
Ms. Exalted 2011
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  1. #CoHMA Running Black as Midnight #482914 by @ Supafreak as part of the Architect Arc club, quick 1 mission arc.
    #CoHMA Contact is Xeronyx which reminds me of a player name. I know that he got a lot of designs from his contest.
    #CoHMA M1: I'm contacted by a Midnight Squad member in Dark Astoria about some trouble with CoT and other Midnighters in trouble.
    #CoHMA M1: I oddly noticed that the first room of this map has the exact same layout as the mayhem hospital map.
    #CoHMA M1: So far - tons of unique enemy groups, tons of allies, not much cohesion.
    #CoHMA M1: Even though most of the enemy groups have unique animations, there's little dialog. And it's hard to tell what's going on.
    #CoHMA M1: And not in a "you're in Dark Astoria and you're not supposed to know what's going on" kind of way.
    #CoHMA M1: I'm now being escorted by 3 bosses and 1 EB. We're a posse now.
    #CoHMA M1: Wow, Arch-mage of Darkness confused, blinded, and deaded me in short order. Even with the help took a bit to whittle him down.
    #CoHMA M1: The final EB Phantom Strike was a pushover by comparison. Wonder if resistances had anything to do with it.
    #CoHMA M1: And while I rescued the midnighters, the villain I was there to get got away.
    #CoHMA M1: Interesting start to a multi-part multi-path arc, but would require a lot of bio reading to get the full story it seems.
  2. Kneel before Zod!

    Or don't and just read my review of Superman II which is now posted.
  3. Never heard of Hunger Games, but pretty much agree with the list. I may not personally care for Twilight but it has an audience that is anticipating it.
  4. Bubbawheat

    Human potential

    Oh yeah, Timecop was the Jean Claude Van Damme movie where he found an excuse to jump up and do the splits on top of something for some reason.

    I also remember reading a sci-fi novel called The Rings of Charon (I think) that discussed the possibility that there's actually a barrier to the amount of knowledge able to be learned and in that novel only the child prodigies were able to complete school in any reasonable amount of time just because there was so much knowledge needed to acquire.
  5. Bubbawheat

    FArt Battle 2012

    Yeah the best idea at least for this year is to keep voting on the CoH boards, there's always fewer art than votes and it's easier to keep track of art on dA & the boards than it is for votes in two places. And it would be harder to catch people trying to double vote.
  6. Bubbawheat

    FArt Battle 2012

    One other thing I was thinking about, since there is a #CityOfHeroes group on deviantArt you might consider not restricting it to only those with a VIP account as long as they post to the #CityOfHeroes FArt folder. Entirely up to you though. Hope this year goes smoothly and good luck!
  7. Made up a folder in the deviantArt #CityofHeroes group for this year's contest, and I believe the way I did it you should be able to actually submit directly to the folder this time (for some reason last year's folder wouldn't allow direct submissions). FArt Competition 2012 folder. Enjoy.
  8. Bubbawheat

    Human potential

    I'm reminded of a TV show called Timecop (I think) that involved someone from the future coming back in time. He was noticeably stronger and faster than anyone from this time just because of the increased limits of human capacity just like what this article talks about.
  9. Yeah, pretty much if you want to know what's coming, then check the beta servers. If it's something popular they'll sometimes hint it a day or two before but I don't expect a reveal of the release calendar anytime soon. I think they prefer to keep some things a surprise. And of course there's also the constant excuse of keeping things not locked down so there's always that door for a last minute change if something's not working quite right.
  10. I made a new year's resolution of sorts this year, some of you may already know what it is since I made a thread asking for suggestions. But this coming year I decided to start a movie blog. At least that's the best I can figure to describe it. It's not exactly movie reviews and it's not exactly a blog, but I talk about two superhero movies every week on Sundays and Thursdays and I've started a week early.

    Flights, Tights, and Movie Nights

    This first couple weeks start off with me and my daughter watching all of the Christopher Reeve Superman movies and Supergirl. Later this week we finish off our Superman run by watching Superman Returns. If you have any suggestions on what to watch next, leave a comment on the site. I'll try to keep this thread updated with new posts but until I start running behind, there will be a new post every Sunday and Thursday posted first thing at midnight. Hope to see you there!
  11. My guess is that this season is about the downfall of the Queen, but if they succeed in only one season, then Mr. Gold will rise up to fill the power void and he will be the focus of season two.
  12. Ok this is pure fun. Totally my style of humor all the way. Literally laughed out loud twice just during the mission 1 intro. #CoHMA
    #CoHMA Playing Cat: It's What's For Dinner #530511 by @ Interface.
    #CoHMA M1: Lord Recluse is my contact and he's planning some sort of gala, but I wasn't paying attention as he was petting his new white cat
    #CoHMA M1: best busy dialog - Who's my favorite widdle fuzzypaws? YOU are!
    #CoHMA M1: So awesome, one of my objectives is 3) Profit
    #CoHMA M1: I only wish it was instead 3) ??? 4) Profit.
    #CoHMA M1: Not sure if it's cool or crazy that the Kronos Titan is just chilling out on this map.
    #CoHMA M1: Pet Peeve though - it's an indoor/outdoor map and I didn't realize it at first. Should be noted in the mission dialog.
    #CoHMA M2: Not sure if my mood dropped or what, but mission 2 is a bit of a letdown funny-wise while fighting the Freedom Furlanx.
    #CoHMA M3: A temporal weapon went haywire and now I'm working for a bunch of villain cats. Luckily Von Grun's got the connections to help.
    #CoHMA M3: Run shoulder kitty run!
    #CoHMA M4: Now I just have to reconfigure some portals to get me out of the cat dimension.

    I liked a lot of the humor in this arc and I thought the enemy designs were well done, if a bit on the difficult side - I was on a level 50 fire brute with minimal IO sets. Don't really have too much to say aside from that. Good luck.
  13. Michael Hutchins, a 14 year old student one of the Rogue Isles' few remaining public schools, discovers while building a snowman outside his home that he can bring snowmen to life, and that they will do his bidding. He starts to wonder what he can do with this power. His mind races with possibilities, when suddenly his train of thought is interrupted by the impact of a snowball to the back of his head. The sting of snowball and his anger seemed to have a effect on the snowman, it began to rage and grow, and it instinctively began to look for the one who had thrown the snowball to take revenge. Michael's friend, Tim, stood behind him with melting snow on his hands and a slowly fading smile on his face as he realized what was happening.

    Slowly the snowman's lower body changed shape as legs started to form from the rounded snow.

    If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.[
  14. Well, just finished my first week of watching the first four Superman movies and writing about them. And while the better movies are easier to watch, the worse movies are easier to write about. Honestly, I'm mostly watching the movies because I want to, I'm writing about them because I want to write, and I just hope my writing is entertaining enough to attract an audience, however small it might be.

    Even though the first four posts are done, since this is supposed to be a project for 2012, they won't be online until the first week of January, I'll make a new post when they go live. I'm posting here because I wanted to watch Richard Donner's cut of Superman II sometime this week and I can't find it anywhere. If anyone knows how I can get a hold of it, PM me. Thanks.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
    season one and two of Heroes are good...going past that is headbanger territory
    I thought it was season one and four of Heroes were the good ones.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tubbius View Post
    Oh, man. I need to run a couple of arcs within the next few days! Oops? Silly work, eating into my AE time.
    Same here, but besides work I just have other projects I've been working on.
  17. Yeah, it's called a "Black Stinger" It's vodka, tequila, lime juice, a dab of Tabasco sauce and a drop of Black Scorpion's tail venom. Don't ask how I managed to get that last part.

    If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.
  18. Come visit Pinnacle, we've been running TPNs with some regularity lately.
  19. Bubbawheat

    Giant Killer

    Personally, I think as long as they incorporate both stories, it's all good. The majority of people don't know the difference and "Jack the Giant Killer" vs. "Jack and the Beanstalk", Giant Killer is a much less kid-related name for it, which seems to be what they're going for.
  20. On Your M-Arc #15: The Howard Zaine Trilogy Author's Cut with @Evangel is live! We talk about advertising, signature story arcs, cutscenes, and of course the story. Check it out.
  21. Stuff I'd like to see expanded upon instead of just passed by for the next new thing.

    IOs - there should be more varied bonuses instead of so many that are all pretty much the same thing. It would be great if you could build for more than just defense or recharge and have it be viable.

    AE - add more of the new maps, new powersets, and new enemy types. Add new storytelling options - clickable allies for more dialog, branching dialog.

    Expand some of the enemy groups level ranges, the ones that make sense to at least.

    Power pool revamp, fix some of the ones that don't get used, add new ones, and customization while your at it.

    More content in Cimerora and First Ward. Less new zones, more content in the zones we have.
  22. What the question is really asking is how to make things less instanced. But at this point in the game, it's really all about instances. There used to be a lot more zone hunting and street sweeping, but instances are much more efficient and the difficulty is much more easily adjusted to suit the player. I don't see much other than major revamping the way content is generated and decreasing the total amount of zones.

    The population of this game, even with the recent influx of free players, is on a slow decline. And yet the number of zones and servers have increased. There's no way to make zones more populated without decreasing the zones and decreasing the instancing, which isn't going to happen.
  23. (Holiday Events theme)
    On the 10th day of CoX-mas my true love gave to me

    10 Personal Snowstorms
    9 Tuatha Dancing
    8 trips down the advanced ski slope
    7 Snow Lords guarding
    6 Winter Hordelings
    5 mystery gifts
    4 RedCap Mobs
    3 Candy Canes
    2 furry boots and
    A mission from the trickster to me
  24. Is it time to throw in the towel yet? Or is 2 posts when only 10 was needed still not enough. At this point, I think even changing the rules won't matter because no one will even look to see that the rules have been changed.
  25. Yuri Van Vliet is in a bank in Paragon City when a psychotic villain shows up and starts wrecking the place. Immediately she goes into civilian mode, becoming indestructible yet running in an uncontrollably zig zag pattern.

    If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.