Bronze Knight

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  1. Bronze Knight


    Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
    They are for decor but I wouldn't mind seeing some of them replaced with something else or at least upgraded/revamped.
    Oh? What like a contest with players? And the winning player gets their costume/character made into a statue? (It would be easy all they are is Up scaled static NPC's)

    Oh who am I kidding that's a silly idea they would never do that! Or they would and it would involve Twiter some how...
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    May I ask, what would it take for you to like them?

    Also, would Tankers become more attractive to you if they offered a unique combat style/mechanic (Stalkers have 'hide and poke', Scrappers have random crits and Brutes have 'chase the Fury bar') even if it didn't increase their damage all that much?

    Stalkers I like the idea behind them but don't play them often, mostly due to not having a good character concept for one yet. Given the recent buffs I need to get on that. Scrapers Crits tend to, IMO, make awesome moments more awesome. I.E. I had 10 health left and Headsplitter killed that boss that was at 1/2 health. Yes its a mechanic that adds damage but its not like you can rely on it to constantly help you.

    Now if taunt was replaced with an attack that picked up the nearest mob and used it like a club to beat the other mobs senseless while doing the hulk roar I would play a tanker.

    In essence tankers, to me at least, don't feel like the biggest threat in the room at any given time. They just do the "come get me" emote and the mobs arbitrarily dog-pile him. Useful, but not terribly engaging to play.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    Mind if I quote you on that?


    Go right ahead...

    Just keep in mid that its nothing more than a personal opinion. I have in point of fact, never played a tanker. Just like some people don't play MM's because they don't like managing pets, or some people don't play doms because they don't like Domination, or some people don't play Brutes because they don't like fury.

    I don't play takers because I don't like them. I don't like that their defensive set is their primary. I don't like the idea behind them as a game-play element, and I don't like the lower damage they (generally) have when compared to scrapers. To me they are a throwback to the old Tank, heal, nuke trinity of MMO classes.

    Scrapers on the other hand got it right (in my opinion). They can get out their and "tank" but they still need support/buffs/controls to truly survive.
  4. Well I don't play tankers, not enough damage.

    Back when I played brutes I never took it, there was always something more important to take. And then I figured out why I hated brutes (Fury) and stopped playing them.

    None of my scrapers take it. Always something better to take. And honestly my scrapers are either dead or moving to the next spawn, I don't have time to taunt.

    In fact the only character of mine that has ever taken a taunt is the AOE one from presence. My Bot/FF with the soft caped pets took that one because she also took lots of KB from FF and APP, Force Bolt, Repulsion Bomb/Field, Power Bolt, Energy Torrent, Explosive Blast.....
  5. Well here's my short/off the top of my head list.

    Mercenary MM's need buffs.
    MM IO procks when the ATIO2's come out theirs going to be 7 IO's that MM "need" to have for their pets can we put these in brawl or supremacy please?
    MM Primary attacks need Fixing. I'd like more damage and less end cost.
    /Traps time bomb and Detonator fix.
    Crab Spiders need DDR.
    Beam Rifle feels a bit on the slow side.
    Targeted AOE sets With +def to Ranged, AOE, Melee
    More (robotic) options for Monstrous feet.
    More costume options for Crab Spider backpacks (Like the IDF heavy troopers)
    Mayhem missions added to Oro
    Option to disable the stealth effects at least so I can see myself at all times.

    Tons of other stuff I can't think of right now.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    We're not. We can see the flaws from way out here in the nosebleed section.
    Yes, yes. See the edited post.

    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    You mean one like this?

    I was going to go look for that but it was to much work.
  7. Edit this post has been mostly invalidated by the above link to Moff's Law. I still feel that their are some posters on here that take an undue amount of pleasure in finding faults in the story and pointing them out at times, but they are far an few in-between.

    Or you can just, you know, not look at every little detail of the story with a microscope looking for the plot holes with a fine tooth come.....

    Just sit back and enjoy the story as it is without trying to find flaws in it....

    You all have no idea what I'm talking about do you...
  8. I have another small request if I may.

    The A B7 Afterburner form the mecha pack is GREAT. Something that I've been wanting for years now.

    But theirs a simple edit that could expand its usefulness even more!

    Flip it upside down! Take the effect off of the bottom jets and just invert the pack. Then If you have time add a small cone to the top of the current jets.

    Volia! The B A7 Afterburner!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
    I really wish I could just get Tough and Weave, and skip Boxing/Kick, but what can ya do?
    *****, complain, argue, throw a fit, and accuse the devs of this change being a slap in the face.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    Boxing and Kick are getting buffed a bit and the new T5 is another attack and if you own it it buffs boxing/kick. Tough and Weave remain unchanged -except- you can now get Weave without getting Tough.

    I must have missed that. I'm still going to have to take it as a mule for Steadfast and Gladiator's Armor IO's tho.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    So, for benefit of those of us who have video sites blocked... what was the question and answer?

    I asked something like: When are you going to look at MM for balancing?

    They said something like... (paraphrased)

    Synapse: We've been focused on getting ranged blast sets up to par first they have had issues since issue 0.

    Synapse: MM's are.. in the grand scope of things relatively "new" (yes he used finger quotes) I know that sounds like a cop out but um... So we defadently want to look at it just a matter of again having time to do it.

    Synapse: There is a lot of reasearch we have to do to make shure we can do that well.

    Zwill: Brings up pet AI and pathing and says that they know it sucks but it's a real pain to change it.

    Synapse: Some of the issues go beyond just simple AI brains. So sometimes a lot of issues are what are called stance issues. And that's where you see a critter get stuck in just doing melee or just doing ranged attacks and forgetting their other powers. That's something we defadently just need to fix. And that would be something that when we do the MM revamp or balance that we would do.

    Then Zwill brings up improvements Arb Hawk made to Jack Frost and Gun drone power use.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
    You can watch this morning's Coffee Talk in all its glory here:

    Re-watched the bit where they answered my question about MM's (around 37 min in) interesting responses to that question.
  13. Hiyas Dink!

    Males have a Bandolear option in chest details thats right shoulder to left hip, and a two crossed bandoliers option.
    Females however only have the two bandolier option. Can females get the single Bandolier option as well?
  14. Real quick from what I remember...

    • New Leadership power is like an inverse Vengence. It gives +end and +damge I think you use it on a defeated mob's body.
    • Medical pool reworked but I missed most of the changes due to lag. Their is a new power called Feild Medic.
    • Concealment pool has an AOE placate power that also has -res.
    • Min FX on Hasten/SS. Coloerable Leadership but they did not say/show a min FX for it.
  15. StJu and MA are about the same. Proof.

    Also the Eagle Claw flip in air with hang time can be explained away with vampire powers.
  16. Where do they announce the times/if the coffee talk is happening? I can't seem to find that info anywhere.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BViking View Post
    So, in other words, this entire thread is meaningless?

    Not at all. It tells me that even those with few incarnates most have at least one +3 character.

    And many of those that don't haven't because they don't like the system and wouldn't want more content for it any way.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Finsplit View Post
    So if someone doesn't have a lot of Incarnates, it's because they have an agenda and you can dismiss their opinion? Well, don't I feel silly for bothering to reply.
    That is not what I meant at all. I was simply pointing out that due to the fact that many that replied have a low amount of incarnates and the high number of them that posted their opinion should not be given an undue amount of credibility due to the fact that it is a minority that posts on the forums in the first place.

    Originally Posted by Finsplit View Post
    It would be neither reasonable nor popular.
    Resonable in this case would need a set definition and I said it wouldn't be popular.
  19. Well this thread has been very interesting so far!

    Particularly in how many didn't like my definition of "Fully Incarnated". In my mind getting from T3 to T4 isn't that much work. But I like the UGT/Keys trials and I convert most of my Astrals and some of my Emperians for threads. The only reason I provided set definitions is because we all had different ones to begin with.

    Also of intrest is that many that replied were those without many incarnates or did not like the incarnate system. As is so often the case with forums only those with a bone to pick and an ax to grind frequent them.

    I my self have...

    Full Incarnates: 4 (and two of those are working on makeing more T4's for all slots for testing/soloing various things.)

    Incarnates: 2 (Not including the above) (One my Mercs/Traps I am waiting on the Devs to address the many issues with Mercs before I put more work into him which is a pity because I like the character)

    Full incarnates to be: 8 planed.

    Non incarnates: 5 Many of which are lowbes that I haven't put much work into in the first place.

    So from this thread I get the feeling that a +1/2 level shift or a T3 requirement of some kind would be a reasonable, if not very popular, requirement to gate future content.
  20. Right so near as I can tell it is impossible to softcap Energy Blast/Thermal to Ranged/Melee/AOE

    I gave it my best shot and only got to 33%ish.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

    I do have a reason for wanting to softcap this character, but it is all wrapped up in her backstory So skip this if you don't care about that kind of thing.

    Rivona is a Vanguard experiment gone wrong. She was seriously injured in the Rikti war and had to have an extreme amount of cybernetic replacement of both limbs and internal organs. She after recovering felt that the Rikti has stolen her life and wanted revenge! So she joined the vanguard as a test pilot. Her large amount of cybernetics allowed her to easily interface with advanced armor systems. She was eventually assigned to testing a new kind of battle armor. Said Battle Armor was made from the finest Enchanted Impervium the Vanguard could make and it had Rikti technology that allowed the user to mentally control many functions of the armor. It also had a stable wormhole into the heart of a star. Plasma was drawn through this wormhole and used for flight and attacks. Thermal radiation was also siphoned off the star and used for healing and shielding. Unfortunately the Rikti tech wasn't fully understood and when Rivona activated it the device connected her mind to the Rikti hive mind. This fried her brain. She was comatose for weeks and for some reason the Vanguard researchers could not remove the armor. Not knowing what was happening Rivona had locked it down in the brief moments before the hive mind overwhelmed her mind. Then Rivona woke up. Screaming and raving the researchers tried to get through to her, to get her to unlock the armor but she was beyond madness.
    TL/DR Version is that Shes an invincible cyborg with the power of a fracking star behind her. She is also completely mad; god like power limited by her instability and inability to apply it correctly. Now If I reroll her I'll drop the radiation thing and say that she's folding space-time with the wormhole.
    Suffice to say I would be very impressed if you managed to softcap EB/TR to all positions. It would save me from having to reroll this character as a EB/Time

    Due to her backstory I am allowing myself to reroll this character as a Eb/Time unless someone can make EB/TR do what I want it to do. So here is what is most likely the worst /Time build ever because I haven't played the set yet. So I'm looking for any advice on /time and how it plays at higher levels. Or if anyone has a EB/Time build I would love to look at it, softcaped or not.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    What I find... let's say *interesting* is that the devs went from level-locking zones (hazard zones, Croatoa, RWZ) into opening them for everyone.... and have just started locking things again (Mag requiring Lore/Destiny unlocks.)

    That said, there's a difference between requiring unlocks and requiring something to be "maxed out." Of COURSE they know some people have got to have the biggest numbers to wave around and feel good about themselves. But they give us something ELSE to challenge those people - difficulty settings. They should *not* require you to be T4 anything to simply run the content. Some people are going to access it at lower difficulty simply to see it at their own pace (as opposed to "run run rush rush gottakilleverythignandgettothenextmissionNAO!",) some people are going to run it without stuff slotted for a different sort of challenge. All of these can be accommodated.

    If they did make said content locked behind requiring a T4? I'd be one (likely of many) arguing with the devs during its beta not to do it. And if it still made it live, i'd ignore it other than to join in discussion with others about how well it collects dust.

    Yes this is what I was trying to say. How far down the rabbit hole of locked contet are we going to go on the incarnates? How many trials, how many zones, how many storylines? And on how many characters are we going to want to run them?

    And as that level of locked content grows how will the VIP v.s. Freemium issue be handled? As it has been with the 1/2 and 1/2 content each issue? Or will we see one issue for the incarnate content to finish a storyline one issue and nothing but low level arks the next?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    But are you really suggesting the next 'threat' should be only challengable by those that are 'the most broken'? Don't think I could disagree more.
    No not at all. I am not arguing for greater difficulty or harder content like we've seen in the past here.

    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    Just being a higher level doesn't mean you're going to have to only pull out 'the big guns'. If there's solo content then it's likely to be just like Dark Astoria and the Emperor's sword. They might do some things differently, like perhaps Battalion solo content will be gated by like.. I don't know, having Hybrid unlocked? Or Lore/Destiny like the Magi trial is. But it's going to be Incarnate content. Enemies will be somewhere in the 50+ range, very likely to be 54 or higher. And they'll have higher to hit and probably some hard hitting attacks. But you'll also have your destiny, your lore, your judgment, your hybrid, etc to fight back.
    This is part of what I'm talking about. If you have 10/20/30 + level 50s you want to do said content on is it "fair" to lock it behind Hybrid? Their are those that want that level of challenge and their are those that just want to play the story. Whose tows are getting stepped on?

    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    And keep in mind, even as the enemies get bigger, badder and scarier, so do we. We've still got 4 more slots to unlock, potentially more level shifts to go, and they can still add -more- to prior trees for even more variety.
    Yes and do we really want to make a brand new character and then grind through 100's of trials to slot all of the powers we have now and all the ones yet to come? Or are we someday going to see/want to see incarnate slots that are unlocked as storyline rewards?

    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    So, yeah, I don't understand where you're coming from in the slightest. Unless the Devs have a sudden and prolonged attack of loss of total common sense, 'Battalion' content is -not- going to require you to just stick with your IO'd softcapped brute and ignore your SO'ed empathy 'fender or require all T4 abilities. I'm not really sure why you'd even think that. It's also kind of assuming that there's just going to be this sudden gap between current incarnate content and 'battalion' content where solo content is like 54+ minimum. Frankly, we don't know what they're going to do only that Battalion is 'the next step' in terms of upcoming plot arcs.
    But is that right? Current DA content is easily solo-able on +4/x8. Shouldn't their be content added at some point that does have insane requirements to even attempt to do just for the fun of the challenge even if its rewards are nothing special? I think that their should be but that the only way to do it and not require a "broken" character is to do something completely outside of the box to make the content harder without rendering it imposable to some AT.

    The objective is to make us the players feel challenged/threatened by a force. How can they do that without making it imposable to solo or requiring a disproportionate investment of time into every character we make?
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    /disagree. COH has been designed as being very alt-friendly. Players should not be penalized for taking advantage of that. Speaking for myself, that design decision has kept me subscribing to the game for the past seven years.

    Those who want to "trick out" their characters already have an option for more challenge - namely, the multiple difficulty settings, and (in some instances) making gameplay choices - such as in Max's arc in DA - which make a task easier or harder.

    Are you therefore saying that the developers should not expect us to have any of our characters maxed out? Even if its just one T3 of each incarnate ability? In this case I am excluding IO's as the Devs have said that they will not be required for anything they have not, as far as I know said the same about the incarnate ability's.

    So if they did make content which required them what would you do?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post

    I'm... not sure I really understand your point. 'Everyone' is the star but at the same time so are just 'you'. Your player character is always going to be 'the main' star, you're the Superman of the game now that Statesman has bowed out. I'm not quite sure what you mean by limiting the cast, since it's just 'you'.
    That was in reference to the people that want to get all of their 50's to 50+3. Yes "You" the player are the star. However their is "You" the player on your Softcaped IOed L50+3 SS/Fire IFramgodsalot Brute and theirs "You" the player on your SOed L50 FF/Energy blast Idon'tattacklots Defender.

    Is it realistic to expect every Character to be "Ready" to fight the Battalion on even ground? I think not I think we are going to have to start looking at picking some of out characters and leaving the rest in the dust. The question is how many of our characters should we expect to have the time to "trick out" in-between content releases?