414 -
My team is about rdy 2 join this ladder but i just wanted 2 ask but can we list our 4 gobals and then like some extra gobals in case of emerncgy 2 where some of the main 4 gobals cant make the match? for example
team name
@ team captin
@ co capt
@ teammate
@blah -
Quote:Well sweet! um ill be doing this in about a week and a half jus need 2 finsih some accloade work and ill sign up our team then ty and all and gl with any matches this week.All you need to do is post the globals of your 4 person team, noting who the captain will be. If you can also post your availability for matches that would be great too. this is a very loose and casual league. So far the middle of the week between 8-10 est has been when the matches take place.
Would it be 2 late 2 sign up a team? since u all look like ur alrdy a couple matches into it?
Quote:Me, Void and Dio and scribe and a few others from way bak use 2 do this in RV during late nites except we didnt use prizes we jus would hide and then jump the hiding person when we found them. good times, sounds fun ill be there
Join us in a game of Hide n' Seek. I will announce in the Request channel that either Cherry or Acious are hiding somewhere in the zone and what toon name they are on. The first person to attack them (and it shows on their combat logs) will win random prizes. They will alternate between heroes and villains so everyone gets a chance to find them.
Quote:I agree 100% with this and so if we have a partner alrdy do u want us 2 sign up in fourms here or jus show up with the partner dat saturday nite?Nope. Personally I think the pvp community on Champion is a bit too new to expect them to have organized teams and actually get it together enough to PVP. Plus we don't want something identical to the 3v3 ladder attempting to start up in case it does get off the ground. So we discussed it and went with this idea to meet in the middle. You can have 1 partner to practice with and familiarize yourself if that is what you want to do. However with free agents being allowed to make and complete the teams it leaves room for the casual pvp'r as well and makes it where the casual pvp'r (noob) isn't forced to compete against stacked teams being each team will have 1 random person on it.
Okay, like i said before i dont like kobes ego and i dont like lakers
but i will admit that despite kobes ego, he is a good player no doubt about it.
still even though i was hoping celtics would beat lakers i cant wait til next year so my chicago Bulls can win some -
Gratz Elf
what toon did u use? -
Merry Xmas to every1 from all of us in Exile!
Quote:Thats ******* retarded i had **** 2 do today but i postponed it and made agreements to do next sunday so if this is truely next sunday i wont be here for the 8bill event.Due to complications beyond our control the ALL-OUT-WAR anniversary events have been moved to next weekend Dec. 20th. Events and times on the schedule will remain the same.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
I'm sorry for every thing, When Fel gets back please talk to her
Feleica should have checked that her network was working right and **** , i mean **** she posted this event like bak in septmember. She should have been ******* rdy -
I tryed transfering a toon of my 2 another server earlier but i couldnt find the transfer server button in the store or next to the rename button .
and i asked a couple gobal friends to log out and look 2 c if they could c theirs but they couldnt find theirs either!
wtf -
i agree with this ^
Later dread gl with life and stuff and it was fun pvping with and against u
Hos dont have a really big percentage higher then So's u actualy get better percentage from basic IOs then HOs
Quote:Wow ur a *****
AOW promotes all aspects of CoH including PvP. I personally dont like PvP'ers due to thier aggressive dont care about others attitude. I have discovered PvP players are organizing to help each other swing matches so certain players win the prizes. Like a said PvP'ers generally lack morals! So the PvP events will now be a 1 on 1 elimination style.
I am not trying to be insulting, i am just pointing out what should be obvious to you guys. If you constantly show bad behaviour then i will call you out on it. Use some common sense and we will get along fine. -
if i apply, do we r self provide the prizes out of r own pockets or do the leaders of the PvPEC hand it 2 us to give out?
As a coaltion of DG myself and Exile will be attending this event , it should be fun
Quote:Rofl gg
Btw , im looking forward to The High Society Orders Event should be fun and interesting.
Quote:Get ur head out of ur *** kid , i for 1 am a bit tired of u acting or trying to act like ur some crazy bigshot. If u arent going to attend this threads event then its a ******* waste of time posting negatively that u arent going and then posting ur SG events up and yes i think most of us know that ur SG is having a " Big " event , i mean u posted it up like back in late august or something about ur event that would happen in Dec. lol. come on girl damnUnless your going to hold this at 7 pm instead of 8 count all of AOW out because your event is going to run into the 8 Billion AE Challenge which we are hosting as part of our 2nd yr anniversary. We have a thread with a list of events running the whole day. We are having a break between 7-9 pm est as a courtesy so people can go to the Hamidon Raid that Amygdala normally runs.
I would accommodate your event but we have advertised this event scheduled for 9pm est for 2 months now and i cannot change it to be fair to everyone. -
Quote:Just wondering but what SG r u talking about?I tried, for the longest time, to get Dirty to base raid with his own supergroup. I think they would have had so much fun and maybe built themselves to a point where they could feel confident in challenging other groups. And with the coordination going on in that SG, they would have rocked it.
Ah, well. Base raiding is not yet perfected. Looking forward to a point where it is...