599 -
Why are you home at 3, Xan?
Get back to work! =) -
Well, maybe just a little.
If you can see this, Xad. You stink. =) -
Et in Arcadia ego.
(( Edit: Unfortunately, the half off sale is now over. ))
My days will be split between Virtue server here and the Arcadia server of the Secret World.
It's like living the early days in City of Heroes all over again. Sure, it's confusing at first but on June 30th of 2004, I didn't even know how to run forward or find a mission. Secret World is still new. It is both stark naked and beautifully detailed. Balancing any short-comings and under-dog standing when compared to larger draws, it is full of promise. Most importantly, it's full of friends. There's about two dozen of my current SG and fellow-refugees in a small but determined fledgling community.
Right now, my time is split between holding on and hope, learning and letting go. I've been here in City of Heroes (nearly every day for eight years) too long to truly say goodbye. At most, I often just say "Thank you." and hope it stays in your pocket in case we never have a chance to speak again.
At any rate, SW has a top notch community in the Arcadia server. Arcadia is one of two roleplay servers but welcomes many non-roleplayers looking for a friendly, mature population.
I'm enjoying time with my SG and locals. Their radio station has been very generous with their time and taken us on our first trial. Five badges in one run! Yes, there are badges. Small blessings for one with OCD in spades.
If you are there or on the way, a few links:
Search page for friends (if you know their unique character names), Cabals (SG/VG's), and name availablity (though some are reserved and will not appear).
I am Templara on Arcadia server. Yes, I am a Templar (one of three factions) most of my days there. Friend me. Say hello. And, this is our family. We're still learning but we're available if you are in need of a home.
My email address is angryangelara@gmail.com. I do use Skype (handle: angryangelara) and will often open a conference call for any questions or teaming in the evenings around 8 Central. -
The Secret World is where I have landed *because it is not* a super hero MMO. I realize there is a gentleman somewhere yelling, "but this thread is about great SUPERHERO games." I've decided, that for now, City is the only great superhero game for me. That fact has allowed me to open my heart to other things.
I didn't leave City of Heroes for Champions or DC back then and am not attracted to them now. They have evolved, and because of that, I'd encourage others to take a look. They're just not for me at this time.
At first, I felt overwhelmed. Considering there are only three caped titles on the market, only 2 options to scratch off, would mean analyzing dozens of possibilities.
Taking a large step back let me narrow it down. I asked myself what I would want for my second MMO:
- a place to hang my hat for eight more years or one that would last long enough for Matt to make a new game.
- a place where I could create an identity inside and out. Nothing that required my clothes to be cookie cutter gear.
- a place with promise. It could be stark raving naked. The buildings could be plain, the people even simpler - so long as it held promising signs of being able to evolve.
- a friendly place that lives left of Shakespeare and right of LOLchat.
- a modern day or sci-fi setting.
- an environment where I could (even if people tell me I cannot) imagine myself as a human or an alien or an angel or a mutant or a fairy or a giant emporer penguin princess in a human suit.
The Secret World met my list. Most importantly, I'm back to square one with all the knowledge I have now. City was my first game in 2004. I didn't even know how to run forward. I can now lead a team, trial or event with confidence. I have. The City molded me.
Perhaps the last day of City of Heroes will be November 30th of 2024. Perhaps it will be November 30th of 2012. All I know is that I'll have one foot in both worlds until the end. -
I don't know what I'll do for a base fix now. The SIMs was a weeklong nightmare for me last year. I had to maintain needy friendships with neurotic NPC's to earn enough cash to paint *one* wall. Pretty much, that's all I remember.
Oh, City, you're so ******* perfect in every way. I didn't even need currency to change a wall. And adding items was earned by having fun with my friends in SG mode.
The worst part is, that base editing had just gotten sooooo easy! ...with the addition of free rotation and easier vertical/horizontal placement.
I need to collect some time and screenshot all of our bases. At the very least, the images can be cataloged for a virtual group tour. -
Zwill.. question:
On one of our four accounts, I went in just this morning to select "remove card". Would this prevent that account from receiving a refund? -
While searching, we came across Raven's winning submission for a CoVillains contest way back when it first launched.
http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...43582662229710 -
Quote:I have access to the 3rd but only as a private view which was already uploaded and compressed to youTube. No idea how to rip it back out.For Return of an Angel, if you still have the original file, you could host it on Vimeo or whatnot, as the link I had saved was blocked from YouTube, and the Google Video service is retired.
EDIT: Unless it's just blocked in Australia. Try This. -
If any of you remember Ravenlore, she sends her best. She created fan videos to share since her first days in this game way back in 2005. Many included her Supergroup and generous Virtue volunteers who spent hours emoting in choreography without complaint.
She left the City a few years ago for Aion but returned to make one last video for the server and group she loved. It's called "Memories Never Fade". It's a nostalgic, dreamy look at iconic locations in the game. The character scenes are snippets from her Angel video trilogy.
It made me think of the credits in her 3rd video, "That's not the beginning of the end... [it is] the return to innocence." Anything could still happen. If nothing else, this is a reminder to stop and smell the roses. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did this evening when she came back to say hello.
Link here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRlK00UCI6Y&feature=youtu.be <<
For the memories, her original Angel trilogy:
Birth of an Angel - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1N4jr5DFLE
Fall of an Angel - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J646LEaCjdk
Return of an Angel - searching hard for a viewable copy
Blast from the Past, Raven's winning contest submission when CoVillains launched:
More memories: videos going back quite a few years. We could never have pulled off these stunts without the participation of this server. For a RP server, we really kicked ***. Thank you, Virtue.
Hami nuke, video courtesy of GadgetDon: http://www.wegame.com/watch/9_Minute_Hami_Raid/
Dropship event, video courtesy of Samuraiko: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZHWhE6JQ_U&playnext=1&list=PLA3191FB6E1A2 EEAB&feature=results_video -
I have a 48 that wanted to trudge through a few trials and the AV arc. -
Edit: No worries. I won't be mucking up forums with spam every day. Sometimes you just have to say it.
OK. I feel better now.
I love you all.
I love you, man.
I love you, bro.
I love you, sisters.
I have the flu. This helps. But I never say it enough. I love you all. -
I'll be saving an image of my Billing Summary(s). My accounts are paid well into next year. I have no interest in any other NCsoft products and and will be staying until the last day possible with my friends.
When the servers are shut down, and regardless of the charge date, I will contact NCsoft for resolution before submitting for partial chargebacks. -
Photoshop World conference was this week in Vegas. My husband just got home late last night. He's sleeping in so I haven't rifled through his bags yet for cute new tees to steal or or other women's globals. I'll be sure to call his friend's wife as well. <<< I tease. She wouldn't get the joke and I'd only get him in trouble.
Although, they were there all week.
I wonder how many Photoshop attendees are also gamers, CoH fans, etc.
On a related note! Link for your friend. The folks from the show Face Off were there with a steampunk creation > http://blogs.adobe.com/photoshopdotc...ayce-bird.html -
I just woke up to 32 overnight messages from catgirls asking if Mono can play.
<looks up>
WTF?! Mono!!!!
Many thanks to SF and to Ghost for keeping us together. And to Mono for being the one who got me hooked! That dirty, no good, kilted Canadian! <3
If I missed anyone's contact information, just shoot me a tell. My Skype name is just AngryAngelAra (no spaces). -
This was the second video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J646L...ature=youtu.be
The director, Ravenlore, was one of many talented leaders in our SG through the years.
The main female Longbow Agent was another one of our leaders, Andra, who plays to this day and led many of the early CoV Hami raids.
The credits are really cute.. -
Quote:It is the first in a trilogy and hard for me to watch. I'll look for the other two and post here.