17 -
I would theorize that it's a 'No', they more than likely use the same Login Server for both the Live and Test servers, so I assume that it'd boot you out of whichever one you were logged into first.
Quote:I think it'd become obvious when they kick you out of the Issue 16 Beta.well if a person is banned from being in the GR beta, I hope they will at least tell them why,and not some short,sorry you are on banned list.
They're not saying that it's going to be a punishment for in-game antics, they're just saying it's a consequence for people who are in the Issue 16 Beta and break the NDA. -
Yo momma so fat, when she types /stuck, the server crashes from the load.
Yo momma so stupid, she thought Diminishing Returns was a new weight loss program.
Yo momma so fat, she makes Atlas' statue look like a pool ball.
Yo momma so nasty, even Dr. Vahzilok wouldn't tap that.
Yo momma so fat, when she super jumps she throws the world out of orbit.
Yo momma so stupid, her voice is a Debuff.
Yo momma so fat, she has her own origin; Obese. It comes with an "Eat Pie" inherent power. -
Well, I'm all the way down in lovely Brisbane Australia, and I've had this happen a couple times too, so I'm guessing the problem is closer to the NCsoft servers, tube wise at least :P
You're doing it wrong! The ancient summoning spell goes;
:P -
I heartily endorse this product and/or service.
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre> _________
|~~ @|
| ==== |
| ==== |
|_________|</pre><hr /> -
So, slotting 4 damage procs(Posi, one of the KB set chance for smashing, and the accurate defbuff damage proc and the def debuff damage proc) in say Electron Haze for my Corr would be a good idea? Or just 3 procs.
[/ QUOTE ]
In a Corruptor, I'd advise against doing that. They're good subsitutes for straight Damage IOs in Neutrino Bolt, but in Electron Haze they actually make it worse with more than one (assuming you're sacrificing Damage % for them). They also don't benefit from Scourge. -
Does it only affect pets or does it affect players as well? -
So, has anyone got this new IO or had a chance to play with it? Just wondering whether it's worth putting up some bids for it for my /Regen character because if it beats a Heal IO in Fast Healing on average, I want it.
Monkey Rangler - Log off on Monkey Island, north of Peregrine
Track Worker - Log off on the monorail tracks
Construction Supervisor - Log off near the construction site in North Steel Canyon or Port Oakes
Carnie Folk - Log off around the Carnie tents in north St. Martial -
Any chance of you hosting the resources you used to make these icons, like the borders by themselves or the icons without colours for people who want to make some icon changes for themselves? I've got a couple I want to just tweak for my own purposes.
Existing and inactive players that own City of Heroes or City of Villains, but not both, will be excited to hear that NCsoft is giving everyone access to both halves of the game free of charge.
[/ QUOTE ]
What exactly does that mean? If you own CoV/CoH you dont' get free access?
[/ QUOTE ]
I think they meant you get access to the content as if you'd bought the CoH/V box that you're missing, not that the subscription is free.
I sincerely hope they still offer some incentives to people who already have bought both games, otherwise that's money down the drain. -
My costume issues are specifically surrounding SG mode. If I am in SG mode, I cannot change costumes without most of the colors being a mix of my original selection and SG colors.
[/ QUOTE ]
When you choose the colors for your SG mode, if the colors that your SG uses is the same as the ones on the that particular costume piece, it will carry over to all your other costumes. You can tell, because when you select the original color (Left-most), there will be a circle around it as well as the SG color (One of the two on the right).
Hopefully that makes sense. -
Our SG leader has done a great job of designing the W.O.L.V.E.S. base, even chucking a bar next to the Workshop
Our bar, "The Fang"