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  1. I would definitely be down for that. Trying to get the 2 raid badges on my tank. About halfway for both.
  2. Any idea on when the next raid might occur?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Supermax View Post
    I kind of disagree. It's just different effects. One boosts offense, and the other boosts survivability. It's true, most of the time teams prefer more offense because nobody is dying anyway. But sometimes you just need more survivability. If the team keeps wiping, extra damage/recharge isn't going to do anything for the people laying on the ground dead. Meanwhile, a good tank could keep them all alive.

    Overall your point does apply in most situations (after all, the entire point of buff/debuff sets it to make OTHERS better), but in some cases, a good tank or scrapper CAN have a game-changing impact.
    In his example, the Dom or Corruptor WOULD contribute to a team's survivability. How are the bad guys going to be putting people on the ground dead when they are terrorized, confused, held, accuracy and damage debuffed, etc.?

    I feel a lot safer with a good Dom or Troller beside me than a tank. There are a lot of defender/corruptor builds that I feel the same way about.
  4. I guess my question then is how big is the regen debuff?
  5. I have read that regeneration is surpressed whenever you are attacked in PVP. Does that mean that powers like Soothing Aura don't have much benefit or is it just that the regen is only partially surpressed so it still allows a lot of survivability?
  6. I want to go with Sonic Blast and Cold Dom for a dueling toon, but I can't decide if that would work better as a Defender or as a Corruptor.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Supermax View Post
    Yeah I saw her sitting next a drone couple days ago, desperatly hoping to drone anyone that got close enough. Leet skillz.

    Why would people even do this?

    I mean if you are outnumbered then you are outnumbered but I can imagine it would be more fun playing almost any other game than just sitting in this one, standing by a drone, complaining all night.
  8. Balefire_Djinn

    Go to Redside.

    Originally Posted by meowzer View Post
    well i decided to give redside a shot and indeed the content is more challenging. Just that the market sucks real badly, and you hardly see anyone unless you're near a black market

    otherwise its fun, just made a thugs/traps mm.

  9. Balefire_Djinn

    Go to Redside.

    Originally Posted by Tonality View Post
    That is funny.

    Yes, I would say that would make it Blueside 1 Redside 0.
  10. Thanks all for the replies.
  11. Balefire_Djinn

    Go to Redside.

    Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post

    But smaller player base also means smaller demand!!!!


    You guys make me cry...

    Actually the anemic villain market encourages hoarding which makes for inflated demand.

    Nice try though.
  12. Balefire_Djinn

    Go to Redside.

    Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
    See, this is where the opposition argument makes no sense to me. The oppositions argument is that the prices of goods on the villain market are more expensive than the hero markets; therefore the villain market is flawed.

    However, the Villain and Hero markets are completely AUTONOMOUS entities. Why does the opposition continue to compare and contrast when there is absolutely no exchange of currency or Goods of ANY kind between Villain and Blueside through the market.

    The most one could do Is compare current Villain market prices to past villain market prices.

    I play the game the same whether I'm playing hero or villain. When I am on blue side I get what I want for cheaper.

    On villain side I can't get what I want very often and it costs more.

    It is due to smaller playerbase providing smaller supply.

    Real simple.
  13. Balefire_Djinn

    Go to Redside.

    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    I did say I'm only on it for about 15 minutes a week. I only buy what I need and sell what I don't. And you still owe us evidence since the majority of us are skeptical.
    Yes please provide us this evidence of things being overly expensive on the villain market.

    While you are at it, please go outside and take a picture of the sky, to prove in fact, that it is blue.

    Also: I heard that fish swim, can you provide video evidence?
  14. What are some good tank builds for just running up and down the Cim wall?

    Edit: Really I should just ask what's a good build for killing/tanking groups of Cim's in general that range from +0 to +2, you get the idea.
  15. Good to know, thank you.

    I am shooting for a build where I can just stay mainly in Black Dwarf and scrap it out but was looking for whatever extra offense I could get from occasional quick shifts to human form, such as the other mire, unchain, dark extraction, etc.
  16. If I use the Dark Extraction power or whatever it is, the one that brings out the little blasty pets, will they unsummon/disappear if I turn into Dwarf form?

    Was just wondering if I could fight in Dwarf, shift out to pull them from enemies, then shift back to dwarf and get the added offense from them.
  17. Balefire_Djinn

    Go to Redside.

    The villain market just doesn't have the same levels of supply and you just can't get things as easily.

    No anecdotal evidence from experienced and smug marketeers can change that fact.

    People that have an actual life outside the game will never have all the same knowledge and abilities to take advantage of a scarce market and so they will opt for the blueside one, which has a lot more stuff on it.

    All of the idiotic e-peen measuring by marketeers about how deep they roll in the redside market does nothing to change any of this.

    But it is funny at least to watch you make fools of yourselves.
  18. Is a TitanMan/Lord_of_Gravity any good for pvp? How should I slot it?
  19. Balefire_Djinn

    Go to Redside.

    Originally Posted by Humility View Post
    You're absolutely right. The keyword for redside marketeering is indeed "patients" as in only mental patients think it's a healthy market.

    Oh, whats that? You meant patience?
    Well, you're right about that. It takes a lot of patience. It's pretty sweet when you hit 15 and bid on some 18 recipe sets. With enough patience you might even buy the whole set by the time your level 25 or so!

    You like redside, we get it. You feel all e-thug for making it in the oh so hard world of City of Villains. That still doesn't mean the market is healthy.


    Tokyo here is your seat _/

    Please take it
  20. Balefire_Djinn

    Go to Redside.

    Silas, if you are waiting for some herding tank to guide you on Blueside content,......

    you're doing it wrong....
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Has anyone figured out the best ST attack chain for a Spines/ scrapper?

    Barb Swipe-> Lunge -> /reroll as Fire/
  22. Balefire_Djinn

    need a new build

    Originally Posted by Higles View Post
    hey ive been lookin for a new build thats fun to play and my fire/fire is too wimpy

    Was it too squishy or something? I'm sure it wasn't hurting in the damage department...
  23. Very good point, didn't even think about the knockback working against me for that power.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Werner View Post
    I've not heard rumors of Willpower nerfs, and at least based on Scrapper balance, see no reason for them. Willpower is great, but it isn't sticking its nose out where it might get chopped off. Shield Defense is the current darling, actually, but also not to the point where I see any reason for a nerf of it either. On Scrappers, at least, the secondaries are very nicely balanced. Maybe a tweak here and there, maybe, but no nerfs required.

    Ok, sounds good, thanks for the reply!