1310 -
Sister Psyche 5 + 1 = 6
Synapse 17 - 1 = 16
Statesman: Dead
Citadel: Dead
Numina: Dead
Positron: Dead
Manticore: Dead
B.A.B.: Dead -
Sister Psyche 3 + 1 = 4 *Please don't go girl!
Synapse 19 - 1 = 18 (adjusted for Mr. Nobody's accidental -2)
Statesman: Dead
Citadel: Dead
Numina: Dead
Positron: Dead
Manticore: Dead
B.A.B.: Dead -
Thanks for the feedback on the Optimized Arcs experiment. While my experiment may have been flawed from the start at least it got a few authors thinking about their arcs in a new light. I knew the story arcs were not going to give as many tickets, but what I was really curious about was how big a difference there is...and it is significant.
We haven't played enough arcs to really have a good sample for an average, but I'm going to continue tracking tickets on my own in hopes of getting to that number. Even if we can't reach Farming level ticket drops, it would be nice to have an average number we can shoot for to be considered 'good' to 'above average.'
And as for farm characters needing to be high level & /fire only, see TopDoc's thread on the claws/electric brute that can run at lvl 1 (albeit, with +1/x8 & a lot of insps). While the arc is very specialized it just shows that there's many different ways to accomplish the same goals in AE. I still hold out hope that we can find/create arcs that are both story-rich and tangibly rewarding. -
Kurrent: yes, the last 4 and a few more (tho my math had Synapse at 1 more than Thirty-Six's but w/e)
Synapse: 17 -1 = 16
Sister Psyche: 5 + 1 = 6 *Girl Power!!!
Statesman: Dead
Citadel: Dead
Numina: Dead
Positron: Dead
Manticore: Dead
B.A.B.: Dead -
Why did you eliminate AE content? There's plenty of legit arcs, filled with standard characters & challenges you can play. Limiting yourself to 'no Farms' sounds inline with your goals, but all of AE?...that's throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
Also, if you open yourself to AE possibilities you can use my arc, "The Crafter's Cafe" #487283, to craft your temp powers at AE and it won't give you a lick of XP but it will save you on all that travel time getting to and from the Uni/RWZ/Base crafting tables. Plus, tickets will make getting salvage a lot more feasible without the need for twinks from your alts.
Good luck on your challenge and don't forget to grab even more temp power attacks & defense via Ouro! -
Synapse: 18 -1 = 17 *sorry for the earlier math fail >.<
Sister Psyche: 4 + 1 = 5 *Help a sistah out!
Statesman: Dead
Citadel: Dead
Numina: Dead
Positron: Dead
Manticore: Dead
B.A.B.: Dead (still. haha) -
Good to see the AE Storyteam kept on rolling in my absence this weekend. And a big WELCOME BACK to SupaFreak!
Great theme you came up with, Zam! I look forward to running these solo and seeing what I missed.
8/28/11: "Lowbie Ædventures!":
#6017 "Mercytown" by @Frija
5 missions/Villainous
#379017 "Outbroken" by @Aehaed
5 missions/Heroic
Next meeting: 9/4/11, we return to Triumph Server to celebrate the end of summer vacation. Theme: "BÆck to School!" Join us on Triumph at the AE building in RWZ, all levels and ATs are welcome! -
I had a last minute schedule change this weekend so couldn't attend our Sunday meet. In my stead, Zamuel led the Storyteam thru a couple "Lowbie Ædventures!":
#6017 "Mercytown" by @Frija
I actually haven't had a chance to play either of these arcs yet, but here's Zamuel's reviews:
5 missions/Villainous
#379017 "Outbroken" by @Aehaed
5 missions/Heroic
Quote:This week the AE Storyteam hit Victory. I missed last week so I figured I wouldn't be best for trying to keep up with the whole ticket thing. With the low level game getting a revamp, I felt it would be nice to run some low level arcs.
First up was Mercytown #6017 by @Frija. Teaming up with comrade Dmitri Krylov we research Coralax in name of science! While we encounter some sort of mystic tome, an even greater force known as copyright filter cause mayhem in plans. However, it is no match for great strength of team.
The second arc was Outbroken #379017 by @Aehaed. With our old friend Coyote getting infected with the Outbreak virus and suffering occassional OUTBURTS OF RAGE, we're tasked with helping setup training new heroes. With some of locations being mildly EXTREMELY DANGEROUS...WHO WOULD SET THIS UP FOR NEWBS?!?, we try to find out just what's going on. Manages to have some fun mechanics considering SOMEONE JUST HAD TO PRESS THE BUTTON.
I may need some rest...
So, it looks like Mercytown had a good story but is currently afflicted with the Copyright/Proanity filter bug. And I can't tell if Zam had a balance/difficulty issue with Outbroken or if he's commenting on fuzzy logic in the plot. I'll have to play them myself and find out!
Next meeting: 9/4/11, we return to Triumph Server to celebrate the end of summer vacation. Theme: "BÆck to School!" Join us on Triumph at the AE building in RWZ, all levels and ATs are welcome! -
Synapse: 16 -2 = 14
Sister Psyche: 5 +1 = 6 *Save the Sister, save the world!
Statesman: Dead
Citadel: Dead
Numina: Dead
Positron: Dead
Manticore: Dead
B.A.B.: Dead -
Oh, that was a player!! I was wondering what that strange, hairy-looking blob was in the front-middle of the first screenie. Apparently, Tufa's best side is not from above.
Just posting this so we know where numbers actually are:
Synapse: 16
Back Alley Brawler: 2
Sister Psyche: 9
Statesman: Dead
Citadel: Dead
Numina: Dead
Positron: Dead
Manticore: Dead
*sets out a nice sweet bowl of milk for Amerikatt at the Café, where you can visit BaBs anytime
**isn't it about time Mr_NoBody showed up for killing blow #3? -
Synapse: 16 +1 = 17
Back Alley Brawler: 5 -2 = 3 *tick, tick, tick...
Sister Psyche: 9
Statesman: Dead
Citadel: Dead
Numina: Dead
Positron: Dead
Manticore: Dead -
Heads up, there may be a change to the theme this week. I just got a last minute RL schedule conflict for this weekend's AE Storyteam meet and will not be able to attend.
The Storyteam members that do show may want to run a diff theme. If so, I'll see about continuing the Optimized Arcs theme the follow weekend.
Sorry about that, have fun! -
Heads up. I just got a last minute RL schedule conflict for this weekend's AE Storyteam meet and will not be able to attend.
Was hoping to at least run thru Doctor Gemini's MAGI arc and record the tix from it with the team. If you want to run it, please note the tickets & time for each mish. If you want to run something else we can do it the following week.
Have fun! -
Quote:It was about cashing in at the height of being a popular comic creator then leaving the industry and fans that made you who you were hanging for years while you turned your back on them in the most unprofessional manner possible.What was Danger Girl even about? From all the art I've seen, just seems like T&A, and if that's the case, 2/3 of the lead roles were miscast already.
Or something like that. -
Quote:Actually, I think it says, "Star Trike", both on the saucer and the engines. Nothing wrong with showing off it's name.Fail. First because it's obviously built from other things (looks like a pre-existing saucer that doesn't look much like the ship). Second, as previously stated, it's says "Star Trek" and not the ship name and number. One must be as close as possible to the original when nerding out.
But, I will give it props for trying. -
To make it more interesting, from this point I will include a follow-up submission with each vote.
For your judgement:
Love, love, love the costume for Warslinger! What you did on the head/face is amazing. And the coloring is genius!
I like how Hammi looks like he's trying to hide behind that rock column
*Tee hee! Nobody will find me here! ^.^ -
Synapse: 14 +1 = 15 *run Synapse run!!
Back Alley Brawler: 7 -2 = 5 *Ooops! Did that sting?
Sister Psyche: 11
Statesman: Dead
Citadel: Dead
Numina: Dead
Positron: Dead
Manticore: Dead -
Synapse: 28 +1 = 29
Back Alley Brawler: 27 -2 = 25 *too bad his archer buddy isn't around to defend him anymore...
Sister Psyche: 26
Statesman: Dead
Citadel: Dead
Numina: Dead
Positron: Dead
Manticore: Dead -
Great arc!! Whenever I play it I alt-tab to youtube and fire up the Miami Vice theme for background music. Totally radical
Synapse: 28 + 1 = 29
Back Alley Brawler: 30 -2 = 28
Sister Psyche: 27
Statesman: Dead
Citadel: Dead
Numina: Dead
Positron: Dead
Manticore: Dead
You killed Manticore! You bastards!! -
Quote:I read samples of both of these on the kindle and they both looked pretty good. Agree, they didn't jump out as must-haves, but put 'em on my 'want' list, anyway.Mur Lafferty, Playing for Keeps. Rather poor novel about characters with weak superhuman powers and how superheroes are all jerks. Oh, well. At least it was cheap.
Jim Bernheimer, Confessions of a D-List Supervillain. A cheap e-novel about, well, a D-list supervillain. Not great, but had some entertaining moments. Worth the low price.