Better camera angles for Praetorians?

Bronze Knight



Is it just me, or do Praetorian toons present us with more interesting, and frequently 3/4ths or face-on camera angles, even after the toon has moved to Primal Earth?

If so, I can't imagine ever creating a toon on Primal Earth again. I would just consider Praetoria to be my "training ground". Especially considering that eventually, toons who have "moved on" will probably be able to go back and still be recognised by old contacts, get new mission content, etc.

Starting in Praetoria also allows the full spectrum of hero & villain archetypes, without having to deal with the red or blue side in the beginning. I prefer blue side; red side is a bit cutthroat for my skill level. But I do enjoy playing villains. So if the improved camera angles for Praetorians is not simply in my imagination, most of my new toons will be originating there in future.




My sense detecting sensor isn't detecting any sense being made here.

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I believe he/she is talking about our headshots on the ID screen. I haven't checked, however, or if I had, said difference must have slipped me.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I believe he/she is talking about our headshots on the ID screen. I haven't checked, however, or if I had, said difference must have slipped me.
Actually, I'm talking about the way Praetorian toons move in the game. All my toons that were rolled in the red or blue zone rarely, if ever, make movements which give us a full-frontal or 3/4ths views. In my experience, Praetorian toons frequently do so.

Perhaps it's my video card. Or maybe my imagination. But I swear that I can tell a definite difference. If no one else can, I will just happily accept that I'm having selective positive hallucinations... ; )



Originally Posted by CanaDixieMan View Post
Actually, I'm talking about the way Praetorian toons move in the game. All my toons that were rolled in the red or blue zone rarely, if ever, make movements which give us a full-frontal or 3/4ths views. In my experience, Praetorian toons frequently do so.
Camera angle is baked into the UI and the logic hasn't changed for years. Try this: hit "B" to zoom into first person view, then "B" again to zoom out again. This will reset any camera angle oddness.

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Originally Posted by CanaDixieMan View Post
Perhaps it's my video card. Or maybe my imagination. But I swear that I can tell a definite difference. If no one else can, I will just happily accept that I'm having selective positive hallucinations... ; )
It's simply one of the many benefits of Enrcihe, citizen - it's shows you every thing from the Praetorian angle.

@Golden Girl

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Originally Posted by CanaDixieMan View Post
Actually, I'm talking about the way Praetorian toons move in the game. All my toons that were rolled in the red or blue zone rarely, if ever, make movements which give us a full-frontal or 3/4ths views. In my experience, Praetorian toons frequently do so.
Discounting a few specific attack animations that spin your character around, nothing will ever give you a full frontal shot of your character, short of you manually spinning the camera around via /camrotate. None of the powers which do this are unique to Praetorians.

There is an option somewhere in the menus (I think it's under Controls) called "Free Camera," which makes it so your camera will not be locked to your characters' back. As such, if your character turns to attack a target not directly in front, your camera won't snap to his back to follow. With Free Camera, pressing your Mouse Look key (right mouse button by default) will issue a /playerturn command and rotate your character to face the direction of your camera, rather than rotate your camera to match your character.

This, too, is not unique to Praetoria, and has in fact been in the game since City of Villains went Live.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I love the camera! The middle mouse button is set (by default I think) to swing the camera all around, and I've reset the "E" key for ease of snapping it back into its default resting place behind characters. I'm constantly moving the camera around my characters while fighting, flying, or just running or walking around. It's one of those small things about City of Heroes that helps give it that epic feel. My characters all star in their own movies!

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