
Ms. Exalted 2011
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  1. I know I'm late (dangit) but I thought I'd share one too.

    Thirty heroes agree: "6 is the least offensive score to give to an ugly costume in a costume contest."
  2. Updated the spoilers in the OP to include what's been revealed in arc #3. The new entry fee is now 30 million based on the information given in this arc. I may also cut off new entries before the final arc goes live depending on how much information is available. Maybe by arc #5 or so. So get your guesses in while you can.
  3. They've confirmed that episode 3 goes live tomorrow, so I'll again be putting entries on hold until I can check out the new arc probably on Wednesday since my daughter's birthday is tomorrow (5).
  4. As far as Once Upon a Time goes, any speculation on who some of the other townspeople are? Like the sheriff and the doctor? My theory for the sheriff is that he's the huntsman. He's working for the mayor, but he seems to be good at heart. One theory I saw on the hulu forums that I thought was funny is that the doctor is the big bad wolf. I don't think I agree with that one though.
  5. Ok, I'll try again. I'll submit A Clone of Your Own? #453091 level 30+ Villainous
  6. I'd like to thank everyone that took the time out to offer up nominations for this year's Player's Choice Awards. This is the smallest awards since I started doing these. I hope to be able to do this again next year but I imagine that will be partly determined by the amount of support given to the Mission Architect system in general. But that's a topic for another day. Today it's about the best arcs of the year in four categories: Heroic/Vigilante, Rogue/Villainous, Comedy, and Lowbie.

    • Anyone can vote
    • You can vote for one category, all categories, or anything in between.
    • You must make a 1st place choice and a 2nd place choice or your vote will not count.
    • Arcs gain 2 points for each 1st place choice and 1 point for each 2nd place choice. The arc with the most points wins for that category.
    • Authors may vote in a category with their own arc, but they only get a single 2nd choice vote. They can vote for their own arc.
    • In the case of a tie, the arc with the most 1st choices will win.
    • Voting is now closed

    The Arcs

    Best Arc - Villainous or Rogue

    Grunty McFisterson's Two Step Guide to Winning Respect #519044 by @Twoflower
    Interdimensional Headache #459592 by @Nebulhym
    Arena #456200 by @FredrikSvanberg

    Best Arc - Heroic or Vigilante

    Legacy of a Rogue #459586 by @Night-Girl
    The Ouroboros Chronicles: the Tales of Nemesis #522236 by @Neon Rider
    When The Words Stop #494099 by @Clave_Dark_5
    A Very Special Episode #457506 by @Wrong Number
    A Mosaic of Shattered Dreams #497506 by @Avonlea

    Best Arc - Comedy

    Whack a Mole: Lambda Sector #508837 by @Bubbawheat
    Crime is Art and Art is Crime #517859 by @Twoflower
    Dating Ms Liberty Isn't Easy #464550 by @Jinkobi

    Best Lowbie Arc: designed for levels 20 or lower

    Tutorial Arc 3: Dark Harvest #470181 by @Khonshu
    The Blue Devils #468738 by @Flame Kitten (aka Coulomb2)
    Cole in Your Stocking #474611 by @Venture

    good luck to all those nominated, and happy arcing!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
    I am thinking that there is the commercial Grimm Fairy Tales that we all know and the classified Grimm Fairy Tales that contain all the Big Bad Monsters that actually exist in that world. Doing that would not limit the writers of Grimm to the monsters in the books.
    I think there's plenty lesser known ones that they could cull from

    Although looking through these a bit more, it's interesting that the second episode is inspired by Goldilocks and the Three Bears, which is not actually included in any of Grimm's works.

    edit: also while I was searching around I saw that Once Upon a Time has been picked up for a full season, and it's got the best ratings of any new show so far. Grimm's also doing well in ratings so far.
  8. Enjoyed the second episode of Grimm as well. Although it's increasing my feelings of a boring main character with a lot of interesting secondary characters. Love the bobad or however it's spelled. How many people can rip an arm off and make it seem funny? Makes me want to look up the Grimm tales and see which ones they are actually responsible for.
  9. And nominations are now closed. I'll finish out the nominations by adding the following arcs:

    Cole in Your Stocking #474611 by @Venture - lowbie
    Tangled Vines #480712 by @Suspicious Gren- Villainous/Rogue
    Arena #456200 by @FredrikSvanberg - Villainous/Rogue
  10. Nice, double arcs yesterday. How about speeding up the Dev Choice awarding as well?
  11. It's November, another month. Thank you to those who have participated. Everyone who's submitted their own arc for feedback has done their part so far. Now it's time for another two arcs. I'd also love to see some suggested little-played arcs from other authors. Point them to this thread in your feedback, let's get this club growing.

    Crime is Art and Art is Crime has been the most popular arc so far with 6 plays, and there's a few newer arcs that haven't gotten played much or at all yet. PW's OSS arc, Zaphir's Astral Prison arc, and Supafreak's Black as Midnight arc.
  12. thanks for adding in some more nominations. Still one more day to nominate, then I'll add the rest of my nominations to make sure the categories are all decently full for voting.
  13. There's this board for CoH fans, I haven't dug around it too much but I imagine there's a section where you can post art-y stuff. http://paragonunleashed.proboards.com/index.cgi
  14. I really enjoyed the new trial, in fact I had to make a video for it, and also make a point to talk about the video any time I get the chance.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ObiWan View Post
    Any show that has a guy "marking" his territory all over the back fence in the first episode gets at least one season of viewing.
    That was one thing that had me worried about the previews for upcoming episodes of Grimm - the seemingly constant need for the main character to refer to the wolf guy in common dog terms for comedic effect. I can see that getting old quick if they overuse it, and it was noticeably emphasized in the preview.
  16. Most likely only one more week to jump in before the next arc goes live. Get your guesses in now at the current 15 million entry fee.
  17. I did think the main character bore a resemblance to Brandon Routh, but I haven't seen Dylan Dog.

    I did get a chance to watch episode 2 of Once a little bit ago, and it was much better than the first episode. The first episode set up a lot of the characters, and episode 2 fleshed many of them out so much more. Personally, it's got me hooked. If Grimm can do the same, I'll be a happy man.

    Also, I see a lot of people comparing Grimm to Buffy, but I only barely see a connection. There's none of the life metaphors, witty dialog, and a several other things I can't think of right now that made Buffy great. It just has a main character that finds out that he has inherited the right to fight off the supernatural.
  18. Time for another update already. Signal: Noise by @The Cheshire Cat. Creepy squared, you must play this arc. Preferably at night by yourself. Just watch out for the mannequins.
  19. I don't know how long I can keep this pace up, but here's another trailer. It's a slow paced creepy trailer that I hope is fitting for @The Cheshire Cat's Signal: Noise. I tried to get the security camera feel to it.
  20. The Buffy season 8 series has had a letters column in every issue.
  21. Steelclaw, I think you just summed up my thoughts about both series pretty much exactly.
  22. Both have had their premiers, I've watched both of them. I'm curious how each of them will do. They are very much different from each other other than they revolve in some way around the fairly tale mythos in the real world. Once Upon a Time is much more stylized and seems to have a higher effects budget, it has a lot more mysteries and clues and tricks touching between the fairy tale world in the past and the real world.

    Grimm on the other hand is more gritty and realistic, with the fairy tales being much more specific to the Grimm Brothers tales rather than Once Upon a Time which goes all over the map even spreading to much more recent fairy tales like Alice in Wonderland and Narnia. Both have the one or two characters that knows what's going on: The wolf and the Aunt on Grimm and the boy and the mayor on Once.

    Which ones have you seen so far, have you seen them both? Which one do you think will survive, either of them?

    Personally, I like the mysteries and a lot of the characters so far on Once, especially the main character. She seems very interesting. On Grimm, I like a lot of the secondary characters, but the main character feels rather boring to me so far. I hope that changes in time and I hope both of them will succeed, but I have a feeling that as far as episode one goes, my money's on Once.
  23. The other list also shows Sam at 84 movies where the article says he's been in over 100.
  24. All new cast? Over 10 years later? What about this show will make it the same as the original In Living Color? Why not just call it a different sketch comedy show? Oh yeah - to try and cash in on the name alone. Right.