57 -
Are we sure that DD is SITTING on that HP keyboard? I kinda wonder if that might not be the result of a major diaper containment failure . . ..
Gratz, he's a cutie! -
I think most of /Ice's real issues would go away if Frozen Aura turned into AA instead. The chance to confuse would adda lot of damage mitigation.
Even better would be making the Tier 9 a PbAoE version of Ice Storm. Man, that power ROCKS! -
We can always count on you for the link madness Alty!
Wow, I just checked out the Calendar and it looks like tonight is Freedom Villains Night with World Domination, Inc., Repeat Offenders and Malicious Multiplicity raining destruction onto the Rogue Isles!
Not into villains? It's also the regular teaming night on Freedom for Green Machine, RO's very own Empathy Blasters (don't call 'em healers!).
Come on out and join the madness! More info can be found at www.repeat-offenders.net in the calendar. While you're there cruise the forums and see if there are any groups you simply MUST join, we'd love to have you! -
Bah, it's not Gen Con unless it's in Milwaukee . . . .. .
<-------is curmudgeonly today! -
Ya know I didn't find that *-Ball comic as confusing as the judges did . . .maybe I've been doing to many Praetorian mishes lately .. . .
*goes to lie down* -
Snakes, it just HAD to be Snakes.
Anyone have any links to a Grav/Psi guide? Thanks!
I bow to the wisdom of the others herein that Jack doesn't NEED the end reducer. However with the advent of Set IOs you may still want that extra slot in there . . . YMMV.
I voted:
-Psi Weaponry
-Shield Attack
-Shield Defense
If I could have chosen a 3rd Defense set? Density Control
Very close 4th: Willpower. -
Here's the latest version!
Artillery MKVs Quick Start Guide to the Rad/Rad Corruptor
Hello! Welcome to my guide for an in your face, close combat Rad/Rad Corruptor! Within these pages are my opinions of how you can apply the special Rad/Rad Gong-Fu to live on the ragged edge within the glorious glow of the debuff!
This vision requires a more close up battle strategy, especially at higher levels. More on that play style later.
Other changes: I have not included an ideal build, as there are many ways to use the green goodness, whether or not to get Stamina, etc. I have added slotting recommendations to the power descriptions, though.
The information in this guide was culled from the various Rad/Rad Defender guides (because Im the only one to post a Rad/Rad Corruptor guide!), Personal play experience and the guidance of my SG mates in the Faithful Fiends of Fallout on Freedom. (Please see www.repeat-offenders.net for more information on the FFoF and the Repeat Offenders network of SGs!)
Radiation Blast
Neutrino Bolt level 1 Fast, single target blast, -Def
X-Ray Beam level 1 Slower, single target blast, -Def
Irradiate level 2 PBAoE Blast, high end, -Def
Electron Haze lvl6 Cone blast, knockback, -Def
Proton Volley lvl8 Sniper Blast, interruptible, -Def
Aim lvl12 Self Buff +Acc, + Damage
Cosmic Burst lvl18 Short Range Single target blast, disorient, -Def
Neutron Bomb lvl26 Ranged AoE Blast, -Def
Atomic Blast lvl32 PBAoE Blast, Superior damage, -Def, hold, drains all self end
Radiation Emission
Radiant Aura lvl1 PBAoE Heal, high end
Radiation Infection lvl2 Ranged AoE Auto-hit de-buff, -Def, -Acc
Accelerate Metabolism lvl4 PBAoE Buff, +Rech, +End, + Spd , + Dam, + Recovery +Res (Hold, Sleep, Disorient, Immob, -End, -Rec)
Enervating Field lvl10 Ranged AoE Auto-hit de-buff, -Dam, -Res
Mutation lvl16 Ally Resurrect, +Acc, + Dam, + Rech, + Recovery.
Lingering Radiation lvl20 Ranged AoE debuff (needs to hit) -Spd, -Rech, -Regen
Choking Cloud lvl28 PBAoE Hold
Fallout lvl35 Ranged AoE, disorient, requires dead teammate, -Acc, -Def, -Dam, -Res
EM Pulse lvl38 PBAoE Hold, -Regen, -End, Self: - Recovery, Special Damage vs. Robots.
Heres a breakdown of the sets. For those who like to crunch numbers, well, I dont have any, so nyah.
Radiation Blast:
-Neutrino Bolt
-X-Ray Beam
Your two level 1 blasts. The debate rages on as to which produces better DPS, but frankly even I am not THAT much of a geek, so Im not going into it. The basics: N-Bolt is faster but does less damage; X-Ray is slightly slower but does slightly better damage. In the end it seems pretty level to me. How do I decide? Freaking laser beams from my eyes! X-Ray Beams for the win! You have to choose one, let the force guide your choice my young padawan!
Slotting: I recommend 1 Acc, 3 Damage. Beyond that flavor to taste, but I seldom put more that 4 slots here, cuz youll be tight on slots and both of these attacks are fast, especially when youre running AM and Hasten.
-Irradiate: are you kidding me? A PBAoE blast at level 2? OK, thisll kill you fast and rob you of all your end, but dang its fun! Id hold off to 6th or 8th level to get it though. You need your debuffs to keep you alive when you use this.
Slotting: Make sure you slot this with at least 2 end reducers. I recommend AT LEAST 1 Acc, fill with Damage. 6 slots required.
-Electron Haze: This is a perfectly serviceable attack, but in a tight build something has to give and this is an early cut. The damage is low, but the attack has a chance for knock back, which can be used as damage mitigation. I wont blame you for taking it, but Irradiate and Cosmic Burst are better attacks.
Slotting: Acc, 3 Damage if you take it. 1 range works well, too.
-Proton Volley: This is a fairly standard, though extremely cool looking, sniper blast. While Im a fan of sniper blasts for blasters, Im less so for the Rad/Rad Corruptor, I think it plays against the in your face play-style that Rad/Rad calls for. Basically this is a low priority power that Id wait to pick up until higher levels if you get it at all.
Slotting: 3 Damage. If you have extra slots 1 Acc can be added for surety, then fill with interrupt reducers, end reducers and recharge reducers to taste.
-Aim: this self buff adds greatly to your accuracy (@+100%) and somewhat to your damage. As a Rad/Rad the +acc is less of a priority, youre more likely than not taking the opponents defense down almost to its minimum. Id take this late in the game more for the damage buff than the accuracy buff. This is useful for fights against mobs that have defense buffs (i.e. Tsoo, Skyraiders, etc.) Generally a power we can skip or take at 50 for PvP.
Slotting: If you take this you need to AT LEAST 3 slot for recharge. Any other available slots go to To Hit Buffs. Id recommend at least 4 slotting this, 6 if you can afford it. If you cant slot it, dont take it.
-Cosmic Burst: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww yeah, baby! Thats what Im talkin bout! Close range (20), huge damage, chance to disorient. Whats not to love? This attack must be taken as soon as its available and slotted ASAP. Mmmmm . .. close combat goodness!
Slotting: Standard Attack: Acc, 3 Damage. Fill with Rech and End Red as slots come available. 4 to 6 slot.
-Neutron Bomb: OK, this attack is cool; its a ranged AoE blast. Frankly I wouldnt play with it at range, too much. Id drop this in short range to alternate with Irradiate in clearing out those masses of annoying minions. Throwing this too far out is likely to agro mobs who arent under the influence of your debuffs, and that spells pain for you.
Slotting: Acc, Dam x3, Rech x2
-Atomic Blast: Sure, it drains all your end, and you cant recover end for a while, but its a frikken NUKE! Get it, love it, use it sparingly.
Slotting: Dam x3, Rech x3
Radiation Emission:
-Radiant Aura: you have to take this, and thats OK. This is your own little healing Genie in a bottle. I slot this mostly for end reduction until I have spare slots late in the game. I use this heal when I need it, Im a scrapruptor, not a healer. However, since Im up in the mix the Brute and MM pets will often benefit from my nutritious green goodness. Youll end up being thanked for the heals, but so what? Its the debuffs that are actually saving their scaly hides.
Slotting: At least 2 End Redux. I generally 4 slot and add 2 Heals. I cant fault you for 6 slotting with End Redux/Heal, though. But slots are precious.
-Radiation Infection: OK, whatever else you do, in all seriousness, you MUST take this power. It will make you foes easier to hit and make it harder for them to hit you. Best of all . . .IT NEVER MISSES!!!!!!!!! Slot for end reduction and accuracy debuff.
Slotting: 4 to 6 slots- more slots is better. 1 End Red is a must. Fill the rest with a mix of Acc Debuff and Def Debuff. I recommend prioritizing the Acc Debuff so you dont get hit!
-Accelerate Metabolism: Mmmmmmmm, this is you drug of choice! Every time its up you improve your end recovery, speed, recharge rate on all your powers and your speed. Slot this for recharge. And PLEASE take it as soon as its available. Oh, this also buffs any team mates that are close to you when you activate it. Courtesy demands that you tell them before activating, but if they ignore you just keep on using that amazing green glow to be the best that you can be! If you activate in combat youre likely to get the Brute at least anyway, so you keep them happy! =)
Consider taking Hasten just to get this power up faster. No, Im not kidding, its that important.
Slotting: minimum of 3 slots in Recharge. Add End Mod slots as slots are available. 6 slotting makes the End Gods happy!
-Enervating Field: if Rad Infection is your bread, this is your butter. E Field reduces the mobs damage and resistance. So they hurt you less and take more damage when you hit them. So with RI and EF stacked on mobs that means they hit less often, do less damage when they do hit, are much easier for you to hit and take more damage every time you hit them. Whats not to love? Slotting: You can only slot End Redux or Recharge here. Put two End Redux in and move on.
-Mutation: this brings an ally back from the dead and turns them into a killing machine for a little while. Heres a major change in my philosophy. Characters will die; it just happens no matter how good the team. Us this to bring them back- after theyve buffed you with Vengeance and youve used them as a bomb! (Fallout!)
Slotting: Good out of the box, slot a recharge in the default and move on.
-Lingering Radiation: a great power to add to RI and EF. It stacks slow and recharge on the mobs, making them unable to get away or attack very often. This should be stacked after the others as it is not auto hit. This is a click rather than a toggle, so you need to watch its duration.
Slotting: At least 4 slots: Acc, 3x recharge. Add another Acc if you can.
-Choking Cloud: This can save your bacon. Its not required and is an end hog, but I do recommend running it if you can fit it in your build. Id slot it in later in the build. Right when it comes available itll just steal all your end and kick you to the curb!
Slotting: 2 End Redux, 2 Acc, fill with Holds as slots are available.
-Fallout: Revised opinion. Yes, this is situational. However, when the situation arises you generally need help getting out of the deep doo doo that accidentally triggering three spawns has gotten the team into. Use the bodies to vengeance, recall friend them close to the mobs and then blow them up. If youre kind you can then rez them.
Slotting: Acc, 3 Damage. Add another Acc if you can, then recharges
-EM Pulse: Oh yeah, a semi-Nuke that doesnt drain you dry and holds massive numbers of Mobs? Yup, you just won the jackpot! Just EMP it! Note: this does stall out your End Recovery for a while, so be careful. You have been warned!
Slotting: 1 Acc, 3 Rech, fill with and End Redux and/or a Hold Duration to taste.
Power Pools:
I suggest Teleport and Speed Pools for Recall Friend and Hasten. Which travel power you take is up to you, I find TP fun but kind of annoying. Super speed has issues in the Isles, though.
To be the most effective Rad/Rad you can be I strongly suggest the Leadership pool. Assault/Tactics/Vengeance.
Fitness Pool and you: You may want to take this, and it will certainly help with end issues. However, taking this means you have to make hard cuts elsewhere. I find that if Im running out of end Ill stop blasting for a few moments and just let the debuffs run while the team kills. I generally get a blue from every group of enemies or so and this rest gives me a chance to pop them and regen some end. If you can pair up with a /Kin corruptor youll seldom need to rest, and seldom need blues. This is good synergy. Same with stacking AM from multiple Rad Corruptors.
Patron Powers:
Sorry, no guidance here yet. As I know more Ill post it.
OK, this is a massive YMMV section, but my vision for the Rad/Rad Corruptor calls for an up close and personal fighting style.
You start every fight by pulling with Rad Infection, immediately stacking Enervating Field on the same anchor. Make sure you get into hand to hand range with the anchor and then you can drag him with you to any other mobs that may be using ranged attacks on you. Once theyre clumped up you land Lingering Radiation on them and go to town killing everything except the anchor. Anchor dies last. This also allows you to Snipe the furthest mob in the group with the debuff and duck around a corner. Thisll bring them all to you.
Anchoring and you:
The Anchor is the enemy that you apply your AoE debuffs too. Where the anchor goes is an area of safety for you and doom for your enemies. Needless to say you want all your enemies in that field.
If you solo, drop the anchor on a minion level enemy. This ensures that they are almost completely unable to affect you and you can haul them all over them map without fear. You know theyre the anchor and wont (usually) kill them by mistake.
On a team creating anchors is more problematic. Minions die too quickly and bosses are the number one target for the major damage dealers. I recommend using a lieutenant for the anchor, making sure you announce this to the party. If they kill the anchor too soon, oh well, they just made the fight harder, but you can say you tried.
Rad/Rad Gong-Fu: All your best attacks are short ranged: Cosmic Burst, Irradiate, A-Bomb, EM Pulse. Electron Haze to a lesser extent. That means that to be fully effective you need to be up close and personal. Thats OK, because you have agro from your anchor and anyone they affect with the debuffs, so you want to make sure that they STAY in that debuff when they attack you. So you hang out in Brute land and beat up the mobs, occasionally hitting Radiant Aura. You have passive defense (debuffs) but the true key to your Gong-fu mastery is the art of Active Defense- kill the mobs.
I know this guide is biased, but I hope youve found it of some use and perhaps source of amusement as well.
Please post any corrections to facts I may have missed or misrepresented and Ill edit appropriately. All opinions are mine alone. -
Well I see the idea but I think it's just too' lazy of the Devs not explain why he can now hit you though PS.
I think a better fix would've been to just make him ignor anything that's PSed. PAs included. That would solve the tanking prob.
[/ QUOTE ]
He's a living organism; he adapted to his environment.
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow, so going by that argument my tank that's been around since I1 has been adapting to his environment by apparently de-volving over the last 3 years. He can't resist or do damage like he once could, can't attack as quickly as he once could, can't seem to get up to speed for a few seconds after attacking like he once could, is now susceptible to a variety of status effects that were of little consequence to him previously... the list goes on an on.
So, just for the record, player characters adapt by devolving over time, NPC foes adapt by evolving over time. Yup, great way to develop a game.
But as the OP said, I think stuff like this, combined with the "evolved" hostage stealth suppression, finally puts the final nail in the concealment pool's coffin.
[/ QUOTE ]
Getting old really sucks, don't it? -
Hmmm, this is not the latest version of this guide. I'll try to repost and get the link updated.
Great guide! I have a bind question:
I have bound the numpad0 key as "powexec_name Reform Essence$$powexec_name Essence Boost" Thus when in human form I can hit 0 and get Essence Boost, or if it's recharging get Restore Essence.
Here's my question: can I add $$powexec_name Sublimation to this bind without screwing it up? My thought is that if I'm in dwarf form the only choice that's valid in the string is Sublimation, so it shouldn't even look at the others. But will adding this stop the bind from working if I'm in Human form?
I'd test this, but I don't have Dwarf form yet on my PB.
The thought behind this is control standardization, so I have as little changing of keys when I switch forms as possible. Thus whenever I need to heal I hit numpad0 to activate the heal.
Is it possible to add a command to activate a heal inspiration to this key as well? So the bind would look like:
Inspiration$$Sublimation$$Reform$$Essence Boost and it will check:
Essence Boost
Reform Essence
And THEN Inspiration use
Then (presuming I have any greens) I hit numpad0 in ANY form for a heal.
Hmmmmmm -
You have to stop more than just the signature villain, you have to stop all their minions, too. IF even one gets to the truck- mission failed. =(
Good solid advice!
I fid that with a group I play with regularly (I'm looking at you RO!) I use a bind (Artillery says: "Prepare for pretty lights, here comes NOVA!!!!!), then I run in (I use SS & Stealth), hit build up and aim, and by the time I've finshed my self buffs and hit the attack key for Nova my teammates have dropped all the appropriate buffs and debuffs on the mobs.
Communication with your team is KEY to surviving the fun of nuking! Teaming with Kin defenders also means getting to Nuke every few mobs instead of a few times a mish.
As a side note= even with the various methods to recover end Conserve Energy is your friend. I usually pop this before Aim & Build-up so, just in case transference misses, or a teammate is out of synch a single blue insp lets me start blasting again right away!
Go Blasters! -
Hmmmmmm. I know they do use End, I've had pets drained and stand around until they get end back, I've also had some run dry. They're fairly end efficient.
I may be thinking of MM pets with the end slotting, but I would swear that same holds for controller style pets. Seems I have some testing to do! -
End reducers in Pets reduce the pet's end use, not the summoners. That last slot in Jack is VERY much YMMV. It can easily be put elsewhere if you feel starved for slots.
Thanks for the catch Ice, I meant -Dam, but wrote -Acc. I'll see if I can edit.
Nope, it's been too long to edit. Sorry for the inaccuracy!!!
Thanks for the comments, folks! Anything else? Any more info you'd like to see, or want me to clarify? -
As promised a sample build. Normally I don't have Chillblain, but based on my advice above and recent play I have added it in and bumped Greater Ice Sword back.
+ Built with SuckerPunch's Online Planner
+ http://www.cohplanner.com
Name: Icy Sample
Level: 50
Archetype: Dominator
Primary: Ice Control
Secondary: Icy Assault
01 => Ice Bolt ==> Acc(1)
01 => Block of Ice ==> Acc(1),EndCost(3),Rech(3),Rech(9),Hold(17),Hold(19)
02 => Ice Sword ==> Acc(2),EndCost(5),Dam(7),Dam(9),Dam(17),Rech(34)
04 => Ice Sword Circle ==> Acc(4),Acc(5),Dam(7),Dam(15),Dam(19),EndCost(34)
06 => Hasten ==> Rech(6),Rech(21),Rech(21)
08 => Stealth ==> EndCost(8)
10 => Ice Blast ==> Acc(10),EndCost(11),Dam(11),Dam(15),Dam(31),Rech(34)
12 => Ice Slick ==> Rech(12),Rech(13),Rech(13)
14 => Super Speed ==> EndCost(14)
16 => Power Boost ==> Rech(16),Rech(43),Rech(46)
18 => Hurdle ==> Jump(18)
20 => Health ==> Heal(20)
22 => Stamina ==> EndMod(22),EndMod(23),EndMod(23)
24 => Arctic Air ==> EndCost(24),EndCost(25),EndCost(25),Confuse(31)
26 => Glacier ==> Acc(26),Acc(27),Rech(27),Rech(29),Hold(29),Hold(31)
28 => Aid Other ==> Interrupt(28),Heal(40)
30 => Aid Self ==> Interrupt(30),Interrupt(37),Heal(37),Heal(37)
32 => Jack Frost ==> Acc(32),Dam(33),Dam(33),Dam(33),EndCost(36)
35 => Chilblain ==> Acc(35),Rech(36),Immob(36)
38 => Bitter Ice Blast ==> Acc(38),Dam(39),Dam(39),Dam(39),Rech(40),EndCost(40)
41 => Greater Ice Sword ==> Acc(41),EndCost(42),Rech(42),Dam(42),Dam(43),Dam(43)
44 => Power Sink ==> Rech(44),Rech(45),Rech(45),EndMod(45),EndMod(46),EndMod(46)
47 => Charged Armor ==> EndCost(47),DamRes(48),DamRes(48),DamRes(48)
49 => Summon Guardian ==> Acc(49),Dam(50),Dam(50),Dam(50)
01 => Sprint ==> Empty(1)
01 => Brawl ==> Empty(1)
02 => Rest ==> Empty(1)
A few quick notes:
Since I dont PvP I have no notes to add for that activity. Id love input from PvP Doms to add to this guide.
Im not infallible; please let me know if I get things wrong! Ill happily correct them.
Domination: This is a fantastic ability. As you beat up your opponents your domination bar fills up. Once its full (or nearly so) your domination power can be activated. This refills your end bar, makes your Holds and Immobs more effective and seems to add to damage as well. It also acts as a breakfree and can be activated (if you have a full bar) while youre mezzed. This is quite possibly the most useful AT inherent of them all. No foolin!
Dominators are NOT Controllers. Yes we get Control powers, and we can do a LOT to control agro and keep mobs locked down, but we also wade in and bring the pain to the opposing forces.
Dominators are basically a combination of controller and scrapper. The sooner you get to know this and learn to love living close up and personal, the sooner you can master your Dom. Instead of Armors or Regen we get control powers to keep us safe. We also generate more agro than any three other characters, so we NEED to lock down the mobs!
With that said, on to the World of Ice/Ice Domination:
Ice Control:
Level Name & Description
1 Chillblain: Single Target Immobilize
Im not a fan of immobilizes for Doms, they draw too much agro without stopping attacks. Basically they get you killed for no good reason. Unlike Controllers we dont need to build containment, so theres only 1 good reason to get a single target Immob: AVs/Heroes. Those suckers run like the dickens given half a chance and the purple triangle make them almost unholdable. Chillblain becomes a decent choice once you enclounter a lot of these characters, but not before Stamina, your build is too tight before then and theres not enough bang in this power.
1 Block of Ice: Single Target Hold
This power will be used in every fight through level 50. Six slot it as you can, I suggest Acc/ End Red/ Rech X2/ Hold and either another Acc or another Hold, to taste. Lead with this, lock down a mob and kill it fast. This does do damage, but resist the temptation to slot for damage. Damage is what your secondary is for.
2 Frost Bite: AoE Immobilize.
I cannot envision a reason to take this power as a Dom.
6 Arctic Air: PBAoE Toggle Slow, Confuse & Fear
This is a great power, but dont take it until after Stamina and SOs. Slot with 3 End reducers and a confuse and youre good to go. This will keep you moderately safe in Melee combat, and youll be in melee range a lot!
8 Shiver: Cone Slow
This is a great soft control power, but I dont have room for all the great soft controls, I lose this to make room for Arctic Air.
12 Ice Slick: AoE Knockdown
This power is the single BEST power in the set. Take it at 12 and never look back. I slot with three recharges. You can add end reduction if you have the slots, I seldom do.
18 Flashfreeze: AoE Sleep
I dont like sleeps because they are so fragile in a team situation, so I skip this one too. There are better choices.
26 Glacier: AoE Hold
Its been a long wait, but its worth it! AoE Control Goodness, baby! Slot with 2 Acc immediately, then I suggest 2 Rech and 2 Hold, but mix those up as you prefer.
32 Summon Pet: Jack Frost
Jack is a great pet! Hes got some range, great HtH melee damage, a touch hold and PBAoE Slow. A true compliment to your abilities, and hell follow you into the scrum and survive nicely! Slot him with an Acc, 3 Damage and you can be done. I like to add an end reducer, too, so Jack Doesnt run himself dry with his attack chain.
Icy Assault:
1 Ice Bolt: Single Target Blast
This doesnt do enough damage to be a main attack later in your build, but is wildly fast, so its great for helping to build Domination. I leave the base slot with an accuracy and then move on.
2 Ice Sword: Single Target Melee attack
This is a key attack for you. Get it, slot it early. I recommend 5 to 6 slots eventually. Acc, End Red, Damage x3, Recharge or more end red late in the build.
4 Ice Sword Circle: PBAoE Melee Attack
Basically you swing the sword around you to hit a bunch of targets. Since youre in melee anyway and grabbing a lot of agro I strongly suggest this attack. Acc x2, End Red, fill with damage. Note: Hitting is more important that a few more points of damage.
10 Ice Blast: Single Target Blast
Now this one is worth slotting! Acc, End Red, Damage x3, Recharge late in the build.
16 Power Boost: Self-buff
This power boosts all the secondary effects and mez effects of your powers for its duration @10 seconds. This includes Slows, Holds, Confuses and heals. Slot with three Recharges and never look back.
20 Ice Breath: Cone Attack
Simply not damaging enough or a wide enough cone to make the cut. If you take it slot as a normal cone attack.
28 Chilling Embrace: PBAoE Toggle slow
Not as useful as the Tank Version as it has no Acc component. I dont recommend it. It does stack nicely with Arctic Air, but there are more important things to get!
35 Greater Ice Sword: Single Target Melee
Great attack, six slot it.
38 Bitter Ice Blast: Single Target Blast
Your best ranged attack, also gets 6 slots.
Power Pools:
I usually run Hasten/Super Speed & Stealth on my Doms, so I can stealth missions, etc. I use the Mayhem temp powers for Vertical movement when I need it, but SS seems to work better than originally reported once you get to know your way around.
I also tend to run Hurdle/Health/Stamina
Finally I add Aid Other and Aid Self into the mix. More team friendliness and self preservation.
Ill post a build soon. Let me know your thoughts! Thanks! -
great stuff, especially the anchor bit. im a uber noob atm and this makes life easier!
[/ QUOTE ]
Happy to help! -
Choking Cloud: Stalker/Stealth protection in WB and RV?
[/ QUOTE ]
The best we've got. I also like to randomly set off Irradiate. That irritates 'em all to heck!