WP vs. Regen for a Claws/
I've not heard rumors of Willpower nerfs, and at least based on Scrapper balance, see no reason for them. Willpower is great, but it isn't sticking its nose out where it might get chopped off. Shield Defense is the current darling, actually, but also not to the point where I see any reason for a nerf of it either. On Scrappers, at least, the secondaries are very nicely balanced. Maybe a tweak here and there, maybe, but no nerfs required.
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I've not heard rumors of Willpower nerfs, and at least based on Scrapper balance, see no reason for them. Willpower is great, but it isn't sticking its nose out where it might get chopped off. Shield Defense is the current darling, actually, but also not to the point where I see any reason for a nerf of it either. On Scrappers, at least, the secondaries are very nicely balanced. Maybe a tweak here and there, maybe, but no nerfs required.
Ok, sounds good, thanks for the reply!
Important note about Claws and WP.
You would be wise to either skip Shockwave altogether or use it sparingly, because when mobs go flying your regen drops due to them no longer being in range of RttC.
Other than that it's a very solid combo.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Very good point, didn't even think about the knockback working against me for that power.
Don't know if its a consideration for you,
but I saw a post regarding Claws/Regen where the poster switched out of Regen because the clicky heals were interfering with his going spaz on the attacks.
His issue was he wanted a set and forget secondary so he could concentrate on going BatStuff spamming his attacks.
I haven't felt that way about my Claws/Regen but he is only level 14 so its not like he's taking on the amount of foes he will later which will necessitate more frequent and more strategic clicking of the healing tools avail in regen.
CatWhoorg has had a Claws/Regen forever and I've never heard him say bad things about regen.
For me there is an intense satisfaction when I click my heals. It's part of the Fun.
I love undoing all the damage done to me in 1 second. Plus I find more of those OMIGODS Im still standing with a sliver of health moments which are what living on the ragged edge is all about.
Feel The Burn
Putting my vote for Regen just cause..... well it's Regen
shockwave dosent really work that hard against RttC. Ranged mobs would have ran anyway most of the time, melee mobs wont be attacking much until they get up and come back, giving you the regen back.
Regen is truely hated by PvPers (in a good way, for the regen scrapper) so if thats your thing then I would go Regen, but its pretty much a toss up for PvE.
I am torn between WP and Regen for my Claws Scrap and I am leaning towards /WP yet I keep seeing references to people saying something to the effect of WP getting some form of nerf in the future due to being too survivable (I know rumors of nerfs fly around about lots of powersets but I just keep hearing about this one).
Besides, you have to remember that in this game, people cry nerf on anything and everything that seems highly effective (I've been guilty of this myself). There's an old guide, dating back to i9 or i11, explaining the novel idea of how to get permahasten. One of the first responses essentially went "don't be too happy, it'll soon be nerfed!"
I vote Claws/Regen but I'm a little biased...
*glances down at signature*
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
The end results seem to be very similar, but the approach and play-style is obviously different.
WP is better if you essentially want to forget that you have a secondary. Everything is auto or a toggle (except the self-rez).
I've found WP boring myself. Having half of my powers as toggles means I'm only ever clicking for my attacks, which becomes repetitive once you've figured out your attack chains.
I've heard that it's easier to softcap a WP, but I've tried the set twice and deleted both toons in their mid-30s because I wasn't enjoying them.
I found Endurance to be a problem for both of them, but that might have gotten easier with a proper IO build. Recharge isn't a concern.
Regen is better if you like clicking and being aware of your secondary. Almost everything is a click. You can't just forget about it and focus only on your attacks.
I prefer the constant up-and-downs of Regen, the play of your health bar and guessing when's the best moment to hit DP or IH.
Regen benefits from a high Recharge (esp. DP, IH, Reconstruction), so that might draw you away from a softcap build. I've never had an Endurance issue on a Regen.
One other, minor, note: If you're thinking of being all Wolverine, that's definitely Regen, not WP

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison
Having fully IO'd my claws/regen scrapper (one of my favourite toons) let me just say a few quick things.
1) Endurance problems don't exist. I run 6 toggles and dont have the fitness pool and have no endurance problems.
2) The heals won't get in the way of attacking. With enough practise, a regen scrapper implements the heals into their chains and knows when the heal is necessary and when they can afford to sit back and let the high regeneration rate do it's business.
3) Softcapping isn't necessary. My scrapper has... *opens up mids*... 35.8% melee defense, 23.3% ranged and 18.6% AoE. I rarely die on this guy and usually when I do it's from getting caught up in eviscerates' activation time. (I don't actually use eviscerate in the attack chain when I'm playing properly but on TFs if I get bored the spinny-flippyness of it entertains me...)
4) For regen you might want decent recharge if you IO. My guy has 72.5% and the heals come back in nice times. But I have other regens who's recharge is a bit lower, 40-50% and still perform extremely well. The main thing is that your reconstruction is up regularly (which is more or less a guarantee thanks to it's short recharge). Reconstruction acts at the panic button for me, the moment health hits the red zone you can just shoot it back up. Most other times your regeneneration should handle the wounds.
5) I'm biased as I never liked WP too much and I'm quite the regen ****. Currently have 4 /regen level 50 scrappers and got 3 more on their way there....
Both sets are fun. Both have their strengths and weaknesses.
And I wouldn't worry about any nerfs coming to WP. It's not really all that. It's get it's survival rep with IOs. Really. Get the right IOs, and you are practically unkillable. Team it with a Primary with mitigation (like Dark Melee) and it improves even more.
WP and Shield are alot alike in that regards. They don't get impressive without the right power picks (Tough/Weave), and a little IO investment.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
My WP/Spines easily solos at +2/8, and is my most consistently safe character at working the Roman wall. I can't see Regen ever performing at a comparable level, especially given that you live or die by your click powers, and click powers mean you are not attacking.
My Claws/Regen to your Spines/WP?
See how fast/safe we could work the wall. Romans would be good for it since they some what negate Claws biggest mitigation.
Winner gets a cookie!!!

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison
By mid 30s you would have QR and able to add in Stamina if need be. Again, I don't get how you had end issues.
I'm sure a proper IO build would have fixed that up, but it's my experience that End runs tighter on a WP than it ever does on a Regen.
Important note about Claws and WP.
You would be wise to either skip Shockwave altogether or use it sparingly, because when mobs go flying your regen drops due to them no longer being in range of RttC. Other than that it's a very solid combo. |

...Although, I'm talking about my IO'd out death machine.
Leveling up, I agree with Claws to a point. I wouldn't skip it entirely as it's a good "oh siznit" attack, unless you're stuck with those lovely baddies that dont KB. It's good, quick damage and it almost always hits at least one of the baddies you're attacking.
And remember, 40-50, Carnies are your best friends.
Seven years of heroism. Seven years of friendships. Seven years of saving the world. Seven years of virtuous selflessness.
You will return, for you are the mighty City of Paragon, the City of Heroes.
I have a couple /WP scrappers and a claws/WP brute. Endurance is never an issue (except when a Malta Sapper sees me before I see him) and I generally underslot endurance in my attacks and run as many toggles as I can grab (including the end hog leadership pool powers).
I am torn between WP and Regen for my Claws Scrap and I am leaning towards /WP yet I keep seeing references to people saying something to the effect of WP getting some form of nerf in the future due to being too survivable (I know rumors of nerfs fly around about lots of powersets but I just keep hearing about this one).
Do you number crunchers think they will ever put /WP on the chopping block? I'm almost afraid that if they do, that it will be too weak a secondary for a scrapper (would probably still be just fine on a tank).