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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    If the devs want to have people running the WST 27 hours a day 500 days a year, that would be one way to encourage that.
    I've often thought how lucky it is I have a job to keep me from doing that... (blink)
  2. I've been seeing those once or twice a day since i20 went live. Have yet to actually find a corrupt file when I repair. Hav seen them on 3 different machines with wildly different hardware.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by reiella View Post
    Well, when one of the counterpoints is that "they have no other choice but to run trials", *shrug*.

    But, sure, okie-doke.
    Reiella, I'm a prime example. I *hate* being forced into large groups. The waiting drives me mad, for starters. But I for the most part confine my growling about it to my long-suffering friends in our global channel and coming to the forums where it conceivably might be noticed by developers.

    I even got tagged by the folks running trials as someone who worked well in organizing and leading leagues. Which task I only do and try to do well to get the damn things over as fast as possible so I can get back to something enjoyable. So I'd caution you and others, ESPECIALLY the Paragon Studios others, should be very careful when you judge participation in iTrials or any other enforced content as approval and/or consent to those systems.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    But if Astral Christy and Empyrean Michael only accept astral and empyrean merits, then I would have to concur that the devs misspoke, again. They really should take me up on that offer to sanity check these things.
    I am keeping my fingers crossed that this is the first hint 20.5 is bringing something else: the ability to earn astrals and empyreans somewhere else besides the three trials. It will most likely be a rum deal, but if they are dropping occasionally say as arc completion bonuses or something you'd at least have a way of continuing to earn them reliably as the iTrials wear out their welcome.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    Helped with the BAF. DID NOT help with Map o Lag in Lambda in anyway shape or form. The devs have stated they are trying to fix it.
    That area in the Lambduh is a geometry problem, so the only cure until the devs get it fixed is a really high end system. One of mine copes without anything but dropping 5 or 10 FPS, the most I get is a bit of a stutter. My backup machine is a bit older, and it lags down pretty good when you hit some spots. I upgraded the video card in that one a week or two ago, gotta remember to try it now.

    Anyway, you're right, that's a separate issue the buff data tip won't help with. But the buff data throttling WILL help any time you are in a league. That is one of the reasons the Praetorian surge events have been hellishly laggy, everyone wants to run them in a huge league. Which automatically hammers anyone who hasn't turned off buff data. Again, though, this only helps, the server side lag in those and to a lesser degree (now) the BAF prisoner escape phase is the worst I've ever seen. I think Paragon needs to feed their hamsters better.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    Thank you, Bladesnow. That's some nice info. I don't experience any crashing during BAF and can generally get through that one bad spot with nothing more than a "oh goody, three minutes of boredom and ugliness" running through my head, but I did not know that this feature had been added to the game.

    I will certainly give nuking the buff data a try should I find myself in a BAF again.
    You bet BillZ, though the guy you really need to thank is Leandro. I just try to spread the word since it helped me so much. I had noticed myself that the network traffic since i20 went live has gone up enormously. Enough so that I'm going to have to increase my bandwidth allocation. Took reading Leandro's suggestion to realize why I was crashing at least once in about every trial from a "red bar" network lag-out. Once I shut off the buff data, I was back to the normal false corrupt pigg file crashes every once in a while.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    So are you going to admit that the devs have stated lag issues exist and that you were therefore speaking from a place of ignorance?
    We interrupt this program for important breaking events:

    Your evilness, since I know that side conversation is not really engaging a lot of your attention, I thought I'd point this thread out as a public service announcement:

    Turning off buff data as Leandro suggests there helped me a BUNCH with the lag of the trials. More than cranking graphics down to butt-ugly, in fact. Worth pointing out, I figure, even though the devs have been patching in some of the same functionality.

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled flamewar, already in progress.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    I'd expect to see two to three decent length arcs for level "1," probably an additional one on level "2" - for each side of the tree. Grinding the trials would still be faster, yes. The iXP would probably be rewarded at arc completion. They'd be a pain to come up with, write, and balance, I'm sure.
    Hold a Mission Architect contest to solicit ideas from the community. Sure, there's things you can't do in MA that you can do in Incarnate trials... but some of them are cheating anyway. And, sure, there's legal ramifications to an idea like that. But they are not insurmountable with all the right notices and releases and a long chat with legal and maybe a shiny badge or something thrown in.

    Darn it, Paragon Studios, you've got some damn fine features available in your own bloody MMO and a player community that has proven itself over and over to be very supportive of the future of the game. Leverage ALL your assets. If I thought about it a while I could probably come up with a way to involve the costume creator, super bases, PvPers, and the market in the idea of recruiting the players to help you figure this out. Not worth the effort for something that will just at best touch off a massive flame war... everyone forget I said anything...
  9. Game developers. They are ultimately responsible for every act of villainy in every MMO ever built, or which ever WILL be built. You want the ultimate villain, there ya go. (wink)
  10. Signed. Remove and bury deeper than the rest.
  11. As others have noted, both those figures have got to be wildly off. A simple trip to City Info Tracker can set a lower bound on both numbers of:

    5,269,922,722,496 Influence on tracked characters


    870,547,899,220 XP just on tracked 50th level characters

    Would be kind of interesting to know what the actual numbers were.
  12. Bladesnow

    56 Billion inf ?

    Out of idle curiousity, I pulled the following numbers off City Info Tracker, which allow you to set a lower bound on total influence supply:

    Total characters tracked: 75,968
    Average influence per character: 69,370,297

    Simply multiplying those together gives you 5,269,922,722,496. Only a fairly small fraction of the player base is probably using CIT. Regardless of a bunch of caveats, the fact still remains that CIT observes and reports nearly a hundred times as much liquid influence out there as the figure cited on that graphic.
  13. Bladesnow

    56 Billion inf ?

    Hmmmn... 56 trillion, huh? According to my calculations, my alts actually have enough bid storage to hold that much. Gives me a goal...
  14. Bladesnow

    56 Billion inf ?

    Add another 64.4 billion to your total, not including today's profits. A hair more than that, 'cuz a lot of my "butler" characters on the second account are not included in my spreadsheet, but I doubt that accounts for much more than a billion or two pocket change.

    Isn't there an alternate definition of a billion as 10^12? Yeah, here we go:

    I have this vague recollection that in Europe, what Americans refer to as a trillion is a billion. Could that explain it, perhaps?
  15. Bladesnow

    Drop Rates

    Before patch, on a katana/regen:

    1 threads, 2 common, roughly 100 uncommon (lost track in the high 70s), 12 rare, 1 very rare, in somewhere around 115 successful runs. Have had around 5 runs where I got no reward due to an ill-timed disconnect, and a few of those drops would have come from MoBAF runs.

    After patch:

    1 rare, 1 uncommon. Won't be running it often enough to get any meaningful data, I don't think.
  16. Thumbs emphatically down. The Incarnate powers system itself is interesting, the trials had some interesting tactical bits. But the overblown nature of the opponents, plus being forced to particpate in grindy, unenjoyable content over and over and over just to get a (slim) chance to continue advancing... No, overall this issue was a big lose, and someday we will look back on that launch as the day CoH changed forever for the worse.
  17. Indeed they are, and they are every bit as bad as a lot of us feared. The folks pointing out the much vaunted "alternate path" oddly always fail to mention that the developers have clearly stated it will be MUCH slower than the already glacial pace of the current raid-based system. Assuming you are not favored with lightning advancement by the whims of the RNG, but that's a whole 'nother discussion already ongoing elsewhere in the forums.

    I'm with Cptn_Courageous in his OP. I don't like raids. Shoe-horning them into CoX does nothing good for the game. If they're gonna insist on jamming then in where they don't fit, though, he's right, they oughta at least give us the tools to make them a little more endurable.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MayorOfAngrytown View Post
    I really have no place posting in this thread; if market ebil-ness is a criteria. That said, here's a data point for you:

    There seems to be a ... lot ... of salvage sitting in the market going nowhere. I've pretty much given up selling any salvage except rares, uncommons and commons on the few toons with them for sale have sat forever.
    I know what you mean. More "0 bidding" than I've seen in a while. Probably a side effect of people concentrating on iTrials to the exclusion of pretty much everything else. It will probably be picking up now as people get burned out and realize what a bum deal the upper levels of the Incarnate system can be if you get unlucky.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    It's RANDOM!

    In approximately 40 successful runs of the trials, from the day they were introduced up until yesterday, I got two Very Rares. Last night I got *THREE* Very Rares.
    Yes indeed, it is random. And if the run is against you, the ONLY recourse you have is to a) keep beating your head against the wall and hope the run evens out, or b) spend the influence at the rapacious rates to build what you need. Neither is a particularly good choice.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Yes. And that fact irritates me. Not so much because of the cut scene itself, but because other players dive in on the mobs before the rest of the league assembles.
    Trust me, it does no good if the league leader politely asks everyone to wait until the survivors of the attempt to load all actually make it in. No harm no foul, really, but it is kinda annoying.
  21. This has been dealt with in far more detail and specificity and much sound and fury probably signifying nothing in this thread:

    Short form - character advancement should not be random. Now you done it, I'm annoyed again, prices must be raised! Someone will PAY. The effects on the market just seem to be growing... (grin)
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
    Remember how long it took to get to 50, then get all your IOs in place after that? All that hard work and expense? Well, Marauder can beat you and your whole team of 50s with a single punch just by drinking a beer first.
    Yeah, really. Whoever is planning this show is choosing the wrong target. We need a case of that beer, man.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
    I usually don't mind the cutscenes. Some of them are fun even (though I really wish they'd put back Romulus's twenty foot tall "NICTUS!" scenery chewing. I like hammy villains!). My real complaint with the BAF one is that I'm not the fastest zoner in the world, and when I get in I'm often swamped by lag for the first fifteen seconds. I have had BAF runs where I wasn't able to get a single hit in on the war works because half the league rushed ahead and curbstomped them before I was even through the door.

    The problem with skipping a cutscene is that not everyone will. So they're frozen while some guys will exploit this. Especially as sometimes I want to watch that cutscene.

    (I'm also very much hoping that our confrontation with Tyrant is NOT a Trial. Having 24-36 people farming the confrontation with a major big bad seems... rather anti-climatic and un-epic to me, but that's a discussion for another time)
    Not to mention not particurlarly heroic. You're right, it should be a zone event, in Atlas Park. He comes zooming in from one direction, Statesman from the other, and Statesman gets flattened. Tyrant knocks the globe flying, flattening any new heroes when it lands. See, participation and challenge from the moment you start the game! Then the hero arrives to save the day... ok, it needs work...
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by XFUNK View Post
    someone said there was a server called protector or something, not sure if that's true.
    Vicious rumor and calumny. Nothing to see here, move along. Protector is a fable, a golden myth, where the players are for the most part helpful and friendly. Like Shangri La, but better XP. Legend says the inhabitants are wont to whimsy at times. But, of course, it is all a dream, drifting away on the harsh winds of reality...
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
    By "play back properly", I trust you mean that there will be sufficient dramatic tension and plot development once you get your hands on the (very) raw source material.

    What am I saying? This is YOU! We *will* have the mini-movie we were meant to have!

    (*huggles Miss Sam*)

    (*purloins some of Bladesnow's popcorn*)
    Well, that too, but what she meant I believe is whether the dialog from the cutscenes will display in the demorecord. If you haven't played with it, demorecord doesn't always display exactly what you see in game.

    (makes more popcorn)