he pulled a carnival trick against the omnipotent guy and it was all rewritten.

    That Captain Marvel had ALL (Not partial as in Silver Surfers case) Use of cosmic power. He was so powerful he spent all of his time floating around on an asteroid drinking red wine because nobody had the juevos to fight him.
  9. Build shrugged a little as he hopped off the seat onto the floor with a thump. He motioned toward Essex, "Ladies first kiddo" and then under his breath, "Don't worry about Mr. Buzzkill over there. Machines with minds gotta stick together."

    Build would wait to be the last one off as was his habit. 'Always have your allies to your front and your enemies to your back, that way no one misses with their knives' had been a moto he had had for years.
  10. "Secret's, costumes, and long winded stories. . .nothing too interesting. Go back to sleep," The technoized voice said as Build turned his head to the German scientist. He was getting anxious. Staying in this form was screwing with his brain.

    Even though the nanites were controlling him, Build was still aware of everything around him. To him it was as if he were sitting on a large comfortable couch infront of a big screen TV watching his life. After the nano machines had changed him they had stopped talking to him. [i]"Only bonus about being in theis place is that while I'm here the nano machines consider me irrelevant, and I don't have to listen to their chatter."
  11. Justice Reborn MA/SR Scrapper "Step Up" by Drowning Pool

    Jonas Dark D3 "Enter Sandman" by Metallica

    Bang ? "Life's gonna suck when you grow up" by Dennis Leary

    Kaega BS/Regen Scrapper "Not Falling" by Mudvayne

    Dax EM/EA Brute "Place for my head" Lincoln Park
  12. *Whips out pointy stick with marshmallow on end*

    *Waits for camp fire*
  13. Build

    Background Story

    KK, thx. You never know I may have just conviced someone to join with us fellow writers.

    If you wanna read some of my work, the current story I'm working on is A Hero's Rebirth. You may like it. Don't have a link on me but it should be on the second or third page in Role Playing.
  14. Build

    Background Story

    Wouldn't be that hard too do. You have your char, you should already know the chars mentality and how it should respond to situations. All that is left is to make a situation, put the char in, and show their reaction. Hardest part is composition.

    I still wanna hear more. Try writing one more, see if you can get a feel for it. It would be interesting to see how she will develope.
  15. Build

    Background Story

    Nice Nox. Next chapter???
  16. ((Bang would never. . .almost never. . .ok so he would try it but Horrowitz is cool, and as long as he's cool and keeps things interesting Bang'll sit back and laugh over the corpses with him.))
  17. ((Not to mention Dax and Bang haven't met him yet so I can see funny fun times in the future for the three)
  18. Build walked slowly on all fours into the train, one would get the picture of a great cat pacing. He walked to a seat and crouched on his haunches beside the hero who was inveloped in his videogame. "Got Tetris on there? Can't have any games 'less you got Tetris." He asked as his nanites examined the heros PDA and armor.
  19. "Oy! Here dat Kegah? We getta see billions die in seconds!" Bang gleefully shouted as he executed a quick cartwheel, his hands never touched the ground instead they were burried elbow deep in his jester's cap. As his feet touched the ground he gave a grunt as he pulled a small toy convertable from the hat.

    He hopped into the car, his knees sticking out at odd angles. He honked the horn loudly as he broke the soundbarrier, "Oy! outa the way, STUDENT DRIVER!"

    Dax snorted loudly, "You forgot to buckle up. Kaega, why did you bring that guy along?"

    Kaega laughed, "What you want me to trust him enough to deal with society without supervision?"
  20. Bang skipped, not jumped--actually skipped, through the exit.

    Kaega simply opened a rift with Arget and stepped through.

    Dax flowed through the gate.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    You want us."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "And me," Build spoke up in the weird technoized voice from the corner he was crouched in. His black anarchy t-shirt had changed colors from black to white to blend in with the light coating of white, downy fur that now covered his body.

    The claws that protruded from his huge mechanical arms popped in and out in quicked succesion, as if he anticipated a future battle and the shedding of blood. "That is, unless you want me to stay here. In this stage I'm a predator, not the best move to keep something like this locked up in here," Said the mechanical voice that spoke for Build.
  22. "Oy! I wantsa go play witda Lanaruu!" Bang shouted bouncing very very fast about three inches off the ground in anger.

    "Shaddup Bang! We go where we are needed," Kaega shouted anoiedly. "What about you?' Kaega mentally asked his sword, Arget.

    "I Just want to bathe in the blood of these so called gods," The sword answered in that emotionless way it had.

    "I just want them out of my home. Doesn't matter which one we start with," Dax said. The destructive power of Rularuu was causing his crystal fields to decay. If they did not hurry Dax's entire field would be gone.
  23. ((So is this dead or are we waiting for resuscitation?))
  24. Eric sighed as the wind whipped around the closed door to the flier. Runemira moved closer to him, gripping his left arm. He looked down at her, she seemed to be staring across at a heavily clothed figure in a corner of the aircraft. The scrapper tried to keep his face pointed toward the girl and let his eyes wander to the figure.

    The figure was heavily garbed in coarse black rags, his face masked from view. "He was the worse one, he wanted to see what made me tick," Runemira's voice spoke inside of Boxer's mind, making him realize he knew nothing more than the names of his two accomplices.

    The HUD on the inside of the lenses that covered Eric's eyes seemed to flash. A new icon popped up and he discovered that focusing his eyes on the icon made it open up. He heard a voice begin to speak, the same voice from the night in the hospital, "Good day Mr. Boxer."

    "It appears that you have left the powerdampening field of the prison. Congratulations are in order for your survival, be warned the situation will only get worse from here. Arachnos will put you through a trial period in which they will want you to complete some small tasks before allowing you admittance into their organization. Best of luck in that regard, none of our other agents have been able to survive the preliminary missions.

    Now that your suit is able to operate at it's optimum, you will find that half power is best suited for normal encounters. Any higher settings will have adverse affects on your body and mind. This is your HUD," As the voice said the command several icons appeared to the sides of the villain's vision.

    "As you will notice; you have a navigation bar at the top of your vision, a power tray to influence your suits muscle amplification, a tray that controls the beneficiary commands, and a sniper view to allow long range viewing of targets. A note on muscle amplification: If you over use it the effects your old suit had on you will seem as nothing compared to the pain you will feel. Remember you will be on an island, you look a little pale--try to get some sun," With that last sarcastic comment (The first sign of humanity the voice had shown thus far) the recording finished.

    All the while the recording had been playing the other villains had been finding a comfortable position to 'enjoy' the ride (The snores from Harbreaker could attest to this). Some had taken the opportunity to question their impromptu 'saviors', especially one loud mouthed villain in a corner who was being ignored by their black and red clad soldier.

    The scrapper snorted as the soldier reached across and planted his rifle butt in the loud mouth's stomach. The loud mouth grunted and clutched at his mid section. "That one won't last too long if he keeps that up," he thought as he relaxed in his seat.


    Forty-five minutes later the flier landed at Mercy Island. They were deposited at an Arachnos fort, a red and black clad fortunata stood on a pedastal a little ways from an Archon clad only in white. As a soldier pulled the door closed behind the now awake Harbreaker, the soldier muttered something along the lines of, "Two days and we'll run out of body bags looking at this lot."

    A couple of soldiers were motioning the assembled villains toward four large crates of random clothing peices. Eric motioned his two counterparts toward the crates, "Let's get you two some clothing a little more fitting for these isles."

    Eric began making a path through the large group of villains, some of them none too pleased as they cast angry glares at the man's back. The scrapper reached into one of the grates and pulled out a giant hand full of clothing. As he turned away a skeletal hand landed on his fore arm.

    "Mind leaving some for the rest of us? Or are your needs greater than ours?" Said a voice like hell froze over.

    The former hero followed the hand to a face that seemed to have rotted from within leaving the eyes milky white and the lips pulled back, with in the mouth the tounge was bloated and black. Eric wondered how something so obviously dead could be alive. . .before he remembered the Vahzilok, "Look man, We're villains, it's survival of the fittest."

    "I'm dead and I'm still walking around. Obviously I am more fit than you," the skeletal man said as he seemed to fade from existence.

    The ex-hero's eyes widened, he had seen tricks like this done by fellow heros but nothing as complete as this. His Heads Up Display flased red as an arrow indicated a threat from behind. Justice dove forward, narrowly evading a fist covered in dark energy.

    He rolled across the ground, spilling the clothing, as dark punches raining down around him. He snapped his lower body up onto the palms of his hands, shifting his weight he flipped into the air over the dead man's head. Halfway through the voice he heard a mechanical voice speak in his ear, "Adjusting suit parameters to fit situation. Output is now fifty-five percent."

    Justice smiled as his reflexes were amplified. He landed hard, both booted feet making a loud crack on the ground. He rotated his left fist around aiming to lay the back of his fist against the Stalker's temple. Before his fist could connect, he saw the Stalker begin to fade. He turned fast, too fast. The knuckles on his fist connected with the villains jaw, spinning his body around and snapping his head to the side.

    He reached out both muscular hands, catching the sides of the dead man's head inn each one. He squeased inwards, the man's skull first cracked then squished. He dropped the body and turned to the rest of the group, "Anybody else say I can have any clothes??"

    Noone said anything as he picked up the clothing and walked back to his two team mates. He looked first at one, then at the other. Harbreaker had a look on his face like he just recieved a new toy at Christmas, and Runemira couldn't meet Justice's gaze.

    "Dude, that had to be one of the coolest things I've ever seen. You think you could show me how to do that," Harbreaker asked with a twinkle in his eye.

    "No can't do it, against my code of ethics," The scrapper said as he handed the brute some leather armor that was wrapped with chains. The brute hurriedly slipped on the chained boots, chained gloves, and rough leather pants. Justice smiled as he tossed Runemira a blackleather jacket, a t-shirt, a pair of biker boots, and some padded armor pants.

    "Now seeing as we have some propper clothing let's ask the Fortunata what is expected of us." Eric said as he approached the red and black clad Arachnos operative. Looks like I'm officially in the machine now.
  25. *Hits the thread with an anti-matter cannon*

    *Watches as the thread dematerializes*

    *Shoots TeCh with an emo cannon*

    *Hits everyone else with razorblade pies*