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  1. Ow! Ow! Ow!

    *pops accuracy*

    Necro thread ninja star attack!





    *Accuracy inspiration*

    *Accuracy inspiration*

    *Accuracy inspiration*

    *Accuracy inspiration*


  2. *Blocks, takes corpse, and uses it to bludgeon Revolver in the nuts*
  3. Blood_Wolffe

    The New Empire

    Hell, Halo had a book written about it. If they ever have a contest to write a book, Im submitting it! I would buy a copy. Thats two sales for sure!
  4. I was wondering why that guy who made a character before the isolater badge only had a 19. Guess he really isnt a power gamer.
  5. Relax, they said they are going to start defiance earlier. How much earlier remains to be seen. I think it should start at 75%. That may sound too powerful to some but think about it. It only takes about 3 hits give or take to take down a blaster. To see any benefit that could help our survivability it would have to start around here.
  6. Blood_Wolffe

    The New Empire

    By the way, meant to write this earlier. Thank you for the comments. I look forward to them more than you guys look forward to the next chapter. I like to see what you thought about it.

    So... Thanks.
  7. If he comes by Riyadh, Saudi Arabia tell him to come on over, its a party over here! Well, compared to Iraq it is.
  8. Blood_Wolffe

    The New Empire

    ((Eventually Tech. Be patient. Long read.))

    XXI. The Choice

    A bruised, beaten, and cut up Metal Tooth limped his way in his human form back towards the temporary Council base set up in an old ghost town. Tents were set up in neat patterns containing various electronic equipment. Council guards and technicians were going about their business. It was almost a bee hive of activity. He was safe now. He could heal up and he, Black Sky, and that damnable Metal Wolffe could easily outmatch the Ring of Resistance. Black Sky walked out of one of the tents set up in their perfect patterns.

    "Where is the pack?" She asked.

    "All dead or ran off. I barely made it out myself." he got out between his breaths.

    Black Sky frowned, "Requiem will not be happy."

    "The loss of the pack are the least of his worries." Metal Tooth said, "They are close enough now to be a serious threat."

    She nodded in response, "True."

    "We should wait and ambush them when they come through. They wont stand a chance against all three of us."

    Black Sky examined his wounds closely, "You are hurt pretty badly." She said putting her hand on his slashed chest.

    She extended her claws and scratched down it. Metal Tooth staggered back in shock and pain. He felt a sensation as if the flesh around the wound was tightening up. Not only was her katana poisoned, but so were her claws. Even the slightest scratch was fatal and he knew it.

    "You failed pathetically in perfect health and look at you now. Did you think failure would go unpunished? You are just deadweight."

    Metal Tooth roared furiously as he changed into his wolf form. He swiped at her furiously but his brute strength was no match for her speed. She ducked and weaved out of the way effortlessly, drawing her katana and cutting an flesh and bone arm off just below the elbow sending more poison into him. With his transformation, increased heart rate, and extra dose of poison it wasnt long before Metal Tooth began swinging sluggishly. A glazed look came over him as he collapsed to the ground. His animal instincts took over, and he began wimpering sickly until no sounds or motion came from him at all. Just an empty stare into infinity.

    "I will deal with them myself." Black Sky said watching the last bit of life ebb out of Metal Tooth with a disguisted look on her face.

    "No. Not alone." A voice said from behind her.

    It was Metal Wolffe.

    "You can deal with the rest as you please but leave me whats rightfully mine."

    "Just stay out of my way." Black Sky said.

    "Tear all this down!" Metal Wolffe yelled to the troops in their tents, "I want to surprise them. Hurry! They will be here soon!"

    "Its not long now" he muttered under his breath.


    Hours had passed since they had began walking out from the edges of the ever-growing Wilderness it evolved into the ever familiar ruin of some forgotten city. It was overcast and the color seemed to wash out of everything. The city was truly dead. Devoid of life for years. Past the city was a giant mountain that cast a shadow over them. Black as midnight with smoke coming from various parts. It seemed somehow deformed and twisted in its shape.

    "What is that?" Lord Raymond said to noone in particular.

    Some shook their head as they looked at the strange sight.

    "I have." Blood Wolffe said, "I know what you are talking about. I saw it the last time I was there. The last time I went to the main Council base. Thats where we are going."

    "We gotta go there!?" Xyfen said.

    "You're not going anywhere." Black Sky said as she came around the corner of a building.

    "No further." She added.

    The heroes took a defensive stance as they saw her weapons.

    "We have come a long ways and fought the whole way. Are you sure you want to do this?" Captain Neem said.

    She replied with a sneer as she extended her claws.

    As she slowly closed the gap between them, the circle spread out, and closed the distance. Eventually encircling her. Black Sky remained calm and cool as they did. She watched their movements, sizing them up. Remaining unsettlingly calm.

    As Blood Wolffe was about to attack when something knocked him to the ground. A blast of scalding hot energy that sizzled on him. Michael and Captain Neem ran to him to check him and find the source of the blast.

    "Hello Blood Wolffe. Do you remember me?" Metal Wolffe said as he came from inside another building.

    The voice wasnt familiar.

    "Should I?" Wolffe said getting up coughing.

    "You should. We were experimented on by Crey at the same facility as kids. Except when you escaped you left me. You left your own brother."

    "I never had a brother."

    "No! When our parents were going to abort and Crey intercepted they found twins. I am your brother, Blood Wolffe."

    When Metal Wolffe stepped into the light they saw the two looked just like each other, minus the scars on Metal Wolffe.

    "You were my one hope of getting out of there. But You never came back for me! Well eventually I escaped too. I followed you to Paragon, watched you and planned my revenge."

    Blood Wolffe looked confused.

    "I saw your friendship with Neem. I decided if I could link someone he cared about to your experiments I could get you to betray him. His uncle worked for Crey, but not on you. I planted a trail of evidence to lead you to him. I made you kill the wrong guy, stab your friend in the back for nothing, and stole your revenge. So come and fight me now brother, its almost complete. Now you have to die like the dog you are."

    Blood Wolffe was shocked at first, but it quickly boiled down into hatred, and he started stalking towards Metal Wolffe.

    Lord Raymond moved in to attack him too.

    "Not so fast." The vampire purred, "The rest of you are mine."

    Taking his heavy axe Lord Raymond swung it straight at her chest. In a blur she dodged it, leaning just out of the way. Several times before swinging back at him. Her poisoned claws stopped inches from his face before being stopped by Tabby Cat's claws. The two smiled at each other before furiously swinging at each other, their blades sparking off each other. The deadly exchange's fluid movements were perfect and mesmerizing. It was ended when Captain Neem fired a blast of energy at her. Black Sky cartwheeled back out of the way. Everybody else took that as their cue to attack and moved in.

    Metal Wolffe pointed his arm at Blood, it morphing as he raised it into a strange cannon. Metal Wolffe fired a shot of scorching hot energy at him. Blood was struck in the chest and knocked to the ground again. He got up and they both ran to each other, locking in battle.

    Black Sky was occupying the rest. She was fast enough to dodge most everything they threw at her. Michael gave her a roundhouse kick and was actually fast enough that she had to block it. He immediately followed up with a left and right hook. She blocked them and saw his Council tattoo.

    "Aaah, the Council boy. I know about you."

    "Im not Council!" He growled through his teeth.

    "You cannot change who you were. You will always be Council" She whispered back so only the two would hear.

    "NO!" He yelled.

    Black Sky fell back to the ground with a surprised look on her face.

    "Lets see you dodge this." Steele said, pumping a buckshot round into her weapon.

    The bb's pelted Black Sky and Eternal Twilight immediately followed up with a running kick, but Black Sky was fast enough to block it.

    Mr. H swung his katana at her neck. She drew hers and blocked it. Mr. H saw the black liquid dripping down the edge of her blade.

    "Poison? Thats low."

    The two clashed with their swords. Black Sky using her claws to block incoming blows from other heroes occasionally.

    Metal Wolffe had been pinned to the ground by Blood Wolffe.

    "Tell me Blood, does this sound familiar? Xenon exposure in one minute."

    He was imitating the people that had experimented on them, and perfectly, he sounded just like them.

    "Preparing radiation emmission module."

    It brought back a flood of painful memories of being clamped into a table, unable to move away from the painful, sickening experiments.

    Blood Wolffe screamed, striking a laughing Metal Wolffe in the face repeatedly until Metal Wolffe morphed quickly out of the way, making Blood punch deep into the muddy ground. Trying to pull it out he found it was very stuck. Metal Wolffe quickly came around and kicked him in the ribs.

    Black Sky swung her katana down at Mr. H as he raised his to block. She weaved out of Lord Raymonds axe as Eternal Twilight Kicked her thigh, causing her stance to buckle as her knee was forced to the ground. Techsupport shocked her and Acier and Tigonus wound up and punched her in the chest, knocking her back to the ground.

    Blood Wolffe laid on his back bloodied up from his fight.

    "Pathetic." Metal Wolffe said as he pointed a cannon arm at his face.

    Before he could get the shot off Blood Wolffe knocked it to the side and shot a powerful burst of energy at his shoulder. The energy disintegrated the shoulder causing the arm to fall and melt into a puddle of the fleshy metal that Metal Wolffe was made of. Metal Wolffe stumbled back in surprise looking at where his arm used to be. He could easily regrow it, but the shock from losing it was enough for Blood Wolffe to leap onto him with predatory instinct now.

    Black Sky was being overwhelmed. Her frustration grew until she couldnt take it anymore.

    "Enough!" She said as she waved her hand at the heroes encircling her.

    All at once everybody was lifted off the ground by an invisible force. They were choking and raking at their necks trying to pry the invisible hands off them.

    "No more games." She said getting up.

    "You can all watch as I kill you one by one. Starting with you." She said to Captain Neem.

    Blood Wolffe had Metal Wolffe pinned again. This time he wouldnt punch though, he would nova and disintigrate this monster bringing back all that pain. He grabbed him by the neck and brought his face close, growling, showing his sharp teeth.

    Blood Wolffe turned as he heard Captain Neem choke out kicking in the air. Black Sky was approaching him with her poison katana drawn.

    Then he turned back as Metal Wolffe coughed for air and gurgled out, "I watched you in the arena. I ripped out your eyes. Amazing what you can do for the right price, huh?"

    A smile spread across Metal Wolffe's face.

    Black Sky walked up to Captain Neem.

    "Now you die." She said raising her katana. As she swung down an energy blast deflected the blades trajectory, missing Captain Neem.

    She turned around to find Blood Wolffe.

    "This is not your fight. Go get your revenge. These ones are mine." Black Sky said.

    "Not my pack." Blood Wolffe said as he shot a volley of energy at her.

    She easily dodged them.

    "Fine, then you die first." She said.

    They walked, then picked up the pace until they were running at each other. Blood Wolffe stopped short and fired a powerful blast of energy at her. She spun out of the way and stabbed him just below the ribcage. Deep. He could feel a sensation as if flesh around the wound was tightening up. She was facing away from him with her sword still in him. She pulled it out and began to walk back to Neem and felt a hand grab her shoulder. She spun around and stabbed Wolffe again just a little lower than last time.

    "Now your 'pack' dies." She said dismissively as she began to pull her sword back out.

    Then she felt a tug at her sword. Looking down she saw he grabbed it. Blood dripping from where he gripped the edge.

    "Not... my pack."

    He pulled the sword and her as he pushed forward, his boots scraping on the ground as he tried to push off it, growling the whole time. The sound of the sword cutting through him until it came out his back was enough to catch her off guard. He clamped her hands to the sword with one hand, and put his other arm around her to get her in close.

    She hissed showing her vampyric teeth and he growled showing his canine teeth. Then he pulled her hair down, exposing her neck.

    As he began to nova his goggles cracked and two blue orbs of energy were floating in his sockets. He could see. He bit into her neck and a blue explosion enveloped them both. He held onto her as she screamed, then burned away into nothing.

    The choking hold around everybody's neck was released and they dropped to the ground.

    Blood Wolffe looked over to where Metal Wolffe was. Gone. Ran away. Then he faltered a little bit before falling down.

    Etherburn ran up to him and pulled out the sword, tossing it aside. She placed her hand on the wound and released a wave of healing radiation. When she removed her hand it was still there.

    "The poison..." she said, "It wont let me heal him."


    "Yes Wolffe?" He said kneeling down.

    "Im sorry. For everything."

    "Dont be. Im the one who should be sorry."

    "Dont be." Wolffe said.

    "Keep going down this road. When it turns keep going straight. You will find it. You have too."

    "No... You show us, you can fight this thing off. Its nothing." Captain Neem said reassuringly.

    "You and I both know Im not going any further. Wheres Michael?" He said back.

    "Im right here." He said.

    Blood Wolffe mumbled something Michael couldnt hear. When he leaned in Wolffe grabbed him.

    "Look." He said, "Look."

    Michael looked into the two blue orbs in his sockets. Everything slowly faded into white.

    Michael felt cold. He could see his breath. He looked around to find he was in a snow covered field with a forest in front of him. He heard the arythmic crunching of snow and turned to see a wounded wolf staggering towards him. He ran over to it as it collapsed and knelt beside it. It was a large one with blue eyes. He ran a hand through its fur and felt various scars.

    "Blood Wolffe?" he said.


    Michael heard in his head.

    "Is this what its like when you give the stare every time?"

    No. You are different.

    "Can you see if Im a good person? Can you see what I have done?"

    Yes. You are a good person. You never needed me for that. Your love for your mother and the rest of the pack is all you need to tell you that. As long as you remember them... There is something else though. You are different. You are important. I think... in the end, you will decide who wins the war.

    "How do you know?" He asked.

    I dont know how I know. I just do.

    You think I was accepted into the pack?

    The wolf asked, slightly nervously. It lifted its head and looked up at him waiting for a response.

    "Definately. I know you were. You are." Michael said.

    It lowered its head back down.

    Thank you... One last thing. Bring me to the woods? I would cross into them myself but I am in alot of pain right now.

    "You're leaving?"

    Going home. I'll be watching.

    "Okay." Michael said.

    He picked up the wolf and began to walk towards the woods. He could feel the scars and wounds start to go away as he approached.

    I can do it from here on my own.

    Michael put him down and the wolf trotted torwards the woods, stopping for a moment and looking back.

    Remember your Pack Michael... I know you will hero.

    It resumed trotting into the woods and eventually faded from view.

    Everything grew dark. He looked around and saw the rest of the Ring looking at the two.

    The blue orbs in Wolffe's eyes faded away as did the flames that surrounded his hands. They could see the breath come out of Blood Wolffe and Michael. As if they had been in a cold winter air.

    "Goodbye old friend." Captain Neem whispered.

    The mountain loomed in the distance. Waiting for their arrival.

    ((This was another one I was waiting to write. This was actually the first thing I planned in the story.))
  9. Blood_Wolffe

    The New Empire

    ((I think there are maybe 4 chapters left. But then I said that to myself at chapters 12, 15, and 17. Its getting close though.))

    XX. Predator and Prey (Part 3)

    The Pack circled around their targets. Unfortunately for the ring they were split up. Captain Neem knew where most of them were, but Xyfen and 2020 Vision were in the other room and had the wolves between them and the rest. Blood Wolffe and Steele were somewhere else in the building, he didnt know where.

    The wolves of the pack were horrific. The large hydraulic limbs made their metallic steps very heavy, yet they were quite agile. Some of them had electronic eyes or hydraulically assisted jaws and metal teeth for extra crushing power.

    As the pack circled around them, occasionally clanking their metal jaws at them to tighten up the group the floor creaked under the weight of each of their steps. Metal Tooth was a little smaller than them in his wolf form, but being the only one walking on two legs, he still was quite imposing standing in front of them. He raised his head and let out a half organic half tinny bark and the pack held their positions. The heroes stood in a circle backs to each other surrounded by the pack

    In his gravelly voice Metal Tooth spoke, "Your path ends here heroes."

    "Who? What are you?" Captain Neem asked.

    "They are the ones who were stalking us." Tigonus said.

    "Hunting." Metal Tooth replied, "Not stalking. I am Metal Tooth. The Council is tired of you. You cant win. I would tell you to give up but its too late for that."

    "Nothing will stop us and we will never surrender." Lord Raymond hissed.

    It was hard to tell, but it seemed like Metal Tooth gave them a menacing smile, "Good."

    With that the pack leapt into the air to attack them. Some dived out of the way while Captain Neem and Lord Raymond stood the ground. Lord Raymond swung his axe at the head of one coming for him. It struck and deflected off as it jerked the Warwolf's head to one side, but it failed to stop it and the wolf crashed into Lord Raymond sending them both sliding across the floor.

    One coming for Captain Neem was pushed up and over him by a powerful burst of energy from him. It tumbled a few feet before springing back towards him.

    Acier and another wolf were squaring off in one corner. He punched the wolf in the sides of its head rocking it from side to side with each blow but it only seemed to make the wolf more angry with each punch. Eternal Twilight and Brain Hurt joined him and with a running start kicked the wolf in its side, knocking it over, then proceeded to furiously beat on the beast.

    One Warwolf charged towards Techsupport, but he wrapped it in a paralyzing tesla cage then lanced it with a blast of harmful radiation before sending out a wave of metabolism increasing radiation to the heroes.

    "Where's the rest of us?" Captain Neem yelled to Lord Raymond as he unleashed bolts of energy into a charging wolf.

    "I dont know!" Lord Raymond yelled back after swinging his axe with a grunt at another wolf.

    Wolffe and Steele ran through the office section of the building while another Warwolf barreled after them crashing through anything and everything in its way. They were coming to a dead end fast and had to act faster. Steele pushed Blood Wolffe to one side and dived to the other just before the wall. The Warwolf didnt have enough time to get out of the way and crashed through the wall and into another room. Steele fired several rounds into the cloud of dust and Wolffe blasted into it with beams of energy. They paused for a moment to see what if any damage they had done to it. When the dust cleared enough to see they found another large hole in the other side of the room. Immediately Steele looked around to find the creature and Wolffe began sniffing the air to locate it.

    "Its using tactics. Its a learning hunter." Steele said.

    Etherburn and Mr. H were teaming against one Warwolf. She was relentlessly blasting it, draining it of most of its energy, yet it was still ferocious enough to swipe at Mr. H with tremendous speed. He was barely able to dodge its swipes, striking back with his katana in between them until one swipe caught him and sent him flying into a wall, leaving a large dent in it.

    Xyfen could hear the clank of approaching steps of another Warwolf. He had to stand his ground for Michael, who was stirring awake, but in no condition to defend himself. The large black silhouette of a Warwolf was highlighted by the yellow glow of its mechanical predatory eyes glancing to Xyfen then to 2020 Vision.

    "You want a piece!? Come get some, I will tear you up!" Xyfen yelled taking a stance.

    It started to walk towards them with its head low and growling when it stopped suddenly. Xyfen watched as it slowly backed away and back around the corner, still growling and with its ears back, in a more defensive state seemingly.

    Xyfen let out a sigh of relief and turned to find Michael had been watching the whole time.

    Rose Cross washed Mr H with a healing energy as Hippie Mage locked down the Warwolf with his mental powers.

    Captain Neem, Lord Raymond and Tigonus were on another wolf. Tigonus gave it an uppercut squarely in the jaw. It stumbled back and Capatain Neem unleashed a powerful burst into its side knocking it down. It started to get up but Lord Raymond swung his axe down finishing it off.

    Metal Tooth had enough, he swiped at Rose Cross since she was the nearest. She ducked under the first swipe but was caught by the second, and she skidded across the room.

    Lord Raymond charged Metal Tooth in response, swinging his axe until it met his robotic arm.

    Steele Magnolia and Blood Wolffe searched for the Warwolf on their side of the building. Everything was completely silent.

    Steele turned to Wolffe, "I think he's gone."

    "You're probably right lets go." He replied.

    As soon as he finished saying that the Warwolf dived through the wall tackling Blood Wolffe. The two ended up at the edge of the office, stopping just short of falling out the window. The Warwolf with its teeth around his head trying to crush it while he struggled to pry the jaws apart with his hands.

    "Hold on Wolffe!" Steele yelled as she searched for an M40 grenade round for her weapon.

    "Hurry!' Blood Wolffe grunted as the piston jaws hissed, closing a little around his head.

    She found two rounds, loaded the first and fired. The blast made the Warwolf take a step to regain his balance and it turned from Wolffe to Steele.

    "Push him up Wolffe!" Steele said.

    He nodded and with a burst of energy from directly beneath the Warwolf, sent it straight up into the air. The adrenaline seemed to slow it down to Steele as she loaded the other grenade and launched it at the Warwolf. It exploded on the beast and pushed it out the window to fall to the ground below. Blood Wolffe laid there breathing heavily for a moment.

    "Lets get to the others." Steele said.

    Wolffe nodded and got up.

    With each Warwolf's defeat Metal Tooth grew more frustrated. But he was also growing more afraid. It was him and two other wolves now. Their instinct of self preservation kicked in and they ran back down the stairs they came through leaving just him.

    Etherburn, Techsupport, and The Core Being slowed him down and made him feel disoriented with their radiation.

    Lord Raymond and Mr. H hacked at his thick hide while Acier, Tigonus, and Eternal Twilight pounded on him and Captain Neem and Xyfen blasted away at him. Metal Tooth realized it was a losing battle. In one swipe he knocked the heroes into each other or the wall. All of them landed a good distance away from him.

    "This isnt over Heroes. You cant win!" He growled before smashing a hole in the wall and jumping to the ground below, running into the Wilderness.

    Everyone slowly got up and Captain Neem went to the hole and looked out to the Wilderness.

    "Should we follow him?" Rose Cross asked.

    Neem looked over the heroes, breathing heavy from exhaustion and beat up from fighting.

    "No. Too dangerous. Lets find another place to camp out and head out in the morning... Oh, and where is Steele and Blood? Somebody find them."
  10. Blood_Wolffe

    The New Empire

    It hit 118 the first day I was here. I dont know if that was the hottest it got. That was at noon. The hottest time of day is usually 2:00 pm or so. Factor in that this is normal weather here and the states are suffering from a massive heatwave.

    so yeah... I win, or lose really.
  11. Blood_Wolffe

    The New Empire

    I'm back! Riyadh sure is interesting, hotter than anything... ever. I finally got a chance to get on the boards. Next chapter will be up tomorrow my time which is I dont know EST. I really need my writing fix.

    By the way Swifty, thats my 3rd grade photo

    Its good to be back.
  12. Blood_Wolffe

    The New Empire

    A slight delay in writing. Its time I finally told you guys. I have to move where my job takes me, and for the next year it is taking me to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. This is far from a goodbye post though, the internet is provided for me free there. There will be a delay though with all the moving and settling in. Dont worry about me either, its safer than most places in the middle east. After I settle in posting should actually be more frequent as I get more time off there... and there isnt much to do there. I cant go into more details for security reasons (that sounds cooler than it is trust me). All in all I am looking forward to it. The people I am going to work with say they like it there.

    Also check out my new avatar. It is cute, yes?
  13. What I do is write a basic bio. Then whenever I get an idea, I add it in. When I first create my characters they are pretty transparent, but as I work with them they gain more depth and personality. I guess I am saying dont get discouraged if you find your bio lacking. Eventually you will find inspiration and create something truly unique.
  14. Yes it clears up things Manticore, thank you. Now throw in some angry potatoes of legend from Idaho and we are set.
  15. Very well. It shall be done. By the way, I recomend that when you do go into Eden, make sure the CoH music is on, it has some good, unique music, especially near the hive.
  16. Just as long as you stay on your half Vennence, I will stay on mine.
  17. Blood_Wolffe

    The New Empire

    ((Wow, Simone iz hawt!!1 Sorry couldnt resist. Just kinda snapped out of the rut, and needed to write. Looks like this will be a three parter, I was thinking about putting what will be next in there, but it is pretty long now. So I am breaking it up again to make it an easier read.))

    XX. Predator and Prey (Part 2)

    The Center watched the construction being done on the machine from the command center. Scaffolds surrounded it as showers of sparks could be seen coming from various locations on it as the workers welded various things. Others were running wire or installing computer controlled parts.

    The chamber it was in was massive. It was underground but devoid of any naturally formed cave walls. Everything was surrounded by tall concrete walls and floor. The ceiling was a giant steel door much like the one on the volcano in Striga Isle. This one, however, was much larger.

    One of the foremen approached The Center.

    "Sir. I bring good news, we are running slightly ahead of schedule. All that is left now is some minor work and final testing. In fact we are ready to conduct the first test now. We will begin on your word sir."

    The Center merely nodded to begin the test, but underneath his concealing armor he was excited to see the product of his imagination and genius come to life for the first time.

    With approval from The Center the foreman picked up the microphone connected to several loudspeakers throughout the cavernous underground facility.

    "Attention all workers. Testing is about to begin. Please remove all equipment from the machine and evacuate the area immediately." Echoed through the facility monotonely.

    Workers scrambled to gather their things and get out of the way. Scaffolds were retracted from it and soon everyone was behind a thick yellow and black caution line circling the machine.

    The foreman given the all clear signal from the floor flipped a series of switches. Suddenly the machine rumbled to life, shaking the whole place. The rumble slowly faded away as it turned into a high pitched mechanical whine.

    The foreman pointed to a large red button labeled "TEST", "If you will do the honor sir."

    With the button pushed, the test began. The outer most ring let out a loud clank that echoed as it released from its off position. The massive ring slowly began to turn, slowly picking up speed and shaking the ground beneath the workers' feet each time it passed by them. As the other rings clanked free and started to spin the air started to move in a circle around it until it was a howling torrent. The outer ring's tesla coils began to glow white with electrical energy. Arcs fired off between them, small at first then growing larger as the machine picked up more momentum. At the center of the rings the empty space glowed with the entire spectrum of light brightly.

    The tesla coils' arcs were growing frightenly large now and were jumping to other metal objects in the facility. The workers ran for cover except for one too awestruck to move. They shouted to him to run for cover, but he merely stared at the machine until an arc hit him.

    Some shielded their eyes but those who watched said it wasnt electricity. Electricity never slowly lifted people off the ground. Electricity always grounded itself, but this energy was only connected to the man and the machine. The ones who watched saw the man wither into a mummified like corpse then turn into a burnt up skeleton. The white arc turning blue at the man, with the blue part quickly darting up the arc into the machine.

    The foreman panicked and was going to hit the emergency stop button, sure that The Center would be furious for the machine's obvious malfunction but The Center stopped his hand.

    "I assure you, it is working just as it should." The Center said, "It is a miracle of technology. A War-Ender."


    Steele Magnolia struck two flint stones together trying to start a fire for the night to keep warm. She eventually threw them in frustration, got up and left the kindling would to stare out of the broken window in the broken down, vine covered building they had decided to stay in for the night.

    The Wilderness was slowly eating away at the building. Eventually, it would be gone forever and forgotten much like the way the world used to be. Everything that meant something to people was slowly being forgotten, eaten away by the empire and destroyed. For a moment Steele wanted nothing more than to save the building from its fate, preserve it and cling to it like its existence represented what the world used to be.

    She would have laughed at the passing thought if she didnt want to throw a fit of rage.

    A voice interrupted her train of thought, "You know, you could have just asked me." Blood Wolffe said as he ignited his hand and placed it on the kindling until the small fire was strong enough to support itself.

    "I know a few tricks with fi-"

    "I dont need your help." Steele snapped.

    Alpha female still doesnt approve... Blood Wolffe thought. He was going to need it to really be in the pack. His mind easily associated her with a tough alpha female wolf of the pack. It had won her his admiration, even if he could smell some fear on her. She never showed it.

    "I know you didnt like what I did with your son. It wasnt pretty but it worked. That boyscout Neem is with him now. He will be okay, he is strong." He said sitting against the wall near the fire.

    She smiled at the visual of Captain Neem in a troop leader outfit. She looked back out the window into the Wilderness. She could here what sounded like the lonely cry of some creature in the distance.

    "Why did you two do what you did to each other?" She asked sitting down next to him, but not too close, to get some warmth from the fire.

    "I dont know. Looking back it wasnt worth it. I guess when you are experimented on for twenty years your emotions can run high when its brought back up."

    Steele added, "Just like they can run high when the friend you taught how to be more human kills your uncle?"

    He paused for a moment, "...yeah... yeah." he admitted.

    "There is still tension between you two." Helen added.

    Blood Wolffe smiled, "Im not the only one with tension between him."

    She looked at him puzzled, "What do you mean?"


    "You are lucky you dont see Wolffe. In a way... Im sorry if it offends you, but you dont see the horror, the pain, the misery in the world."

    "Yeah, thats true. But I dont get to see the beauty either. The hope, the courage. I dont get to see Lord Raymond watching over the younger heroes like a mother hen. Or Xyfen spending every waking moment next to Michael to make sure his friend is okay. Or even the way Neem teaches them without them even knowing. Just like he used to with me. And you, you are so willing to help them but wont let anyone help you. Its admirable, but unnecessary. They care about you Helen, let them help you and it will be alot easier."

    Helen shook her head, "My metal helped the Council make their empire stronger. Its partly my fault that things are the way they are now."

    Wolffe smiled, "You and me are the same. We are both stuck in the past. Except you arent guilty. Im sure you didnt have intentions of the Council using your metal to fight their war. If it wasnt your metal it would have been something else. Nothing was going to stop this war from happening. Until we both let go, its going to hurt everybody."

    Helen smiled, "You are pretty smart for a wolf. Or is that the human part talking"

    He laughed at that, and replied, "I think it was the wolf that wisened me up."

    The fire crackled with strength now. It needed some larger fuel now.


    Michael came to slowly to find Xyfen sleeping in the corner. Captain Neem entered the room.

    "Are you okay? How do you feel?" Neem asked.

    "A little dizzy... and thirsty. How long was I out? Where are we?" Michael replied groggily.

    "You were in and out for a few days. We are in an old Crey building we found. Still in the Wilderness. But almost out I think." he said as he checked Michael's forehead. Still had a fever, but it wasnt as blazing as it was before.

    Michael looked up at him with droopy eyes, "I wont stand in the way this time."

    "What?" Captain Neem said.

    "Im no idiot. I see the way you look at her. I know how she feels.. even if she doesnt. Im not gonna stand in the way again."

    "What are you talking about 2020? You are delirious with fever." Captain Neem said checking his temperature again. Delirious, he was sure of it.

    Michael slapped his hand away, "Im not delirious... I know what Im saying. I want my mom to be happy again. You know what Im talking about... you know."

    Michael's voice trailed off into incoherent mumbling before going back to sleep. Neem looked over at Xyfen who was snoring and walked back out of the room.


    Lord Raymond could see Tigonus bristling staring out the window. He nearly jumped out of his fur when he touched him on the shoulder.

    "Whats wrong old friend? What do you see?" He asked with concern.

    "Look... Listen." Tigonus said, pointing out the window into the dense forest.

    Lord Raymond watched carefully. Just as he was about to say he didnt see or hear anything he heard it. distant at first. A noise like howling but deep. Others joined in that were closer and louder. Until they were so close that the noise was loud enough to fill the building and everyone to hear it.

    Xyfen woke up with a start, "What is that?" He had to say it loudly to be heard over the noise.

    Blood Wolffe scrambled to put out the fire as fast as he could.

    Helen cringed at the noise, "What is-"

    "Shhhh!" Blood Wolffe cut her off and mouthed the words "No noise."

    As quickly as the noise built up, it died off. Leaving only the sound of the wind and their breathing.

    Lord Raymond could not move from his spot, watching the forest. It was dark, but he could see the foliage moving in a way that was obviously not the wind. Another howl, this time extremely close and loud. He had to cover his ears and shut his eyes to block the noise. When he opened them, he saw something moving toward the building move out of sight at the bottom of the window. He ran forward to look down at what it was, but only saw a blur of something large going through a set of glass doors that had been open for years.

    "What is it?" Helen whispered.

    "I dont know, there is more than one." Wolffe whispered back.

    "Lets find the others." Helen whispered again.

    He nodded, and began to crawl as to not be seen in the window, each hand and knee placement carefully decided as to make as little noise as possible. Helen followed in the same manner.

    Lord Raymond went to the stairwell and looked down. He could hear the in the distance, the echo of things slowly making their way up the stairs, occasionally growling or smelling the air. It was to dark to see anything though, with no electricity in the building for years and only a small skylight at the top letting in the light of only the stars it was like looking into an abyss. He slowly walked out and started to shut the door to the stairwell, slowly to be quiet about it.

    When the door's hinges caught the rusty part of each other he could have sworn it was loud enough to wake the dead. He stopped shutting the door and listened. The noises in the stair well stopped. He didnt know what was worse, hearing them or not. He kept listening, straining to hear them but not a sound came from below. He cursed the door out silently.

    Wolffe and Helen were crawling along inside the large ancient office building when he stopped. He turned back to her and pointed straight ahead. Down at the end of the path between cubicles something was moving. It was hard to see in the dark, but sometimes a glint of light would come off it's large, ox-sized body. She was frozen with fear when she heard it sniff the air torwards them until it moved on.

    Lord Raymond finally heard something. A distinct clanking echoing from the bottom of the stairwell. Rythmic. Far apart at first until other sounds joined it. The distinct sound of something or things running up the stairs.

    He slammed the door shut and drew his axe, "Everybody... get ready."

    They all drew their weapons or took a fighting stance and watched the door as the echoing noise from behind it got louder and louder.

    Blood Wolffe stopped again. Helen could see more tension now, his bristling made her bristle as well. He turned around to face her again, "Run." he whispered.

    He grabbed her hand and pulled her up to her feet as they took off. Behind them something crashed through the cubicles sending debris tumbling. Steele turned to see what it was but the darkness and dust concealed it as it let out a low howl. It charged down the aisle destroying all the office equipment in its way with no effort.

    Lord Raymond and the others watched the door as the noise grew louder. It was right behind the door now and let loose a howl that sent shivers down their spines. After the howl finished the door was burst through, as well as part of the frame and wall.

    It was a warwolf with heavy hydraulic cybernetic parts, reminiscent of what the freakshow used to attach to their bodies. It made for an extremely large Warwolf, big as an ox and growling furiously as it slowly walked around them. One after another came out from the darkness of the stairwell followed lastly by Metal Tooth in his wolf form. His robotic parts were more Council looking and he was even bigger than his pack was as he was standing upright. They slowly circled the heroes, waiting for their master to give them the command.

    "Finally..." Metal tooth growled, "Prey worth hunting."
  18. Blood_Wolffe

    The New Empire

    Ya know what a real kick in the jimmy is, if my computer hadnt wiped the first half of the chapter it would be up by now. But for you guys, and the... drooling... mewtie kittie (that made me laugh) I will get crackin.
  19. My main would live in Eden. Its the most wilderness you can find in Paragon City. It would appeal to him.

    My alt scrapper is a ghost in a suit of armor. When he isnt fighting he would probably just stand still. No home needed.
  20. Vanguard is a hero organization that has billboards everywhere. But Crey is like Omni Consumer Products. Not good people.
  21. AAAAGH! Its a Druid! Run or she'll suck your blood!

    Ok I was just kidding. Couldnt resist. One of my best friends is Pagan so I am used to some of the misunderstood religions. I am Methodist if you want to get back at me.
  22. Blood_Wolffe

    The New Empire

    Stupid rut. Cant seem to get out of it. I know exactly what the cause is too. It will be over on, oh I dont know, the 20th. I will write the next one before then, soon hopefully, but the pace will pick up after the 20th. But right now I am stuck. Just not feelin' it.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Ditto on Blue Steel.

    Would really love to see more info on him. Maybe in a new article by Gil. *hint* *hint*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If Gil wont make his story I will.