2935 -
Just wanted to post since no one has commented in a little while. I love seeing these, and I especially love seeing the great poses. Keep 'em coming.
A couple new things in the land of the Burnt Matchsticks.
First - more free arts. I have a knack for getting these things. This one is from KainTheBest, new around these parts and does some awesome and fast work. Got a free sketch card for watching him on deviantArt.
Second - another Burnt Matchstick hit level 50. My Dominator on Triumph. 4 down, lots to go.
Now, I need to update with a couple new Matchsticks - my Mastermind and new Brute. And have a few more screenshots of costumes. I almost want to start a new thread so I can organize everything better... or maybe a website somewhere. Who knows. -
Quote:1 Robot soldier - Laputa: Castle in the SkyAh, found it: it's by Richard Sargent. Here's a cool guide for guessing (Edited to add original pic; edited edit to add more names):
2 B9 - Lost in Space TOS
3 Larry 3000 - Time Squad
4 Maximilian - The Black Hole
5 Robot John - Planeta Bur
6 Gort - The Day the Earth Stood Still
7 Chani - Devil Girl From Mars
8 Ro-Man - Robot Monster
9 Robot invader - Target Earth
10 Hector - Saturn 3
11 Torg - Santa Claus Conquers the Martians
12 Robot - The Vanishing Shadow
13 Carl - Meet the Robinsons
14 ED 209 - Robocop
15 Robot - Mother Riley meets the Vampire
16 Dr. Chaotica's robot - Star Trek: Voyager
17 B9 - Lost in Space (movie)
18 T800 - The Terminator
19 Johnny 5 - Short Circuit
20 Robot - The Earth Dies Screaming
21 Police Officer - THX 1138
22 PPA (Perfectly Programmed Android) - X-Bomber/Star Fleet
23 Elle - Star Crash
24 Weebo - Flubber
25. A.P.E.X. - A.P.E.X.
27 Tobor - Tobor the Great
28 Malfunctioning Robot - Zathura
29 Tachikoma - Ghost In the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
30 Dot Matrix - Spaceballs
31 Wheelie - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
32 Wheelie - Transformers cartoon series
33 Jet Jaguar - Godzilla v. Megalon
34 Scooter - Gobots cartoon
35 Good Bill - Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey
36 Good Ted - Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey
37 Crichton - - Buck Rogers in the 25th Century
38 Kryten - Red Dwarf
40 Box - Logan's Run (movie)
41 Andy - Quark
42 Robby - Forbidden Planet
43 ABC Warrior - Judge Dredd
44 QT1 - Out of the Unknown
45 Trade Federation B1 battle droid - Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
46 Butler bot (Woody Allen) - Sleeper
47 Maria - Metropolis
48 C3PO - Star Wars
49 Metal Mickey - The Saturday Banana/The Metal Mickey TV Show
50 Rodney - Robots
51 ZETA - The ZETA Project
52 Thundercleese - The Brak Show
53 Plex - Yo Gabba Gabba
54 Sherman - Millenium (1989 movie)
55 Gog - Gog
57 Cylon - Battlestar Galactica (reboot)
58 Wild robot - A.I.
59 Big Guy - Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot
60 Cybus Cyberman - Doctor Who
61 Cyberman - Doctor Who
62 Security Robot - Blake 7
63 Lynn Butlertron - Clone High
64 Sentinel - The Matrix (movie)
65 Horde bot - She-Ra
66. Zero - Earth 2
68 M.A.R.K. 13 - Hardware (movie)
69 X-5 - Atomic Betty
70 Calculon - Futurama
71 Necron 99/Peace - Wizards (movie)
72 Robotic dog - K.O.P.S.
75 Sonny - I, Robot
76 Bicentennial Man
77 Bender - Futurama
78 Eve - Wall-E
79 Tin Woodsman - The Wizard of Oz
80 Nomad - Star Trek (TOS)
81 Jack-of-all-trades robot - Star Command/In the Fold
84 Atlas - Portal 2
86 Kamelion - Doctor Who
87 Bubo - Clash of the Titans (original)
88 Octus - Symbionic Titan
89 Grounder - Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
90 Haro - from numerous Gundam series
91 XR - Buzz Lightyear of Star Command
94 Dalek - Doctor Who
95 Smash! robot - commercial
96 Alpha 5 - Mighty Morphing Power Rangers
97 Robot Jones - Whatever Happened to Robot Jones?
98 Humping Robot - Robot Chicken
99 Cooker robot - Wallace & Gromit: Grand Day Out
100 Kevin - Saved by the Bell
101 Jenny - My Life as a Teenage Robot
102 Robot Head 790 - LEXX
103 IQ-9/Analyzer - Star Blazers/Space Battleship Yamato
104 Blinky
105 SICO - Rocky 4
106 Marvin the Paranoid Android - Hitch Hikers Guide (TV series)
107 AMEE - Red Planet
108 Evolver - Evolver
109 Asimov - Mr. Robot (RPG/Puzzle game by Moonpod Games)
110 Jinx - Space Camp
111 Crossing Robot - Green Cross Code PSAs (UK)
113 Cylon - Battlestar Gallactica
115 Tick-Tock of Oz - Return to Oz
116 Droid - Droid phone commercials
117 Dick Spanner - Dick Spanner, P.I.
118 Fix-It - *batteries not included
119 Marvin the Paranoid Android - Hitch Hikers Guide (movie)
120 Rosie - The Jetsons
121 Robot - Heavy Metal (movie)
122 A.F.C. Blinky - Bucky O'Hare
123 MAMA - The Muppet Show
124 B.E.N., the Bio-Electronic Navigator - Treasure Planet
127 Robot Boy - Robot Boy
128 K9 mark 2 - K9
129 Wall-E - Wall-E
130 Serge - Caprica
131 S.P.O.T. -The Eliminators (movie)
132 GIR - Invader Zim
133 Preston - Wallace & Gromit: A Close Shave
135 Nono - Ulysses 31
136 Naughty Nu Nu the vacuum - Teletubbies
137 BB - Deadly Friend
138 Conky - Pee-Wee's Playhouse
139 Sam the Robot - Sesame Street
140 Muffit the Daggit - Battlestar Galactica (TOS)
141 Quark - Doctor Who
142 M.I.C. - Telebugs
143 S.A.M.A.N.T.H.A. - Telebugs
144 Killobot - Chopping Mall
146 Evil Edna - Will O The Wisp
147 V.I.N.cent - The Black Hole
148 Bad Robot
149 K-9 - Doctor Who
150 Henry Hoover (vacuum cleaner) - Numatic Vacuum Company
151 7 Zark 7 - Battle Of The Planets
152 H.E.R.B.I.E. - Fantastic Four cartoon (1970s)
153 Robot Man - Robot Man cartoon series
154 Sgt. Bash - Robot Wars
155 Tom Servo - Mystery Science Theater 3000
156 Twiki - Buck Rogers in the 25th Century
157 Dr. Theopolis - Buck Rogers in the 25th Century
158 Cube - Terrahawks
159 Charlie - Heartbeeps
160 MSE "mouse" droid - Star Wars
161 Scout In A Can - Spaced Invaders
162 Tiny - Little Robots
163 Clank - Ratchet and Clank
165 R2D2 - Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
166 Ludwig
167 Sergeant Major Zero - Terrahawks
168 Tee-bob - M.A.S.K. cartoon
169 Huey - Silent Running
170 Dewey - Silent Running
171 Louie's foot - Silent Running
172 Scutter - Red Dwarf
173 Zax - Benji, Zax, and The Alien Prince
174 Mouse robot - Tom & Jerry cartoons
175 Cat robot - Tom & Jerry cartoons
176 Goddard - The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius cartoon
177 Jump - Astro Boy
178 DRD - Farscape
179 Rover - Planet 51
180 M-O - Wall-E[/QUOTE]
Reposting so you don't have to scroll as far, or go to the first page for those set to 100 posts per page. -
I tend to dip my hands into several areas of the game, and so there are several people who have influenced me in those parts.
Gibbain - not sure of his city of heroes name, this is what he goes by on YouTube. I was so disappointed when my favorite video of his - Daydream - has been taken down due to copyright claims. This is my second favorite - Dance Gun.
Samuraiko - Of course, but not only are her videos great, she is extremely friendly and helpful when I actually started making my own videos for CoH.
Policewoman - One of the first along with Venture to start doing reviews for AE arcs, which help inspire me to start doing my own AE reviews. She gives a ton of great advice on writing and mechanics, and great to team with.
Trick Arrow
Luminara - One of my early characters was a Robotics/Trick Arrow mastermind. I picked Trick Arrow because I wanted a lesser played powerset, and Lumi was a big part in me wanting to make it to level 50, and not only that but to write my own guide for the set.
Fan Art
This one's a lot harder to narrow down to one person, as it was really the community as a whole, so I'll just toss out a few names - Juggertha, ImagesByAlex, Eddy Swan, LadyJudgement for their art. VexXxa, Dark Ether, and Ironik for the community. -
Nothing bad in-game happens, but I imagine it won't do anything good for your enthusiasm over the AE. My recent 1 mission non-farm arc was very slowly gaining plays and getting good ratings. Then it hit 5 stars and 5 plays which brought its attention to those searching for farms, and it got 1-starred with no comments dropping it down to 3 stars and really fouling my mood up something fierce.
Yes, but would you rather have the devs spend all that time on new animations to give us the same powerset we already have? Or would you rather have them spend the animation time to give us a brand new powerset? Personally, as much as I love Trick Arrow, I would rather see a new powerset.
I think 58 looks like one of the junker robots from A.I. with Haley Joel Osment
If you really want to get nit-picky, there's nothing about the picture that says they only included robots.
edit: Ironik beat me to the punch. -
There's a lot of "Ooh! I recognize that robot... where the heck do I remember that robot from?! >_<"
Welcome back. I remember your name, though you might not remember mine. I don't think I posted as much. And I still stay mostly in my corner of the AE and Fan Art forums. It's kinda surprising to hear that you kept your subscription up even though you weren't playing for all this time.
I've got a question for you - how much if any of this is back catalog stuff you're only just now posting. Because if this is all new stuff, you're a frikkin machine! Great inks and great colors too.
Very nice. Interesting literal take on "The Coming Storm", I take it?
Oh, you've just said the magic words here and opened up the can of worms - Free. Consider yourself watched.
As for the character, I could use some more art of my dominator Burnt Matchstick, especially since she's closing in on 50.
refs here. -
This week we had a smaller, but still decent turnout on Triumph and I decided to make the theme DC Double XP Roundup. We ran some Dev's Choice arcs on standard rewards to get a little something extra out of double XP weekend
First we ran [ZQ] Once and Future King by @Sumerian. It was an older arc, that could use some improvements but it was an overall decent, if occasionally confusing prequel story about Blue Steel and the Clockwork King.
Then we ran Two Tickets to Westerly by @PW. One of the more recent Dev's choices, which came from Aeon's 2nd challenge. I was more than a little distracted during this arc, but I remember it as an excellent as usual story from @PW.
I didn't pick a theme for next week either, so we can leave that open unless you've got something in mind, Backfire. -
Well, with i21 - free and premium players have to earn the right to get XP from AE through vet badges. And possibly by buying it.
quick reply - choose custom powers. The XP rate is much more accurate. Some enemies, especially ranged attack powersets will give 95-100% experience at standard/standard, but only if you're set to custom power choices. Tickets are extremely random and they are nearly impossible to determine if the XP rate affects the ticket drop rate. Even in a single mission, on a team one person could get 20 tickets while another person gets 120 tickets.
And next review is live! Operation Oedipus: Glory of Our Empire #372767 by @Arkhon von Evilsatan aka Uberschveinen
finally finished processing and should be working now. -
Quote:I prefer the lesser known Land of Race Car Ya-Yas, also by Cake.
One thing I noticed which is awesome with the new costume creator - you can choose your name at or near the beginning of character creation, and it will reserve the name for you while you spend your time creating the rest of the character.
I don't know if it's funny or sad that the 2nd time all day that I got logged out of the forums was when opening this thread.