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Quote:OK, cool. Thanks. Is this some sort of anti-farming measure? I don't exactly get it, but as long as it works.You can't set a boss objective with a custom group if it only contains standard enemies. You'll have to take the bosses out of the standard group they are actually from for the boss objective and rename/reedit them for the specific boss fight.
So there's no issue with bosses from separate sources having the same group name-- either by being part of the actual group, or just having the group name altered in their details? I had a weird bug that brought me to all this; at one point, only ONE of the bosses from that group would appear, and they would appear everywhere. I fixed that by removing that particular boss, but I'm still not sure why that happened.
Thanks for the info! -
Quote:WHOA.It happens if you're doing multiple changes, and republishing often.
In order to avoid this problem, you have to:
1: Make your changes, hit "republish and exit."
2: Wait for the "blah blah blah has been updated" message. This may take a minute.
3: Hit the "search" button to refresh the "my published stories" window. This step is important; if you don't do it you will be editing the version of the arc from before you republished, and will revert the edits you made.
4: You can now hit "Edit" again, and all the changes you made in the previous edit SHOULD stick. Rinse, repeat.
...Okay, that's great information. I can see how that would work. But boy, do I wish I'd known about that little glitch a looooooong time ago. -
In one of my arcs, I have an ambush group of bosses taken from several standard groups. The rest of the enemies/groups in the arc are properly balanced, and xp is not a problem. This ambush group has its own name and is an official enemy group.
In addition, some of the bosses from this all-boss ambush group are also bosses in the main mission group. The custom bosses in the main mission group are specific characters that are set to not auto spawn, and I don't have room to add another custom boss specific to this group, so I used bosses from the ambush group to take up the slack.
The problem I'm having is that this group is not showing up on certain drop-down lists. For example, the group does not appear in the main selection for boss detail; I can't pick a boss from this group at all for a boss instance (though I can make one of them appear as a boss detail by picking one of their dopplegangers from the main mission group). However, the group does show up in the drop-down list for "surrounding enemy group".
These are the only two instances I can remember off the top of my head; across the rest of the drop-downs, they appear in some, but not in others. I can say that I have another all-boss ambush group I'm using in another arc I'm working on, and it appears and disappears on all the same lists.
I had this problem before, long ago (at least, as far as having a group not showing up in some menus, I can't remember if it was all bosses) and I fixed it. But it was so long ago, I have no recollection what I did to get the group showing up again. My arcs can get pretty cluttered, and I've had issues where I thought I deleted something but there was a small reference elsewhere that brought the whole kit'n kaboodle back. But I've saved my published arcs to local files, examined them, and have found no such incongruities (yet).
Anybody have any ideas why my group doesn't show up? Is it possible that the AE is actively blocking it because it's "all-boss", and with "surrounding group" set to "same as boss" it would be an all-boss spawn? ...Even then, I'm still able to select this group for "surrounding group", since it shows up in that list... So I'm just hornswoggled on this one. -
1. Beds - that don't look like someone was tortured on them. I'm trying to make guest rooms, and I hate asking folks to sleep on that wicker cot.
2. Pinball machines - they're in Pocket D! We can afford them! (Dream scenario-- attached minigame. Would be happy with-- click it, and it goes "bing bang bong".)
3. Wandering NPCs - receptionists, lab assistants, robot pals, etc.
- -
Quote:I know they fixed at least one of these "orange box exit" maps' escort points; the Carnival Commercial map had that same problem (escort waypoint was placed so that it was almost impossible to not accidentally exit before dropping off your escort). They fixed that in the I16 launch. I had reported that a long while back and went back and forth in emails with support, then they passed it on as a bug report. It took a few months but it did get fixed, and I got to remove my immersion-breaking warning text.[ QUOTE ]
This does not happen on all outdoor maps, so if anyone knows of specific maps with this problem that would be nice.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hm. It happened on all outdoor maps I've tested, which include the now-unavailable burning forest, the Perez Park/Shadowhunter map, the Talos outdoor island-to-the-side map, the Dreck map, the Dark Astoria graveyard used in the TV arc, and the St. Martial causeway map.
I haven't tested any but the Talos map recently though, so maybe some of them got fixed.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hmm, sounds like all the maps you've had this problem on are the ones with the orange box entrance. Incidentally, the outdoor maps that I KNOW captives run to the exit on have other entrances, such as a truck...I've also done escorts on some of these maps, and they worked correctly.
Could be related to the "exit is somewhere under the map" escort problem with these maps...the captive wants to run to the door but doesn't know where it is?
I recommend you bug those maps in-game and get a support ticket going. It may take a while, but they are fixing that stuff if they are made 'officially' aware. -
I've seen that issue, or something similar, several times. When I get down to those fine tweaks in a published arc, I do a lot of republishes in a row, and it's usually text changes-- or the lack of them, really-- that tip me off to the fact that my last changes didn't take.
Usually what happens is I see my last changes didn't take, then I go back and look at them to be sure, then re-publish again to be even more sure. After that second republish of the same changes, they usually show up.
What I hadn't figured out yet is if it's really the second republish that finally cements the changes, or just the time elapsed from the first publish. But you say you came back to it after a day or so, so it would seem to be the second publish that fixes it. No idea why the first one doesn't take. -
Quote:As a flying Merc MM, I can attest that the same thing happens with all the shells my boys scatter all over the ground.The best thing is stand near a tree for some minutes as the number of leaves piles up, then turn on Hurricane or summon your Singy.
Again, it's been that way for quite some time... but it's still cool.
As I promised in my B.A.D. Inc. Lair thread, here's the new layout for the Justice R'Us Treehouse of the Mighty!
From the portal and waiting room, to the left is the main visitor hall...
...and to the right, the residential hall.
Taking a right down the residential hall, we enter the commons. Upstairs are resident and guest quarters.
Returning to the residential hall, we head toward the day room. Praetor Dark Star's private office (the door on the left) has been closed for some time, undergoing some sort of complex revovation. Base steward Lightmaster knows better than to press for details not proffered.
The skylight in the day room, and the beginnings of a small art gallery (more paintings for bases! More paintings for bases!).
Fiction and classics.
Through the northeast door of the day room, we come upon high-resistance blast doors, designed to seal off the visitor-accessible areas from the more security-sensitive sections.
For now, let's return to the main visitor hall. To the right is the primary laboratory, but we'll get back to that.
Taking a left, however, takes us to the assembly hall.
Continuing through the assembly hall returns us to the commons.
This time we'll head upstairs to the residential quarters.
Most of these rooms still sit empty, awaiting decoration, residents and guests.
Of the 6 upstairs bedrooms, so far only Lightmaster's is lived in.
Returing to the residential hall.
This time we'll take the main visitor hall past assembly.
Past the security doors, we come to a crossroads linking transportation and control.
To the left, city zone teleporters, and to the right, hazard zones.
The control room with medical to the left...
...and power distribution to the right.
A maintenance access hall behind the generator runs the eastern perimeter of the base...
...past the rear access to the hazard zone teleport room and secondary workshop...
...and through the security doors, returning us to the day room.
What's this? A slightly skewed stack of shelves?
...Lightmasters' always leaving his secret door open. A hydraulic platform lifts staff to the maintenance hatch of the quantum torsion capacitor.
At bottom, a stasis field generator converts power from an Oranbegan crystal to power the invention crafting facilities. In the upper right, the Hazardous Radiation Containment Lab.
Up the ramp to the HRCL. Decontaminant wave station in operation.
Inner shields allow close, safe monitoring. Only fully sealed rad-shield suits allowed in element analysis chamber.
Below the HRCL, the technical library, and through that, the door to the secondary laboratory.
The portal to the UNDERVERSE® and its exploration craft. Magnetic extension lifts reposition the craft from a horizontal position at the boarding ramps to a vertical launch position.
The UNDERVERSE® is an unexplored alternate universe only accessible at the central point of the high gravity wells created by large solid bodies. Through the use of Oberation Oscillthruster technology, Lightmaster has discovered a way to safely travel through solid matter and create an UNDERVERSE® gate at the heart of the Earth's gravity well. He thinks.
Inward and downward! -
Quote:Attempting to save or load a color scheme on my Robots/Poison mastermind bugs the menu so that no Poison powers can be customized anymore; it immediately reverts back to Original when trying to select Color Tintable, and remains bugged on all my costumes until I reload the client. The game becomes unstable at this point and crashes after a couple minutes. I also cannot reproduce this on Test with the same character.
When I go to the Test server to save some of the custom power schemes I made there, the powerCust files are generally not being accepted by the live game. They don't show up on the menu, like the files aren't there at all. These are just plain text files, so I don't know what the problem could be.Quote:Additionally I can not seem to save my custom colours for storm summoning. It saves. The file exists, and attempting to re-save - the game give the "save file already exists" prompt; but I CAN NOT load the storm summoning file - it does not appear in the list when I attempt to load it. Could this be a symptom of the problem?
I first noticed it with my MMs, but right now I'm alt-tabbing out from trying to save/load files for my Archery/Devices blaster-- neither the overall or pure secondary save files will display, despite being present in the actual game folder; but, bizarrely, the primary set save file will display, even though it is not customizable. (???) Also, when I deleted the primary and overall saves from the folder (while in Windows), the primary save file remained in game until I used the delete button there as well. Usually the load list is affected by changes I make in Windows, but not in this case.
I've tested this twice now, abridging the character name the second time to make a second set of saves to compare it to, and both times it's the same: the useless non-customizable primary save displays in the load list, but the overall and secondary saves do not. So far, though, my colors are displaying properly; I just have to repeat those adjustments for each costume slot in lieu of being able to load a file. -
I had a big problem in one of my AE missions with NPC allies and flight-- allied patrols would fly, but follow allies would not. The jerky motions associated with this started to make me think that it might be associated with the teleport animation bug. Whether it was or not (though I am curious), sure enough, it got fixed at the same time the teleport animation got fixed, and saved my arc.
...They also fixed a poorly placed exit point that made it a royal pain to complete an escort on a particular map in that same arc, so I get to remove the immersion-breaking warning text I was forced to add. I was really surprised at this fix, as I couldn't imagine it affecting that many people, but it meant the world to me. This one was actually documented, which only bolstered my appreciation for this minor tweak.
And then, of course, in power customization I got the one feature that I had wanted more than anything else since the day I started playing, and one that I had (mostly) given up on due to the mammoth task of implementation.
...This was the BEST CHRISTMAS EVER.
And now I'm BACK from a work trip to New Orleans (though there are worse places for work trips) that took me out of town the day after I-16 went live (GAH!).
Time to get busy. I've got to catch up with all you guys. -
Quote:Well, in the old base, it used to dump the chairs backwards into a smaller fire pit. Now it makes the stone bridge swing open in the center and drop guys in the lava.HA!
I just noticed the lever next to the Overlord's desk. Obviously for opening the trapdoor underneath the visitor chairs in his office!
Nobody needs base love like villains... -
...I leave for ONE EVENING and everybody's throwing the Legos.
Oh, I LOVE that function. At most make it an option-- I can see how it could be an annoyance, admittedly. However, my bases are so big now that discovering that little feature was a godsend.
Oh, that's VERY clever. Nice job. I've been trying to think of ways to make windows with 'depth' outside. The closest I came was a 'frosted skylight'. But this is much more complex, and a nice illusion.
They should be under Room Details toward the end of the list. "SG emblem stand" or something like that. I don't know how the OP got rid of the symbols, though-- there used to be invisible symbols and it was easy, but they 'fixed' that (that's 'broke' to us basebuilders). -
Quote:Oh man. Now I have a craving for the Ragin' Cajun.That's is one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen
Seriously. That's one foul looking dinner. -
Fixed on Test! Hoorah! Bring on I-16!
Quote:Go make two characters-- one incorporating the name Valkyrie that doesn't resemble the Marvel Valkyrie, and one incorporating the name Wolverine that doesn't resemble the Marvel Wolverine. Vicki Valkyrie and the Blue Wolverine. Watch which one gets genericed like lightning.It's not just the name, it's the way it's depicted in mythology as well. If someone had a character named Valkyrie that didn't resemble the mythological Valkyries, then they can trademark it and have a case against anyone that copies that specific Valkyrie. They would not have a case against anyone using a Valkyrie as depicted in mythology.
A Wolverine is an animal, but Marvel's Wolverine is really nothing like that animal. Thus, it is clearly distinct. They can take you to court if you copy their specific Wolverine, but they would not have a case against you if you used the name for, really, anything else. Nobody could have a case against you if you used the animal.
It's just sad that a name like Arc Angel, which I think is a pretty clever and evocative name that easily conjures up a different image than the Marvel character, gets genericed because it's "too close". And it boggles me that Marvel can lay claim to a name from the Bible and prevent players from making Archangel Gabriels, Archangel Michaels, etc. Heck, my first name's from the Bible. Do I need to get a lawyer and start vigorously defending my trademark?
Beware the scary lawyers.
EDIT- Oh yeah-- Marvel now has Disney lawyers... -
Quote:I still don't understand how this is any different than trademarking the word wolverine, which is not only the name of an animal species that has no legal representation, but also the name of many, many high school sports teams, including one that repelled a Russian invasion of U.S. soil.The names and likenesses of Atlas and Valkyrie cannot be trademarked as they are from mythology.
Sadly, this sort of thing always seems to boil down to who has the scariest lawyers. -
Quote:My first time back in Siren's Call after PvP recipes went in, I got one on my second or third kill.They completely borked pvp recipes anyway. I get like 1 a week if im Lucky and that's probably at least 400 kills. Everyone in zones complains about this same stuff and it's ridiculus the drop rate. Hell when the drop rates where good at the start the top recipes were selling for 600 Mill, is it just me or isn't that rare enough why make them even more so.
Arena, Zone it doesn't matter these things are hardly dropping anywhere.
Haven't gotten one since, though... -