195 -
It does look like he is back, and properly way to over worked.
Not to start anything new, or defy forum rules or anything, but who won the last person to post thread?
I guess the topic was deleted by GR, but as there was not any post about it I am just wondering who was the last to post.
Oh and GR if you did not delete it, but it was just eaten by the forums, then sorry for making assumptions. -
Now, everyone lets give Oxi Gen the benefit of doubt. The OP said nothing about the year. So maybe that was just a VERY early declaration of interest for a Nov 15 2009 event.
Assailant, you say that SR has too many clickies, when it has the same number as WP :S Practised Brawler and Elude.
[/ QUOTE ]
Granted (and I know this is off topic), but a mes resisters on a clicky. With WP I only have to use a defensive click if something goes badly, or very badly.
I object to you with your definition of a brute. The brute is THE destructive AT, and should be incredibly powerful versus both single targets AND lots of them, though sets and builds adjust the focus. You'll notice how most of the powers in the sets are ST, and how some sets have only very weak AoE.
[/ QUOTE ]
Again granted (and again off topic), but from everything I have read, it can be difficult to out damage some AVs and EBs regain. Being able to take the pounding is only half the job.
A brute is whatever you want it to be, and they start being incredibly powerful (as opposed to good) after 22 (SOs) IMO.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well I would say level 27 and close to over powered (IOs)
Right terrible off topic, just thought I should clarify my point of view -
A bit of advice posted back in beta by a dev:
Set brawl on auto attack at the early levels, it helps with fury generation.
I have no experience with /SR, at least not since I tried it in beta. I find the many cliky powers in that secondary makes it less fin to play for me.
My advice:
1) Try a willpower brute first. Most of the powers are either auto or toggles, with the exception of god mode and self resurrect. That mean you can concentrate on attacking.
2) Get as many attackers on you as you can handle, and kill the strongest ones first (Boss>Lt>regular).
3) Do not fight purple/ red mobs ad first. All the missing can get annoying.
4) Slot Endurance Reductions and Accuracy first, do not bother with Recharge/Damage/Defense/Resist...
As a brute you are not a boss killer, even if you can build a brute to that. Remember the movies, where you se the big bad monster, that walks right the throe the rank and file of the good guys swatting people at will? Thats a brute. You are specialized in taking down large groups of weaker enemies, or at least that is where you shine.
You are also a high pace kind of AT. Waiting to rest between mobs kills your furry.
And finally maybe Brutes are not your kind of AT, I have for one not yet found a stacker that I like. -
Happy seasonal greetings to you all.
I am off to hold Christmas with my parents in a few hours, the only thing better then a Christmas dinner, is a Christmas dinner you do not have to cook your self -
Thanks for all the advice.
I wend for a stone/fire tank as I could then reuse an old name from a villain that did not turn out as I wanted. -
Way back when I was playing UO my first ever character some how turned evil, back then I was mostly RPing and that was where the natural cause of things led me. And ever since I have played the evil side of MMOs even though I stoped RPing a good while back.
So a month or so ago I decided that I should get back to playing good charters in MMOs, or at least play the good side as well as the bad side.
And that brings me to the point of this post. I have been trying to create a Hero a few times in the past, however somehow I have always lost interest in them around level 5 or 6. This time I found my way to the hollows however. And I somehow felt more at home that I did in the regular zones.
So now that I can get a Hero past level 6, the question becomes, what kind of Hero AT would not have to hard a time getting a team, and at the same time be though enough to go at it alone when there was no teams to be had?
A Sank or Scraper would properly meet the 2nd part, and of thoughts two the Tank would properly bring the most to a team. Also I mainly play Brutes villain side, but that is because I end up spending so much time solo (defiant villain side can be surprisingly empty at times). So I have been trying to read the Tank and scraper forums, but it have not giving me any insight in to what kind a teaming possibilities the ATs and power sets.
That leaves me asking here. To all toughs of you that know the hero side of defiant fairly well, what AT and power set would have good chances of getting a team, but to be dependent on getting a team. -
It appears that ImageShack resized the screenshot, but you can at least se the layout. -
Thanks, now I just need a billion imf or something like that to get all the set IOs needed.
Is there a Regain cap for brutes, and if there is do anyone know what it is. I am considering getting as much regain in to my WP brute as possible.
I assume the bolded part meant "fire and ice swords".
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, I do not know how I missed that one.
I thought the elemental shields were there for people using Icy/Firey/Electric/Stone Melee in combination with Shields, so the player had a thematic option.
[/ QUOTE ]
That is my point. What about someone with a fire armor, who wand to stick to a theme, are they any less worthy of dev love. -
I checked out the shields in the character creator today, and I noticed that there are several shields that are made to fit thematically with the various elemental melee types.
My suggestion is that the same is done for the weapon models costume parts. The fire and ice shields from the elemental sites could properly be transferred directly to the broadsword and dual blade sets. That way we could get weapons that fit the elemental armors, just like we have shields the fit the elemental melees. -
Then there is the one mission where you go to paragon to kidnap civilians to turn over to Doc Vs minions. Or the one where you kidnap civilians on Mercy Isle to turn over to a mad scientists for use as lab rats.
Toughs are not evil at all... thats just business, right? -
I would like there to be a badge for SG for killing enough of the other sides NPCs. For villains that would be Longbow, for heroes it would be Archons.
The badge should be repeatable, or multi tiered. With the same amount of work needing to be done per tier.
Lets say 100 bosses defeated/killed.
So for every 100 longbow bosses /elite bosses, that was killed by a villain group while in SG mode they would get another tier of the badge.
The benefit of these badges would be a trophy, mostly torn/burned/battered/crushed costume parts, broken peaces of machines, or torn and burned banners/flags.
To display a trophy in an SG base, a decorative item of a trophy case would have to be build. Something that could hold lets say 3 rows of 5 trophies.
One the trophy case had been build and placed, and a badge earned, any SG member with the authority to place items could use the case, and if the total trophies displayed in the base was less then the number of times the badge was earned, they could choose one trophy from the list to add, and it would show up in the trophy case.
The point would be that it would always be possible to earn another trophy, and thus have something to work for, and to be able to display the achievements in the base for visitors and members alike.
Of cause this could be expanded to count for other enemy groups as well. Like say for the Rikti, The Ciricle of Thorns, The Council, and so on. -
In a game the player is an active participant, as opposed to in a movie where the viewer is a passive recipient. So games tend to be judged harder then movies.
Any way, it just not PC to kill innocent bystanders, so it will properly never happen. -
I thought it had been agreed upon,, in the other topic, that it was Doc V and his power-leveling minions that was pulling the strings, and not Mr N. (or was that a Mr N plot as well?)
Anyway if tech has the smallest number of characters of the origins, them that could be a reason to make the event enhancements tech. You know for the sake of balance and such. -
I must admit I would really like to be able to hit civilians with my attacks. And it would fit well with in the comic book world.
Imagine this: and ice based villain walks in to and bank and blast all the guards and customers alike with a freeing ray, covering them in a layer of ice. Then order the tellers to show him the vault. After cooling down the vault door and shattering it, the hero arrives. The hero is then faced with the dilemma, save the civilians or chase after the bad guy. -
That is better then what I would have hoped for. Thanks for the info. There might be some hope for my Grav/Nrg after all.
As Singularity takes knockback sets I am interested in how exactly singularity would be affected by some of the more interesting ones. Like the chance for +recharge from Force Feedback.
If it would affect Singularity as well as the charter that would be very nice, with is why I suspect that it only affects the charter. However the big question them becomes how often is it triggered?
In the same line, how would the smashing damage production IO affect Singularity? -
Have you by any chance been playing Star Wars: The Force Unleashed? Sounds to me a lot like one of that games features. (Just taking it a step further)
The first technical problem would be that when player a uses a power on player b, calculations are done even before the graphics hit the target. So when player be use the same power the code would have to go back and undo the attack player a made.
Then there is the balance issue, how would you account for different number of enhancements slots and types of enhancements used? Not to mention what other offensive buffs are affecting the users, and the difference in damage index (say blaster range index vs dominator range index)
Then there are the tactically issues. A corruptor might not wand to ever enter a lock with a blaster, as doing so would prevent the use of healing/debuffing for the duration of the lock in, while the blaster would be immune to damage for others and as such would be far better off. Dominators and controllers would likely be even more displeased with entering lock in, as while they fought it out their crown control might wear off.
Then there is the thematically problems. How would something like two assault rifle users pair off? Would they start shooting each others bullets out of the air?
Finally there is the play style problem, Xemulas mentioned. To me this is really not that kind of a game. -
No, no you got it all wrong, the vahz are just pawns... It is a Nemesis Plot!!!
/signed. A more developed LFM /LFT system would be ideal
Failing that, simply showing the team leader start in the search tab would help a lot. -
This is properly a problem with the way the damage scale over levels and lack proper enhancements at level 1-5. But I have now experienced two zombie invasions on a low level brute, and killing them extremely difficult. Regular minions zombies are hard, lts are almost impossible even with inspirations. As for the elite bosses I saw, they kill me in a few hits and even my ghost slaying axe could not dent the health bar.
Anyway just providing a bit of feed back, as it might be worthwhile to consider how invasions work for low level charter in future events.