263 -
I personaly dont like the idea of putting phalanx fighting off so far into biulds.
For a couple of reasons I grab it ASAP on shield ATs.
1. Its a Passive... No end drain, thats great!!
2. Its DEF bonus, the faster you get your DEF up, the better off you are. Once you IO out the biuld its great that you have Soft capped DEF, but what about your first 25 levels? 35 levels? Those levels when you started playing the characterthat being IOed out is just a dream.
3. Yes its DEF bonus per teammate, has a small radius. Its not that hard to gain at least 1 teammate bonus from it. And at times especialy vs AVs or Monster you can get 3+ teammates nearbye.
Otherwise I see some nice biulds here that won't break the bank. -
The only times I have seen the "I dont have Toxic Resistance" really matter are /x8 DE missions, and Apex TF.
Anyones that done Apex knows very well the massive amount of Toxic damage in the sewers.
Other then that.. its really just DE missions I find dangerous. yes Archnos do have Toxic but its not nearly as common or heavy hitting as Mass of DE.
I do personaly like haveing Power Surge for those... moments. Dont over look also that Power Surge allows you to cap your Negative, Fire, and Cold Resistances. Thier have been places (much more common then Toxic) that I used Power Surge (ITF, oracle part anyone?).
Besides its a nice feeling hitting power surge and seeing 90..90...90...90...90..90...71...90.. in your resistance windowMakes you feel like a real Juggeranut.
However.. just carrying 2-3 Large Oranges for th times this comes up can also work.
On a side note, Power surge works as a good mule slot for things like Steadfast or Gladiator armor -
Like said, thiers definitely some issues with the biuld.
My main Tanker is a Elec/SS/Mu, you dont really need physical prefection for end. If you want to go that route for theme or mule slotting thats fine. But End shouldn't be much of a worry thanks to Power Sink and Energize.
Capping out your S/L Def will turn you into a juggernaut. I would focus there, as to your Toggles, Reactive armor is a excellent choice. Giving you both S/L Def and En/Neg Def.
4 slots useing all the Res ones will give you nice Resistance numbers and End reduction. -
I'll throw a few things out here to think about...
Static Shield -
Psi damage is fairly common in the game, and Elec tankers have solid Psi Resistance. I would try to find another slot to toss in here to buff up that Psi Res a bit more. Just a 13.9% mod is a bit light in my view.
Energize -
If you use all 5 except the Triple Doctored Wound, you end up with around 92% Recharge, Heal, and End reduction.
Power Sink -
I take it your gunning for the Hp boosts. I like to throw this out thier since I find so many people that dont know this. You can Slot Taunt into Power Sink.
Thiers some other slotting choices I wouldn't do personaly, but its a prefereance thing and focus of the biuld. -
Its fun listening to people when they see you herd and defeat 15+ level 54 Rikiti and not break a sweat. -
Only going to comment on things that look very odd to me. The Entire biuld is not to my taste but everyone has thier own styles.
Lightning Field -
Preformancer shifter...Why?
By not taking the 6th Obliteration your skiping out on the big Melee Def and S/L boost at the end. For END proc trade off.... You have Power Sink. Use it, love it, and sap them to deathUnless you dont need the Def??
Static Shield -
Io End Redux...
Not Slotting up the Resistance? Psi is fairly common damage type, espeicaly with certain groups. Elec got a solid number, why not slot it up.. Even 2 Slotting with Franken slot would be decent. (Grab 2 End/Res enchancments for 53% boost in End and 31.8% Res boost).
Rage -
I'm not sure if your biuld can take it or not, but your 1 slot away from a 5% Recharge boost here. If you can use it, might want to try and nab it somehow.
Energize -
6 sloted with Doctored wounds.
The Triple Enchacment from DWs is overkill. If you go with everything else in DW you still hit 92% End/Heal/Recharge. the Recharge boost, and gain a slot that can be used elsewere.
(Like Static Shield, or Rage)
Power Sink -
If I recall correctly Brutes can Slot Taunt here.
Suggestion... 4 Slot with ether Mocking Berratment or Prefect Zinger (useing Recharge with taunts mix). Then add 1 IO End Mod. I think you will get better set bonus for your biuld, and your Power Sink will now also double as a effective Taunt aura and still Sap.
......Were is Weave?!?
I see Boxing and Tough, I see Grant Invis.....
Why no Weave? Its one of the biggest DEF boost you can get, and it still takes a Luck of Gambler. Unless you dont want 4.34% Def all??
Without seeing some end numbers its a little hard to comment on certain choices.
And just to comment on the Electric Fense and Footstomp issue. If you need the Knockdown its easy to swap up your order of useing powers to make use of the Knockdown.
Can lead with FS, then EF. Your packing some serious Recharge in this biuld so Im guesssing your second FS might fall victum to Imm issues. But by then most things are not really going to have End, and FS + EF with Rage+ Fury = lots of dead things already.
Unsure but you might even have enough recharge to Not use EF in a normal AoE attack chain. FS > BL > FS ? *shrug* -
Quote:As a Elec Tanker that has done Apex 10+ times now, let me mention I do not fear the Pylons in the slightest. Power Surge last long enough to chew throw all 3 pylons giving me Higher Toxic Resist then even most Fire Tanks can muster.All tanks are different and will handle different types of incoming damage differently.
I have watched stoners that solo tank the STF die in the sewers of Apex. My fire goes right after the pylons (as long as I have hit healing flames at least twice, by the third healing flames the toxic is no issue. Electric would fair no better than the stoner.
Is is sustainable Toxic Resist like fire tankers? No. But its something to keep in my in your example.
That said, all tanks definitely are different with Good and Bad points. I think its best for everyone to play the differenet types and find a tanker that suits thier needs and play styles. -
Quote:Ballpark numbers...What on earth could you spend 15 BILLION on for one toon? Just asking...
Shiedlwall +3 Res 2 billion
Gladiator +3 DEF 2 Billlion ( or more can go as high as 3 billion I've seen)
4-5 Sets of Kinetic Combat...about 400 million per set. (1.6-2 billion)
4-5 Luck of Gambler Recharge 600-800 million
5 Sets of Reactive Armor (the 4 Res types generaly) 700-800 Million
7.6 billion right thier
This is before we look at Purple Sets in Range, PBAoE, etc
Some purple sets alone can cost 2 billion for a set.
Add a 2-3 Purple sets and your already in the 11-14 Billion ballpark, and still needing to slot up a few other things.
I havn't sat down and done all the numbers, but Im sure even my tanker that doens't use purple sets is pushing 10 Bil once you figure everything in. -
I must give a shout out for my favorite Tanker set.
My Main Tanker Elec/SS/Mu
Sits at...(off the top of my head)
S/L Res: 88.56%
En Res: 90% (128%ish)
Neg: 57%
Cold/Fire: 69%
Psi Res: 70%
Toxic: 3%
*With Power Surge All except Psi Cap to 90%*
S/L Def: 45.58%
Me Def: 38% ish
Range: 22.58%
Cold/Fire: 19.58%
AoE: 19.58%
En/Neg: 24.58%
Psi: 19.58%
87.25% Global Recharge
*Compare those numbers to other biulds and you will see that Elec tankers definitely have a spot.
*I run: Charged Armor, Static Shield, Conductive Shield, Grounded**, Tough, Weave, Combat Jumping, Manuver, Lightning Field For Res/Def/Toggles.
Base Reg is 25hp/sec without Engerize, which puts me to 45hp/sec. Energize is up every 40ish secs. (reg last 30 secs)
Someone asked about INV Elemental Resists.. yes Elec Blows INV out of the water when it comes to Elemental Resists. If I recall unbuffed INV has 15% vs Elec's 35% (30% for Neg).
Thiers no single OMG!! style power in Elec, but its all the small peices that join together to biuld a very sturdy, and offensive tanker. Which is why many over look it vs Dark Armor, Stone, Inv, Shield who have signature powers in them. -
Its definitely a valid point. I have been finding however its not the guys that are in my CC/HF that give me trouble its the ones outside it. Also the initate run up/ambushes at range.
Hense why I was focusing on the Range Def. If thier in my CC/HF thier neturalized and Def vs them is kinda moot.
I do wonder if biulding for S/L Defense vs Range Defense might be more beneifical in the long run. Wil see how everthing works as it goes. -
Spiritual and Cardaic I personaly feel are the big 2 contenders for most tankers.
Thanks again for the imput. I looked over what you guys did, and went back over my build. Noticed a few more issues... like over slotting for Acc in Choking Cloud.. Ops.
Fixed, and adjusted... Lost a good chunk of Def with this mod, however the efficency over all went way up. Still holding 22% Range Def isn't horrible....Not were I wanted to be exzactly. But its very hard to biuld for, well basicly everything and keep Def up
*Still avoided useing purples*
See how you guys like this biuld.
New Def Numbers:
(IW +CJ + Man Running)
Range Def: 21.87%
En/Neg Def: 21.54%
Psi Def: 35.43%
Others: 9.36%
(With AM + Hasten Running)
Global Recharge: 197.25%
Level 50 Magic Controller
Primary Power Set: Fire Control
Secondary Power Set: Radiation Emission
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Leadership
Ancillary Pool: Psionic Mastery
Alpha: Musculature (Radical Paragon)
1 - Char: OOOOOO
* Basilisk's Gaze (Acc/Hold, Hold/Rech, Acc/Rech, Acc/End/Rech/Hold)
* Lockdown (Acc/End/Hold/Rech)
* IO Damage
1 - Radiant Aura: OOOOO
*Doctored Wounds (Not Triple)
2 - Fire Cages: OOOOO
* Enfeeble Operations (Acc/End, End/Imm)
* Trap of the Hunter (Acc/End, End/Imm, Acc/Imm/Rech)
4 - AM: OOOO
* Efficecy adaptor (EndMod/Rech/Acc, EndMod/Rech)
* Preformancer Shifter (Endmod/Rech/Acc, EndMod/Rech) *
6 - Smoke: O
* IO TohitDebuff
8 - Hot Feet: OOOOOO
* Multistrike (Acc/Dam/End)
* Siricco's Dervish (Dam/Acc/End, Dam/End)
* Obliteration (Acc/End/Rech/Dam)
* Tempered Readiness (End/Rech/Slow, Acc/End)
10 - Radion Infection: OOO
* Enzyme HO x3
12 - FlashFire: OOOOO
* Stupfy (Not Proc)
14 - Combat Jumping: O
* Luck of the Gambler (Def/Global Recharge)
16 - Hasten: OOO
* IO Recharge x3
18 - Cinders: OOOOO
* Basilisk's Gaze (Acc/Hold, Acc/Rech, End/Rech/Hold, Acc/End/Rech/Hold)
* Lockdown (Acc/End/Rech/Hold)
Lingering Radiation: O
* IO Accuracy
22 - Enervating Field: OO
* IO End Reduction x2
24 - Manuver: OO
* Luck of the Gambler (Def/End, Def/Global Recharge)
26 - Hover: OOO
* Luck of the Gambler (Def/Global Rech)
* Blessing of Zepher (Knockback, Flight/Run/Jump/End/Range)
28 - Choking Cloud: OOOOOO
* Basilisk's Gaze (Acc/Hold, Rech/Hold, End/Rech/Hold, Acc/End/Rech/Hold)
* IO End Reduction
* Ghost Widow (End/Hold)
30 - Tactics: OO
* Adjusted Targeting (Tohit/End, Tohit/End/Rech)
32 - Fire Imps: OOOOOO
* Expedient Reinforcments (ALL)
35 - Vengence: O
* Luck of the Gambler (Def/Global Recharge)
38 - EMP Pulse: OOOO
* Basilisk's Gaze (Acc/Hold, Acc/Rech, End/Rech/Hold, Acc/End/Rech/Hold)
41 - Indomitable Will: OOOO
* Luck of the Gambler (Def/Global Recharge)
* IO Recharge x3
44 - Mental Blast: OOOOO
* Decimation (Not Biuld Up)
47 - Psionic Tornado: OOOOO
* Positron's Blast (Not dmg/range)
49 - Mind Over Body: O
* Steadfast (+Def/Res)
Health: OOO
* Miracle: (Heal,Recovery)
* Numina's Con (Reg/Rec)
Stamina: OOOO
* Efficency Adaptor (Endmod, Endmod/Recharge)
* IO EndMod
* Preformancer Shifter (Chance for End) -
Hot Feet..
I had thought about Franken Slotting Hot Feet, but lose the Def.
Multistrike A/D/E + D/E
Sirccos D/A/E
Oblit A/D/R/E
Tempered Readiness E/R/S and A/E
Acc: 89%
Dam: 88.7% (Alpha will also add 11% to ED, and 22% past ED)
End: 105.6%
Rech: 40.4%
Slow: 48.3%
Certainly makes for a much more well rounded power.
Changing this one up, and dropping Knockback proc in stupfy.. I lose 4.69% from Range Def.
Dropping me to 27.42% Range Def. (En/Neg both drop to 28.04%).
But does free up 1 slot also... -
Love your guide btw
and thanks for the mids plug.
Currently I have
Hot feet 1 Acc/3 Dam/2 end
Choking cloud 3 End/3 hold.
Plus was running CJ, Man, Tactics, RI + EF and making use of Char, Fire Cages, tossing out Cinders and Flashfire. It wasn't unmangable... but definitely drained.
I'm not properly slotted yet for EndMod, and lack set bonus (currently just SOed).
I did see a mistake on Gaze of Basklisk slotting... Should be Reach/Hold not Acc/Rech for char, Emp and CC. Cinders stays with the Acc/Rech for extra Acc it needs.
Final Mods for Baslisk 4 set (not counting ED)
Acc 55.6% ( 77.4% for Cinders)
End 51.2%
Rech 73% ( 51.2% for Cinders)
Hold 94.6% (73% for Cinders)
Choking Clouds I also have a IO Endredux in pushing it to 93.6%
I figured 94.6% Hold and 93.6% was pretty solid. 3 Green SOs are pushing it to 96% if I recall under ED. 93.6% will be a bit lower with ED but not a massive difference.
I dont plan on running Mind over Body. Its simply a mule for Steadfast +Def.
Stupfy... That slotting I was worried about. The Knockback is that bad?As much as I like my Def were it is... Knocking stuff all over the place on a toon that really likes things clumped up is very bad. Dropping the Knockback would keep the power and my recharge mostly in tack. Loseing 3.13% Range Def kinda hurts however...
Hotfeet slotting...
Acc: 62.5%
Dam: 97.7%
End: 62.9%
Rech: 15.2%
Slow: 26.5%
I was having a hard time with this one... trying to get Dam, Def, and proper % in the power.
So Suggestions are most welcome here. -
Had this controller for awhile now, but finaly desided to contiune leveling her, and planning out her IO biuld. Sorry I dont have mids (it hates my computers) so I tried to do this long hand as clean as possible.
Looking for any feedback on any glaring holes I might have missed, and general feedback. I intentionaly avoided purple sets
Goal was to make a solid team Controller with Solid Solo capacity. Perma AM/Hasten/IW was a must (I think I hit it on all 3.... ). I also wanted to see about keeping solid Def. I picked Range Def figureing from play most of the time thats what seems to be the biggest threat to controllers. (being shot up at range by things). Many choices in the biuld were driven by my need to keep recharge and Range Def high, while not gimping damge and other things.
Hoping it balances out well in the end.... So far Controller is 34 and is doing Great
As far as Alpha Slot, Im shooting for Musculature (Radical Paragon)
Level 50 Magic Controller
Primary Power Set: Fire Control
Secondary Power Set: Radiation Emission
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Leadership
Ancillary Pool: Psionic Mastery
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Char OOOOO
* Basilisk's Gaze (Acc/Hold, Acc/Rech, End/Rech/Hold, Acc/End/Rech/Hold)
* Lockdown (Acc/End/Hold/Rech)
Level 1: Radiant Aura OOOOOO
* Numina's Convalescence (Full)
Level 2: Fire Cages OOOOOO
* Trap of the Hunter (ALL)
Level 4: Accelerate Metabolism OOOO
* Efficecy adaptor (EndMod/Rech/Acc, EndMod/Rech)
* Preformancer Shifter (Endmod/Rech/Acc, EndMod/Rech)
Level 6: Smoke O
* IO tohit Debuff
Level 8: Hot Feet OOOOOO
* Eradication (Quad, Dam, Dam Proc)
* Tempered Readiness (Acc/End, Dam/Slow)
* Multistrike (Acc/Dam/End)
Level 10: Radiation Infection OOO
* HO:Enzym x3
Level 12: Flashfire OOOOOO
* Stupfy (ALL)
Level 14: Combat Jumping O
* Luck of the Gambler (Def/Global Recharge)
Level 16: Hasten OOO
* IO Recharge x3
Level 18: Cinders OOOO
* Basilisk's Gaze (Acc/Hold, Acc/Rech, End/Rech/Hold, Acc/End/Rech/Hold)
Level 20: Lingering Radiation O
* IO Accuarcy
Level 22: Enervating Field O
* IO Endredux
Level 24: Manuver O
* Luck of the Gambler (Def/Global Recharge)
Level 26: Tactics O
* IO Endredux
Level 28: Choking Cloud OOOOOO
* Basilisk's Gaze (Acc/Hold, Acc/Rech, End/Rech/Hold, Acc/End/Rech/Hold)
* IO End Reduction
* Lockdown (Acc/End/Hold/Rech)
Level 30: Vengence O
* Luck of the Gambler (Def/Global Recharge)
Level 32: Fire Imps OOOOOO
* Expedient Reinforcments (ALL)
Level 35: Hover OOO
* Luck of the Gambler (Def/Global Recharge)
* Blessing of Zephyr (Knockback, Flight/Run/Jump/End/Range)
Level 38: EM Pulse OOOO
* Basilisk's Gaze (Acc/Hold, Acc/Rech, End/Rech/Hold, Acc/End/Rech/Hold)
Level 41: Indomitable Will OOOO
* Luck of the Gambler (Def/Global Recharge)
* IO Recharge x3
Level 44: Mental Blast OOOOOO
* Thunderstrike (ALL)
Level 47: Psionic Tornado OOOOOO
* Positron's Blast (Not dmg/range)
* Explosive Strike (Damage Proc)
Level 49: Mind Over Body O
* Steadfast (+Def/Res)
Level 1: Sprint O
* Celerity (Stealth)
Level 2: Swift O
* IO Run
Level 2: Hurdle O
* IO Jump
Level 2: Health OOO
* Miracle: (Heal, Recovery, Heal/End)
Level 2: Stamina OOOO
* Efficency Adaptor (Endmod, Endmod/Recharge)
* IO EndMod
* Preformancer Shifter (Chance for End)
High lights:
*Running only Combat Jumping, Manuver, and IW for Def*
Range Def 32.11%
En/Neg Def 32.73%
Psi Def 34.73%
Others 8.65% /cry
Others things of Note:
Global Recharge 186.25%
Global Accuarcy 25%
Recovery +42% *adding the little bonues together* -
I am sure someone out thier has tryed this and knows the answer.
Can you stack....
5 Luck of the Gambler 7.5% Global Recharge with...
Additional 7.5% recharge bonuses off other sets (like Basilisk's Gaze).
At first... it would seem no. 5 of the same type bonus, however.
I know with messing around with Smash/Lethal Bonuses on my tanker that just because it gives the same bonus, doesn't mean it is the same bonus when it comes to the rule of 5.
Luck of the Gamlber Recharge shows up on your power window as:
Luck of the Gambler: Global Recharge 7.5%
Were as other Recharge bonus will be in this format.
Huge Recharge Bonus 6.25%.
I'm thinking Basilisk's Gaze would indeed stack with luck of the Gambler.
Anyone out thier that could confirm? or prove it doesn't work? -
Quote:If you slot the cardiac ultra rare, 6 level 50 res IOs in fire shield/tough (cardiac takes care of their endurance use just fine) and the PvP +3% res, you get 86% res on FA. Add in two PvP melee sets and an Air Burst in your epic AoE blast, and you can get to the 90% cap. That PvP stuff is quite expensive, though, so for me it's more of an long-term goal :-)
Still, going from 70% ish S/L resistance to 83% ish (The cheap/easy stuff: Rare cardiac, one Air Burst set and 6 level 50 res IOs) has already made quite a noticeable difference on survivability.
Impressive, to say the least. I wouldn't worry much about pushing past the 86% mark. Cost vs return starts to get very deminishing thier. 86% + Healing Flames makes that a Very durable Fire Tanker.
Whats your Def look like? -
"It has two heals, but neither are big"
Compared to what? Dark Reg?
Energize heals just as much as Healing Flames, plus it has a 30s regeneration componet.
I wouldn't call that small... you want a small heal. Check out Energy Auras heal LOL.
Siphon Life has a very quick recharge. Yes compared to other heals its small... but its up often. -
As a Elec/SS/Mu Tanker with the Ultra-Rare, let me mention this.
I can still bottum my End Bar out.
So yes.. that 45% end Reduction was a big help.
As to the S/L res... I wonder as well at the slotting to get a FA to 86%.
I have the purple IO Shield wall +3% Res, and Ultra-Rare Cardaic Alpha.
S/L: 88.49%
*was capped but I just swapped around some stuff and I lost a bit of S/L* -
Preach on Brother Commando!!
Quote:Sorry missed this reply, I went back and checked my Energize. Your right its not Perma.. 40sI highly doubt you have 90% S/L res and perma energize. Then again I never purpled+pvp'd an Elec Tanker(only a Brute).
However Im not super biult for recharge ether (no Hasten etc). If someone wanted to , I am sure you could S/L cap and Perma Energize on Elec Tanker.
My case still stands... Elec/DM would be a very tough tanker, well rounded, surivable, and best of all...play it and forget it style tanker. -
Case in point
A Capped Res Fire Tanker is pretty uber in itself
Thanks for the replys all.
I would say that just goes to show even more that Elec is right up thier with WP and Dark. -
Quote:Hps is definitely a perk of Inv. But I could just as easyly point out how Elec laughs at Recluse energy attacks. Thier are many factors involved in overall toughness of a set. Im just saying out of the Box (SOs) Elec isn't some fragile set as many think it is and definitely for what hes doing needs to be looked at with the others. Especialy when combined with Darkness.It doesn't matter that much, maybe with Dark Armor.
Inv has a lot more HP, this is a really underrated feature. The biggest hitters in the game? S/L. See Bobcat, Goliaths, Recluse, Cimerorans. HP makes a big difference when facing those big hitters, I have experience both as an Elec Tanker and as an Empath on this.
IO Sets and extremes are a whole other ball game to get into. Elec tanker looks like a granite tanker on LGTF, were as I have watched Inv tankers crumble under the energy/Psi damage.
Quote:I'm not good at promoting Dark Armor, but Dechs' sold it to me. Basically Dark Regeneration is just that damn good.
Elec however does best Dark in Res, along with its other perks *shrug*
Quote:WP, much like Invuln also has the high HP feature, with ridiculous amounts of regen. If you take a look at the regen numbers on top WP builds you'll see why it's more survivable than Elec in general.
Say vs S/L.... My tanker has 90% res + 45 hp/sec and Soft Capped defense. Can a top end WP equal that? (I honestly dont know, thats why im asking)