Bronze Knight

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  1. A. The extra KB is not an issue, its a BENEFIT!

    B. Theirs not going to even be that much extra KB due to how KB works (unfortunately).
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by crayhal View Post
    Just imagine if War Witch got her own Task Force...

    Toon 1: WWTF forming, pst for invite...
    WTF is the WWTF LFM!
  3. Burst slug and M30 are your personal attacks. They cost more END and do less damage than their blaster/coruptor counterparts. However M30 is a good soft control, slug is "ok" damage and good for picking off runners, burst ... well it just makes you look cool.

    I always take the personal attacks on my MM's. Even on my Mercs/Traps with my insane recharge I still find time to shoot off a few attacks every now and then. By taking all of the attacks the MM becomes a T1 pet without upgrades.

    /end my standard rant on MM personal attacks not being totally worthless.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by hardknight View Post
    So there are other Tanker primaries other than Stone?

    I've seen Stone tanks drop in 3 hits. This was followed shotly there after by several OMGWTFBBQ's in team chat.
  5. Traps: Detonator This power needs to be rebalanced with consideration given to the amount of endurance now needed to cast it. The Upgrade powers now cost a lot more endurance. This is in addition to its other issues.


    MM's Should get Munitions mastery.

    Mercs Spec-Ops should lose their stealth and get Leadership: Assault.
  6. Hmmm...

    My sense detecting sensor isn't detecting any sense being made here.
  7. Ah thank you. Figures its under player guides and not the stickys here.
  8. It may be that I am special, but commissioning art seams like a daunting task. To me the point of paying some one to drawl your characters is to make them look like they would if there were "real". To make them look like they have access to more than the same cookie cutter costume parts that you see in game every day.

    First off am I right in that assumption?

    If so the issue then is, (for me) how do you go about describing your character to the artist with out boring them or stifling their creative ability?

    I have thought about getting a commission done in the past but this was allways the sticking point. By useing a medium outside of the game engine one is free to do things that can't be done in game. However if you do that you now have to describe how you want it to look to the artists, and there will allways be some level of disparity between the picture in your head and what ends up on paper. What is the best way to keep that to a minimum?

    I also had a question about master minds for those of you here that commission a lot of art. Do you get a solo of the MM or do you get the MM and all of their minnions in? Most people charge more the more characters there are, so what do you do?

    I was thinking about commissioning Geekboy5000. Reasonable price and great style. I just have to decide which character I want done.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post

    - Katana (Straight and curved) Scabbard on the back. Personally I want a handle with it but I know some would want it to appear "empty".

    - Double Katana Scabbards (Straight and curved.) Diagaonally on the back, paralell to each other like the Tsoo ninja's have.

    - Katana Diagonal on the back, and tanto\wakasashi scabbard horizontal across the lower back.

    - Broad sword scabbard on the back.
    Have you ever done this IRL? I have and let me tell you for most Katana scabbards it does NOT work. The Katana is a long weapon you just don't have the arm length to do it. That said Game =/= RL, just know that its going to look "wrong" no matter what they do.
  10. Very well done comic GG.

    A few criticisms...

    1. The classic GG/Batman complex of "Don't kill the bad guys!" "Everybody should get a (another) chance!" Some day GG you will have to bend your morals or break, I just hope its caught on camera. Failing that I'll make you watch Boondock Saints on repeat a few hundred times.

    2 Gameplay/Game would distinction. It needs to be clear what for and when you intended a person to read this comic. Did you see them finding the comic first and then picking up the game? Or did you see it as "Here is another way to 'see' the game." after a newbie had been playing for a week or so?

    3. The art was great. I have no idea what this 'Uncanny Valley' every one is talking about; I felt that the art although resembling the game engine was still very distinct, more than capable of standing on its own. I also don't understand why everyone was complaining about the boobs, they looked just fine from here.

    4. The last fight was kinda of dark.

    5. When will we see Supa Skulls ingame?
  11. Most cool looking.

    Back in the day, when we knew nothing about incanate powers, I imagend my Mers/Traps MM geting to call in an air stike as an incarnate power. The sky would darken and a whole wing of bombers flys over head carpit bombing the area.
  12. Hmmm interesting topic...

    Captain Den'Rath has his own fortress airship being kept aloft by vacum power. It's about the same size as the SDF-1.

    Rivona would just fly everywhere, although she can fly at hypersonic speeds.

    Crab Spider Webguard would just borrow a black helicopter.

    Victoria Von Heilwig drives a LGS Fennek. As one of my few natural villains its a little concept breaking to have her super-jumping everywhere.

    Valkyrie's Executor just flys every where or uses public transportation.

    GyStg. Steppenwolf would drive a M1117 ASV
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    Hey, as long as we've now got a Navy admiral as a contact, we need an aircraft carrier in-game that routinely launches planes into the sky. Not just coz it would look cool (and the ULTIMATE in escort missions as you fight off hostile planes to lead a damaged plane back to safety), but because I'd be trying to time my hero outracing the plane off the catapult/runway.

    *hero gives the thumbsup to the control tower* "ALL RIGHT, GO!"




    Along with those solid wings David said he was working on...

    Sides think about how many different Music vides you could make with that escort mission...

    Major Tom
    Burning for You (the plane would be smoking at least...
    ... rats that all I can think of off the top of my head but you get the idea.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BackFire View Post
    Yes, Virginia, there IS a giant mecha Justice League.

    Justice League Classified: Cold Steel.


    It can't be that bad.... its got giant robots.. chicks dig giant robots...

    Must HAVE!!!!

  15. If this came out of some official book, or if this was just someones fevered imaginings?

    Any one know if something like this was ever printed?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DLancer View Post
    Satellite internet has major latency issues and download/upload caps. It is also significantly expensive compared to any DSL or cable service of comparable speed.

    Expensive as in $49.99 a month for 512kbps, a download cap of 7GB per 30 day period and a 18 month contract.

    It honestly tends to be cheaper and somewhat more cost effective to just get a wireless card from a cellphone company.
    I play on it all the time.

    IT ******* SUCKS!

    I pay $90 a month for the same speed my friends with broadband pay $20 for, and I have a daily download limit. And that is with a 2 year contract.

    I looked into those wireless cards the speed was better but it was still like $60 a month and with a 5GB DL limit.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Residentx_EU View Post
    I didn't quite understand this. Are you saying there are more advanced controls for managing MM Pets? I just use the ones in the tray>

    Have you read MZ MM Guide yet?

    Copy paste of the inportant bit all credit to Master Zaprobo.

    Originally Posted by Master Zaprobo View Post
    Play: Pet Controls
    When you first summon a Mastermind Henchman, you will be presented with the "Pet Controls" window. These default to a "Simple" mode where you will be able to command your henchmen using three preset "macros". These are Attack, Follow and Heel. Versions of these that will command all your henchman should already be present in your powers quickbar.

    Henchmen have different stances:

    * Aggressive: Attack anything hostile that comes within detection range, buff anything friendly in detection range (note that a henchmans detection range is often smaller than its attack range).
    * Defensive: Attack anything that attacks me or my master, buff anything friendly in detection range.
    * Passive: Don't attack or buff anything.

    They can also be given different commands:

    * Attack my Target: Attacks the thing you currently have targeted.
    * Goto: Goto a spot designated by the player.
    * Follow Me: Follow the player around.
    * Stay: Stand still in this area, do not follow. (Stay is basically a "Goto the spot you are currently on")
    * Dismiss: Destroys the henchman.

    These can be used in combination. So "Aggressive/Follow Me" means "Follow me around, attacking anything that we get close enough to". Or "Passive/Attack My Target" means "Go attack this specific guy, and when you are done, don't attack anyone else."

    The preset "Attack" actually commands your henchman to aggressive stance and to attack your target. "Follow" will be familiar to City of Heroes Pet Controllers (as this is their pets default mode) as it sets your henchman to aggressive stance and to follow you. "Heel" sets the henchman to passive mode and to follow you.

    You can set the pet controls to two other modes - to command individual henchman, and to switch to Advanced Mode.

    In individual henchman mode, you will be able to command any of your henchmen individually with either the Basic or Advanced controls. You can, of course, drag and drop these indiviual commands to your powers quickbar (enabling you to command specific henchman, or groups of henchmen).

    In advanced controls mode, you will be able to pick any individual stance, and any individual command, rather than being "stuck" with the fixed preset macros. However, if you are wishing to have this level of control, I would severely recommend using macros or keybinds to do so.

    Play: Macro and Keybind Commands
    All henchman commands can also be issued from the chat box, as well as a two sets of extra ones, in the form of "slash" commands. This makes the creation of macros and binds extremely simple.

    The slash commands (and syntax) for the first set are as follows:

    /petcom {stance} {command} <<Requires a targetted henchman>>
    /petcom_name {henchname} {stance} {command}
    /petcom_pow {summon power} {stance} {command}
    /petcom_all {stance} {command}

    Each of the "petcom" commands can be followed by a stance (Defensive, Aggressive or Passive), a command (Goto, Follow, Stay, Attack or Dismiss) or one of each.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by crayhal View Post
    No and I will venture far enough to say to don't bother rolling any MM unless you just want to stop at 50. Consider the following:
    ITF - MMs are very rarely invited. If they are, it's because the leader can't find anyone else. The last MM that I teamed with died so much that I recommended that he stay by the door and tp anyone that dies so that he can rez them.
    Also, for the last mission, the healing nictus can use the pets to provide healing to Rommy. Pets do not provide sufficient DPS to overcome the healing. The MM must also make sure that the pets are on Rommy instead of uselessly hitting the various Nictus spawns.
    LRSF - maybe a poison MM, but leader is more likely to pick a damage or debuff toon.
    Apex, Tin Mage - pets die so fast... any Bubblers and Traps might be useful... if they're not dead yet.

    For MS Raids, if you're a MM/FF, teams will want you. For the 5th Column SF, any MM type may be useful just to get the power to prevent Reichs from phasing. However, it is possible to have enough debuff and damage to overcome Reich's regen. Still, the MM is invited to the team just to get the temp power. Any help that the MM gives is icing on the cake.

    Other than that, other ATs are preferred over MMs for lvl 50 content.
    ITF: The above only applys to speed runs. When I do a ITF I just look for shard runs All the prolblems listed above go away.

    LRSF did one last night no problems at all. You do have to know the maps and what your doing tho. Keep your pets on passive when the times right and communicate with your team leader so your aware of how they plan on running it.

    Apex/Tin: Sadly my own experience so far substantiates your own.

    MS raid: A GOOD raid with AOE heals and you should do fine. A BAD raid and all you do is run back and forth from the hospital.

    Sliver mantis: To be honest I've never done it on my MM.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Residentx_EU View Post
    Also, I read the comments about a shortened timer on the spec ops. I rarely had my spec ops die though, my soldiers died regularly but not the spec ops. I'd like to hear more about this.


    These complants were about the Spec Ops power's not the MM's [Spec Ops] Power.

    The Flash Bang and the Tear Gas are both on ...90? sec recharge. It may be longer I can't rember. Any way the common thought (at one time) was that Mercs compensated for their low damage and durabuilty with lots of Mez. The issue with that is the powers aren't up often enough to be effective.
  20. I have PMed Mod 05 asking for a sticky.

    Can't think of any other good idea right now other than giving the medic Dual Pistols....

    At least he would look cool.

    By the way if any one asks we are all part of the Buff Mercenaries Militia.
  21. Why on earth would you want to reduce your KB? I always try to fit at least one set of Air Burst into my KB heavy toons.
  22. Holy****!

    Rock my socks and make me smoke em' that the best news I've had all day!
  23. Their switching over to the NC soft launcher soon so that wont be an issue.