Is it today?
yup starts at 5pm EST meet in Pocket D
Champion Server-"Play like a Champion today!"
"True courage is not the brutal force of vulgar heroes, but in the firm resolve of virtue and reason." - Sir Alfred North Whitehead
Don't think I'll make it into the finals but I'll def be there!
Champion/Freedom Servers
@Orion Zidane
@Orion Zidane2
So there's basically no reason to bring a villain to this.

DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's
Great Event overall tonight guys!!! Had 36 show for event, and for PVP, thats AWESOME numbers.
Took a while to get the ball rolling, but once it did, it was rockin!!!!
Wanna say thank you to EVERYONE that took the time to show up for this, many others just showed up to watch, and thats great. a good time was had by all, but theres always those that feel things didnt go their way, and had to try to start drama... We quickly took the wind from their sails by paying no attention to them
Grats to the winners:
1st Place: Hell's Rage Fire / SS Tank
2nd Place: I Pmnz Stuff Fire / Em Blaster
3rd Place: Habachis Blazin Hot Fire / Em Blaster
My 2 top picks werent there at the end fyi.... but i did pick Artic and Sye'Lence to be the final 2

DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's
Thanks Bud and the other organizers.
Gratz to the winners.
Gratz 2 the winners
Artic and the Chillz - Champion PvP League
Exile - Champion PvPEC 3v3-5v5 League
Exile - Freedom 5v5 PvP League 2012
Exile - Freedumb PvP League 2011
Exile - CAPE PvP League
Damn, I missed this. Good **** guys for getting something like this going and completed.
Grats to the winners. Props Bud and DG.
Damn, I missed this. Good **** guys for getting something like this going and completed.
Grats to the winners. Props Bud and DG. |
No worrys scribe, were gonna be doing another event right after Double Influ... I mean double XP weekend.
Will hopefully be bigger and better by far.
I was quite impressed with Champion server yesterday. 36 pvp'ers showed up and took part in the event, and maybe 10-15 other where there for the CC's and just to observe.
All this on LESS then 4-5 hours notice of this event. Quite impressive guys.
The thing I liked best about yesterday, we didnt just have the "super pvp'ers" there.
We had about half the people that showed up say, "hey Im not very good at pvp, but this looks fun, Im going to try it out." And the Expert pvp'ers that were there conducted themselves in a very impressive manner. They were polite, and even over heard several of them offering advise to others on how to improve their builds before and after matches.
I think their finally getting it.... THIS is what we need to do as a SERVER and COMMUNITY to help promote pvp, and make pvp thrive on this server. awesome job guys, props go out to exile specifically... it was actually a couple of their senior members helping out a few that were new to the pvp scene.
P.S. This is a really big soap box Im standing on right now, theres room for lot more to join me up here

DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's
Awesome Job! Thanks Bud for kicking our butts into gear and getting this thing out there....
Was a great turn out! and Gratz to all the winners!
Let's not stop here, let's try and keep this good pvp vibe going and encourage everybody to come out as a server/community and have some fun!
Modir vid Braije lvl 50 DM/SD scrap
Sinny-Redux lvl 50 fire/regen scrap
Sinny Sonancy lvl 50 rad/sonic fender
"Greatness is fleeting! but Obscurity is FOREVER!!" Napolean Bonaparte
Protectors of Neverland and The Darkguard have decided since the AWOL event that was supposed to take place today seems to have.... gone MIA, We will step up to the plate for some fun.
8v8-8v8-8v8 PVP Tourney
Sunday Dec.13th 5pm est in Pocket D
The way this will work is this:
The matches will be 8v8, the winners of that match will then go to a 4v4, the winners of that match will go to a 2v2,
winners of that will then 1v1.then the winners of the 1v1's will face off till we have a sole winner.
-Event coordinators will be Bud, Brajie & 4shes.
-All matches will be set up by event coordinators, they will have sole decision making in setting of all matches. Decisions of the coordinators are final.
-1 reset will be allowed for Disconnects. You will be disqualified any there after.
-You will be allowed to enter 1 toon and 1 toon only, no switching between matches.
-These will be single elimination matches, you lose, your out.
-All taking part in matches must come to pocket D for the event.
-Sportsmanship is going to be encouraged. keep your opinions to TELLS. Any poor comments in broadcast or local chat could get you DQ'ed.
-Regular inspirations ONLY
-Maps will be Graveyard (8v8) Tech Lab (4v4) Cargo Ship (2v2) Office (1v1)
-We cannot have any draws or ties, Soooooo, Sudden death kils WILL COUNT.
-We will NOT be excluding anyone from these event, villians or otherwise.... BUT, all prizes will be given HERO SIDE ONLY.
-The event coordinators will NOT be taking part in the actual matches and are just here as hosts and officials of sorts, but their respective SG's WILL be permitted to attend and take part in these events.
1st Place: 500million Inf and 3 LotG 7.5
2nd Place: 250million Inf and 2 Lotg 7.5
3rd Place: 125million Inf and 1 LotG 7.5
DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's