157 -
Hi folks,
Last month I did the first call for Praetorian stories - I selected the first for Comic 16, but I'm looking for more! There's spots for stories in issues 17 & 18 still, so write, write, write!
[From the original post, and slightly expanded]
...t's time for me to stir up those creative embers and get you thinking about powerful, deadly foes - the Praetorians!
I want stories that feature the Praetorians, that meet them, confront 'em, and maybe defeat them. Give us your Hero's (or Villain's) view on the dastards from Upsilon Beta 9-6!
NOTE: I'm looking for *slightly* longer pieces here, than can be easily serialized over 2 or 3 parts (that means 1000 - 1500 words per section, total limits of 3000-4500 words acceptable). Normal one-off contained stories (at 1000-1500 words) are fine, too.
The best stories will be published over a few issues, starting as early as issue 16.
I'll be reviewing Praetorian-themed stories until I get enough, so get 'em in early, but right now there is no official cut-off date.
Please submit fan stories and art to cohsubmissions@plaync.com.
Official guidelines found here:
(see this link for the fine print and more precise details, please)
To sum up:
Comic Book Fan Fiction:
* Be as creative as you want, but keep it PG-rated.
* Submissions should be in .doc, .rtf., or .txt format
* Suggested length 1000 - 2000 words.
NOTE: If your writing is very good, I will consider longer pieces (or breaking them up). But long pieces will still likely be published in 1000 - 2000 word parts, so some sense of rhythm and dynamic pacing is very important. Likewise, the longer the piece is, honestly, the less chance I'll have to read it thoroughly.
* Screenshots encouraged!
* The by-line can be your real name or a character name (or both). Be sure to let me know!
Comic Book Fan Art:
* NOTE: If you're really ambitious, send us your versions of the Praetorians!
* Send us your best City of Heroes-inspired artwork. Any original medium is acceptable (pen & ink, digital, oils, etc.) as long as you keep it on a PG level.
* Let us know if you want credit under your real name or a character name.
* Images should be in JPG format. The full image should be between 100 x 100 and 2000 x 2000 pixels and be less than 380KB in size.
NOTE: We may also ask for a higher resolution (300dpi) image in .tiff format so make sure you save a high-resolution version of your submission!
Q: Can I create new Praetorians based on other Cryptic characters like Blue Steel)?
A: The answer is a very tentative/iffy "yes." It won't automatically disqualify you, but if Manticore has plans for Blue Steel's opposite, then he might nix your story. That's the risk you take if you feature a signature hero (as opposed to using them as a guest star).
Q: Can I create Praetorian of *my* character?
A: The answer is a much heartier "yes," but the one major issue is that since no one but the creator knows about their personal character, there's no way for the reader to know that the Praetorian-world version of them is a flawed reflection of their normal character (or an improvement, for villains), unless the author shows us somehow. That's not insurmountable, of course, and it could be interesting to see how the submitted fiction gets over that hurdle.
Q: What style to write in?
A: Style -- think short story. I don't want comic scripts, but prose fiction. Usual "rules of good writing apply." If you want to see what stories I've selected, you'll see my first community section in the PDF of comic #8 (available now off the comic page), and also see the short pieces (Clockwork, Outcasts, Carnival of Shadows, etc.) I've written (or that Awry has, for that matter) for the website.
Q: Is there a particular format you prefer?
A: Please send stories in RTF (Rich Text Format), DOC (Word), or TXT format. RTF is preferred.
Use usual good sense - proofread, spell-check, and proofread. And proofread your *cover letter* also! Nothing turns me off faster than obvious mistakes.
Do not embed text in email (yes, lots of people do this, and it won't disqualify you, but it's more of a hassle for me).
Do *not* send in stories in all caps, or with heavy formatting. Stuff like that.
Q: Do the comics have villain stories too or just heroes?
A: Villain stories would also be fine, although will likely be harder to pull off (striking the right balance of sympathy and wicked badness).
Q: If it gets selected, will we be told what Issue and if we are getting a copy mailed to us, or if we still have to purchase (Never say never but if It does get published, I want to know where to get myself a hard copy)
A: If it gets selected you will be notified in advance which issue it is slated for. I am looking into the possibility of a comp copy for contributors, but no promises at this stage.
This doesn't mean you can't submit a different type of story, but Praetorian Stories will receive my foremost attention.
I'll annouce a new theme in roughly a month.
Arctic Sun -
Would you people _stop_ coming up with amazing, cool, uber art?
It's so hard to keep up...
CuppaJo Fan Gallery
(please PM me if I made any mistakes)
Arctic Sun -
Artic Sun - I'd really like to know if we can ONLY use known Praetorians or if we can create our own (eg Copper Shield as the Praetorian Blue Steel).
[/ QUOTE ]
OK, I was just waiting from the "nod from the powers above," as it were.
There are two questions I'm addressing here
1. - one is creating new Praetorians of signature characters (like the example above)
2. - the other is creating new Praetorians about *your* characters -- "Evil Arctic Sun," if you would (with a goatee). (He might have a nemesis called Arctic Moon...or maybe Antarctic Moon, but she'd be a hot supervillain...I digress).
The answer to question one is a very tenative/iffy "yes." It won't automatically disqualify you, but if Manticore has plans for Blue Steel's opposite, then he might nix your story. That's the risk you take if you feature a signiature hero (as opposed to using them as a guest star).
The answer to #2 is a much heartier "yes," but the one major issue is that since no one but the creator knows about their personal character, there's no way for the reader to know that the Praetorian-world version of them is a flawed reflection of their normal character (or an improvement, for villains), unless the author shows us somehow. That's not insurmountable, of course, and it could be interesting to see how the submitted fiction gets over that hurdle.
Make sense?
And I don't want to see a dozen stories about Decaf Jane, ya hear?
Arctic Sun -
When you say Screenshots would be fine, how do we 'add' them so to speak... if a screenshot relates to a specific bit of text for instance, would you write (screenshot 001) after the text and include screenshot 001 in the email or what?
[/ QUOTE ]
Send them seperately (like in a zip file) rather than try to insert them in the doc (don't do that, please!.
If you'd like to send me "art notes" inline - like this:
blah blah blah paragraph 1
[Screen: Arctiv_vs_Zikar.jpg]
blah blah blah paragraph 2
...then that's fine. But honestly, just providing appropriate screens, and the graphic design folks will do their utmost to place them as best they can. They might use one on the main page of the community pages, or as an intro/end picture for your piece.
If you want to see examples, please look at any of the Community Pages for the comics.
Community Pages - check out Issues 7-14 in particular.
Arctic Sun -
Hi folks,
It's been awhile since we've done one of these, so it's time for me to stir up those creative embers and get you thinking about powerful, deadly foes - the Praetorians!
I want stories that feature the Praetorians, that meet them, confront 'em, and maybe defeat them. Give us your Hero's view on the dastards from Upsilon Beta 9-6!
NOTE: I'm looking for *slightly* longer pieces here, than can be easily serialized over 2 or 3 parts (that means 1000 - 1500 words per section, total limits of 3000-4500 words acceptable). Normal one-off contained stories (at 1000-1500 words) are fine, too.
The best stories will be published over a few issues, starting as early as issue 16.
I'll be reviewing Praetorian-themed stories until I get enough, so get 'em in early, but right now there is no official cut-off date. (I'll need some good ones before the end of August, to give you a benchmark though).
Please submit fan stories and art to cohsubmissions@plaync.com.
Official guidelines found here:
(see this link for the fine print and more precise details, please)
To sum up:
Comic Book Fan Fiction:
* Be as creative as you want, but keep it PG-rated.
* Submissions should be in .doc, .rtf., or .txt format
* Suggested length 1000 - 2000 words.
NOTE: If your writing is very good, I will consider longer pieces (or breaking them up). But long pieces will still likely be published in 1000 - 2000 word parts, so some sense of rhythm and dynamic pacing is very important. Likewise, the longer the piece is, honestly, the less chance I'll have to read it thoroughly.
* Screenshots encouraged!
* The by-line can be your real name or a character name (or both)
Comic Book Fan Art:
* NOTE: If you're really ambitious, send us your versions of the Praetorians!
* Send us your best City of Heroes-inspired artwork. Any original medium is acceptable (pen & ink, digital, oils, etc.) as long as you keep it on a PG level.
* Let us know if you want credit under your real name or a character name.
* Images should be in JPG format. The full image should be between 100 x 100 and 2000 x 2000 pixels and be less than 380KB in size.
NOTE: We may also ask for a higher resolution (300dpi) image in .tiff format so make sure you save a high-resolution version of your submission!
Q: What style to write in?
A: Style -- think short story. I don't want comic scripts, but prose fiction. Usual "rules of good writing apply." If you want to see what stories I've selected, you'll see my first community section in the PDF of comic #8 (available now off the comic page), and also see the short pieces (Clockwork, Outcasts, Carnival of Shadows, etc.) I've written (or that Awry has, for that matter) for the website.
Q: Is there a particular format you prefer?
A: Please send stories in RTF (Rich Text Format), DOC (Word), or TXT format. RTF is preferred.
Use usual good sense - proofread, spell-check, and proofread. And proofread your *cover letter* also! Nothing turns me off faster than obvious mistakes.
Do not embed text in email (yes, lots of people do this, and it won't disqualify you, but it's more of a hassle for me).
Do *not* send in stories in all caps, or with heavy formatting. Stuff like that.
Q: Do the comics have villain stories too or just heroes?
A: Villain stories would also be fine, although will likely be harder to pull off (striking the right balance of sympathy and wicked badness).
Q: If it gets selected, will we be told what Issue and if we are getting a copy mailed to us, or if we still have to purchase (Never say never but if It does get published, I want to know where to get myself a hard copy)
A: If it gets selected you will be notified in advance which issue it is slated for. I am looking into the possibility of a comp copy for contributors, but no promises at this stage.
This doesn't mean you can't submit a different type of story, but Praetorian Stories will receive my foremost attention.
I'll annouce a new theme in roughly a month.
Arctic Sun -
Hey guys,
It was great to meet so many people at Comic Con. I had a blast running the CoH/CoV machines - we got to introduce the game to hundreds of new people. And a lot of you were extremely helpful in showing new players how to be a hero in Paragon (or a villain in the Rogue Isles). Thanks so much!
And it was a real treat having David around. We'll have to do it again.
Arctic Sun -
Grr. Yes, yes, stupid typos. They'll be fixed soon.
(And you can always PM me with them in the future, ya know, as opposed to making it a matter of public record)
But that's ok. Thickens my skin.
What, no screenshot contest for the Malta? Boo-hiss!Trying to come up with some good combat shots of them was starting to get fun.
[/ QUOTE ]
Nope, we can't do 'em everytime. Otherwise you guys will find them more mundane, this keeps you guessing a little.
Also, did you *really* want me to tell you to go fight Malta?
Arctic Sun -
Secrets within secrets. Black helicopters and balaclavas. Shadowy agencies with limitless slush funds, and black-hearted agents with licenses to kill. Hushed conversations on internet chat-rooms that mysteriously vanish. Men in black with blank identities, and deadly women with a dozen passports. A high-tech paramilitary force divided into clandestine cells and dispersed around the globe this is the Malta Group.
Can I just say you guys all just made my day?
Arctic Sun
PS Malta....with a special report from Crimson...soon. -
"Mamma-Mia... that really *was* a spicy meatball!"
*Click--Click--Click* "Damn it, Frankie! Ya loaded all my bullets in backwards again!"
[/ QUOTE ]
While those are certainly cute, realize those are not what we are looking for.
We have to see *your* character(s)!
, But when I take screenshots, they come out almost completely black, and I usually go in and do a gamma correction on them so that you can actually SEE them. Would this be a no no or can I actually send you a picture that you can see?
[/ QUOTE ]
From the top:
* Screenshots that are too dark, too small, or otherwise unclear will be disqualified.
*****NOTE: If it is a good shot, but simply too dark, we *will* adjust the horizontal and the vertical (and the gamma, the brightness, the contrast, etc.) on our end.
---> So the answer is "no."
Arctic Sun -
Do you want Villains or Heroes doing the fighting against The Family?
Hate to waste my one shot at this...
[/ QUOTE ]
Either is fine, although it will be a City of Heroes update (but if you look at the Tsoo screenshots - on the 2nd page - you'll see a Stalker!)
Arctic Sun -
The notes I've compiled:
If possible, when ever you shoot screen shots have some one else pose or play the game while you buzz around and bang off shots. A dedicated cameraman flying around in the middle of the action ALWAYS seems to get better shots. They can get better angles, frame the action better, and can position the camera more freely (if villains move, npcs get in the way- they dont have to worry about fighting),
Cameraman Setup:
1. Make sure Anti-aliasing is enabled on your video card
2. Set your screen resolution as high as possible (see below)
3. Make sure you zoom in/out appropriately to avoid big open areas, tiny characters.
Graphics and Audio Settings
It is suggested you use these settings:
3d Resolution scaling MAX
Gamma 100% (if possible, a bit off is ok if it makes the image look better)
Advanced Graphics Settings ENABLED
World Texture Quality VERY HIGH
Character Texture Quality VERY HIGH
World Detail MAX (200%)
Character Detail MAX (200%)
Max Particle Count MAX (50000)
Anisotropic Filtering 16x
Texture Crispness Smooth
Shader Quality - High
Water Effects High Quality
Depth of Field Effects Enabled
Bloom Effects Regular
Bloom Amount 100%
Always try to set up your scene so that your character is well lit by the sun or moon (to avoid the flat lit look) EVEN if your character is facing away from the camera. We want to try to give the game that 3-D look that seems to be all the rage with kids these days.
The game never looks as good in screenshots as when its actually being played live. You will need to bang out several print screens in order to capture the best frame where everything lines up and everythings just right. Ive found that assigning printscreen to my mouse in the City of Heroes keyboard configuration helps so I can bang off a succession of shots without needing to relocate my hands on the keyboard.
General Things to Pay Attention to:
There are 4 things that make up a good combat screenshot:
1. Character is in a dynamic or extreme pose making contact w/ the villain
2. sfx are in the timed correct and in the correct place accenting the hero or villains action
3. the villain or hero is in the correct hit reaction showing that some sort of exchange has taken place
4. Characters fill ¾ of the screen and theres an interesting and detailed background.
Make sure that the backdrop is detailed and interesting to look at (avoid planes of concrete).
Make the sure foot shadows showing up in the shot (no floating people)
Capture animation at its most dynamic extent while still allowing the characters to be legible and not look awkward or terribly contorted
Avoid Players jutting through other players or villains intersecting other villains
Avoid scenes where there are too many tangled overlapping characters (crisp and well separated from the background)
Make sure that SFX dont clip terrain (big cut line)
Make sure that SFX arent separated and spotting (Fire often does this as a result of low frame rate)
Make sure that SFX dont completely obscure the character thats casting the fx- need to tell a story and the viewer needs to understand whats going on
Avoid Characters being backlit unless for dramatic purpose (sun of sfx behind them).
Hope some of that helps!
Arctic Sun -
You spend your days patrolling the streets of Paragon, battling it out with dastardly villains. Or perhaps you spend your evenings cruising the Rogue Isles, looking for weak fools to smack down on your rise to power. Would you like to be immortalized in the background lore?
This is a pilot project for a new way to use screenshots, and give your characters a spotlight in the City of universe.
What We Want
An engaging screenshot of your character
Fighting with the Family.
From the shores of Independence Port to the heart of the Pine Barrens, and from Steel Canyon to the Lincoln tunnel, the Family takes a piece of the action everywhere. Let's see you mix it up with some made men!
It can be an action shot. It can be an atmospheric shot. It can be a funny or interesting shot. It cannot be a boring shot.
DO take a crisp, clean, high-res image.
DO NOT photoshop the picture (minor cropping is ok).
DO NOT include the UI
DO NOT manipulate the picture.
You MAY enter ONLY ONE screenshot, although more than one character can be featured. (For example, if CuppaJo, Arctic Sun, and Cricket were all in a Super Group, they could each enter one screenshot. Arctics might feature only him, while Crickets show both her character and Cuppas, while all three characters might be in CuppaJos shot each player/account can only submit one screenshot so make it sharp!).
Submissions can be made by emailing your screenshots (details below) from MONDAY JUNE 26th until 12:00 PM (CST) FRIDAY JUNE 30th.
* You may only enter 1 screenshot. If we see multiple entries from you, all entries may be disqualified.
* You may not manipulate or edit the shot in any way (although basic cropping is certainly allowed and encouraged for dramatic effect).
* Screenshots MUST be JPG format, at LEAST 640 x 480 pixels (72 dpi) and MAXIMUM 1024 x 768.
* Converting sizes (eg from 1600x1200 to 800x600) is fine.
* We reserve the right to re-crop or otherwise modify any pictures.
* EMAIL submissions to: cohsubmissions@plaync.com
* Your submission MUST include:
- Your real name
- Age
- Address
- PlayNC Master Account name
- Game account name
- Character & server name (for all characters in the shot)
* Finalists will be selected with an eye towards dramatic scenes/engaging action, however, the winner(s) will ultimately be chosen randomly from the finalists.
* If you arent selected, its likely that its because the number of submissions is so high. If this goes well, you will have another opportunity to submit.
* Anywhere from one to four winners will be selected. Winning screenshots will be featured in a web site article.
* Winners will be identified on the page with first name, last initial, and city, and State (or country if from outside the US).
* Characters in shots will be identified by character name and server.
* Screenshots that are too dark, too small, or otherwise unclear will be disqualified.
*****NOTE: If it is a good shot, but simply too dark, we *will* adjust the horizontal and the vertical (and the gamma, the brightness, the contrast, etc.) on our end.
For full submission guidelines & legal notice, please click here.
If you have problems taking screenshots, check out the Knowledge Base article here.
Edited 'cause I'm such a n00b -
Oh cool, a teamwork picture. We can do that?
[/ QUOTE ]
From the original post:
You MAY enter ONLY ONE screenshot, although more than one character can be featured. (For example, if CuppaJo, Arctic Sun, and Cricket were all in a Super Group, they could each enter one screenshot. Arctics might feature only him, while Crickets show both her character and Cuppas, while all three characters might be in CuppaJos shot each player/account can only submit one screenshot so make it sharp!).
[/ QUOTE ]
Arctic Sun -
The Contaminated Villain Backgrounder
New heroes to Paragon City are often asked to help out with a rioting gang of thugs, known as the Contaminated.
Short, but sweet.
ALSO - Winners of the Contaminated Player Screenshot Contest!
Check it all out here. -
<Cue dark and menacing music.>
OK, we discussed and at least this time gamma correction is NOT - I repeat, *not* - allowed.
We want this to be as simple for as many people as possible.
We only want you to crop and/or resize.
In other words: Take Picture, Check Size, Send In.
NOTE: If it is a good shot, but simply too dark, we *will* adjust the horizontal and the vertical (and the gamma, the brightness, the contrast, etc.) on our end.
I know it's not going to make everyone happy, but let's run through it this time and we'll see how to adjust the contest next time around.
Arctic Sun
PS And *no* demo edits or demo records!!! -
... you know, I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for clarification of what to do if you're running at a larger size or you have to gamma correct in-game.
[/ QUOTE ]
No, you're missing my point (or perhaps you never saw the threads for these types of contests before).
*I* totally agree with you. And yes, if I'd thought of it in advance, I probably would have mentioned it.
But if I "change" the rules now, inevitably some of the 50 or so people who have already submitted will go "AHHH! You've changed the rules! My entry sucks! Can I reenter?" which isn't a huge deal, but does mean a lot of unecessary work for me.
It's not that I mind the questions (hey, I like to think I do my best to answer/clear up as much as I can - y'know, like at 11:30 on a Tuesday night) - it's that I both want the best entries AND to make it as fair to people as I can.
And the "not a big prize" option unfortunately doesn't mean anything, because someone always hates me/the contest/the rules/the prize, no matter what I do.
And because of that, I'm allowed to take the very, very occasional cheap shot.
(BTW, this isn't a "woe is me post." I do these because I like to. And I do try to refine them every time. I'm not going to make a decision right now until the morning, and see what other replies people have made to the suggestion.
AND if I "change" the rule to allow gamma, then yes you can resubmit if your picture is 'teh suck.' But don't abuse that, or me. Please.
Arctic Sun -
*remembers now how everyone and their mother has to game the contest rules*
OK, who objects to allowing Gamma/Brightness correction?
Anyone care to argue why this shouldn't be allowed?
Arctic Sun -
So... how is THE Blue Shield (Trainer in King's Row) associated with the "blue shield" PPD?
[/ QUOTE ]
It's Blue Steel.
"So the commissioner called in a number of favors with local heroes, including the former policeman Blue Steel, and a city-wide manhunt was undertaken."
Gears, ratchets, sockets, and springs.
Arctic Sun -
Just to be clear - is converting resolution (eg from 1600x1200 to 800x600) considered "manipulating" the image, or is it OK?
[/ QUOTE ]
Totally fine!
I just don't want to kill the inbox with giant mega-pics.
Honestly, if people want to also save a higher res version of the image that they can send to me if selected, that would be swell. But I wanted to try this out as simply as possible first, and then refine it if it goes well.
Arctic Sun -
The Paragon Police Department, or the blue shield as they are colloquially known, is a long established institution of Paragon City. Although its origins trace back to the turn of the century, it has gone through several evolutions as the needs of the city have changed.
Read about the new face of the PPD here. -
The Paragon Police Department, or the blue shield as they are colloquially known, is a long established institution of Paragon City. Although its origins trace back to the turn of the century, it has gone through several evolutions as the needs of the city have changed.
Read about the new face of the PPD here. -
I think I'd be a lot happier if it were first name, last initial than the other way around. There are a lot of people with my first name in my area, but very, very few with my last name.
[/ QUOTE ]
Arctic Sun -
You spend your days patrolling the streets of Paragon, battling it out with dastardly villains. Or perhaps you spend your evenings cruising the Rogue Isles, looking for weak fools to smack down on your rise to power. Would you like to be immortalized in the background lore?
This is a pilot project for a new way to use screenshots, and give your characters a spotlight in the City of universe.
What We Want
An engaging screenshot of your character
Fighting with the Tsoo.
It can be an action shot. It can be an atmospheric shot. It can be a funny or interesting shot. It cannot be a boring shot.
DO take a crisp, clean, high-res image.
DO NOT photoshop the picture (minor cropping is ok).
DO NOT include the UI
DO NOT manipulate the picture.
You MAY enter ONLY ONE screenshot, although more than one character can be featured. (For example, if CuppaJo, Arctic Sun, and Cricket were all in a Super Group, they could each enter one screenshot. Arctics might feature only him, while Crickets show both her character and Cuppas, while all three characters might be in CuppaJos shot each player/account can only submit one screenshot so make it sharp!).
Submissions can be made by emailing your screenshots (details below) from TUESDAY MAY 23th until 5:00 PM (CST) FRIDAY MAY 26th.
* You may only enter 1 screenshot. If we see multiple entries from you, all entries may be disqualified.
* You may not manipulate or edit the shot in any way (although basic cropping is certainly allowed and encouraged for dramatic effect).
* EMAIL submissions to: cohsubmissions@plaync.com
* Screenshots MUST be JPG format, at LEAST 640 x 480 pixels (72 dpi) and MAXIMUM 1024 x 768.
* We reserve the right to re-crop or otherwise modify any pictures.
* Your submission MUST include:
- Your real name
- Age
- Address
- PlayNC Master Account name
- Game account name
- Character & server name (for all characters in the shot)
* Finalists will be selected with an eye towards dramatic scenes/engaging action, however, the winner(s) will ultimately be chosen randomly from the finalists.
* If you arent selected, its likely that its because the number of submissions is so high. If this goes well, you will have another opportunity to submit.
* Anywhere from one to four winners will be selected. Winning screenshots will be featured in a web site article.
* Winners will be identified on the page with first name, last initial, and city, and State (or country if from outside the US).
* Characters in shots will be identified by character name and server.
* Screenshots that are too dark, too small, or otherwise unclear will be disqualified.
For full submission guidelines & legal notice, please click here.
If you have problems taking screenshots, check out the Knowledge Base article here.