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  1. Titan Weapons
    by Phil "Synapse" Zeleski


    It's time for another Intrepid Informer where we talk about a new power set. Today we're going to be talking about Titan Weapons. Titan Weapons allows your hero or villain to wield a large melee weapon to pummel your foes silly with a wide array of area of effect attacks. This power set is a primary choice for Scrappers and Brutes and a secondary choice for Tankers. I'll go into great detail on how this set functions as well as dispensing some tips and tricks to help get you started. Lastly, I'll talk about possible character themes.

    Titan Weapons allows your character to swing around fairly large weapons like a railroad crossing, a fusion hammer or a massive sword. Not only does this set deal heavy damage, but it is also very area of effect centric. You can even build up momentum so that your next few Titan Weapon attacks swing more quickly. In fact, that's the next bit I'd like to talk about.


    Titan Weapons introduces a new mechanic called Momentum. A Titan Weapons character gains Momentum after executing one of their Titan Weapon powers. You'll notice that your first swing (without Momentum) is quite long. Usually around 2 to 3 seconds or so. However, once you hit your foe with one of these slow attacks you'll gain Momentum. This will cause your next few Titan Weapon attacks to use different shorter animations. For the next few swings, you'll be able to rapidly deliver a ton of damage. However, once Momentum wears off your next Titan Weapon attack will use a longer animation. Momentum cannot be maintained indefinitely.

    This requires a bit of practice to use efficiently. I'll talk more about efficiency below in Tips and Tricks. A bit of strategy will pay off, and you'll be able to rapidly chain several area of effect attacks off together to decimate a group of foes.


    In the section below you'll find a list of powers within the Titan Weapon powerset along with their short description, long description and some of my comments regarding each power.

    Titan Weapons

    You wield an over-sized weapon of some sort; a gigantic sword, mace or axe or possibly even a railroad crossing sign. The weapon's sheer mass gives it great destructive power, and your immense strength and skill allow you to use it as a devastating weapon. Titan Weapons as a set, has exceptional area of effect capability, while retaining a strong single target ability. Certain powers can only be used as follow up attacks and are grayed out when first entering combat, while others allow you to build up momentum and accelerate your attack speed for a few moments.

    Below is a table showing which archetype gets which powers:

    NOTE: Powers with italicized names require the user to have Momentum before they can be used.

    Defensive Sweep
    Melee (Cone), Light DMG(Smashing), Self +DEF(Melee, Smash)

    You take a defensive stance and strike at your opponents. Successfully executing this attack will cause light smashing damage to nearby foes, while giving you increased defense against their melee attacks. Damage: Light, Recharge: Fast

    Designer's Comments: Defensive Sweep is a useful tool for quickly building up a measure of Melee and Smashing defense. Titan Weapons is the only power set with an area of effect attack right up front. This should give you the impression that this set is all about area of effect.

    Crushing Blow
    Melee, High DMG(Smashing), Foe -DEF

    You swing a mighty crushing blow at your opponent dealing High Smashing damage and reducing their defense. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate

    Designer's Comments: There's no fancy gimmicks with Crushing Blow. It does what it suggests. Crushing Blow is one of the three single target attacks in the set and deals pretty significant damage. Its defense debuff can be incredibly useful to make sure your next Momentum building opener hits.

    Titan Sweep
    Melee (Cone), High DMG(Smashing), Foe Knockdown

    You make a sweeping slash with your weapon, causing high damage and possibly knocking your opponent down. Damage: High, Recharge: Long

    Designer's Comments: This is your second area of effect power. It deals excellent damage and has a significant chance to knock its targets down.

    Build Momentum
    Self +DMG, +To Hit, +Momentum

    Grants you momentum, moderately increases the amount of damage you deal for a few seconds and slightly increases your chance to hit. Build Momentum grants you Momentum for 10 seconds and it replaces any remaining Momentum you may still have. Recharge: Long

    Designer's Comments: Build Momentum works sort of like Build Up, except that you exchange a bit of damage for a 10 second period of Momentum. Build Momentum is great for when you need to deal significant damage very quickly.

    Follow Through
    Melee, Superior DMG(Smashing), Foe Minor DoT(Lethal), Knockdown, Stun, Requires Momentum

    You Follow Through with a massive attack dealing Superior Smashing damage, knocking your opponent down and possibly stunning them. Additionally, Follow Through can cause the target to suffer a small amount of Lethal damage over time. NOTE: Follow Through requires Momentum in order to be activated. Damage: Superior, Recharge: Long

    Designer's Comments: Follow Through and Whirling Smash both require the user to have Momentum before they can be used. So, you cannot open up a combination with this power. To compensate for that slight inconvenience, this power deals a tremendous amount of damage, causes a small amount of damage over time, will knockdown your foe and has a chance to stun them as well! Follow Through is pretty effective at removing pesky enemies like bosses from the equation pretty quickly.

    Confront (Scrapper)
    Ranged, Foe Taunt

    Challenges a foe to attack you. Useful to pull a villain off an ally who finds themselves in over their head. A To Hit check required to Taunt enemy players, but is not needed against critter targets. Recharge: Fast

    Designer's Comments: This is the Scrapper taunt power. It's useful for getting enemies off of your squishier allies as well as reducing the target's range making them more likely to engage you in melee.

    Taunt (Tanker/Brute)
    Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe Taunt

    Taunts a foe, and some nearby foes, to attack you. Useful for pulling villains off an ally who find themselves in over their head. Taunted foes tend to ignore other Heroes and focus on you for quite a while, so use this power cautiously. An Accuracy check required to Taunt enemy players, but is not needed against critter targets. Recharge: Slow

    Designer's Comments: This is the Tanker/Brute AoE taunt power. It's great for pulling aggro off of your allies and keeping enemies near you by reducing their range briefly.

    Shatter Armor
    Melee, Extreme DMG(Smashing), Foe -Def(All), -Res(All)

    You batter your enemy with your mighty weapon dealing Extreme Smashing damage and reducing their resistance to damage as well as their defense to all types of attacks for a short time. Damage: Extreme, Recharge: Long

    Designer's Comments: Shatter Armor not only deals a punishing amount of damage, but it also reduces the target's defense and resistance. This power is equally suited for use with or without Momentum. Using it to open up a Momentum combo will result in the target suffering additional damage from reduced resistance. Using it after Momentum has been built up will result in a deadly fast attack that will make the next Momentum building attack more likely to hit.

    Whirling Smash
    PBAoE Melee, Moderate DMG(Smashing), Foe Minor DoT(Lethal), Knockdown, Requires Momentum

    You perform a powerful Whirling Smash that deals Moderate Smashing damage, and can knock an opponent down. Additionally, Whirling Smash can cause the target to suffer a small amount of Lethal damage over time. NOTE: Whirling Smash requires Momentum in order to be activated. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow

    Designer's Comments: Like Follow Through, Whirling Smash requires the user to have build up Momentum to be used at all. It compensates for this drawback by having a very fast cast time and by having a good chance to knock targets down.

    Arc of Destruction
    Melee (Cone), Superior DMG(Smashing), Foe Knockdown

    You swing your weapon in a devastating Arc of Destruction that deals Superior Smashing damage and has a good chance to knock foes down. Damage: Superior, Recharge: Slow

    Designer's Comments: Arc of Destruction excels at decimating everything in front of you. It makes for a great Momentum opener as it'll knock your foes off of their feet allowing you to execute a few attacks with Momentum without enemies attacking you back. Also, Arc of Destruction looks especially painful if used on targets that are knocked down.

    Tips and Tricks

    You'll find a list of tactics below to get you started playing Titan Weapons. These tips aren't intended to be the definitive way for playing the power set, but they may help you find your own ideal way of playing your Titan Weapons character.
    • Slot for Endurance!
      • Titan Weapons is an area of effect centric set, and as a result your powers cost more endurance. Although Titan Weapon attacks cost less endurance than most area of effect powers (as it has a pretty good damage to endurance ratio), it's still important to note that Momentum will allow you to rapidly spend your endurance. Slotting for Endurance can help with this quite a bit.
    • Accuracy and +To Hit are your friend
      • Accuracy is especially important to Titan Weapon attacks as you won't build up Momentum if you miss. So, make sure you slot some Accuracy into your Titan Weapon attacks.
      • If you absolutely cannot afford to miss your next Momentum building opener, use Build Momentum. It grants a fairly significant boost to your chance to hit.
    • Use Momentum wisely!
      • You have a brief window of opportunity once you've gained Momentum. Once you use a momentum building attack, you'll have 5 seconds to chain Titan Weapon powers together. After Momentum runs out, your next Titan Weapon will have a normal (long) animation time. So, your attack chains might look something like this:
        • Slow (Gain Momentum) --> Fast --> Fast --> Fast (Momentum fades) --> Slow
      • Your single target attacks generally deal more damage than your cone and PBAoE attacks, so if you're facing a powerful single enemy like a Boss, it's best to rapidly chain together Crushing Blow, Follow Through and Shatter Armor.
    • Know your strengths
      • Titan Weapons excels at burst damage. With Build Momentum, you're going to deal a tremendous amount of damage in a hurry!
      • Large groups of foes fall before you! You have a lot of area of effect.
      • Defensive Sweep shouldn't be ignored. This power can significantly boost your survivability.
    • Know your weaknesses
      • Trying to gain Momentum and missing can be painful! Use yellow inspirations, Build Momentum, and Accuracy enhancements to help prevent this.
      • That initial Momentum building swing can leave you vulnerable for a second or two allowing enemies to deal a good deal of damage to you. Using purple or orange inspirations before diving into a group of enemies can help if you're using a power set without a lot of defense or resistance.
      • Lots of area of effect powers that can be fired off in rapid succession means rapid expenditure of endurance. Slot for endurance to minimize this issue.


    Whether your character is a genetically modified super soldier, an anime/JRPG inspired magical hero who wields a ridiculously large sword or a super strong mutant who likes to use improvised weapons to pummel his enemies Titan Weapons allows you to build a wide range of characters. Unlike other more-simple weapon based sets you can more easily explain any origin with Titan Weapons. As with any new power set, I really look forward to see what kinds of characters you all make!

    Phil "Synapse" Zeleski

    Join in the Community discussion now!
  2. Titan Weapons
    by Phil "Synapse" Zeleski


    It's time for another Intrepid Informer where we talk about a new power set. Today we're going to be talking about Titan Weapons. Titan Weapons allows your hero or villain to wield a large melee weapon to pummel your foes silly with a wide array of area of effect attacks. This power set is a primary choice for Scrappers and Brutes and a secondary choice for Tankers. I'll go into great detail on how this set functions as well as dispensing some tips and tricks to help get you started. Lastly, I'll talk about possible character themes.

    Titan Weapons allows your character to swing around fairly large weapons like a railroad crossing, a fusion hammer or a massive sword. Not only does this set deal heavy damage, but it is also very area of effect centric. You can even build up momentum so that your next few Titan Weapon attacks swing more quickly. In fact, that's the next bit I'd like to talk about.


    Titan Weapons introduces a new mechanic called Momentum. A Titan Weapons character gains Momentum after executing one of their Titan Weapon powers. You'll notice that your first swing (without Momentum) is quite long. Usually around 2 to 3 seconds or so. However, once you hit your foe with one of these slow attacks you'll gain Momentum. This will cause your next few Titan Weapon attacks to use different shorter animations. For the next few swings, you'll be able to rapidly deliver a ton of damage. However, once Momentum wears off your next Titan Weapon attack will use a longer animation. Momentum cannot be maintained indefinitely.

    This requires a bit of practice to use efficiently. I'll talk more about efficiency below in Tips and Tricks. A bit of strategy will pay off, and you'll be able to rapidly chain several area of effect attacks off together to decimate a group of foes.


    In the section below you'll find a list of powers within the Titan Weapon powerset along with their short description, long description and some of my comments regarding each power.

    Titan Weapons

    You wield an over-sized weapon of some sort; a gigantic sword, mace or axe or possibly even a railroad crossing sign. The weapon's sheer mass gives it great destructive power, and your immense strength and skill allow you to use it as a devastating weapon. Titan Weapons as a set, has exceptional area of effect capability, while retaining a strong single target ability. Certain powers can only be used as follow up attacks and are grayed out when first entering combat, while others allow you to build up momentum and accelerate your attack speed for a few moments.

    Below is a table showing which archetype gets which powers:

    NOTE: Powers with italicized names require the user to have Momentum before they can be used.

    Defensive Sweep
    Melee (Cone), Light DMG(Smashing), Self +DEF(Melee, Smash)

    You take a defensive stance and strike at your opponents. Successfully executing this attack will cause light smashing damage to nearby foes, while giving you increased defense against their melee attacks. Damage: Light, Recharge: Fast

    Designer's Comments: Defensive Sweep is a useful tool for quickly building up a measure of Melee and Smashing defense. Titan Weapons is the only power set with an area of effect attack right up front. This should give you the impression that this set is all about area of effect.

    Crushing Blow
    Melee, High DMG(Smashing), Foe -DEF

    You swing a mighty crushing blow at your opponent dealing High Smashing damage and reducing their defense. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate

    Designer's Comments: There's no fancy gimmicks with Crushing Blow. It does what it suggests. Crushing Blow is one of the three single target attacks in the set and deals pretty significant damage. Its defense debuff can be incredibly useful to make sure your next Momentum building opener hits.

    Titan Sweep
    Melee (Cone), High DMG(Smashing), Foe Knockdown

    You make a sweeping slash with your weapon, causing high damage and possibly knocking your opponent down. Damage: High, Recharge: Long

    Designer's Comments: This is your second area of effect power. It deals excellent damage and has a significant chance to knock its targets down.

    Build Momentum
    Self +DMG, +To Hit, +Momentum

    Grants you momentum, moderately increases the amount of damage you deal for a few seconds and slightly increases your chance to hit. Build Momentum grants you Momentum for 10 seconds and it replaces any remaining Momentum you may still have. Recharge: Long

    Designer's Comments: Build Momentum works sort of like Build Up, except that you exchange a bit of damage for a 10 second period of Momentum. Build Momentum is great for when you need to deal significant damage very quickly.

    Follow Through
    Melee, Superior DMG(Smashing), Foe Minor DoT(Lethal), Knockdown, Stun, Requires Momentum

    You Follow Through with a massive attack dealing Superior Smashing damage, knocking your opponent down and possibly stunning them. Additionally, Follow Through can cause the target to suffer a small amount of Lethal damage over time. NOTE: Follow Through requires Momentum in order to be activated. Damage: Superior, Recharge: Long

    Designer's Comments: Follow Through and Whirling Smash both require the user to have Momentum before they can be used. So, you cannot open up a combination with this power. To compensate for that slight inconvenience, this power deals a tremendous amount of damage, causes a small amount of damage over time, will knockdown your foe and has a chance to stun them as well! Follow Through is pretty effective at removing pesky enemies like bosses from the equation pretty quickly.

    Confront (Scrapper)
    Ranged, Foe Taunt

    Challenges a foe to attack you. Useful to pull a villain off an ally who finds themselves in over their head. A To Hit check required to Taunt enemy players, but is not needed against critter targets. Recharge: Fast

    Designer's Comments: This is the Scrapper taunt power. It's useful for getting enemies off of your squishier allies as well as reducing the target's range making them more likely to engage you in melee.

    Taunt (Tanker/Brute)
    Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe Taunt

    Taunts a foe, and some nearby foes, to attack you. Useful for pulling villains off an ally who find themselves in over their head. Taunted foes tend to ignore other Heroes and focus on you for quite a while, so use this power cautiously. An Accuracy check required to Taunt enemy players, but is not needed against critter targets. Recharge: Slow

    Designer's Comments: This is the Tanker/Brute AoE taunt power. It's great for pulling aggro off of your allies and keeping enemies near you by reducing their range briefly.

    Shatter Armor
    Melee, Extreme DMG(Smashing), Foe -Def(All), -Res(All)

    You batter your enemy with your mighty weapon dealing Extreme Smashing damage and reducing their resistance to damage as well as their defense to all types of attacks for a short time. Damage: Extreme, Recharge: Long

    Designer's Comments: Shatter Armor not only deals a punishing amount of damage, but it also reduces the target's defense and resistance. This power is equally suited for use with or without Momentum. Using it to open up a Momentum combo will result in the target suffering additional damage from reduced resistance. Using it after Momentum has been built up will result in a deadly fast attack that will make the next Momentum building attack more likely to hit.

    Whirling Smash
    PBAoE Melee, Moderate DMG(Smashing), Foe Minor DoT(Lethal), Knockdown, Requires Momentum

    You perform a powerful Whirling Smash that deals Moderate Smashing damage, and can knock an opponent down. Additionally, Whirling Smash can cause the target to suffer a small amount of Lethal damage over time. NOTE: Whirling Smash requires Momentum in order to be activated. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow

    Designer's Comments: Like Follow Through, Whirling Smash requires the user to have build up Momentum to be used at all. It compensates for this drawback by having a very fast cast time and by having a good chance to knock targets down.

    Arc of Destruction
    Melee (Cone), Superior DMG(Smashing), Foe Knockdown

    You swing your weapon in a devastating Arc of Destruction that deals Superior Smashing damage and has a good chance to knock foes down. Damage: Superior, Recharge: Slow

    Designer's Comments: Arc of Destruction excels at decimating everything in front of you. It makes for a great Momentum opener as it'll knock your foes off of their feet allowing you to execute a few attacks with Momentum without enemies attacking you back. Also, Arc of Destruction looks especially painful if used on targets that are knocked down.

    Tips and Tricks

    You'll find a list of tactics below to get you started playing Titan Weapons. These tips aren't intended to be the definitive way for playing the power set, but they may help you find your own ideal way of playing your Titan Weapons character.
    • Slot for Endurance!
      • Titan Weapons is an area of effect centric set, and as a result your powers cost more endurance. Although Titan Weapon attacks cost less endurance than most area of effect powers (as it has a pretty good damage to endurance ratio), it's still important to note that Momentum will allow you to rapidly spend your endurance. Slotting for Endurance can help with this quite a bit.
    • Accuracy and +To Hit are your friend
      • Accuracy is especially important to Titan Weapon attacks as you won't build up Momentum if you miss. So, make sure you slot some Accuracy into your Titan Weapon attacks.
      • If you absolutely cannot afford to miss your next Momentum building opener, use Build Momentum. It grants a fairly significant boost to your chance to hit.
    • Use Momentum wisely!
      • You have a brief window of opportunity once you've gained Momentum. Once you use a momentum building attack, you'll have 5 seconds to chain Titan Weapon powers together. After Momentum runs out, your next Titan Weapon will have a normal (long) animation time. So, your attack chains might look something like this:
        • Slow (Gain Momentum) --> Fast --> Fast --> Fast (Momentum fades) --> Slow
      • Your single target attacks generally deal more damage than your cone and PBAoE attacks, so if you're facing a powerful single enemy like a Boss, it's best to rapidly chain together Crushing Blow, Follow Through and Shatter Armor.
    • Know your strengths
      • Titan Weapons excels at burst damage. With Build Momentum, you're going to deal a tremendous amount of damage in a hurry!
      • Large groups of foes fall before you! You have a lot of area of effect.
      • Defensive Sweep shouldn't be ignored. This power can significantly boost your survivability.
    • Know your weaknesses
      • Trying to gain Momentum and missing can be painful! Use yellow inspirations, Build Momentum, and Accuracy enhancements to help prevent this.
      • That initial Momentum building swing can leave you vulnerable for a second or two allowing enemies to deal a good deal of damage to you. Using purple or orange inspirations before diving into a group of enemies can help if you're using a power set without a lot of defense or resistance.
      • Lots of area of effect powers that can be fired off in rapid succession means rapid expenditure of endurance. Slot for endurance to minimize this issue.


    Whether your character is a genetically modified super soldier, an anime/JRPG inspired magical hero who wields a ridiculously large sword or a super strong mutant who likes to use improvised weapons to pummel his enemies Titan Weapons allows you to build a wide range of characters. Unlike other more-simple weapon based sets you can more easily explain any origin with Titan Weapons. As with any new power set, I really look forward to see what kinds of characters you all make!

    Phil "Synapse" Zeleski
  3. The following items are now available at the Paragon Market™!

    Gunslinger Costume Bundle - New!

    Dress up as a solitary ranger, a Hero with no name, or a sizzling firecracker with the new Gunslinger costume bundle. Includes an assortment of western-themed pants, jackets, pistols, and more.

    Paragon Market Location: Costumes > Costume Bundles
    400 Paragon Points


    Dual Pistols Power Set

    Dual Pistols is a ranged damage power set. Dual Pistols wielders can swap their ammo and modify the secondary effects of "blast" powers to lethal, fire, cold, or toxic damage and additional debuffs like -Resistance, -Damage and -Speed. Available to Blasters, Corruptors and Defenders. Purchase of this Power Set unlocks it for your entire account. Note: Available free for VIPs.

    Paragon Market Location: Powers > Power Sets > Ranged
    Regular Price: 800 Paragon Points
    Sale Price: 600 Paragon Points


    Steampunk Costume Bundle

    The Steampunk Costume Bundle contains a collection of 43 Victorian and Steampunk-inspired costume pieces for Male, Female, and Huge characters. Costume pieces only - no Auras, Emotes or Powers are included with this bundle.

    Paragon Market Location: Costumes > Costume Bundles
    400 Paragon Points


    German Shepherd Pet

    A Hero or Villain's best friend! This playful companion follows you into danger, lounges lazily or scratches behind its ears.

    Market Location: Powers > Permanent Powers > Pet
    500 Paragon Points
  4. I'm always amazd at what you're all able to accomplish with the base editor but really, with 300k, you've managed to construct marvels of architecture! Well done to the winners but also to all of you who were able to let your inspiration loose, and thank you to PERC for organising an original contest to showcase base creations!
  5. Please note the Pilgrim Hat is stil available at the Paragon Market until 11:59:59 p.m. Pacific Time / 2:59:59 a.m. Eastern Time / 7:59:59 GMT / 8:59:59 CET!

    Pilgrim Hat

    Celebrate your Harvest of Heroism (or the Sideboard of Villainy) with a Pilgrim Hat! Available now through November 28.

    Paragon Market Location: Costumes > Head > Helmet/Hat
    40 Points
  6. Get bonus game time when you join the ranks of VIPs by purchasing a 6-month or 12-month VIP subscription this holiday season. Snatch this up with Super Speed, as it's only available from November 28, 2011 to December 31, 2011!
    • Buy 6 months as a VIP, and get 1 super month free (North America/Europe).
    • Buy 12 months as a VIP, and get 2 super months free (North America only).

    And don't forget, you can get 500 free Paragon Points™ by referring a friend!

    Happy Holidays!

    Join in the Community discussion now!
  7. Get bonus game time when you join the ranks of VIPs by purchasing a 6-month or 12-month VIP subscription this holiday season. Snatch this up with Super Speed, as it's only available from November 28, 2011 to December 31, 2011!
    • Buy 6 months as a VIP, and get 1 super month free (North America/Europe).
    • Buy 12 months as a VIP, and get 2 super months free (North America only).

    And don't forget, you can get 500 free Paragon Points™ by referring a friend!

    Happy Holidays!
  8. Please note the Special Black Friday has now been extended until December 1st (December 5th for the VIP Starter Kit only!).
  9. The Guardian Powers #1

    Galatea Powers!
    Lyon Powers!
    Captain Paragonna!
    Icon Powers!
    DA Alex Wentworth!

    Once, they were members of the Guardians of the Dawn. a superhero team dedicated to bringing that bright and shining future to Paragon City.

    Now the group is no more, but the five of them must still work to bring that bright and shining future that is always just over the horizon, as well as to clear the good name of the group, which is now accused of playing a role in a horrendous act!

    They are friends, they are even family, but more than that, they are heroes! They are The Guardian Powers!

    In this debut issue, a stranger from Paragon City's past returns to enact vengeance on Galatea Powers. Who is he, and what drives him to carry out this act of revenge?

    Special appearances by in-game character Azuria and Gregor Richardson.

    Check out the YouTube special on the new series here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYU_WFaor68

    For more information about this issue, including viewing all the YouTube specials and hints of future issues, be sure to visit the OFFICIAL website of the Guardians: GuardiansOfTheDawn.wordpress.com
  10. Happy Thanksgiving everybody! This year I'm having turkey, oh yes, I am!
  11. The announcements will be up on Monday next week so you'll still have plenty of time to get your bonus game time
  12. KK Comics Continues!
    The website has re-launched, and a new Cross Title Story arc continues.

    Krushing on the Kitten #3
    Countdown to Gawd Complex - 8

    Krusher Kitten joins a new ally, Blast Lord,
    to gather information from Zombies.
    Special Guest, Blast Lord from the FREEDOM Server

    Don't forget the last issue also, to keep up on the story.

    Confessions of A Teenage Blapper Series Two #1
    Countdown to Gawd Complex - 9

    Kinetic Kitten receives a cryptic message.
    And begins to investigate in Cimerora.
    Cover Art by Night_Hornet

    More to come very soon!!!!!!!

    See these issues, and all our past issues at......

    Home of the Evil Malibu Barbie Series

    Thanks to all,
    TechSpider/Kinetic Kitten
  13. On Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011, NCsoft Account Services will be brought down for maintenance. All NCsoft Account services will be unavailable at that time.

    You will be unable to access the following areas during the maintenance:
    • The NCsoft Store (to purchase the City of Heroes Freedom™ VIP Starter Kit);
    • The purchase of Paragon Points (but you will be able to spend already acquired Paragon Points);
    • The NCsoft Account Management System (to manage, create, upgrade or re-activate your account for instance);
    • The creation of new Forum accounts (the use of existing Forum accounts will not however be affected).

    We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience with this matter.

    Please note: the Live servers will still be available at that time and you will be able to log in to the game.
  14. Special Black Friday Sale Now Extended until Dec. 1 (Dec. 5 for the VIP Starter Kit!)

    Sale Items 50% to 80% Off

    Get ready for the Special Black Friday Sale where Buffs & boosters, account services, enhancements, and more will be available at a lower price during this post-Thanksgiving holiday sale!


    City of Heroes Freedom™ VIP Starter Kit for only $0.99 (€0.79 / £0.59)
    Extended until Dec. 5!

    Join the ranks of super-powered Heroes and Villains with the City of Heroes Freedom™ VIP Starter Kit! The City of Heroes Freedom ™ VIP Starter Kit will upgrade newly created free accounts to VIP status, and includes one month of VIP subscription time and VIP benefits (can only be used to activate NEW accounts and cannot be applied to existing VIP or Premium accounts).

    Only available through the NCsoft Store!


    XP Booster Temporary Power
    Extended until Dec. 1!


    The XP Booster Temporary Power increases XP Gain by 25% for one hour. Once activated, the XP Booster cannot be turned off, and you will be unable to run multiple versions of the XP Booster at the same time. It has no benefits for characters who have XP Disabled or are at Level 50. This has NO effect on Incarnate XP Gain.

    Paragon Market Location: Paragon Picks > Black Friday

    XP Booster Temporary Power (1 charge)
    Regular Price: 120 Points
    Sale Price: 30 Points

    XP Booster Temporary Power (3 charges)
    Regular Price: 300 Points
    Sale Price: 75 Points

    XP Booster Temporary Power (5 charges)
    Regular Price: 450 Points
    Sale Price: 113 Points


    Windfall Temporary Power
    Extended until Dec. 1!

    The Windfall Temporary Power increases INF (Influence, Infamy and Information) gain by 25% for one hour. It will also increase drop rates for certain rewards. Once activated, the power cannot be turned off, and another version of the power cannot be activated. Please note: The Windfall Temporary Power will not boost reward drops in PvP Zones, and if your character is in SG mode, INF gain will be diminished.

    Paragon Market Location: Paragon Picks > Black Friday

    Windfall Temporary Power (1 charge)
    Regular Price: 120 Points
    Sale Price: 30 Points

    Windfall Temporary Power (3 charges)
    Regular Price: 300 Points
    Sale Price: 75 Points

    Windfall Temporary Power (5 charges)
    Regular Price: 450 Points
    Sale Price: 113 Points


    Invention License (30 days)
    Extended until Dec. 1!

    Purchasing this license will allow all characters on your account access to "crafting" Invention enhancements from a recipe at any crafting table for 30 days from time of purchase.

    Paragon Market Location: Paragon Picks > Black Friday
    Regular Price:160 Points
    Sale Price: 80 Points


    Character Server Transfer Token
    Extended until Dec. 1!

    The Character Server Transfer Token is used on the Character Selection Screen. Please note that the destination server MUST have an available Character Slot open for your Character to transfer to it. Additionally, your character's name is not guaranteed to be available on the new server!

    Paragon Market Location: Paragon Picks > Black Friday
    Regular Price: 800 Points
    Sale Price: 200 Points


    Character Respec Token
    Extended until Dec. 1!

    Purchasing a Respec Token will allow you to Respecify your Primary and Secondary Powers, Power Pool Powers and Enhancement Slot assignments. This does not allow you to change a Primary Power Set.

    Paragon Market Location: Paragon Picks > Black Friday
    Regular Price: 800 Points
    Sale Price: 400 Points


    Large Inspirations (Qty 5, all types)
    Extended until Dec. 1!

    Each of these Inspirations is only 10 points when bundled in a handy 5 pack.

    Paragon Market Location: Paragon Picks > Black Friday

    Protected Dual Inspiration (Large Dual +Def/+Res) x5
    Regular Price: 300 Points
    Sale Price: 50 Points

    Invigorate Dual Inspiration (Large Dual +Health/+Endurance) x5
    Regular Price: 300 Points
    Sale Price: 50 Points

    Precise Dual Inspiration (Large Dual +Acc/+Damage) x5
    Regular Price: 300 Points
    Sale Price: 50 Points

    Good Luck Imbuement Team Inspiration (Large Team +Defense) x5
    Regular Price: 450 Points
    Sale Price: 50 Points

    Rugged Imbuement Team Inspiration (Large Team +Resist) x5
    Regular Price: 450 Points
    Sale Price: 50 Points

    Keen Insight Imbuement Team Inspiration (Large Team +Accuracy) x5
    Regular Price: 450 Points
    Sale Price: 50 Points

    Greater Health Imbuement Team Inspiration (Large Team +Health) x5
    Regular Price: 450 Points
    Sale Price: 50 Points

    Precise Imbuement Team Dual Inspiration (Large Team +Accuracy/+Damage) x5
    Regular Price: 600 Points
    Sale Price: 50 Points


    Invention Origin Enhancement Sets
    Extended until Dec. 1!

    Paragon Market Location: Paragon Picks > Black Friday

    Basilisk's Gaze (10-30)
    Regular Price: 1070 Points
    Sale Price: 400 Points

    Kinetic Combat (20-35)
    Regular Price: 775 Points
    Sale Price: 400 Points

    Luck of the Gambler (25-50)
    Regular Price: 1125 Points
    Sale Price: 400 Points


    Martial Arts Super Booster Pack
    Extended until Dec. 1!

    Contains 41 martial arts costume parts, 2 emotes, 2 costume change emotes and the Ninja Run power.

    Paragon Market Location: Paragon Picks > Black Friday
    400 Points

    Join in the Community discussion now!
  15. Special Black Friday Sale Now Extended until Dec. 1 (Dec. 5 for the VIP Starter Kit!)

    Sale Items 50% to 80% Off

    Get ready for the Special Black Friday Sale where Buffs & boosters, account services, enhancements, and more will be available at a lower price during this post-Thanksgiving holiday sale!


    City of Heroes Freedom™ VIP Starter Kit for only $0.99 (€0.79 / £0.59)
    Extended until Dec. 5!

    Join the ranks of super-powered Heroes and Villains with the City of Heroes Freedom™ VIP Starter Kit! The City of Heroes Freedom ™ VIP Starter Kit will upgrade newly created free accounts to VIP status, and includes one month of VIP subscription time and VIP benefits (can only be used to activate NEW accounts and cannot be applied to existing VIP or Premium accounts).

    Only available through the NCsoft Store!


    XP Booster Temporary Power
    Extended until Dec. 1!


    The XP Booster Temporary Power increases XP Gain by 25% for one hour. Once activated, the XP Booster cannot be turned off, and you will be unable to run multiple versions of the XP Booster at the same time. It has no benefits for characters who have XP Disabled or are at Level 50. This has NO effect on Incarnate XP Gain.

    Paragon Market Location: Paragon Picks > Black Friday

    XP Booster Temporary Power (1 charge)
    Regular Price: 120 Points
    Sale Price: 30 Points

    XP Booster Temporary Power (3 charges)
    Regular Price: 300 Points
    Sale Price: 75 Points

    XP Booster Temporary Power (5 charges)
    Regular Price: 450 Points
    Sale Price: 113 Points


    Windfall Temporary Power
    Extended until Dec. 1!

    The Windfall Temporary Power increases INF (Influence, Infamy and Information) gain by 25% for one hour. It will also increase drop rates for certain rewards. Once activated, the power cannot be turned off, and another version of the power cannot be activated. Please note: The Windfall Temporary Power will not boost reward drops in PvP Zones, and if your character is in SG mode, INF gain will be diminished.

    Paragon Market Location: Paragon Picks > Black Friday

    Windfall Temporary Power (1 charge)
    Regular Price: 120 Points
    Sale Price: 30 Points

    Windfall Temporary Power (3 charges)
    Regular Price: 300 Points
    Sale Price: 75 Points

    Windfall Temporary Power (5 charges)
    Regular Price: 450 Points
    Sale Price: 113 Points


    Invention License (30 days)
    Extended until Dec. 1!

    Purchasing this license will allow all characters on your account access to "crafting" Invention enhancements from a recipe at any crafting table for 30 days from time of purchase.

    Paragon Market Location: Paragon Picks > Black Friday
    Regular Price:160 Points
    Sale Price: 80 Points


    Character Server Transfer Token
    Extended until Dec. 1!

    The Character Server Transfer Token is used on the Character Selection Screen. Please note that the destination server MUST have an available Character Slot open for your Character to transfer to it. Additionally, your character's name is not guaranteed to be available on the new server!

    Paragon Market Location: Paragon Picks > Black Friday
    Regular Price: 800 Points
    Sale Price: 200 Points


    Character Respec Token
    Extended until Dec. 1!

    Purchasing a Respec Token will allow you to Respecify your Primary and Secondary Powers, Power Pool Powers and Enhancement Slot assignments. This does not allow you to change a Primary Power Set.

    Paragon Market Location: Paragon Picks > Black Friday
    Regular Price: 800 Points
    Sale Price: 400 Points


    Large Inspirations (Qty 5, all types)
    Extended until Dec. 1!

    Each of these Inspirations is only 10 points when bundled in a handy 5 pack.

    Paragon Market Location: Paragon Picks > Black Friday

    Protected Dual Inspiration (Large Dual +Def/+Res) x5
    Regular Price: 300 Points
    Sale Price: 50 Points

    Invigorate Dual Inspiration (Large Dual +Health/+Endurance) x5
    Regular Price: 300 Points
    Sale Price: 50 Points

    Precise Dual Inspiration (Large Dual +Acc/+Damage) x5
    Regular Price: 300 Points
    Sale Price: 50 Points

    Good Luck Imbuement Team Inspiration (Large Team +Defense) x5
    Regular Price: 450 Points
    Sale Price: 50 Points

    Rugged Imbuement Team Inspiration (Large Team +Resist) x5
    Regular Price: 450 Points
    Sale Price: 50 Points

    Keen Insight Imbuement Team Inspiration (Large Team +Accuracy) x5
    Regular Price: 450 Points
    Sale Price: 50 Points

    Greater Health Imbuement Team Inspiration (Large Team +Health) x5
    Regular Price: 450 Points
    Sale Price: 50 Points

    Precise Imbuement Team Dual Inspiration (Large Team +Accuracy/+Damage) x5
    Regular Price: 600 Points
    Sale Price: 50 Points


    Invention Origin Enhancement Sets
    Extended until Dec. 1!

    Paragon Market Location: Paragon Picks > Black Friday

    Basilisk's Gaze (10-30)
    Regular Price: 1070 Points
    Sale Price: 400 Points

    Kinetic Combat (20-35)
    Regular Price: 775 Points
    Sale Price: 400 Points

    Luck of the Gambler (25-50)
    Regular Price: 1125 Points
    Sale Price: 400 Points


    Martial Arts Super Booster Pack
    Extended until Dec. 1!

    Contains 41 martial arts costume parts, 2 emotes, 2 costume change emotes and the Ninja Run power.

    Paragon Market Location: Paragon Picks > Black Friday
    400 Points


    Please note the Pilgrim Hat is stil available at the Paragon Market until 11:59:59 p.m. Pacific Time / 2:59:59 a.m. Eastern Time / 7:59:59 GMT / 8:59:59 CET!

    Pilgrim Hat

    Celebrate your Harvest of Heroism (or the Sideboard of Villainy) with a Pilgrim Hat! Available now through November 28.

    Paragon Market Location: Costumes > Head > Helmet/Hat
    40 Points
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
    Hi Avatea! ^_^
    Can we have some concept art for the rest too? Aura, pet, cce, emblem and badge please.
    We will be releasing more images of those Loyalty Rewards at some point during the upcoming weeks, just not right now
  17. The 2012 Loyalty Program is starting soon!

    Maintain your VIP subscription from December 1st 2011 to March 31st 2012, and you will receive the following items on April 18th , 2012, on all of your existing and newly created characters:
    • Tempered Through Fire, a new Account-Wide Badge.
    • The Helm of Zeus and the Helm of Tartarus. Two new helmets, inspired by Statesman and Lord Recluse.
    • Paragon, a new Chest Emblem that all Heroes or Villains can wear proudly.
    • The Inner Will costume change emote. Tap into primal forces to change into a new costume.
    • A non-combat companion pet.
    • The Battle Fury Aura. Your character will appear to be channeling awesome cosmic powers.

    So make sure your subscription doesn't run out anytime between December 1st 2011 to March 31st 2012 and that's all yours!

    In the meantime, here are a couple of concept art pieces for the Helm of Zeus and the Helm of Tartarus so you can already start imagining how you'll use them for your existing or new characters!


  18. The 2012 Loyalty Program is starting soon!

    Maintain your VIP subscription from December 1st 2011 to March 31st 2012, and you will receive the following items on April 18th , 2012, on all of your existing and newly created characters:
    • Tempered Through Fire, a new Account-Wide Badge.
    • The Helm of Zeus and the Helm of Tartarus. Two new helmets, inspired by Statesman and Lord Recluse.
    • Paragon, a new Chest Emblem that all Heroes or Villains can wear proudly.
    • The Inner Will costume change emote. Tap into primal forces to change into a new costume.
    • A non-combat companion pet.
    • The Battle Fury Aura. Your character will appear to be channeling awesome cosmic powers.

    So make sure your subscription doesn't run out anytime between December 1st 2011 to March 31st 2012 and that's all yours!

    In the meantime, here are a couple of concept art pieces for the Helm of Zeus and the Helm of Tartarus so you can already start imagining how you'll use them for your existing or new characters!


  19. Hi all! We endeavour to run a different AE arc every week but this week is proving to be a bit busier than usual with the Freedom Player Summit in a couple of days. We will be resuming our weekly AE runs with you as soon as possible after Thanksgiving. Thank you!
  20. Thanksgiving is fast approaching and while it is indeed a North American tradition at this time of the year, being thankful should be something we think about whatever the area of the world we live in and Paragon City, the Rogue Isles or even Praetoria are certainly no exception!

    So join us in Pocket D, on the Exalted VIP server on Wednesday, November 30, at one of the following times for this month's VIP Costume Contest:

    What can you be thankful for? Just about anything, really! This is open for interpretation so dazzle us with your creativity and inspiration! Just keep in mind that the easier it is for us to guess what you're thankful for, without having to read your description, the better!

    Head over to this page for the City of Heroes Freedom™ Costume Contest Official Terms and Conditions.

    See you all in 2 weeks! We are certainly very thankful for this opportunity!

    Join in the Community discussion now!
  21. Thanksgiving is fast approaching and while it is indeed a North American tradition at this time of the year, being thankful should be something we think about whatever the area of the world we live in and Paragon City, the Rogue Isles or even Praetoria are certainly no exception!

    So join us in Pocket D, on the Exalted VIP server on Wednesday, November 30, at one of the following times for this month's VIP Costume Contest:

    What can you be thankful for? Just about anything, really! This is open for interpretation so dazzle us with your creativity and inspiration! Just keep in mind that the easier it is for us to guess what you're thankful for, without having to read your description, the better!

    Head over to this page for the City of Heroes Freedom™ Costume Contest Official Terms and Conditions.

    See you all in 2 weeks! We are certainly very thankful for this opportunity!
  22. Confessions of A Teenage Blapper Series Two #1
    Countdown to Gawd Complex - 9

    Kinetic Kitten receives a cryptic message.
    And begins to investigate in Cimerora.
    Cover Art by Night_Hornet

    Don't forget the last issue also, to keep up on the story.

    Rona LIVE! Season Two : Issue #1
    Countdown to Gawd Complex - 10

    In this new issue, we finally hear Rona Cosell
    mention a few of her co-workers at PNN.
    Also we get to see behind the scenes
    of her show.
    Cover Art by TechSpider/Kinetic Kitten

    More to come very soon!!!!!!!

    See these issues, and all our past issues at......

    Home of the Evil Malibu Barbie Series

    Thanks to all,
    TechSpider/Kinetic Kitten
  23. Hi all,

    The official City of Heroes Freedom forums will be down for a maintenance between 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time (1:00 p.m. Eastern Time / 6:00 p.m. GMT / 19:00 CET) and 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time (5:00 p.m. Eastern Time / 10:00 p.m. GMT / 23:00 CET) on Wednesday, November 16, 2011.

    We will keep you posted if the forums were to come back up earlier than the announced time.

    Thank you!
  24. German Shepherd Pet - New!

    A Hero or Villain's best friend! This playful companion follows you into danger, lounges lazily or scratches behind its ears.

    Market Location: Powers > Permanent Powers > Pet
    500 Points

    Three Transformation Powers - Rikti Mentalist, PPD Hardsuit, or Carnival Harlequin

    These formerly convention-exclusive powers allow you to change your appearance into an NPC.

    Market Location: Powers > Permanent Powers > NPC Transformation
    480 Points Each
    ONLY available at the Paragon Market until December 6.

    Autumn Path Aura

    With the Autumn Path Aura, your character's trail will be strewn with leaves and foliage. The plants can be tinted to any "single" color. Once purchased, this Path Aura will be available to all characters on your account.

    Market Location: Costumes > Auras
    80 Points

    Bundle: Halloween Costume Pieces

    Bring your favorite classic movie monster to life with this spooktacular collection. Mix and match costume pieces, which include those of a Piranha-headed Fish Monster, the classic Vampire, Medusa, and an evil brain-in-a-jar, Think Tank head.

    Market Location: Costumes > Costume Sets > Costume Bundles
    400 Points
    ONLY available at the Paragon Market until November 18.

    Join in the Community discussion now!
  25. German Shepherd Pet - New!

    A Hero or Villain's best friend! This playful companion follows you into danger, lounges lazily or scratches behind its ears.

    Market Location: Powers > Permanent Powers > Pet
    500 Points

    Three Transformation Powers - Rikti Mentalist, PPD Hardsuit, or Carnival Harlequin

    These formerly convention-exclusive powers allow you to change your appearance into an NPC.

    Market Location: Powers > Permanent Powers > NPC Transformation
    480 Points Each
    ONLY available at the Paragon Market until December 6.

    Autumn Path Aura

    With the Autumn Path Aura, your character's trail will be strewn with leaves and foliage. The plants can be tinted to any "single" color. Once purchased, this Path Aura will be available to all characters on your account.

    Market Location: Costumes > Auras
    80 Points

    Bundle: Halloween Costume Pieces

    Bring your favorite classic movie monster to life with this spooktacular collection. Mix and match costume pieces, which include those of a Piranha-headed Fish Monster, the classic Vampire, Medusa, and an evil brain-in-a-jar, Think Tank head.

    Market Location: Costumes > Costume Sets > Costume Bundles
    400 Points
    ONLY available at the Paragon Market until November 18.