Bronze Knight

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  1. I can bring Rivona just need a few more merts to get the last few pices.

    Rivona L50 Energy Blast/Thermal Rad
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
    Also, pizza is the staple food of role players! The ubiquitous sustenence before, after and during games as well as during Star Trek marathons (or Babylon 5 marathons if they're 'elitists'!).

    My favorite toppings are pepperoni, Italian saugage, chicken, and green & red peppers!


    Babylon 5 is WAY better than Star Trek.
  3. All this and not one on topic post .......

    O well I'll help
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
    You could always get flight + rocket boots.


    Dynaguy snag on take off!
  5. With Ninja Run and Duel Pistols my Ghost in the Shell Major Motoko Kusanagi carbon copy will be compleat.

  6. Bronze Knight

    No "More"

    Moving fixed wing back options like the good old F-14

    Also the fly speed cap being set at least to 1,125 ft/s, 768 mph or 1,236 km/h Or preferably to 3,820 mph, 6,150 km/h

    I wonder if the game could even handle those speeds....

    Hell I wonder if any of the zones are big enough to turn around at those speeds.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    Dear lord, sometimes I think MMORPG stands for "Malignant Mental Orangutans Resembling People Gathering"!!

    I am so useing that alongside

    MMORPG "Mostly Men Online Role Playing Girls"
  8. This is a good point there will allays be doomsayers but I would have rather seen this kind of thing before Super Sidekicking was implemented and have you do this with less than 3 SK's or exlampars.

    I often run full teams my self and when I leave its allways a pane trying to give some one else the star because no one wants that responsibility for what ever reason.

    What this game really lacks is leaders, and an effective team search interface.
  9. Bronze Knight

    The forgotten

    I remember those guys that one mission in the desert sucked because of them! Speaking of the GW desert we need those "key" teleport gates that were out there for the Orabagen maps
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
    Ideas are bad when they don't solve the problem they intend to solve.
    Ideas are bad when there is already a solution that accomplishes the same thing the idea tries to fix.
    Ideas are bad when they have unintended effects that are detrimental to the continued health of the game.

    People don't like ideas that are bad. This one is both unliked and bad.
    The problem here is getting a team together on a low-pop server (and in this case people leaving SG as well). This I would consider to be a problem when getting a team going during prime time takes a moderate amount of effort.

    Meargeing some low population severs would fix this.

    The solution I assume you are referring to is Server chat / Search Interface / Super Group.

    All of these tools are useful however all can be more effctive with a server merge. Thus alowing team formation to go faster and smother both inportent factors when your relaxing. As thats what this is, its the time we take to relax and enjoy ourselves, no one wants it to feal like work.

    "unintended effects that are detrimental to the continued health of the game"

    As was mentioned Names being taken on other severs. This can be solved in a variety of ways. I see no reason to list them all.

    People rage quitting because they like the "community" on there Sever.

    This is simply eveadince that the dev's have wated to long to mearge severs it sohould have been done a long time ago. In the end tho any "comuinty" could be preserved through its Global Chat Channels and SG/Colalitions. If these were mearged as well there would be little diffrence other than having to see more people walking around in the zones, which isn't relly a prolblem.

    Its not a bad idea just one that nobody likes. (except for me.)
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
    It's not hard to sit down and think out why it's not a good idea. If you can't do that, it's even easier to use a search tool to find out why it's not a good idea.

    It's not a bad idea, just one that nobody likes.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post
    Big question. If your preferred server were to get merged with another server, would you have any problem whatsoever with having to possibly change all your characters' names due to someone else possibly having those names on the other server?
    Provided it was done on a first come first serve bases.

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redmanfx View Post
    With the loss of players, my once "easy to find a team" server has become "lucky if you can find a team" server. I'm on Infinity and it's super nova days seem numbered as players have either taken a break, like I did, or simply left. What do you all think about now entertaining thoughts of finally merging some servers? Maybe two, doesn't have to be a drastic merger, but man, it's really hard to find a decent team. Kinda like having to settle for anything instead of finding a good team.

    I'm all for merging a server or two so we can get some good teams rolling and bring our sg's back to life.. What say you?


    Infinity was the server that alot of people made there first Villains on. However alot the new COV players decided they didn't like the game and left. Then most of the people that were still there (mostly COH vets) left for Freedom or Justice when server moves became possible, its a ghost town now.

    I know what you mean tho, I remember lagging out of Breakout back when we were all noobs them were the days.

    That said I would love for this game to be single shard like EVE Online.
  14. Bronze Knight

    The forgotten

    Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
    Well, be fair, did you really want to feth Rikti? I mean, I know it sounds like a cool thing to do the first time you hear about it, but...

    Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
    Who would want to lick a Rikti's....FETHING...nevermind...

    I just want to clarify my usage of the word. I was useing it as Feth.
  15. Bronze Knight

    The forgotten

    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    Custom weapons, and their unlocks.

    Rikti Fething Rifle

    How many yeas has it been bugged now? Since COV came out right?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Frankly, if it was up to me, I would sooner eliminate all *non-KB* options than all the KB powers. In fact, knowing what I know now, in retrospect I would make all AoE damage deal knockback, and all powers above a certain DPA threshold deal mandatory knockback. That would be a deliberate shot across the bow of the efficiency police, and it would simultaneously resolve the problem with AoE balance in this game.

    This please!
  17. Bronze Knight

    No "More"

    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    A mall would be cool, with all the origin stores in one place, and maybe a WW and Icon attached too, and a Vault - put it in Steel Canyon, and use lots of glass and shininess for the new graphics

    Also one in St. Marshal seeing as how it's supost to be the "tourist hot spot" and all. It would fit in with the lore because there is allready a big construction zone over inbetween the warehouses and the residential district. You could fit it right in there.

    Lets go dev's hop to it!
  18. Bronze Knight

    No "More"

    The abilty to move Inf/recipes/enchantments between toons on you account without useing a trade partner.

    E.G. Emailing Items to your own toons Or having a menu on the slection screen that lists all the items that are trade-able.
  19. Bronze Knight

    No "More"

    Originally Posted by Westley View Post

  20. Yea we need more Steampunk stuff like...


    Not that I'm bitter or any thing..............
  21. I also don't recognize that. However I do know one thing......

    I WANT IT!
  22. I would we got the same problems red-side (speaking of which any one got kings row mayhem on freedom? @Rivona) with both the Invader and Force of Nature badges all tho with orboro it makes no sense just from a Contact Point of view.
  23. No no the net graph. How do I change that? Also can you change where it is on the screen?

    I can personally assure you that Hughes Net and all other "Satellite Internet" ISP's SUCK. Even when not on COV its slow, and its not the up/down speed its the laticny that makes it feel like frozen molasses up hill at zero Kelvin.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
    Sorry, the only picture I got last night was this:

    lol. Somebody was complaining on the forums about unplayability on Freedom-redside, and announced "I'm giving NCSoft one more month, and if I can't get a solid foot of Netgraph without red spikes on Freedom, I am taking my measly $15/Mo and flipping them the bird." LOL

    Other than that one "delay" during the first mission, I was fine. How did everybody else do?

    On a side note, the person complaining was on "Hughes Satellite". I told them to check into their network/service provider. haha

    Yeaaaaaaa I got hughes its not freedom its Hughes net they SUCK and they all need to DIE in a horable agoniseing FIRE then agin "Satellite internet" should be Ileagle! calling this **** "internet" is is words fail me if there was any other option than dile up out were I am I would take it but there isent and the real prolblem is the LATENCIY it SUCKS so bad I HATE HATE HATE THEM! DIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

    ... I feel better now.

    Also how do i get the bar that small? I would like to have it up all the time and still see my power bar.
  25. Bronze Knight

    Issue 16 wine!

    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    Ask and you shall receive! A video showing off the Mastermind power customization options for the primary powerset Necormancy (none of the others have any options but 'Original') and /Traps.
    Thank you! sucks we cant change the color of our lazors or any of the pets o well maby by I20 well see some of that stuff.

    Also I am so making a earth/earth dom when I16 hits!