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  1. BlackAmaranth

    Dear COH

    Originally Posted by FuzzyOne View Post
    Dear CoH,

    How about a resurgence of costume recipes!! Think...

    Chef's Hat
    Oh, I'm all about the Mexican Revolution!
    "¡Tierra y Libertad!"

    .. And some tasteful Burlap Ponchos to go with them!
  2. BlackAmaranth

    A Formal Goodbye

    Originally Posted by GoldenDestroyer View Post
    No wonder you're so strange. p_O.
    Yeah.... Like that's the only reason.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    Myr: doooooo eeeet

    Demobot: Yes actually, but probably not until waaay down the line. Also going to do Dark Miasma.

    Obi: I'm not sure, but probably thermal or kinetics since those with cold make up my top 3 things to bring on TFs for Happy Fun Support Time.
    I would suggest Thermal. Alot of people play Kins, But not everyone knows the value of a Good Thermal Build. Educate them Silas!
  4. BlackAmaranth

    Dear COH

    Dear CoH,

    You know, I constantly hear people joking about the AE building in Atlas. (Not that the jokes are good) But, maybe the Devs SHOULD move the AE Building out of the starting zones. No AE in Mercy or Atlas/Galaxy City. and Put a level minimum on it. Even something as low as 10 or even 6. Just to give the new players a taste of something besides AE Farms.
    Make them earn the right to AE even a little bit.

    Cordially Yours,
  5. BlackAmaranth

    A Formal Goodbye

    Originally Posted by TFury View Post
    R U kidding! When I was in college I had that kind of course load in my first year, worked nights, and still had time for dating!
    ...And he once killed a roid-raging R.A. with a looseleaf notebook!
  6. BlackAmaranth

    How do you play?

    I play 3rd person, zoomed out a bit to see all of the mob I'm fighting.
    I do Something that most people don't do, I use the Number Pad for movement. I never got in to the WASDX Movement keys, even back in the days of Doom/Quake/Counterstrike. I always preferred num pad for my right hand and number keys for my left. And I can use the mouse with either hand as it sits between me and the keyboard below the space bar.
    8 is forward, 7 & 9 are move left and right, 4 & 6 are turn left and right, 2 is backward, 5 is Face Target, 1 and 2 vary on which toon I'm on. Normally they are "OH CRAP!" Binds. Like Hibernate and F1 (Green Insp) on Angry Woodsman, or Transfusion and Transference on my Kin.
    I also use the QWERTYUI Keys for Heal Other on my Emp and Speed Boost on my Kin
    Q is Teammember 1, W is Teammember 2, and so on.

    I've been wondering. Does anyone else use similar keymaps? Num Pad for movement and such?
  7. BlackAmaranth

    A Formal Goodbye

    Welcome the Higher Educational System.
    Perks include, annoying Dormmates, Parties ONLY on the nights you REALLY need to study, Girls that you know are not relationship material coming on to you (and your mental reply is (What the heck. She's got a good body so what if there's nothing upstairs), going to the computer lab and KNOWING some shmuck took all the paper out of the copier, going the dining hall and KNOWING that meatloaf whinnied instead of moo-ed in it's former life, going to the library and KNOWING that douchee that sat behind you in the lecture got the last copy of that book the prof mentioned, getting to know the pizza guy on a first name basis, and the beer.... Ah, the beer. Such a sweet friend in your hour of need. Never judging. Never nagging about that paper that's due. Always the wingman (No really. She's not that ugly. Go on!) *sigh* Good Times.

    I envy you my friend. You may loose some play time, but the experiences (the good, the bad, and the WTF?) you'll live through will be well worth it.

    I expect to hear some good stories.
  8. BlackAmaranth

    Old School?

    Originally Posted by Gulver View Post
    Huh, I guess that mean I'm old now?

    I'll have to bathe in their blood to restore my youth again.
    Shall I setup the altar and warm up the jacuzzi, sir?
  9. BlackAmaranth

    Dear COH

    Originally Posted by Coolbreese View Post
    Dear CoH,

    Please give me Radiation Armor/Radiation Melee.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GoldenDestroyer View Post
    I'm still trying to get it all arranged right now. I still need a few more people.
    Damned Perfectionists.
  11. BlackAmaranth

    Old School?

    Originally Posted by WhiteHotFlash View Post
    So they've been around long enough to think they know everything, but not long enough to have actually done it.
    Hell, I'm approaching my 51 month badge, and I still haven't done everything yet!
    Or maybe I did and I'm just too senile to f'ing remember!
    *grumble grumble*.... old and senile my a$$..... *grumble grumble*
  12. BlackAmaranth

    Old School?

    Originally Posted by StrayKitten View Post
    Okay, I lol'd.

    Just out of curiosity, how long had this person been in game?

    (Also, by that definition, I'm old school too apparently)
    They had their 12 month badge.
  13. BlackAmaranth

    Old School?

    The other day I joined a a PuG. And I was recognized from here on the forums. And the following label was slapped on me.
    Lowbie Player - "Oh ba, you're just oldskool. We don't need tanks anymore. We youngens use fire/kins instead."
    BA - "Wait, who's suposedly Old School?"
    Lowbie Player - "you, witty, cobalt, iltat, dinah, peprally, people from before i8"
    BA - "o.O"
    BA - "I'm confused"
    Lowbie Player - "It's ok, your old and senile."
    BA - "O.O"

    OK, excusing the blatant Tank Bashing. When exactly did there become an "Old School"? And if we're Old School, Who's New School?
  14. I'm just waitin' on some Arc Details so I can test run it myself.
    Come on Golden! We've been waiting for months! We wanna run it!
    Don't you love us anymore?
  15. BlackAmaranth

    Dear COH

    Originally Posted by Peterbilt View Post
    When you create the new "outer space" zone could you make them a server cooperative where heroes or villains from all servers can come? Sorta like TEST but you log out onto your native server.
    Nice idea, but I don't think that will work.
    With test, if someone already has your name when you move your toon there, they just slap a number on the end of it.

    But, what about zoning in on an active toon in a zone where your name is already used by a another player from an other server?


    I make a toon on Champion named "Converter". And someone else has a toon on Virtue named "Converter". He/She goes into the Space Zone, then 5 minutes later I come into the Space Zone, the system would have to change my name to allow me to enter a zone with the Virtue Converter already in there. Then you have to change it back when you Zone out. And changing the name of an active character is a sure-fire way to give your database server A.D.D. and Multiple Personality Disorder at the same time.

    Or it can just deny me access till the Virtue Converter leaves. And that can lead to ALL SORTS of Greifing opportunities.
  16. BlackAmaranth

    Dear COH

    Dear CoH,

    Server Stability. It's not just for Breakfast anymore.
    Lag. Can we not have it for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner anymore?

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amygdala View Post
    Just a reminder this is tonight! Remember your costumes.
    And where is this supposed to happen? In the Hive? Under Atlas' Speedo? At Amygdala's house in the gazebo?
  18. BlackAmaranth

    <3 Elkie

    I.... um... don't know what to say here.
    It's funny enough, I have nothing to contribute to make it funnier!
    You've struck me speechless.
    Good Job.
  19. BlackAmaranth


    So....... Beautiful......... Should have sent.... a Poet.....
  20. BlackAmaranth

    My bird is dead

    As a guy who has had a pet for all his life (at least one, sometimes 2 or 3 at a time), I can whole-heartedly empathize with you Zub. I had an African Grey for almost 2 years. Although he was not actually mine, I was bird-sitting while my friend was in Iraq (the first Iraq war). His name was Jimminy, and he was a great bird. He loved for me to leave the TV on for him, especially sit-coms with laugh tracks. He loved the sound of laughter from the TV.
    He was my best-friend for just under 2 years.
    I would come home and there he'd be ready to come out of his cage and fly to his perch. And every time he's go to his perch, he'd say "Thanks Buddy".

    I miss him. Although he didn't die, my friend came back from the war, and then moved to Texas. Jimminy is still alive, and living happily in Amarillo (the last time I talked to his owner). But, it was like he died when he was gone.
    The first week was the hardest. I'd come home, and the house would be quiet. No TV for him to watch, no little "caw" from across the house to acknowledge he heard the door, no "Thanks, Buddy" It was so emotionally cold in the house. I can imagine what it's like with a whole family. I really do send my deepest sympathies to you and your family.

    You will get through this, and eventually smile when you think of him, and not frown to think of him gone. He will be a positive in your family history. Remember that.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NetMinder View Post
    Rock on. I start the GenCon 2010 fund this week. Plan on taking the whole crew with me next year. Should be fun. My 7yr old is all about Pokemon right now and my step duaghter is all over Anime stuffs. My wife... she plays FarmTown on Facebook. *sigh*

    Oh well, ill just wait for the photos for this years GenCon and for the registration codes for hotels in few months.
    Have you heard of Maple Story?
    It's a side-scrolling Chibi-style anime, Half-MMO that is rated for E for Everyone.
    It's cute, and a life-saver when I had to babysit my buddy's munchkins.
    You wife and kids might enjoy it.
  22. o.O
    We Teamed?
    Lemme Guess it was on one of those many, many ITFs I constantly (and inexplicably) mooch my way on to.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Talon_Arsenal View Post
    I don't know if it's part of my daily brain malfunction, but that just took me in a very wrong direction.

    Alright Gimp... Herd those Carnies!!
    *muffled cries*
    *crack of whip*
    You heard me! GET SOME AGGRO!
    *leatherbound man shuffles off to his doom, crying underneath his mask*
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
    Heh. I'm 32, I can get my own soda, just can't have any alcohol for medical reasons.
    Yeah, ever since that Gamma Treatment, beer and liquor is right out.
    Don't make him tipsy.... You Wouldn't like him when he's tipsy.
    He ripped apart his neighbor's Volvo the last time he had a Coor's Light.
    You don't want to KNOW what he did after that shot of Tequila that one time.