1046 -
How about a story on Blue Steel. You know, the guy in Kings Row? That really cool looking guy? You dont know? Oh, ok. Im not sure the devs do either.
Since you are on freedom you can look me up. Put Blood Wolffe on your friends list.
Bah, the fact that their characters are in it helps a lot in interest in the story. Besides, there were two people on the forums that after reading their stories I decided to try my hand at. You and Rose Cross.
As for the shapeshifter thing, toe-mae-toe, tuh-mah-toe. Metal Wolffe can take any form he wants, even multiple people so long as they are all connected and the same mass as his original form. A true shapeshifter. Metal Tooth can change from one form to another. -
K, I need to go back and re-read this story b/c when did Tooth become a shapeshifter? In the beginning he was a warwolf with a metal jaw. And then who is Metal Wolffe? Another warwolf dude?
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Metal Wolffe is the shapeshifter, introduced in chapter 4, page 2. Metal Tooth is a warwolf that can change forms at will. I probably shouldnt have given them such close names, but I decided to put Metal Wolffe in after Metal Tooth. Looks like you guys arent the only ones reading it. Looks like Moderator 6 cleaned up some typos for me. Check out at the bottom of chapter 4. -
Just click on the edit button, you should still have time I think.
One suggestion, it is hard to read right now. I am thinking that you wrote it in another program is all. Could you please modify it so it flows better? Other than that, thumbs up, keep going with it.
((Another two parter. Busy busy busy. Damn texans, making me write faster. You all come to New York eventually anyways, so Im not worried about it.))
XX. Predator and Prey (Part 1)
"We are being hunted."
"I know." Tigonus said.
"Good. Im glad Im not going insane." Blood Wolffe said.
Tigonus gave him a sideways glance. The scent was sometimes feint, sometimes strong. Familiar yet very alien. Walking through the dense forest, the thousands of smells sometimes tried to mask it, but those with keen senses knew something was following them. There were visible marks too. Large claw marks on some trees they passed by. Deep gouges into the flesh of the tree. Whatever did it was extremely powerful, taking large chunks out of thick trees. The wounds in the trees were fresh too.
The Wilderness was probably the most dangerous place in the world. After the Cleansing the monsters that were in Paragon City expanded outside its borders and went unchecked. Quickly multiplying in their new home. The constant noise of various species filled the air and the overgrown plant life was dense and hard to navigate. Occasionally a deep moan or a throaty howl could be heard in the distance from some unkown, unspeakable creature.
Not wanting to needlessly scare the group the two kept it to themselves. It would be a few days before whatever it was would make its move. When they were good and tired. Still they made sure everybody stayed together. Splitting up would mean death, if it was for even a second.
Michael was a big concern. He barely ate, and seemed out of it. He hadnt said a word since he woke up. He just trudged along, staring at the ground as he went. His mother was the only one able to get a response out of him, even then, it was only grunts and nods. Wether it was because he wasnt well or because they knew about him was unkown. Whatever the reason he would probably be picked as a target and needed extra attention.
Tigonus stared with fierce concentration into the forest. Nothing but lush green forest stared back at him with the chorus of jungle like sounds accompanying it.
"Tigonus... Tigonus!" Lord Raymond yelled out to him, "What are you staring at? Lets go."
As he turned and walked back to the rest of the group Lord Raymond spoke quietly so only Tigonus could hear him.
"What is it?"
"I dont know." Tigonus said, "I never caught a scent like that before. But I remember it from somewhere. I know it doesnt make sense but trust me. It isnt a good thing."
Off in the distance something could be heard screaming. Something's prey.
"Do they know you are following them Metal Tooth?" Black Sky crackled in over her video com connection.
"Some are being cautious, none of them know for sure though." Metal Tooth replied.
"Requiem has advised me that The Center wants you to attack soon. You will not have me there to hold your hand. Do you think you can handle that?" She said teasingly.
Metal Tooth growled. He didnt find it all that humorous she guessed.
"Nothing will be left but scraps." He growled.
Speaking of which. They were hungry, and now was not the time to attack them. He had time though for them to rebuild their appetite. He could let them hunt...
Black Sky cut off the signal. She was in some burnt up town that nobody remembered. As she shut her com device off she sensed a presence behind her. She turned around to find Metal Wolffe, who had camouflaged himself into the background.
"Well, having all the fun without me are you?" Metal Wolffe said impishly.
Black Sky was annoyed with Metal Wolffe's existence. Ever since Requiem finished his work on him no attention was paid to the original group. He was a threat to her position to be sure. They both knew it too.
"You go ahead and keep praising yourself youngblood. You are nothing more than Requiem's pet project of the month. You think you are the first? You think you are the best? You have much to learn. Besides, Metal Tooth and the pack are going to win the war before you even have the taste of battle on your lips." Black Sky said turning away from him and crossing her arms.
Metal Wolffe turned into a shapeless blob and darted around her, reforming into his figure in front of her trying to hide the somewhat distressed look on his face.
"He sent the pack? Looks like I wont be able to show you what I am capable of. Rest assured though, I am more powerful than you."
Black Sky grimaced, "You vile little [censored]! I am a superior officer and you will give the proper respect or I will have your head!"
"Take it. Go on, take my head if you feel so inclined."
She just stared at him with rage and said the only thing she could think of, "You dont even serve the Empire. You serve yourself."
"I serve it for my own purposes. But dont change the subject, take my head." He was grinning now, "Or do you need motivation to do it. Let me help you."
Metal Wolffe began to change shape until he resembled three humans connected to each other. Black Sky's Mother, her as a child and a man ripping her out of her mother's arms, then a large sword into her mother. He then changed back into his original form with a grin that was literally from ear to ear.
Black Sky's mouth dropped open. Her claws popped out and she unsheathed her poison katana. She swung the sword at his neck with full force. He didnt move or even blink, but his neck parted to allow the katana to pass through, closing up behind it. Her swing hit nothing. Several more swipes with no results and she gave up, staring at him and breathing heavily with frustration and rage.
"Requiem has put me in charge." Metal Wolffe said with a deadly serious face, "You now take orders from me. Understand? If you feel the need to, ask him yourself. Now collect yourself, we are moving out."
The Greater Devoured stalked the area. It was time for dinner. Unfortunately the area seemed to be unusually quiet. The beast let out a grunt of discontent. It was hungry, and nothing was around to eat, which led to anger. Eventually it swiped at a tree in frustration, watching with satisfaction as it fell to the ground.
It perked its head up as it caught a new scent and sound. To the left, then behind it, then to right and forward. Rustling in the foliage and growling. The Greater Devoured's instincts told it something was about to attack it, so it got into a defensive position.
A shadowy figure raced by it, bumping into it as it passed. The Devoured spun around to find nothing. Then it stumbled a little as it felt the wound made from a large bite to the back. It could feel the warm blood running down and decided it would be best to run. Two steps later another shadow of a figure knocked it down and it was quickly dragged into thicker foliage, out of sight. Metal Tooth heard the beast roar as it fought back, then squeal in pain as he heard them crunch into it. It was quickly silenced, leaving only the sounds of tearing flesh and growling as the unwanted bits of flesh were flung from out the bushes.
Metal Tooth couldnt have been more pleased with them. Requiem's projects always proved to be so horrifically beautiful.
The real hunt would begin soon. He had to let them build up their appetite a little.
((Oh by the way, Xyfen, you can use my guy too if you want.)) -
DAmn you All! Everytime is see this thread in blue I think it is a new update to the story! You guys keep getting my hopes up then destroy it! DAMN!!!!!1
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Ditto. I can't stand it anymore.... I'm suffering here, Wolffe!!!!!
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Writing as I post this... Not an easy task. -
I like it. In fact the one single thing I would change is calling the heroes "Heroes". Obviously he doesnt think they are. He should give them a name that shows how they failed. That way he is not just evil. It will help readers identify with him. I like it though. I have been trying to come up with a Villain that isnt completely villainous. Just like I dont like heroes that are completely heroic. They are much more interesting when they tread the line, have personal demons and such. Excellent job!
Now im stating my actual name, which is: Kenny Lebowits. I have fooled many people over my 2 years as a resident of paragon, for instance:
"Hi, I am Michael, whats your name?"
"Sam, and Im not a troll." He said getting up on his own, "And I coulda took him."
Ok lemme clear sumthin up....I AM NOT REALLY GREEN.
It was there that i changed my name to Sam Austin, painted myself green, grew a beard, shaved it off, and got my heroes licence.
[/ QUOTE ]
Had me fooled. By the way, "Grew a beard and shaved it off" was priceless. Just priceless. -
Sorry, no new chapter this time. Just wanted to point out another thread.
Scroll down to the second response. See if anything looks familiar in the quote box. -
That is funny. I mean really funny. You get an LOL, some stars, and a request to expand on it.
but I am not writing a book.
[/ QUOTE ]
Umm... lets see... 19 chapters, 119 pages in Microsoft word, 43,151 words, 1,801 paragraphs, and 5,402 lines.
I don't know what you call a book but thats pretty fraggin close I think. ;-)
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Well when you put it that way... -
Psionic in real life... I would say that if you were not the target then you would not even see it. Its all in the mind after all. Anyone else seeing it would make it an optical illusion and not really psychic in my book.
I would also say it would be subjective. One image or sound that would terrify one person might not even phase another. That kind of psychic weapon is very scary and personal. Hope that helps. -
The way I look at bio backgrounds for the ID is I write it as it would be written by an official ID card place. Because to me it is your electronic ID card. The boards are for the stories.
I have tried to work as many people into the story as possible. I did not expect to get as many replies as I did when I started this. However I did say that huge roles were not guaranteed. I have plans for everyone who entrusted me with their character, which I consider a great privelage. Everybody has been at least gotten honorable mentions, and will be referred to at least once more later on. If you have ideas to further involve any your character(s) into the story please PM me. I have taken some suggestions from people and am open to them (I did this with one person in particular and it turned out to be one of my favorite parts of the story). That does not mean I WILL take them, it has to flow with the continuity. I will do my best to work with you until we reach an agreement. I do feel bad that not everybody is getting equal parts but I am not writing a book. Trust me, everyone will be at least referred to again. Just wanted to clarify.
It definately has potential. It just needs to be panned out more. For a bio background it is good though. Is there going to be more?
I have to disagree with Shadow. I read every story on the boards... when Im not too busy. This is some very good writing style. Very descriptive. I like it alot, and its obvious you have talent. Still, even if nobody reads it you should still write it, if for no one other than yourself.
((Took some of the ideas from some of the posts. i.e. Techsupport's. I also like calling the Jadenium shards "Quills"))
XIX. Wounds, Old and New
Michael winced in pain. Helsinger's Jadenium quills seemed to burrow deeper into the muscle of his chest with every movement. He was also growing tired fast, he estimated he could go about another four minutes at the current pace, leaning on Captain Neem and Lord Raymond. Nausea was setting in too. Just as he was about to say he felt sick he collapsed. Lord Raymond and Captain Neem let him down easy on a grassy patch. Lord Raymond noticed that they were on the edge of the wilderness. Everything looked wild and overgrown.
The sounds of strange creatures howling from deep in the forest echoed in the night sky. It was a contrast to the Wasteland, which seemed alive but was devoid of all life.
Helen began barking frantic orders, "Nobody thats Invulnerable class hero touch his wounds. Get his shirt off and give me a knife!"
Michael was barely aware of his surroundings as he slipped into unconsciousness. Barely aware that they were cutting his shirt off of him. Barely aware of Eternal Twilight seeing what he hid all this time and what he said next.
"Is that a Council tattoo!?"
Then darkness washed over him.
From his sealthed Hover Jet Requiem watched. He watched as the heroes fought the Captain and his experiment, Tick-Tok. Metal Wolffe stood next to him closely observing Requiem.
"You could have saved Captain Helsinger. Why didnt you." Metal Wolffe said.
He knew why he didnt, anyone could see Requiem's growing dislike for Helsinger.
Requiem spoke without turning away from the monitor with the image of the heroes. "The Captain had lost focus when he found Helen Markov and her son, spinning wildly out of control, doing anything he could to bring them misery no matter what it cost him or the Council. He became a liability when he told them of The Center's plans. Today they were my allies."
"Are you going to tell The Center about Tick-Tok? I hear that anyone that has ever spoken with him has either became frighteningly loyal or died. If that is true, then this anomaly would be some upsetting news for him."
"It is... was true. He dominates their minds. Crushing all their will until it is a blank slate to rebuild as he sees fit. Be a willing servant, or be made a willing servant. He will certainly feel the ripple from Tick-Tok's mind."
The Center certainly could feel the ripple too. Just for a brief moment, before he felt the one who's mind he touched dissappear forever. Controlling him like a puppet would have failed even faster. The will overcomes it much easier than making something a temptation to them.
Requiem contacted Black Sky and Metal Tooth from his jet, "Metal Tooth. You are to go to the Wilderness and intercept the heroes. Bring the "pets".
Metal Tooth had been waiting for some real prey. Hunting down the pockets of resistance all around the country had not been a challenge. The last good prey he caught the scent of back at the abandoned warehouse was with them. It peaked his interest.
"Yes Requiem." He said in a gravelly voice. His teeth that dwarfed him in his human form clanked shut at the end of his sentence.
"Black Sky, you start heading towards Metal Tooth."
"Yes Requiem."
She too, grew weary of cleaning up the heroes around the empire. These ones seemed to be a bit more of a challenge. They had killed Sonic Boom. Not the hardest task in her mind but proof of their worthiness. Hopefully there would be something left. Hopefully she could meet Metal Tooth before he met them.
Metal Wolffe watched the heroes on the screen. He would get his revenge. But he would be smart about it. He would use the assassins to distract the rest of the group to get his target.
"Michael WAKE UP!" Helen said.
She pulled the quills out that were sticking out. But the little pieces were the dangerous ones. They were the ones that hid.
"I dont know if I got them all." She said desperately.
Blood Wolffe came to him and leaned over Michael, smelling the wound. Helen watched with a worried expression, not sure what he was doing. Before long he lunged down biting deep into the wound. Helen made a dive to protect her son, but Tigonus stopped her, he knew what Wolffe was trying to do. It was enough to wake Michael up screaming and trying to push Wolffe away. Blood Wolffe winced in pain and pulled up his head, and spit out a small chunk of flesh and green slivers, then pulled the ones out of his mouth that stabbed him. He sniffed the wound again, and repeated the process.
"That should be all of them."
Tigonus let Helen go. She would have to slap Blood Wolffe when this was done. Maybe Tigonus too. Right now she had to focus on Michael, there was still the allergic reaction to worry about. The green tint in his veins told her that it was pretty severe. It had spread chest to his neck, and was still in his hands and arms. It was quickly working towards his heart, brain, and lungs. The allergic reaction was too far along for removal of the quills to mean anything. Helen was going to lose her son because of her own creation.
"I cant help him." She said beginning to cry, "Im sorry Michael."
Techsupport looked at the ground for a moment, thinking furiously, "Everybody get back." Techsupport said. No more time to think.
"What?" Helen said. Everyone looked at him confused.
"Get back! Trust me. Etherburn, Pandora, Core Being, help me." He said as a hum started to grow from his suit.
Everyone backed away, getting out of range of the trio of radioactive heroes. The hum grew louder until it vibrated the ground and the four were glowing.
"I hope this works." Techsupport thought. The alarm in his helmet beeped displaying the words "APPROACHING CRITICAL LEVELS!"
The other three were breathing heavily as the expenditure of radiation began draining them.
Focusing it all into Michael they all flooded him with waves of regenerative radiation. They would change the way his body worked so there would be no more allergic reaction. Or he would grow another leg.
Slowly the wound began to close up until it dissappeared completely. The other three kneeled to rest up. Techsupport was literally steaming now. His suit shut down, leaving him to carry its weight himself without the help of servo motors.
He clunked over to a rock and dropped to the ground.
"He'll be okay."
Helen sighed with relief, then turned and slapped Blood Wolffe.
"Dont you EVER bite my son again."
She decided just to glare at Tigonus, which made him look down to the ground and nervously hold his tail in front of him. Before she could change her mind Captain Neem pulled her away to talk in private.
"Everybody find some place out of sight to camp until morning." He said as he walked off.
He led her into the treeline until they could barely hear the others.
"Helen. Why does Michael have a Council tattoo?" Captain Neem said.
"It was from when he was a child Neem. He hasnt been Council for over twelve years."
"You still could have told me. I know he is a good kid. Dont you trust me?" Neem said.
She wanted to trust him. The others. She did with her own life, but She already lost so much of her family.
"You have to understand, protecting him is more important than my life." Helen said.
"You can trust me Helen. You can always trust me." Captain Neem said, "I will explain to them about his past."
"Thank you Neem." She said hugging him.
He hugged her back. She had been through so much. He wanted to help her, to keep her safe from everything. But the more help she needed, the more she shielded herself away from everybody, including him.
"It isnt fair." He thought.
The cargo helicopter arrived early. Still Metal Tooth was waiting. It lowered a giant reinforced metal box with small holes in it to the ground. On its way down growling could be heard from the inside, then the loud crash of something getting anxious inside. Several dents could be seen around the box. Metal Wolffe chuckled. More deep growls came from inside and another louder crash that rocked the helicopter a little.
"They know the hunt is about to begin." He turned to an assistant, "Smithers, release the hounds."
((Couldnt resist the reference. Im sure you know what it is. "What are you going to do? Send the dogs after me? Or the bees? Or the dogs with the bees in their mouths that when they bark they shoot bees at you?" To clarify on The Center's powers in case you didnt get it. He can increase your desire to do one thing, decrease it to do another. Instead of playing puppet master he changes your desires, ambitions, and dreams. The personality remains, just changes the affected persons alignment. Much harder to resist than puppet control.")) -
There should still be the RPing in specific locations for impact and in between missions. It will get harder to get into an RP SG though. Say goodbye to Gemini Park.
Ran over here from my thread when I heard you wrote another one. Partly to read it. Partly to hide from QueenEtheria camping out at my thread. Great chapter. I see the story is seen through Valerius' eyes more than Etheria's. Its hard to pull off a smooth perspective change, in my opinion, which is what you did perfectly.
Thanks Jim Flame! Also, thank you Swifty. Your avatar kinda freaks me out but thanks anyways. I will be writing the next chapter some time after the weekend.
That's too bad. I remember that thread too and wondered why it suddenly died after being so popular. But I have to wonder how you presented your idea to the community. If you want to be experimental you have to get everybody's approval first and say exactly what you are going to do. Whether or not its your thread. If its an open RP as soon as someone else posts it is the community's thread too.
You will get SG bases without CoV. Just wont be able to participate in raids. Quite a generous offer from the Devs in my opinion.
Thank you everybody! You all made my day. Seeing how writing this story has been a joy it is with no heavy heart to continue it, so the next one will be up soon. Just to let you know (and mercilessly tease you) this story is already done... in my head and the beginning of the next two.
MU HA HA HA HA HA HA! Its my birthday and I will laugh maniacally if I want to!