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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
    To be fair, you're looking at maybe an inch or two tops from killing PvE'ers. The real secret is farming new kids in KB then calling them bad.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LordBoopea View Post
    Spoken like the true elitist. Lets just ignore the fact that the CU channels moderators are some of the most experienced veteran players in the game. Cherry, CritikalCat, Myrmadon, Marut,Steel Dominator, Bud are just as knowing about the game as the mods at BMT....the difference is, CU mods are not so self-important as to silence their own members for discussing "unapproved" aspects of the game.

    Both channels are at max capacity for a reason; your supposition that the members at BMT know how to "really" play the game and the members at CU are just mindless rabble just shows you to be the elitist Thought Policeman I always knew you were. Period.
    Just becuz BMT doesnt allow anything out side of ingame info other then farming, doesnt mean its a bad channel to join, I mean srsly im in both channels and when ever I personally try and get a Team together for whatever it is im doing, BMT has alot quicker replys and ppl who want to join rather then CU does, all CU does is talk about the most random dumb stuff honestly. Also 1 of the main reasons CU is @ max capacity is that some of the CU mods blind invite its members to that channel. BMT is private so there is actually ppl who want to be in it that take the time to actually hunt down 1 of thoses Mods and ask to be invited not just blind invited and clicks yes to find out what "Champion United" gobal channel is.

    Speaking of which if any BMT Mods r reading this can u please invite @Nercomancer2133 to BMT, his a new player to the game. Please and Ty!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daknah View Post
    There is atleast one more captain that has not posted in this thread so I count 6 serious captains and I am pretty sure those 6 can keep their teams active throughout the league. I'm rather shocked but extremely happy with the response to this. If only the Devs would lend a hand and give us some free server transfers things would be perfect. Since no one has said a time or date yet lets shoot for Wednesday the 12th at 9pm for the meeting. We will post a free agent thread after that and get things rolling. Id like to have a "showcase" prior to the draft so that free agents can show their level of skill (Something along the lines of a few kickballs).
    That time/day will work for me, and I like the showcase idea.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Brodir View Post
    Which channel is the most popular on the Champions server?

    BMT and Champion United is the 2 top channels to join, if u can join both of them. If u cant and only could join 1 then i'll just say that BMT has 1 flaw u cant talk about most things other then ingame questions that r not farming, BUT BMT does get $hit done alot better then CU does in my opinion. CU has probably more ppl in it i would say and u can talk about anything and say anything u want at any time of the day or night but as far as getting teams / accloades / answering questions correctly / etc etc... it doesnt even compare to BMT.

    Thats my opinion.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
    wtf would I lie for? We have 4 solid committed and another half dozen in mind to approach and hopefully can get 2 more from that. If not then its all about fun anyways and I wont cry about picking up the other 2 from draft.
    Dont really know, honestly i thought u were joking but good to see ur serious about ur team. Looking @ the 6 names that Philly posted up some where in this thread, I havent seen alot of talk of still putting a team together from "TrueDarkLord" & "One Above All" if these ppl r still serious. Even though free transfers arent coming any time soon like Philly posted earlier then we could possibly still have a pretty decent size league and 8v8 still.
  6. Also if Kat isnt lying about having her own team rdy for this, then that makes us 7 Teams of 4-6 pre draft ppl. So yay freedom league! just need 1 more for 8 teams.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pixel View Post
    Do we really need toons on this server to have a PvP league?

    We'll all make fake signups and draft 'em. We'll schedule weekly practices that nobody will show up for, and gather on vent once a week to argue about rules, call each other fat, and accuse each other of cheating. After 8 weeks of this, the players that haven't quit yet will reveal their true identities, Lib will make pancake pictures, and whoever has the nicest stack will be declared the winner.

    We'll have all of the skill & talent of a normal PvP league, without all that bothersome levelling and accolading.
    There isnt a need for fake accounts considering that this league will have a pre draft roster. But there may be some gobal changes for ppl who didnt get on the pre draft team, but honestly idc about that. As long as we have a league that doesnt have 10bil rules, and Im sure this league will actually have more then 3 teams show up for practices just becuz this isnt champion. I have alrdy transfered my main pvp toons over to freedom for this league so honestly if this league doesnt happen on freedom or Test id be pissed >.<
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daknah View Post
    Im liking what has been discussed thus far. I would like to set up a time for the captains and concerned bystanders to talk about this on vent (even though vent sucks) Wednesday the 12th or wait till Sunday the 16th? 9pm est? Let me know what you guys think.
    Either or these time/days work for me.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LuxunS View Post
    Maybe amend it. Saying if you attend 1 or 2 practices the week of a match you must participate if you are there. That way people who try get to play? *shrug* I'll let the captains figure it out.

    Without free transfers I won't be participating. PvP isn't fun enough for me to spend money on. And said money isn't going towards improving what I want anyway.
    We need to try and get in contact with some sort of Mod/Dev and ask if/when free transfers r coming bak, since it happened around this time last year and again during the summer time of last year im sure that they will bring free transfers back when idk but maybe we could try and see if they will speed the date up.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fatez View Post
    I guess I would be willing to cap if we get this thing going in a reasonable time frame. I also need to know how many people I need to find to be on my team so I can work on that. This makes 5 if we get one more we can figure out the rules we do not necessarily need to wait for the champ league to be over.
    Champion League is alrdy over for every1 except 2 teams that will fight this coming sunday and then its official over, but to answer ur question of how many ppl i believe its 6 pre draft still, and yay only need 1 more then we could start the draft sign up thread and get this league underway.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by treyhead View Post
    Yo, wtf is going on?
    Do we have captains yet?
    4 so far
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
    Irrelevant to server population. Maybe you haven't heard, but characters can change sides now.
    Champion server vill populatuion is crazy low even with GR, honestly it was some what hard to find actually paper/mish teams back in the day, but now?! pls ur not going to find much other then some lvl 50 TFs forming and Mantis TFs from ppl farming shards/merits.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amithyst View Post
    I know that the economy is not so hot right now. But coming back to
    CoH after about a year on the Champion server has been disappointing.The population is not what is use to be.
    I go on the Freedom And Infinity servers and the population seems to be thriving.
    I think that Paragon studios is going to have to take steps and maybe merge some servers.
    I bought GR and I can tell you that is practically a ghost town except for the NPCs.
    I don't want to transfer all of my toons cause is going to cost me a pretty penny.
    Like another said alrdy if u like PvP move to freedom server, If u like RP/PvE mission teams then go to Virtue Server. Champion Server took a huge hit when they started being able to actually buy transfers and even more of a hit when they did that whole 1 month free transfers thing exactly 1 year ago. My home is champion server, but i have some toons on others as well mostly on freedom now a days. If u want to " survive " on champion server join up in a actual active SG or gobal channel for champion server, otherwise ur not going to see many random ppl forming teams from lvl 1- lvl 50 like there use to be, and honestly no one can actually say that Champion server has a huge population, Yes there maybe @ least like 100ppl or less online in a certain gobal channel at least for most part of the day, thats not even like all of thoses numbers are even on champion server at the exact moment ur looking @ it. Its not like it use to be where u could just walk around in atlas on a lvl 1 and c all these boardcasts for sewer teams and walk into the hollows, Striga, Brickstown, Founders, Steel, Skyway and see a crap load of ppl running around street wiping. This only still happens for i would say 2 servers out of the 11 ( Not counting EU servers ) and that would be Freedom and Virtue. Funny thing is Champion is like the 5th-6th most active server though out of them all currently, #1 being the greatest.

    Also Server Merges more then likely will never happen just for the simple fact of if they did do that then they would have to make sure that all the ppl with the same names and same SG names get some sort of free name/gobal name change, and no 1 wants that.
  14. Every SG I have been in on Champion Server huh? Hmmmmmmmmmmm,

    First SG ever was in was " Ninja Paragon Elite " was in it for about 4 and a half months then quit.
    Second SG ever was in was " Blade Clan " for about i would have to say 1 month or less, then quit out becuz SF was more active
    Third SG ever was in was " SF " Beta Division, I thought LS was like a in-game demi-gawd until I teamed with him and Saw him die constantly in this 1 TF i was in with him.
    Fourth SG ever was in was " ProtectorsofNeverland " on and off for about 3 years due to alot of internal drama.
    Fifth SG ever was in was my very own created SG " Exile PvP " which is still active today!

    Every Vg I have been in on Champion Server huh? Hmmmmmmmmmmm,

    First VG ever was in was a storage group of mine named "The Brotherhood of Shadows" gave it to Athena Shadow.
    Second VG ever was in was " Elite Legends " then quit the VG about 10min later cuz I found out Elf Stalker was the leader of it.
    Third VG ever was in was " Dark Revoultion " This group was my Fav all time VG on champion like ever! TFs / PvP / Farms u name it! Sadly though it died off very very quickly after Neo ( the founder of that VG ) quit the game.
    Fourth VG ever was in was " Hidden Star Villiage " that 1 was fun and meet a few peeps i still team with almost every other day. Quit after the activity died off inside the VG.
    Fifth VG ever was in was " Shadow of the Falling Hand " they were fun but sadly like most of champions vill population quit the game or moved servers .
    Sixth VG ever was in was my own created VG " The Revoultionary Brotherhood " which is still active today!
  15. i6, My first toon ever created was on freedom server a Ice/Ice Blaster Named " Artic Chill 40 " it got to lvl 2 and I lagged so much I decided to find a new server, I picked Champion Server cuz the name sounded better then the rest.

    On Champion I made another Ice/Ice Blaster and Called it " Artic Chill 44 " which became my namesake for a while and still name fourm name just becuz idk how to switch it lol, started the character Aug 18th, got it to lvl 50 on Decemember 27th of that same year ( No PLs what so ever just old fashion mission teams ).

    Around i10 and many lvl 50s later, rolled a Ice/Em Blaster named " Teh Artic " got it to lvl 50 in about a week thanks to the family farm ( Miss that mission sometimes ) and ever since then became my namesake/gobal.
  16. Im not going to be carebear about it I like the 6 pre draft team idea better then the 4 man pre draft just becuz I'd rather play with ppl i know rather then a few idk. Theres still alot of time to get this going though due to 2 weeks left in the champion league and then its the end of holidays so maybe ppl coming back from vacation or something will c the thread and sign up.. who knows.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TrueDarkLord View Post
    I'll be a captain
    4 Teams now yay!
  18. Artic_Chill_44

    Earth/fire Dom??

    Originally Posted by ThebigT View Post
    Hey, thinking of a Dom for pvp.

    Is earth/fire a combo that can work in pvp?

    If not what do you suggest, I don't want mind.

    I love mine, Stun/Hold/Immbo work fine for setting up a good spike and the /Fire is good for quick amni attacks, Fossilize and Blaze hit pretty nice if slotted correctly.
  19. I'd like to be a Captain if this league is actually going to happen. But 1 thing i would suggest why not go 7 ppl pre draft and then just draft 7 more ppl? just a thought..
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Horusaurus View Post
    Anyone else having issues with logging in? I keep getting bounced at the server selection screen. "No response from this server. Try a different server, or try playing this one later." I get that message and I've clicked on every single server.
    I had that problem but the patch fixed it.
  21. Does any1 know when a Official i19 Mids will be coming out?
  22. Artic_Chill_44


    Happy bday cam!!