SF Speed Madness
Many thanks to SF and to Ghost for keeping us together. And to Mono for being the one who got me hooked! That dirty, no good, kilted Canadian! <3
If I missed anyone's contact information, just shoot me a tell. My Skype name is just AngryAngelAra (no spaces).
SF Madness has some of the best players in the game. I'll miss this channel and all the people in it. And I am grateful to have been part of such an awesome community inside the even greater CoH community.
Take Care and Many Hugs
ps. Bull, don't tell the others but you were one of my favorites!
Until you walk a mile in another man's moccasins you can't imagine the smell.
Robert Byrne
I will miss you guys.
If you guys care to keep in touch, you can hook me up on steam my account name is xeaonsoft
or on skype, my game skype account is xeaon.soft
The CoH community was the best. I'm not sure ill find anything like it on other games.
Global Co VG's/SG's | xeaon plot
LRSF Mission 4, Get the code with no Agroo at all , Guide | Speed SMSF Guide | Speedy LGTF Guide |Post your Mids Build in game Guide

While I was only in the channel for most of this year, I had a great time being in it. There was always something going on or a funny chat in process. I'm gunna miss the madness folk y'all were a hoot to hangout with
Toons i'm most seen playing: Hero : xanthicsnow, Pyro Quiver, Californian. Villain: Nox Carbine
Too many folks for my lazy-butt to name, but I'll definitely miss that channel, it's members, and the stuff we did. Many a good time was had!
If you guys care to keep in touch, just shoot Ara a tell. Her Skype name is just AngryAngelAra (no spaces).
I just woke up to 32 overnight messages from catgirls asking if Mono can play.
<looks up>
WTF?! Mono!!!!
Thanks to everyone involved in this channel. I know most of you don't post much (other than maybe xeaon and Arky) but you are the best players that I have had the pleasure of knowing. Not only does everyone seem to have the best builds possible, but everyone was so much fun when tearing apart the best CoH had to offer.
Mono, Ghost, Frosted O's, Thing, HH, Ara, JD, Gems, Inviso, Beo, X, Advo and all the others, thanks for letting me take part. I will miss you and the game.