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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Fine. Then the following would be possible within the game.

    Put a LONG RECHARGE on the mine power. Add in a LARGE activation time to actually lay the bombs. Put a DELAY between Director 11's summoning of the Mine layers. REMOVE leaping from the mine layers (they have it to get into the rafters).

    REDUCE the Area of Effect of the Bombs. LENGTHEN the time between the warning text and the actual explosion. DO NOT allow the bomb to chain react.

    Everything I've mentioned in this post is either a critter stat or otherwise within developer control.
    All doable, but possibly not consistent with the design intent. The devs know its harder to ratchet upward than downward, so they might want to see if there is a way to preserve intent before blanket-weakening them.

    Although, while the isn't a way to directly keep count of deployed mines, there might be a creative non-procedural way to get that behavior indirectly. I'm not in a position to verify that at the moment (I'm actually waiting for my flight at the moment) but as soon as I have a chance i'll look into it.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Would it be exactly as written? Not a chance. It is pseudocode. That pseudocode works in an event driven environment (ie. this game) though.

    To put what I said in another way, I present the following.

    Make variables for (the max amount of proximity bombs to be "dropped" at one time), (the max amount of time between drops for each Mine Layer), and (when the last bomb was dropped by a specific Mine Layer). If the maximum amount of bombs hasn't been dropped and the current Mine Layer's drop cycle is up, drop a mine, increase the count of the amount of current mines out, and reset the Mine Layer's drop cycle. When a bomb explodes, decrease count of the currently placed mines.
    It would take special case tech to script the behavior of any AI controlled entity in any way remotely resembling what you've described, unfortunately. The game simply isn't designed to handle such constructs.

    At least not yet to the best of my knowledge. Heck, I'd volunteer to work with Television to add such capabiity to the critter AI, since I think it would be a worthwhile addition to the end game bag of tricks.

    The critical issue with modifying the brains of any AI controlled critter is the brain cannot burn too many CPU cycles, and the devs do not likely want to explicitly code special case brains for every end game boss, which would have the potential to be a debugging nightmare of it's own (as in game-stability problems, not misbehaving AI problems).
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    And if that is the excuse, then there should be a limit/reduction on the amount of mines placed. It isn't rocket science, only bad coding letting the amount of mines out at one time.

    Example code:

    IF (((varTimerMineLayer1Start+varMaxTimerMine)>=Curre ntTime) AND (varMineCount<=varMaxMines)) THEN {varMineCount=varMineCount+1; DropMine1();resetTimerMineLayer1();};

    IF (((varTimerMineLayer2Start+varMaxTimerMine)>=Curre ntTime) AND (varMineCount<=varMaxMines)) THEN {varMineCount=varMineCount+1; DropMine2();resetTimerMineLayer2();};

    IF (((varTimerMineLayer3Start+varMaxTimerMine)>=Curre ntTime) AND (varMineCount<=varMaxMines)) THEN {varMineCount=varMineCount+1; DropMine3();resetTimerMineLayer3();};
    I don't think much of the programmer responsible for the mine layers.

    Given that there is a badge that can only be obtained if no one on the team gets touched by any mine in the sequence, this change actively promotes players to bypass any skill and resort to using nukes to bypass the encounter entirely.

    Making a "skill" based badge based on shoddy programming is a bad precedent.
    This is not how MMOs are implemented, including this one. Not since monolithic MUDs of the 80s, anyway.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    Which map was it?
    The Crey Hero Lab map, and it was eventually put back.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rush_Bolt View Post
    EDIT: Correction - There is an error with Issue 19 Mids that it's only showing the PvE bonuses at present. Expect a fix Soon™
    The bug(s) seems to be that the PvP IOs do not have their PvP set bonuses listed (at least that was true for Gladiator's Javelin) and the PvP specific bonuses do not work correctly even if added to the set in the database editor, at least when I tried to edit the database.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
    Regen is affected fully by, and easily hit by, every kind of debuff.

    It's as much a qualitative complaint as it is a mechanical one.
    That statement also disguises a lot of practical differences. For example, before defense debuff resistance was added to SR, it would be technically correct to say that Regen was fully affected by, and much more easily hit by, defense debuffs than SR. But that would be a complete disguise of the truth.

    Similarly, Regen is "fully affected" by defense debuffs but is actually hurt by them to a similar degree as Invuln even with Invuln's debuff resistances. From a mechanical perspective, debuff resistance should be set to a value comparable to the damage mitigation value of the defenses being protected to roughly balance the vulnerability to cascade breakdown (its a little more complicated than that). With TH and Invince Invuln can generate defense levels in the neighborhood of 25% defense without outside power pools of buffs. That suggests a value of defense debuff strength of about 50%, which is what Invuln has in PvE.

    Its been a common tactic over the years to portray things as having critical problems simply by virtue of those issues being semantically describable as unique. That's not enough. They must be unique and either demonstrably negative in its uniqueness or a violation of some basic balance principle. Regen's vulernability to "all debuffs" doesn't satisfy either criteria on its own.

    There doesn't exist a mitigation set that I cannot make a "its the only set with this problem" statement, many of which are more likely to be worse. Conversely, regeneration has never been forced to recognize the uniqueness problem when it operated in its favor. Like uniquely having dramatically higher endurance recovery, which is a primary offensive balancing metric. The number of ways that have been asserted to justify that are many.

    Its still a large advantage of the set that has traditionally been glossed over, and now is being revisited to be considered redundant in the face of inherent fitness. Just like the lack of stamina does not make you an invalid, there's no way I can take seriously the notion that having 60% more recovery is a minor advantage.

    And just so there's no confusion, I'm not attributing those statements to you. I'm simply stating them for context.

    (Edit: Come to think of it -- how many times have you personally corrected an INV Tanker's misperception that Invulnerability is actively penalized against psi damage? INV is weak to psi to the extent that it doesn't have any explicit protection against psi, but it does have vastly increased hitpoints as a kind of generic protection relative to the character with no protection at all. The point is that INV Tankers have always been sensitive about their situational weaknesses.)
    That's true, but irrelevant. Invuln has always generated complaints that its non-s/l defenses were weaker than what some people thought they should be, but that had nothing to do with Regen. It didn't translate to people saying how come regen gets to be type-independent and Invuln can't." It was a complaint about Invuln, but not a complaint about Regen. And not specifically from Tankers in general. Its relevant to the notion that tankers complained about their own type-dependency. Its not relevant to the notion that tankers complained about other sets' type-independence.

    The biggest Tanker complaint in the early days was that Scrapper damage mitigation strength was so high it subverted the need to even have tankers exist. Whether Regen was type-blind was more of a trivia point compared to that one. I stand by that statement. I'm not stopping you from actively disagreeing, but if I think you're in error, I'm still going to say so. Its nothing personal. It means the same to me as correcting someone who says all sniper blasts originally had the same recharge.

    Boy, you're a little touchy, aren't you?
    I'm always slightly surprised when someone can post something like this:

    Frankly, I don't even know why you'd condescend to try to correct me on this point; it's self-evident even if you weren't there -- and I was there. Seems like you just want to bang the drum about how uber-strong Regen was back in the day, which is fine, but it's also not a point of contention here.
    and then a) act surprised when I respond and b) think I'm displaying a disproportionate response. If you've been around long enough to know my first posts were on the blaster forums, you've been around long enough to know what a disproportionate response looks like also. This is just the response I make when someone decides they want to address the topic of my motives or my objectivity, both of which I am far more capable of speaking authoritatively upon.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    I too am unclear on the basis of the concern about the "red" economy. Given that currency on both sides is identical and freely mobile between sides, and both share a common market. I'm not even sure what a "side" is from a market perspective any more.

    The only issues I can see are those relating to whether you have access to content that produces comparable reward rates over an appropriate range of expected playstyles and/or teammates. That could certainly be a problem, especially teammates.

    Edit: To be clear, the above means I'd be interested in learning more, not that I dismiss the notion.
    I'm running out of analogies. Ok, lets try this. Suppose I were to say that, if after side-switching was introduced, I would be concerned if the devs datamined that the net number of characters switching from red to blue was many times higher than the total number of red side characters being created that wouldn't mean I was opposed to side switching. If someone said "who cares, with side switching its all one side now, so it doesn't matter any more" they'd be missing the point. The point would be that the net result of that metric is what few characters actually play within the entirety of the Rogue Isles would be dropping in an unsustainable way. It suggests that players don't want to play villain content, they just want to play villain archetypes. And that suggests that the justification for supporting the Rogue Isles as a viable part of the game is itself increasingly suspect, and that there is a serious flaw with the content explicitly designed for villains.

    I think we all suspect that, but this would be proof that the net result of that wouldn't just be an imbalance, but a potential death of the red side content as a viable component of the game, except increasingly as a degenerate single playeror insular oddity. I'm not saying side switching is doing that, by the way, I'm just saying that *if* the datamining showed what I mentioned above, that would be strong evidence it was happening.

    People keep thinking I'm saying there could be a potential problem with the red side economy when I've said nothing of the sort. I've said those metrics would suggest a problem with the red side period. There is no more red side economy as a discrete entity. I only mention the phrase "red side economy" to refer to activity originating or terminating on the red side, rather than have to say "all economic activity which either originates or terminates with a sale or purchase by villain or rogue characters within the Rogue Isles."
  8. On the phrase "just a theory:"

    Science, or rather the scientific method, really just deals with three things: hypotheses, observations, and theories. The only thing in Science that are "facts" in the colloquial sense are observations. Gravity (specifically, the theory of universal gravitation) is not a fact. "Things fall down" is also not a fact: its an induction. "I observed this object falling to the Earth" is an observation, and if trustworthy is a fact.

    Theories never become facts. Theories eventually become generally accepted. Hypotheses become theories after they are tested, and they are tested by the somewhat misleadingly named process of falsification. A scientific hypothesis is supposed to make predictions which cannot be otherwise deduced in the absence of the hypothesis, and those predictions must be theoretically capable of being proved false. If these predictions are tested, and they are shown to be correct, then when a preponderance of the evidence demonstrates the predictions of the hypothesis to be verified the hypothesis becomes a scientific theory.

    We will never directly "observe" universal gravitation. There's no way to know that gravity won't change behavior tomorrow, or doesn't work differently in specifically one place in the cosmos we haven't observed yet. We theorize these things to be true. They may yet turn out to be false.

    However, it is *extraordinarily unlikely* to be false in any large way. Furthermore, even if one day we determine that gravity in fact doesn't work the way we theorize, any new theory will have to explain why it *looked* like it worked the way we theorized under so many conditions and circumstances. That's what happened with General Relativity. GR didn't "overturn" Newton. Newton still makes extremely accurate predictions for essentially all circumstances that newton himself could have ever experienced or tested. It works for nearly all calculations we would ever need to do involving gravity. NASA still uses Newtonian calculations for spaceflight navigation. General relativity was *constrained* by Newton. GR had to explain why Newton almost always *looked* correct, and if GR did not agree with Newton in low energy environments, it would be GR that was wrong, because we already had billions of observations that backed up Newton in low energy environments. Anything that comes along in the future will have to agree with both Newton and General Relativity *most of the time* or it will be wrong.

    On the subject of Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Why do so many cosmologists believe in Dark Matter and Dark Energy? Well, even though neither has been directly observed (niether have individual neutrinos, but we believe in them) there is strong evidence to support both. Most convincingly, when cosmologists attempt to reconcile discrepancies in cosmological observations and invoke dark matter and dark energy to explain them, they always seem to invoke *the same* dark matter and dark energy.

    Suppose dark matter and dark energy didn't exist, and instead all of these completely different observations were either in error, or were explainable by some other unknown phenomenon. That's possible, but it would be an incredible coincidence if many separate unknown phenomena all happened to behave in exactly the same way.

    Take dark matter. When we observe galactic motion, we discover that galactic revolutions (stars going around the center of the galaxy) doesn't behave like we think it should if the galaxy had the mass distribution we would assume from visual observations. The galaxy should be much more massive, and what's more it can't be that what we see is just heavier: the mass of the galaxy looks concentrated in the center visually but gravitational observations suggest the mass is evenly distributed in a "halo" around the galaxy. We can compute what that missing mass has to be to be consistent with our observations. It could be lots of things, but we can say whatever it is the amount of mass in individual galaxies is some multiple of the visible mass.

    The Cosmic Microwave Background can be spectrally analyzed. In simple terms, its power spectrum can provide clues to the amount of matter in the universe and the amount of it that was coupled to radiation - the stuff that would be normally visible because it interacts with photons. It turns out the CMB makes a prediction about the ratio of normal matter to non-interacting matter - invisible matter.

    We can look out into the sky for what are called weak gravitational lensing effects. This is where a large massive object - like a galactic cluster - bends the light from extremely distant objects like quasars or other galaxies. These lensing effects can be used to map the mass distributions of the cluster, and compared to the visual mass in that cluster. Again, these observations suggest the amount of mass in the clusters is higher than the visible mass by some amount.

    All three of these observations could be errors of some kind. They could be caused by completely different phenomenon. They could simply represent cases where scientific theory is incomplete in explaining these effects. But if any of these things were true, it wouldn't explain why all three (plus many other independent lines of inquiry) all predict *the same* ratio of dark to light matter. When all of these observations suggest the same gap in mass measurement, it strongly suggests that either they are all being caused by the same thing - dark matter - or there is an enormous coincidence at work causing many different observations to be wrong in exactly the same way. And that seems highly unlikely.

    Why dark matter (and to a lesser extent dark energy) is generally accepted is not because any one set of observations seems to prove its existence, but because so many completely unrelated ones seem to predict the same kind of dark matter to exist. That suggests there is one root cause of all of these observations, and that root cause is dark matter.

    What dark matter *is* is something still undetermined. But that is how we can know something exists to a high degree of certainty without actually seeing it or even having a way to observe it. The neutrino was conjectured in the same way. Radioactive decay was observed that did not conserve momentum. So either the conservation of momentum principle was false, or something we couldn't see was taking the missing momentum away. Science presumed the latter, and Science was correct.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
    Consistency was another one of their complaints. Hamidon was probably the most cited example of the immortality you mention. Because Hamidon was basically untankable by anyone else (without support), it followed that Regen was more survivable than anything else.

    Or so their argument went.

    Regen was very very strong; no one's denying that. At least after Issue 1 though (when the you-can-heal-with-MoG-on bug was fixed), it wasn't so strong as to make all other options categorically inferior. Perma-Unstoppable was pretty sick too. Sicker, even, under the right circumstances. Alpha strikes would still kill Regen occasionally.

    But again, perma-Unstoppable had a hole or two. Regen effectively treated all damage sources equally.

    Frankly, I don't even know why you'd condescend to try to correct me on this point; it's self-evident even if you weren't there -- and I was there. Seems like you just want to bang the drum about how uber-strong Regen was back in the day, which is fine, but it's also not a point of contention here. Or do you disagree that Regen is now vulnerable to debuffs of all kinds?
    I was there also, and I'm stating a correction because you're mistaken. Consistency across damage types was only a minor point when it was brought up at all: SR had a similar type-independence and virtually no one complained about its type consistency. And whenever Hamidon came up, there were people, like me, quick to remind people that Hamidon attacks were untyped and therefore unresistable and unevadable by defenses and resistances, so it was an invalid comparison to compare any def/res set to a heal set under Hamidon attacks.

    And by the way, Regen tanking of Hamidon existed for only a very short period of time relatively speaking, especially as a discussion item. Open raiding of Hamidon with regen tankers didn't really become common until April of '05 - which was just prior to I4, by the way, and went away with toggle IH in I5, August 2005. Regen Hami tankers existed for basically one issue, and was never a major source of complaints about Regen scrappers. It happened, but it was minor.

    But if you want to compare memories, we can do that: lets talk about regen's performance in the quad spawns in PI, or PvP beta testing, or the original respec mission, or when perma-MoG was a viable choice over toggle IH. If you like, we can talk instead about tankers specifically: original invincibility testing which was done on tankers and not scrappers for the most part, or Fire's mez holes, or the issues with Ice Armor prior to I5, or about that time I invented Bodyguard for tankers over a year before it was created for Masterminds. Talk about condescension: assuming I wasn't there is not just rude, its also bordering on retarded in my case.

    Of course, regen is vulnerable to debuffing: that's what happens when you don't have access to significant defense or resistances. Is it a balance-significant issue? I'm not really convinced. At the highest levels of performance, Regen is at a disadvantage in high debuffing situations relative to most other mitigation sets. But that's a complex matter to resolve, because no one has a guarantee that their maximum top level performance will be exactly equal to everyone elses. And even if that were true, regen would still not be at the top of the list of problem areas.

    In all other areas of the game besides that, everyone has vulnerabilities, not just Regen. I don't think its been demonstrated that Regen's vulnerabilities are greater than everyone elses relative to its strengths. Dark Armor is probably hit just as hard by recharge debuffs as Regen is, and SR is hit even harder by higher tohit than Regen is by either debuff. It would be an interesting question to ask what there are more of: enhanced tohit critters (75% critters, 64% critters, and critters with tohit buffs) or critters with recharge and/or regen debuffs.

    If I was reviewing mitigation sets, Electric, Energy, and Fire would all be higher on my list than Regen. Then Regen, SR and Invuln in that order.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    I don't see Ramiel's arc as Incarnate-specific. At best I see it as a prologue (and a poorly written one at that), nothing more. Incarnates are what happen after this arc currently.
    Incarnate-specific as in story content specifically implemented to be part of the Incarnate system.

    And they could have used that time to beef up the rationale for those other methods to unlock the slot as well. Or they could have left those other means for those that were HAPPY with them. That way those that complained could have this new arc to do, while those that were ok with the previous unlocks could do them.

    This could have been a win-win situation (people that wanted an arc to explain things and the people that were happy with the TF/SF/Trial/Raid unlocks) rather than having people upset.
    There is a presumption by many that more options, regardless of circumstance, is always a good thing. I am not one of them. I've done my time helping to expand options across the board, so I don't have any problems whatsoever in saying that there are times that just proliferating options so everyone can do whatever they want and get the same result is an abrogation of game designer responsibility. They might as well just throw the design docs away and implement the game from a wiki at that point.

    In this case, repurposing older content to unlock Alpha sets a dangerous precedent, that being that players will expect the same options to be available for every Incarnate slot. And at that point, its just another purple system, not a progression system. And I would then judge it a waste of time and resources.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by thanos316 View Post
    Soloed on my Battle axe/invul tanker last night. Took a bit, but I pulled both Holtz 1st, then Honoree. Holtz took longer to kill than Honoree. I'm not tricked out either. Fun times.
    As it turns out, Katana/Invuln apparently owns this mission. I just charged in with no pulling at all, targeted each portal in turn, then Holtz, then Honoree, in that order, while AoEs slowly whittled everything else in the room down. I think I popped maybe eight or nine insps, tops, mostly blues, a couple oranges and greens, and one (medium) luck when I first charged in.

    I keep forgetting sometimes just how broken Divine Avalanche is. The sad part is my Kat/Inv build has tough, weave, and maneuvers and I forgot to turn all three on. Turns out it was better that way, because I needed the endurance more. It was far easier with Kat/Inv than my soft-capped MA/SR, actually, by a wide margin. I honestly expected to die at some point, and it never happened.

    Ironically, I think the aggro cap was operating strongly in my favor in this circumstance.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    We had (and I repeat HAD) 11 more options that were tested and working removed at the same time as the Alpha Slot was pulled, so don't even try to play that card. So zero development time, as the options were already done & tested.
    I was talking about Incarnate-specific content, and I'll pay any card I want, thanks. If you want a thousand ways to unlock the slot that's trivial to do: the devs can make one for taking three steps forward.

    Those other options were stop gaps because actual dedicated content didn't exist. When they decided to take a step back and dedicate resources to making actual story content dedicated to unlocking Alpha, the rationale for that bridge content disappeared.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
    Regardless of the challenge level, regardless of your opinion or mine being whatever passes for "right" if it's not fun then the mission is a design failure.
    Nothing in this game is universally liked. By that definition, everything is a design failure to a significant number of players. Including everything you like, and will ever like.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
    Interestingly, the set that used to send Tankers into a tizzy because it was so very consistent -- oblivious to the opposition's damage or attack type -- is now perhaps the most consistently vulnerable. Regen and Recharge debuffs are only the most obvious weaknesses.
    Takers used to care about regen not because of consistency, but because of practical immortality. I2ish Regen was just as strong as perma-elude and unstop-invince, but it didn't crash, couldn't be debuffed, was type-blind, and came in a set with (comparably speaking) unlimited endurance.

    And most regens back then did it with stacked DP and IH alone. The ones that *also* took recon were literally unkillable. They were the ones that could not be killed by any level of normal damage a single player could possess in PvP originally, and could tank Hamidon without heal assistance.

    The main consistency complaint about regen scrappers back in the day was that their green and blue bars didn't move.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    People have been complaining literally for years about content that has to be repeated to the point it gets stale, yet the developers ignored all that and took the original plan of multiple ways to unlock the Incarnate system and reduced it to a single arc. An arc that some people don't like. It has nothing to do with being able to beat it or not (and I've done it solo and with groups). It has to do with repetition.
    I'm all for having more content and more options in theory. So how long do you want to wait for it. Do we delay the Incarnate system until we have three ways to unlock Incarnates? Seven. There are people with thirty level 50s and some with more. What's the magic number that the game design handbook says is the correct amount.

    What are you willing to sacrifice to make those extra options, and what do you tell the players that wanted those things you decided to sacrifice? Its easy to say the devs should do more, but this is a zero sum game. Asking them to do more is trivial. The hard part is telling them what to stop working on. And it has to be something that will free the correct assets to make an entire playable mission arc, not something irrelevant, like new auras.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    I believe an average skilled player should practice and learn to be a better player.
    EG is displaying his usual sense of tact, but it should be pointed out that most players, including most of us veterans, would have been hopelessly lost trying to complete anything of any consequence in this game in the first week when we didn't have any experience with it. Even if you handed us autoleveled 50s, it still would have taken us months to figure out how to complete something like the I1 (level 50) Hamidon, or the STF, or even the respec trial. I19 has been around for barely a couple of hours. Declarations of how hard the Incarnate arc is are not really likely to be accurate. The +5 LRSF was said to be virtually impossible by many, many players. By the time the devs got around to dropping it to +3, lots of teams could have completed it at +5. It might have still been very difficult, and even out of the reach of many players, but its clear the statements that it was virtually impossible were very wrong.

    Some people think its too hard, some people think the difficulty is just of the wrong kind, and some people think the difficulty is unnoticable. Personally, I think its fine, but regardless I don't think we know if the average players who have reached level fifty and are going to seriously pursue an end game progression system will find it terribly difficult in a month. Its not like I'm unaware of how hard the game is relative to average players, rather than forum readers. I still have to remind people that blasters radically underperformed everything else, even the lowest damage defenders, simply because their difficulty in play made them debt-magnets to a far higher degree than anything else, regardless of powerset combination. Still, I don't think its certain, even with initial complaints, that we know if the arc will really be a stumbling block in the long term.

    If it is, it bodes badly for the end game system because if we can't ratchet difficulty upward over time as the system progresses and have the playerbase adjust accordingly, it'll become pointless. And personally, I'd feel greatly disappointed.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
    Most likely at some point it will be easier to nerf the mission than listen to everyone whine that their favorite powerset cant solo EB's

    Since this is the new balance point.
    The new balance point for what, exactly. Being unable to solo the Honoree mission says exactly nothing of balance significance, for any definition of balance I'm aware of, including all of the ones the devs use.

    If you're trying to imply that the existence of the mission implies everyone should be able to solo it, with any build and any restricted set of tactics and any playstyle, I'm afraid you're mistaken.

    On the other hand, if this is actually performance art demonstrating that meaningless repetition can be annoying in a variety of circumstances other than in mission content, bravo.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
    You mean like when they utterly dynamited the cottage with breaking the cottage rule when they changed it from a toggle to a click? To me changing it back would be them finally addressing their initial screw up.
    They changed it a click only after trying a boat load of other things that I could have told them was doomed to fail. They did more to try to preserve toggle IH than I think was actually intelligent. That does not violate the cottage rule.

    I think every time someone improperly invokes the cottage rule, they should owe Castle a buck. He'd be a rich man now, and after my 10% cut I would be pretty well off myself.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberRod View Post
    Well, actually the arc is rather fun. Especially the first mission where you are god-like in your abilities.

    My only worry there is that people are actually starting to extrapolate Freem to figure out what the rest of the Incarnate system will be like, specifically level shifts.

    Depressingly, it turns out at the end of time, I will be able to obliterate archivillains with power blast, stand toe to toe with the crystal titan, laugh at ghost widows's mez, and turn Statesman and Recluse into crash test dummies. I will have the power of the gods at my command and become an unstoppable force to rival the combined might of the greatest entities in all the dimensions. And yet, my flight speed will still suck.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hydrophidian View Post
    Oh, please.
    You're welcome.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
    But its not hard.... not for every build, for my plant/psi/lev the entirety of the tactics was pull EB, hit waterspout.. Profit...
    Nothing is going to be as easy or hard for all build. Given the huge differences both in power and in terms of types of utility effects available its impossible to get even close in a single encounter. The best you can do is make some things easier, and some things harder, for everyone of the same approximate power level.

    And yes, if your AT or powerset has trouble with EB's please point to this thread that EB's solo is the new balance point for powersets.
    Good luck with that.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Furio View Post
    I don't see how anyone could have a different view on the situation.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
    I do think it's a bit of a shame that the devs put work into content I'll never see, particularly if lots of other folks feel the same way. I will probably try some of the arcs on my 50's just to try and support them in it. But I'd like the devs to do some things for me, too, that maybe some of those other players who want the raid content would think was a waste of time. And I'll feel better about getting some of that if they get their content as well. I don't really want the devs to design the whole game for me.
    I don't see them stopping development on the entire rest of the game, which will still follow the current rules for difficulty and accessibility. If they were, all the content developers would be working with Positron on end game, and War Witch would just be in charge of perk packs and veteran rewards. My guess is that *most* content development, at least in the long term, is still going to be non-end game related. The end game will be just a fraction of that.

    So I'm reasonable certain that players completely uninterested in the end game system will still get more content to play with that is not connected with it. There are whole level ranges to populate in Praetoria, and likely to be more content connected to that within Paragon, and probably more content and content updates eventually coming to Paragon and Rogue Isles itself.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hydrophidian View Post
    You get that kind of warning all over the place in this game. It very often doesn't mean squat. The impact of it has been diluted by over-use.
    "And this time, we really mean it."
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
    Okie lets run with that.

    Then the new balance point is every powerset needs to be able to solo an EB.

    This seems a little odd considering the devs have said in the past, not all powersets are intended to be able to solo bosses, which is why bosses can be disabled for solo, but now we are jumping all the all the way to the new balance point being EB.

    Wonderful..... time to start wining about powerset imbalances, real or perceived.
    Every powerset combination can solo that mission with the right combination of inspirations and tactics. That is all that is required. It is not intended to be easy, and its not intended to be completed by using the standard tactics of run and make everything die with a couple of attacks. Its definitely not intended to be easy for people who get impatient when the first thing they try fails.

    And for the record, although I was a beta tester, I explicitly, as is my norm, did not test the arc, and did not read threads talking about tactics regarding the arc. So I went into the arc as clean and ignorant as I could possibly have been. I actually enjoyed being surprised and having to figure out the mechanics of Trapdoor and the best tactics for dealing with the Honoree mission. So far, I've only done it on two characters: MA/SR and En/En blaster. In the case of the blaster, I used a combination of pulling and insps: break frees and lucks, basically.

    Personally, I find the difficulty of the arc just about right for an intro to the Incarnate system. The end game content is not going to be mindless mow-down-everything content. I'm pretty sure it will be more of this, and then some. So if you don't like thinking about tactics, get impatient when the first thing you try fails, aren't interested in using your inspiration tray wisely, and get bored if your kill speed slows down for a few minutes, my guess is that the entire end game system as a whole is not going to be your cup of tea.

    In fact, I'm hoping that this entire arc represents the *floor* of complexity and difficulty of the rest of the end game content to come. People who think it was "poorly designed" I don't think understand the design target itself. It was designed explicitly to be what it is. In that sense, it is fairly well designed. If that intent itself is something not palatable, that is a completely different issue. One that will be inteerestingly difficult to resolve, because its pretty clear to me that its hitting the mark in terms of its target audience, which is players that actually want this kind of advanced content.

    It could be much better of course. But by "better" I mean even more tricky and tactically complex to figure out. Not more streamlined and simplified for rapid soloing.

    By the way, I did in fact run right into that room the first time, and got my butt handed to me, which is what is supposed to happen when you don't know what you are doing and run into a room full of things that want to kill you.

    "It was ... fun..."