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  1. "...and contacts regularly sent you to a different zone for every mission and were very private about their cell phone numbers."

    Don't take this the wrong way - I love COH and think the Devs do a great job - but this comment really shows how little they go back and look at older content.

    I recently levelled up 2 new heroes by doing contact missions and holey crap they still send you all over to hell and back for every mission. I had a Kings Row contact that didn't send me to a single mission in Kings Row - all 8 or so missions were in other zones - for no story reason I could see.

    Now I know barely anyone does this content any more do possibly their time is better spent working on other aspects of the game but I wonder why people don't do this content - takes far to long with too little reward. Keep the missions in the same zone as the contact unless for story reasons it absolutely needs to be in a different zone.

    Maybe people would stop hanging out in AE asking for PL teams and instead team up for missions at the lower levels if it was a viable time/reward option.
  2. Indeed. The game has possibly "gone to the American's" as well.
  3. I'm not sure if Resurgence ever had an "Untouchable" component - I can't find any record of it. Without that it does make it kind of useless.
  4. I miss the old Rikti invasion where there was just tons of the bastards sitting around in all the zones replacing normal mob spawns.
  5. Blitz_Mayhem

    Flying Speed bug

    Try taking a look at your fly speed with the enhancements in it and then take them out - on all my characters I tested this on it didn't change their fly speed. Basically it seems the boost to fly speed in GR/I18 brought it up to the cap but then the Devs forgot to raise the cap by the same percentage and now it caps itself.
  6. Blitz_Mayhem

    Flying Speed bug

    So in GR/I19 they increased flying speed but it seems that they didn't increase the flying speed cap so that fly out of the box is already capped. This has some ramification : enhancements don't allow you to fly faster, kheldian flight isn't better that normal fly (which is was before), any movement speed bonuses from buffs or IO sets don't increase fly speed (which kind of makes them useless), ect.

    Was this intentional? Anyone else notice this?
  7. I often find myself doing the same as the OP. Hoarding those big insps like crazy. The horrible irony is when I do finnaly feel the need to use them they usually let me down =( I'll pop a big purple but the mobs all hit me right through it or the incomming damage is just a little too much too fast to overcome with a large green. A large yellow followed by many wiffs. This game hates me. &{
  8. Thanks to the 5 other people who attempted to start Moonfire TF with me tonight - thwarted by the server crash!!!

    Maybe another time. Cheers.

    -Arctic Valkyrie
  9. I was made an AE mission and wanted a few villain groups to ally up against the player, so I made a new custom group and added a bunch of different mobs from some groups into it but there is some weird XP issue with this - the mobs are only giving about 25% the XP they would if defeated outside AE.

    I thought only custom critters have reduced XP?
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    "Warning: May cause XP loss" into the help text. Obviously, a code fix is the best case solution.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    A code fix is the only solution. A power that actually leeches XP is totally unacceptable.

    The only way this could even vaguely be acceptable with the XP leeching is if it was stunningly powerful to balance out the lost XP.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If anyone honestly expects them to actually fix this I think they are dreaming. 2 years on and they still havn't found a way to get around the huge XP drop that Paragon Protectors take when they drop MoG (Yay makes them harder to kill but worth less XP? Nice Risk vs Reward system States).

    A power that is general useless except in a fraction of odd-ball situations seems to be a "working as intended feature" as far as the DEVs seems to be concerened. Cookie-cutter FTW or some such nonsense....
  11. Blitz_Mayhem


    I5 is great! I've lost 2 entire Super Groups! Only 1 of the 20+ people in my friends list have logged in since it live! My tank is now a cripple and Defiance has done zilch to help my blaster in the mid 40s. When I play my regen scrapper I have to spend more time looking at his HPs and Powers bar than the mobs I'm fighting and my SR scrapper gets his beatdown every mission he tries to solo. New power sets play almost identical to exsisting ones and the new zone is as booring as all the other already under-used zones in the game.

    Woot for I5!!!
  12. So basically you are telling us that you guys did a crap job of implimenting them, no proper way of keeping track of them and that it will take at least a year to fix them.

    Why did you even bother? I guess its on par with most other things in CoH.
  13. Boils down to this:

    When my blaster is in the yellow or worse im running, hitting respites and phase shift - if take time to attack im eating floor. And since Defiance doesn't reduce debt or even properly award a player for using it (chance of a chance kinda thing) its useless.
  14. Blitz_Mayhem

    Blaster role

    Something I think Statesman is missing is that without a decent Defence it doesn't matter what kind of Offensive power you have if you have to tiptoe around mobs, running away and using insps.

    I guarentee that they will do nothing to fix the real issues with blasters because they simply do no understand the problem. Anything they do will either be too little or too much (and then get nerfed).

    The don't understand that range is not an advanage. They don't understand that the 2 different types of blaters (AOE and single target) are suffering 2 different problems. They don't understand that having zero defence is not a viable option. They don't understand that CoH works differently than other MMOs. They don't understand that everysingle mob in the game can take advantage of a blasters weakness.

    And if they do, well they sure as hell havn't shown it in the last year of development.
  15. Blitz_Mayhem

    XP and I5

    How about this:

    -You can only earn XP from missions and the mobs inside.
    -Street mobs earn double Influence, but no XP.
    -If you have debt street mobs will reduce it by the normal amount.

    This will allow players to get that extra INF for Enhancements or that costume change without outleveling content. This will allow players a quick way to clear debt without slogging through a mission at 1/2 XP.

    Yes this means the only way to gain XP will to do missions. Which is the only thing that really makes sense. What kind of "learning" or "experience" does someone gain when fighting the same mobs over and over. Missions show progress of a character through the story.

    Unfortunatly the zones are not laid out to facilitate this. Seriously DEVs, you create giant zones like IP or hazard zones like Parez and stuff them full of easy to kill mobs. Then you wonder why people street hunt???
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    I admit I dont know that much technical stuff, but I was wondering why they dont make every mission at least have those great shadow lighting effects like some of the new freakshow missions?? It adds such great atmosphere.

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    Or my personal favorite - when the pop up mission description box that opens when you enter a mission has a description that doesn't match the map you are in.
  17. I think the big issue for me is, other than a couple of paragraphs of text what is the difference between street sweeping and missions? Practically nothing. Door missions are just personalized "hunt missions". Except for the few that can be completed jsut by clickign the glowies - which is power dependant (no Sealth? You're SOL) and not very good for the XP - and AV missions (which maybe make up a fraction of a percent of all missions) they are just "Defeatl X (where X = all) in this Building" rather than "Defeat X in this Zone".
  18. Blitz_Mayhem

    XP and I5

    I like this - as a mostly missioning hero - this will be nice. Especially at the low levels where death in a mission can come very easy.

    One thing that would really help the encouragement of people doing missions - allow us to get to them easier, contacts as well. The fact that unless you want to spend 10x longer running to a mish you have to take a travel power sucks.

    I would love an INF based travel system. Doesn't matter where you are - you can call up HEROIC TRAVELS INC and then pay the cost and ding you are at one of any destinations - a contact from your list, a mission door, a zone entrance or a tram station. Be a great INF sink and would allow players to finally skip a travel power without going "OH BOY! Now I have to run 1.24 miles across IP to my contact to get a mission in Dark Astoria! I don't think so!" and instead they go street hunt.
  19. Blitz_Mayhem

    XP and I5

    [ QUOTE ]
    I would bet the first is to deal with the Hollows and Perez Park "courage runs" where you run through +5-6 level purples to get to your level 7 mission door.

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    No doubt thats part of it - easier to toggle a small peice of code for when debt occures than having to rework a ton of zones and missions.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Heck it gets a bit to bogged down for me, but it's just so darn flexible. In my opinion any system that wants to do Superhero must have that flexibility (if not the large amount of mathmatical formula and charts.)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This right here illustrates my biggest gripe with PnP RPG players - that they require a "flexible" system. What the hell? Every RPG system is 100% flexible! When did "if its not in the rules it can't be done" become the PnP way? I've encountered the over and over with RPG players for some time now and it boggles me.

    You need something or don't like something that the rules have/don't have. MAKE IT THE FUNK UP! The more simple the system the better really. I think RPG players have gotten bound up in numbers, charts and rules and forget what the they are actually playing.

    Damn lazy as GMs and tightass players refuse to think and will only accept what is presented to them in 12 point B&W font.
  21. I can't wait to GM this - anytime my players give me a hard time? NERF THEM!

    In all seriousness this is cool - mostly cause hopfully we will get lots more of the backstory of the CoH world in it.
  22. Quantum_Flux ,

    I have to agree with you. I have 2 heroes in their 40s and the consistant roadblock of AVs (and their are quite few missions where it does NOT tell you that their is an AV in it). I've run into numerous times where the only missions I could take were AV missions - and at the time no friends were on or those that were on were of too low a level and it was impossible to get a pickup team (too busy hunting wolves and looking for bridges I guess).

    Had to log that hero off for a few days till I could arrange a time where I could team up with friends/SG mates of the appropriate levels and ATs.

    I think other than some of the key AV fights (Tyrant, ect) their should always be a way to finnish the missions with AV without defeating them - like the Dr.Vahz or Nemesis Rex mission. And those key AVs should always be optional missions - ie you don't have to take them in order to get another mish from that contact. Obviously some AV are at the end of arcs and such but there needs to be some way to avoid these mission in the 40s.