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  1. I'll be back next week, finally off the graveyard shift.
  2. I'll be out the next two sessions, working the night shift.
  3. I'll be on tonight, have a working system again. I'll be out next week though... I'll be moving etc...
  4. I'll be out for the next couple sessions, moving and changing jobs. Funny, my last day at the jobsite was Friday the 13th... lol.

    Anyway, it appears that the harddrive of my game machine finally bit it. I'll probably take this down time to put together a new rig. This last one has been kicking for about 5 years with no major issues & only gpu updates every couple of years.

    I'll see ya'll sometime in mid june I figure.
  5. We ran with 7 members, doing papers and odd missions here and there. At around 9 we hit the treespec and wrapped it up early a bit after 9:30. Turnouts have been really low lately.
  6. Yup, back in the day when you could fill a dumster with an entire map of war wolves :P
  7. I'm going to street sweep the last 3 bars to 12 so I can be set with level 15 IOs at the start of the next session.
  8. I ended mid 11 or so. Going to have to start my market hijinks to get the enhancements I need
  9. I've been sitting on the sidelines pretty much, waiting for the wrap-up of this one to rejoin. After I got back from Afghanistan in November, I switched jobs and moved to the other side of Florida... So, I've been really out of sorts. I figure everything is mostly back in order now :P
  10. Well, I'm in Qatar now, and have fast internet access for the night. I'm going to let the updater run and see if it will finish out here.

    I should be back in Tampa tomorrow night, then I need to get my game PC updated, both the regular game and test ( Oh joy! ).

    I don't know if I'll be on much the first week I'm back, really need to get stuff squared up after being out here for 6 months.
  11. I'll be heading back from Kabul today. I figure I'll just hold off and join in at the start of the next run. I need to run around and see all the new updated stuff anyway.
  12. I'm unable to login anymore out here. The 600+ meg patch is hosing me. It keeps restarting rather than resuming I can't stay in one place connected to the wi-fi for 189 hours that it would take to update in one shot.... sigh.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Katsamoto View Post
    I found it quite pleasant actually.......NOT!

    How long you got left?
    189 hours for the update to download/apply... LOL

    3 Months and a couple weeks till I head home.

  14. I hope I'm back for the 10th running

    Sigh, just a FYI, Afghanistan sucks.
  15. I vote we wait until December when I get back from this hell hole! :P
  16. I'll be in tonight after all. Just got home, grabing a samich then heading in.
  17. I'm pretty much done in ISOs for now. I'll be missing tonight & next week I head out overseas for 6 months. I'll be back sometime in November.
  18. I'll be around if there is still a spot, can bring whatever.
  19. I'll be back next week, was working the night shift this past month. I've got a lot of catching up to do
  20. I'm going to miss the next 4 gatherings as I'm working the night shift this month.
  21. I won't be here tonight, working a project late. Lately, work blows.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    Well, then that raises the question: Who IS interested in this?
    I will be there until I rotate to Afghanistan again, probably sometime late May.

  23. Kong, I think most folks that have been around 5 years feel the same way... I know I've cut my CoH playtime considerably over the last year. All my friends slowly filtered out, and I've played less and less as a result. I'd take it, but I really question my longterm viability at this point. Besides, I'll be in Afghanistan again come May.
  24. I'm still at work, so I won't be making it tonight.

    What is ME2?
  25. Well tonight ran pretty good, we had a good mix of ATs and just powered through most of the carnies. We were moving so fast I got into a "scrapper lock" a bit... Sorry Witch

    I think we made it through most of that arc, almost all defeat all carnies in building missions. We had a few deaths toward the end, mostly over-confidence stuff with people going after multiple spawns etc... always seems to happen. I ended up a dot or so from 43.