66 -
But at no point should a friggin' huge electrical daemon start fleeing in terror just because it's involved in a fight. Neither should any giant monster, or arch-villain.
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I was fighting friggin' Deathsurge on a team that was my SoA and like, six Stalkers. So there was a lot of burst damage happening, but not enough to really move his health bar. Yet he still ran like a child faced with a pack of rabid chihuahuas. Nobody could get more than one hit in, and it was incredibly frustrating. -
I'm interested in freeing up a couple cool names on Pinnacle in exchange for a cool name or two on Infinity.
Names I have on Pinnacle:
If you've got any snazzy names on Infinity that you're willing to give up, I'd be more than happy to delete these relatively low-level characters and free up those names on Pinnacle.
Yes, I posted this on the Pinnacle boards, but hey, I figured, why not try here too. -
I'm interested in freeing up a couple cool names on Pinnacle in exchange for a cool name or two on Infinity.
Names I have on Pinnacle:
If you've got any snazzy names on Infinity that you're willing to give up, I'd be more than happy to delete these relatively low-level characters and free up those names. -
My FAQ is about a specific type of PROC and is not about the history of the various definitions of PROC, which there are many of them.
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You know, if someone points out an error in a polite way, you should try to dredge up a little class and say, "Thank you," whether or not you intend to implement the change. There was nothing rude about Kal's posts. -
I know that I've had it up to here with Patrol missions... half the time you run out of waypoints and have to stand there like an idiot while the players run amok somewhere else!
I suppose I shouldn't complain too loudly, what with it being free to download and all...
...but issue 12 was really, really unsatisfying. The writing, the art, the plot...
Whoever you're paying to do that is being paid too much.
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Truth, unfortunately. Issue #12 was a real step back in terms of story quality. -
I dont know what that means
whats the difference between a url and a ubb
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Just type exactly what he typed in that example. You should get this:
This text links to CoH's main site -
Seriously, Mecha, forums are no place to read anything that's of any length; they just aren't made for it. The best thing you could do is to get it hosted somewhere, make sure all your paragraphs are split up (especially the dialogue) and make the text black on white background.
Strongbad says, er sings rather, "Oh, if it's supposed to be possessive it's just I T S but, if it's supposed to be a contraction then it's I T ' S... Scallywag!"
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And now, the requisite link to Bob the Angry Flower. -
This game was so much better in issue 1 2 3 and even 4.
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Yeah, they should have kept this sucker in beta! Wait, people are always saying it is a beta... dang, man, now I'm confused. Are we making progress or not? If we are, we should stop! If we're not, full speed ahead! -
Woohoo! A zombie! To hell with Valentines, the revolution is over!
Time for a new one! I've read every page, and I don't think anyone's done this yet. Which is odd.
You can always put it back up. Remember, absence makes the loins burn hotter. Or something like that.
Huzzah for chalk hearts! Great idea, Taser.
Positron, I'm on the whole very pleased with badges, and I don't want to sound too critical, but I have two questions/concerns:
Some badges have placeholders and some don't (like Isolator, except it's justified). Some badges have counters and some don't (like Mentoring vs. Inf gain, or Lorekeeper in CoV differing from all other history badges). Some badge placeholders have descriptions and some don't (i.e. ???)
Would it be very difficult to make all the badges consistent with each other, all having a placeholder with a description or hint and a counter-bar to tell you how far along you are? I think this would be much appreciated.
Some badges have crazy requirements, and are not just challenging, but boring (i.e. Illusionist). This can't be just because it's got an accolade associated with it, because I soloed Croatoa and got every defeat badge for that accolade in the course of doing regular missions (something that's impossible with the Archmage accolade). Might some badges requirements be reduced like Zookeeper was? -
I remember there being just another cop there, though I forget his name. I'm not sure when Coyote came along, but he wasn't there when I subscribed (day #2).
9) William Shatner - Common People
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This is just a hilarious tune... he's practically spitting at the chick in the song. Shatner reinventing himself has got to be one of the most overlooked celebrity comebacks. -
I guess I could put my ten in. Randomly, and ignoring any band repeats:
1. Dave Matthews Band - #41 (Judge me by my college rock, you do? Nostalgia value, really.)
2. Barenaked Ladies - What a Good Boy (Got all the BNL, really, so no surprise this came up.)
3. Cake - Comfort Eagle (Not real big on Cake anymore, but I still like this song.)
4. The White Stripes - Offend in Every Way (I'm liking most of what they do.)
5. The New Pornographers - The Bleeding Heart Show (Great band. Love 'em.)
6. Gomez - Nothing is Wrong (Good weird band.)
7. Counting Crows - Amy Hit the Atmospehere (More college touchy-feely rock. I wish I was more edgy!)
8. Violent Femmes - Look Like That (I should get more of them, they're cool. In an angsty high-school emo kinda way. Are they Emo? Am I using that term right?)
9. Beck - Nitemare Hippy Girl (Not my favourite song, but I'm a sucker for complete albums. I take the chaff with the wheat.)
10. MC Chris - Robotussin (Weird geek rap.)
I wish the Coup had come up, or 54-40, or Ben Folds Five, or the Odds. What can I say, I'm no musical pioneer. -
1. Rhythm and Blues Alibi Gomez
[/ QUOTE ]
Cool, I hardly ever meet anyone who even knows who Gomez is. They're hit and miss, I think, but they're a great band overall, and nobody's heard of them (being an import doesn't help).
I'm liking Split the Difference, too. Good album. -
Really? Six months?
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I think it was more like 3 Issue updates a year, but I'm having a lazy day after finishing up a jury duty stint, so I'm not gonna dig around for the citation.
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Don't quote me on that six months thing either... that was memory, and mine's poor. -
Dude. Frosfire the AV. Now I know I'm going to be running the Hollows again.
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Heh, good point. Good ol' Frostfire... I hate him so much. -
I'm very pleased with these three announcements, guys, especially the AV one (it makes me wish my scrapper still had the Envoy of Shadows lined up so I could beat him to death with his own wings instead of getting a 50 to do it for me).
Will this change go the other way, too, with Elite Bosses like Hercules and Patient Zero becoming AVs if faced with a large enough team? -
For those keeping score at home:
Game launch: April 30, 2004
Issue 1: June 30, 2004 (2 months)
Issue 2: September 16, 2004 (about 2 1/2 months)
Issue 3: January 4, 2005 (a little over 3 months)
Issue 4: May 4, 2005 (4 months)
Issue 5: August 31, 2005 (a little under 4 months)
Issue 6: October 31, 2005 (2 months)
Average time between issues: 2.91 months!
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Dude, it really felt like so much longer. I think it was the hyping.
Oh well, they did say that they were moving to a six-month schedule for issues. -
[censored], Archon, get a hobby or something.