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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by 4shes View Post
    When BA, Jester and I get together we can get you a soda
    Did I mention Isendre (AKA JW, Jester's Wife) would probably drink us all under the table?
    It takes a tough woman to Emp for Pingus.
  2. I kinda like this auto-SK idea. I'll have to see how it works on implementation.
    The one big draw of AE is that everyone gets the auto-SK/Exempt thing, so it takes the worry out of searching for people only in a certain level range for half the team.

    I thought the SK system was one of the best systems in the world for MMOs when I first saw it. And although this will broaden the base for making teams, I think it deflates a bit of the "flavor" from guys grabbing a lowbie sidekick. There was much Roleplaying to be had with sidekicks.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by 4shes View Post
    Also if anyone is in/near Philly please message me soon as I am dying to go back to Eulogy (a classic euro bar right next to the liberty bell) for their Chemay.
    Good Bar.
    I haven't been there in about a year or so.
    And I think you mean Chimay.
    Maybe you, me and Infernal Jester can have a drinking contest.
    I'm only 45 mins from Philly....
    But Jester is 30 mins and 3 kids from Philly.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Force_ View Post
    Drive-by Rez from random person after a faceplant.
    Or dropping Wakies on you and running off before you can say "Thanks".
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StrayKitten View Post
    I think you're still missing what I'm getting at, but for the sake of not carrying this out any further I'll stop it here other than to say that, yes, those powers are typically sought by the players when they're teaming with those ATs and that's not what I'm trying to argue.
    Not to further the argument, but the core of what I was saying was not that people shouldn't expect certain powers when they play with a certain Archetype. But, that it is wrong to label them as "Wrong" or "Broken" for not having the typical power list.

    I totally understand if you get confused and a little annoyed if you team with a Emp who only takes the buffs but none of the actual healing powers or a Stalker who never uses Hide. People expect certain things when they hear a powerset shouted out. But, when someone verbally demeans them and makes them feel like a bad player for playing in a way that makes them happy, it's just...... rude. And hurtful. And I just think we shouldn't be hurtful to someone because they decided to travel the road-less-taken.

    The powersets give you options for powers and slotting so you can make your Hero or Villain unique. And I applaud those who make totally unique things. And even if you don't applaud it, you should at least tolerate it.

    And maybe I went a bit overboard (excuse the pun) villainizing Myrmydon in this case. And for that I am sorry. And me making the parallels to a Gay-Basher was a bit extreme. And again, I apologize.

    I was trying to make a point that we shouldn't let our opinions cause hurtful drama, and I pretty much optimized the worst case scenario of what I was trying to prevent.... WHILE describing it. Talk about irony.
  6. Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it tomorrow night.
    Delaware DMV is open late one night of the week for people who work the standard 1st shift work hours. That night is Wednesday. And I have to go take a car through inspection, then drive it down to my sisters' house in Maryland so my brother-in-law can finish working on it, so I can sell it. (It's my new project to fund my retirement. We are buying old cars, fixing them up then selling them for profit)

    So, I probably won't be home till 11pm eastern.

    So, if you guys want to run another LGTF next week, I'll be up for that.
  7. BlackAmaranth

    Goodbye present

    Holy Crap!
    Did someone cover Hawk in Awesomesauce?
    If not, we should.

    So much cool stuff in one post. New House, Sacrificing your hobby for your loved one, giving back to the CoX community....

    All Hail St. Electrohawk! Patron Saint of Champion!

    In all seriousness, you do rock. Our game will be missing alot while you are gone. I hope your ventures in home-ownership are good so you can come back to us soon.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
    You know, I remember that conversation going something like:

    Me - "Why don't you have the toggles?"

    BA - "A bunch of crap that amounted to him not being able to play with them."

    Me - "But they are the cornerstone of the set."

    BA - "More crap."

    Me - "Speechless."

    BA - Typing yet more crap and logging out.

    When I was asked if I wanted to join the team next week, I declined, with a comment of not carrying anyone. Now, if that is your idea of "harassment", well ok, guilty as charged. If we didn't have people dying while fighting AVs, I would never have asked, however, not seeing the Rad toggles on an AV did give me pause. That was a longtime ago and I think the last time I gave anyone real hell over a build was a Tank that kept getting a PuG that Si and I joined team-wiped. PuGing as often as I do nowadays, I have learned that as long as a player is at least competent, their build doesn't matter so much. Its still a pet peeve though, which was the entire point of this thread, I believe, before BA and I derailed it.
    Wow. I'm never seen such a large pack of lies in one paragraph.
    I never used the term harassment. I never logged out. (We actually re-grouped and played for another hour after getting Myr off the team. Although the rest of the night was tedious for me, I agreed to play for the team.) And we hadn't faced any AVs that night. And I do, in fact, have Myr on ignore in game. I have never spoken to nor replied to any missives from Myr since that night. The reason I don't have it set to ignore posts on the forums is just for this reason (although I do immediately trash any of Myrs private messages.) If I see an attack post, I will respond. I don't want whomever Myr is directing the intolerance at to feel like they are doing anything wrong. I will come to their defense whenever I see it.

    I also had good reason for skipping 2 of the toggles, but I'm not going to start that discussion again. I refuse to be put on the defensive for something that isn't wrong to begin with.

    But, this is being dragged off track by senseless e-rage.
    Having Pet-Peeves is one thing, telling people that they are playing anything "wrong" when they are having fun is not a Pet-Peeve. It's Arrogant Intolerance. And I won't stand around and let you spread it without speaking up.

    If you wish to continue your argumentative posts, feel free.
    But, you are only continuing to prove my point.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
    Its also not anyones place to expect others to suffer through teaming with people that don't take cornerstone powers for an Archtype and hamper everyone else's fun. When I play with people, I don't expect them to be some kind of ultra-elite player that can do everything, however, I do expect basic competency with their current archtype by the 30s.
    Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
    The last time I checked, it was my right to decided whom I team with in this game, for any reason. I can't help it if you were offended when I asked why your Rad Defender didn't have the the Rad toggles (the cornerstone of the set) at 41+, however, you let other people carry your gimped character along until you hit 50, (which, I think you did awhile back with that gimped thing. Thank your static teammates for helping you get to 50, since you just wanted to trail in their footsteps to get there instead of contributing to the rest of the group's enjoyment of the game.)

    Now, if you don't mind, stay out of my business and don't ever tell me again what I can and cannot do in a game built for my enjoyment. I am done with you in this matter and have reached the end of my patience with your harassment of me in-game. Walk your walk your way and I'll walk mine and may never the two meet again.

    This place belongs to eveyone in their own way, not just your way, BM.


    What I have a problem with is the way you literally attack anyone who doesn't play "your way" You berated me for half-an-hour over what my build was supposed to be. 30 god-awful minutes. This was AFTER I told you I wasn't interested in your opinions. THAT ruined MY enjoyment of the game. And that is wrong. Anyone with common sense can see that.

    You can go your own way, and do what you want.
    But, If i see you spewing forth that judgmental B.S. and basically putting down other people for playing they way they want to play, you can be damned sure I'm going to speak up. You annoyed me to no end for one night. But your annoyance made the game less enjoyable for me for weeks after that. I don't want others to have to suffer one minute of annoyance because you are judgmental and have no idea of free rights and tolerance.

    You don't want me to leave your posts alone?
    All you have to do is stop attacking other people's playstyle.
    And you'll never hear from me again.
  10. BlackAmaranth

    Thanks, Ping

    The man pistol whips old ladies.....
    I yield to the master of Villainy!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
    Its also not anyones place to expect others to suffer through teaming with people that don't take cornerstone powers for an Archtype and hamper everyone else's fun. When I play with people, I don't expect them to be some kind of ultra-elite player that can do everything, however, I do expect basic competency with their current archtype by the 30s.
    People of this game, nor of the world are here to cater to the whims or opinions of you. No matter what your mother told you.
    Your opinion of what a "cornerstone" power is may not be shared by others.

    It is your right to say who you will and won't team with for any reason.
    Likewise it is their right to build and play their toons how they like for any reason.

    Just like I told the Anti-Gay Republican who was insulting my gay friend.
    "If his lifestyle (or playstyle) offends you, it is not necessary for your lifestyle to exist 2 feet parallel to his. You are choosing to be that close. You can either waste your life hanging around people you don't like and berate them while they live a full life or you can go out and live one that fulfills you for yourself."

    Food for thought.
  12. BlackAmaranth


    Sheema, just in case the "tongue in cheek" was missed.
    It's good you've returned, and sorry to hear about your mishap.
    I was just trying to lighten the mood and fire you up to come kick my villain butt when your rig is fixed!
  13. BlackAmaranth


    Evil Wins, because they realize the importance of taking pride in their hardware.
    Good just sees the hardware as an ends to the means.

    That's why Evil always has the best Lairs and Secret Fortresses.
    And why Good's gun always jams, or their shoe breaks a heel, or their communicator is down....
    I could go on and on.

    Now to log on for some High Resolution Villiany!
  14. BlackAmaranth

    Thanks, Ping

    Originally Posted by The_Bronx View Post
    Biscuit (no bacon) will be in the mail this week.

    Considering that's a villain, we'll need a more villainous screenshot for your card.
    Like what?
    Him punching an old lady in the face?
    Please say you need a picture of him punching an old lady in the face.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bad_Wonka View Post
    People who don't capitalize their name, add numbers at the end, numbers in the middle to replace a letter, or tweak it so they get that name which is already taken, and spelling.
    The Capitalization thing erks me to no end! IT'S A PROPER NAME PEOPLE! CAPITALIZE THE FIRST LETTER! Is it too much trouble to hit the Shift key?

    The Numbers and tweaking, it's a little annoying, but doesn't grind my gears like the capitalization thing.
  16. MMO Rule #1: Don't be a Douchee'!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StrayKitten View Post
    I just now read that and realized that it probably came across a bit quippy, sorry. I just hear too many people blame the UAC for everything. >.<

    "My hard drive burnt out the other day. Damned UAC."
    My last girlfriend slept with my friend.
    Damned Windows UAC!
    I'll get you for this Bill Gates!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by prvtslacker View Post
    Out new member Firenewt (not in the Big Bad SG) is 47

    And why not?

    Anywho.... I am all for this. And to show my support, the other night Isacrificed an hour of sleep and go Big Bad's the Rikti War Zone Beacon and attached it to the Grandville Telepad.


    BTW, I'm 43 almost 44 so I should be able to partake next week.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GenderPoison View Post
    OMG I love your Rodney McKay Avatar Talon!! I wish he were in MY closet.
    Not enough room with the hundreds of skeletons you have in there GP.
  20. BlackAmaranth

    Hey Masterminds

    Originally Posted by Lascota View Post
    They don't push you; you push them.
    Only in Soviet Russia.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Drizzit View Post
    *makes a funny face*
    Your Thread brought Driz out of hiding!
    Rep Points for that alone!
  22. BlackAmaranth

    Nibbles at Night

    Originally Posted by GATTACA_NA View Post
    Just scream at me ingame.. I should listen..
    Is this invite just for Nibbles, or can we all do this?
  23. BlackAmaranth

    Nibbles at Night

    Originally Posted by Miz_Nibbles View Post
    When: Thursday, Aug. 6th 1am - 3am EST
    You Don't have work in the morning do ya?
  24. BlackAmaranth

    Fun Tanks?

    I've heard Shield Tanks are fun. I haven't yet partaken.
    I do know that Dual Blades is a fun Melee Set, but you can't mix the two.
    I have no idea how either work for PvP.

    On the other hand.....
    My Ice/Axe Tank is not often touted as the most fun or effective mix out there. But, I love that character. I love getting into character and doing some light roleplaying. The point is, if you find a concept that you like, it can make even some of the most boring powersets fun.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by prvtslacker View Post
    Originally Posted by new, anouncments & events area
    Due to the stability issues that occurred with the North American servers this past Double XP Weekend, we plan to offer another Double XP Weekend in North America after Issue 16 launches.

    We would like to take this opportunity to apologize to those of you who were unable to enjoy the event as a result of this, and would like to thank you for your patience as we work to resolve these types of issues in the future.
    Well for those that did not get as much done as they would like to or just some other issues going on.

    so looks like there will be at least another one in a few months.
    SWEET! Another long vacation weekend for me coming up!