The NEW B.A.D. Inc. lair




Took a long time to get around to revamping the villain base post I-13-- the second floor of the heroside base's living quarters dang near gave me carpal tunnel. But a wild hair got me last week; it took about four days, and I still need to add a jail, but here it is so far.

From the entrance, to the left are workshops and medical... the right, transportation.

Workshops have been expanded, but not really decorated yet...

...though Dr. Destrukto's medlab made it through the transition without too many changes.

Teleport rooms combined...

...with buff stations placed close by for convenient access.

The hangar.

Now into new areas. The hallway to the meeting room.

Meeting room.

Into the center of the base-- during expansion, hidden ruins discovered!

Into the new control room.

Into the Overlord of Crime's private office.

The, uh, 'persuasion' room.

"You ate my Little Debbie snack cakes! Admit it!"

...I was really pulling from my memories of the Lost City levels in the original Thief: The Dark Project through all this...

At the end of a cluttered tunnel, a crack in the wall...

...leads to a maintenance access tunnel...

...which emerges near the meeting room and hangar, for quick escapes.

...And now the jail.. I'll also post pics soon of the heroside base, with new living quarters and portal to the UNDERVERSE™!

Check... and Mate (poster) - Arc ID# 15095 (comments)
Invasion on Earth BX1132! (poster 1) - (poster 2) - Arc ID# 98943 (comments)
Global @ARH



Great work. Although i think the first couple rooms were kind of lacking, the rest of it was very good


I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.



The best room is the room with the cracked floor panels and lava


I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.



Originally Posted by GreatRock View Post
Great work. Although i think the first couple rooms were kind of lacking, the rest of it was very good
Yeah, the first rooms weren't really decorated (apart from the medlab, which carried it's deco's over from the old base). I blocked off the new areas with some large sewer equipment so I could work without anybody seeing it before it was finished, but I had to leave the functional areas available to the SG while I worked. The first new room I built was the large lava room with the patchwork bridge.

Check... and Mate (poster) - Arc ID# 15095 (comments)
Invasion on Earth BX1132! (poster 1) - (poster 2) - Arc ID# 98943 (comments)
Global @ARH



Hope you don't mind but I stole your Volcanic Ruin Idea for my base



Some rooms look a little empty, but I think that works for you because it adds to the eeriness of the base. I liked the face statue leading into the other room. I would like to see more torches. But overall, well done on the stacking.




Originally Posted by CalebLancaster View Post
Hope you don't mind but I stole your Volcanic Ruin Idea for my base
Think I might steal it for a bit of my Dungeon Lair with pieces of Ritki Tech.

Enjoy your day please.



Where are they getting electricity from?


I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.



Originally Posted by GreatRock View Post
Where are they getting electricity from?
My theory: villain-side, they're stealing it; hero-side, the villain group is being surprisingly helpful and cooperative and freely donating power to the hero base.



Originally Posted by Tyrak View Post
My theory: villain-side, they're stealing it; hero-side, the villain group is being surprisingly helpful and cooperative and freely donating power to the hero base.
But the jokes on the them because the power the is stolen from the heroes in the first place


I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.




I just noticed the lever next to the Overlord's desk. Obviously for opening the trapdoor underneath the visitor chairs in his office!

Also love the whole Lava room look. You've got me thinking now about doing something with that idea.

I'm wondering if the dining room with the lava wall from the movie "The Incredibles" would be reproducible with the base editor. (Scampers off to test)



Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post

I just noticed the lever next to the Overlord's desk. Obviously for opening the trapdoor underneath the visitor chairs in his office!
Well, in the old base, it used to dump the chairs backwards into a smaller fire pit. Now it makes the stone bridge swing open in the center and drop guys in the lava.

Nobody needs base love like villains...

Check... and Mate (poster) - Arc ID# 15095 (comments)
Invasion on Earth BX1132! (poster 1) - (poster 2) - Arc ID# 98943 (comments)
Global @ARH



Okay, I only thought I knew pain when I made the residential quarters in the Justice R'Us Treehouse of the Mighty. But after the last upgrade to the B.A.D. Inc. base, there was a little voice nagging at me-- with the new lava rooms, there was something that was obviously-- egregiously-- missing. I knew I wanted to add a dungeon, and jazz up some rooms... but there was one mammoth task that just had to be done. More on that later.

First we (that's the royal We) fixed up the magic workshop a bit. Nothing too complicated, but I liked the "Jaws" effect.

Now into the energy room, and a new hallway to the west.

The new dungeon.

Door control and prisoner monitoring.

And it works, too! Assemble the Team Vet Reward is better than RICO.

Another hallway goes behind these three cells... two more.

Turning the corner to a door that's nowhere near as hidden as I'd like... yet.

Ever since went down, it's almost impossible to find a hollowed-out volcano lair.

The volcano cone alone was over 1300 pieces. I first noticed the count at around 500, with less than half done-- the small half. But, in for a penny, in for a pound...

I started to worry that I was going to screw up the cone angle working straight down. Also, working up from the bottom meant the thing would get smaller as I worked-- the next level would always be at least a bit less mind-numbingly tedious.

I set up some steps to act as a guide for the remaining levels, to make sure that the two sections linked up at the proper angle.

Still working on little details here and there, but boy am I glad THAT'S over.

Check... and Mate (poster) - Arc ID# 15095 (comments)
Invasion on Earth BX1132! (poster 1) - (poster 2) - Arc ID# 98943 (comments)
Global @ARH



Originally Posted by AngryRedHerring View Post
I knew I wanted to add a dungeon, and jazz up some rooms... but there was one mammoth task that just had to be done.
Nicely done dungeon and the volcanic cone is *very* impressive. Jealousy-inspiring, even. I thought about using rubble like that for a rocky hill, but didn't think it would come out looking all that well... I suppose I need to actually try things like that before discarding the ideas.

Door control and prisoner monitoring.
Have you considered some monitors for prisoner monitoring? Whether of the modern or retro variety, I think it would add something.

I started to worry that I was going to screw up the cone angle working straight down. Also, working up from the bottom meant the thing would get smaller as I worked-- the next level would always be at least a bit less mind-numbingly tedious.
It is easier to work from the bottom up, generally. Though for something like this where you are closing in as you go up I would mostly work with the camera underneath. From above fill up a few floor tiles with rubble at the right height, then swing the view under to move the rubble around so I could make sure it was sticking out appropriately as I went.



That Volcano rom is INSANE!!!!



EXTREMELY nicely done! I'm so jealous of that volcano.

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@MissKyo, Leader of the Teamsters coalition on Protector



Ok, I've been looking around because I found a lava room in an old base that had smoke coming from the floor. Now I found this post and *gasp* you can do some amazing things with it. How do you do this? Please tell me. I just discovered stacking a couple of weeks ago and our base has been under major renovations ever since but I have yet to figure this out.

Ok, I've been monkeying around and figured it out. I don't know why it seemed so hard.



Red I need to show you my volcano. Finished it about 6 months ago and I have tunnels inside of mine. I'd do pics but I seem to suck at doing those.



I like your usage of the tunnels leading into hidden rooms. You really captured the feel of being inside a volcano. Not to mention the stacking to create the center. Well Done!!!




Wow, just wow. Hope you dont mind me using a bit of your ideas to fix up My and Bro's Hero base. Im Bookmarking this.

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



I found this thread awhile ago. First of all, I gotta say well done. I got alot of inspiration from your base too. When I first discovered your thread I had just recently discovered stacking even though I'm a 33 month vet (been playing on and off since the beginning). Now I'm confident that we have one of the most unique and coolest bases on Freedom. The question I have is how do you get the movable jail cell gates? Your comment led me to believe that it comes with the 42 month vet badge which grants assemble the team. I checked the main website and paragonwiki and I couldn't find any evidence to support that. I'm dumbfounded right now on how you did it. Could you please explain how to get those gates? Thanks.

P.S. Check my signature to see our base (Venu Sovereignty)



The cells gates aren't movable, they're the wall wire bundles floated in the air using cubicles. He just has some cells in the 'open' position and some 'closed'.

The Vet Reward power mentioned allows you to teleport your whole team to a spot near you. Like, for example into a closed off 'jail cell'.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered



Thx ninja that explains alot. They didn't look familiar to me so I thought it was something new. His comment "and it works too" and the pics got me to thinking that they moved up and down. I used those cables on the sides of the bay door in my hangar but I didn't pickup on what they were. Much appreciated.



Hi guys!

I didn't realize how much that volcano actually burned me out (no pun intended). About a week or so after that, I just stopped playing for a while. It was only this week, in fact, that I started playing again. Since October I'd check in now and then, and log in my SG leaders to maintain leadership, but I never stayed logged in more than a minute or so. So I hadn't played at all in 3 1/2 months, alone tinker with the bases.

A nice thing about that is that one of the last things I did was recolor all my guys' powers, and now I'm coming back to a whole host of stuff I forgot I'd done.

It's also nice to come back to new posts in my villain base thread.

So yeah, power cable bundles placed with cubicles for the jail bars, one set placed open and the rest closed, and Assemble The Team vet reward power to zap them into the cell after they fell for the "hey come check out the new base!" trick.

Smoke on the floor done with bonfires, each bonfire buried under 2 or 3 dirt mounds to mask the sculpted stone and woodpiles.

But looking at some of you guy's bases, it seems y'all already figured that out.

EvulOne, I'd love to see your volcano; my global is @ARH, so throw me a tell in game and I'll try to catch up with you. I'm back to playing at least a couple of times a week at least. But I bet I'll wish I'd have seen yours before I started mine-- probably would have saved me some head-scratching.

GhostSlayer: sorry I wasn't around to answer your Q's, but looking at your base thread, it looks like I wasn't needed that much after all. Amazing work.

Check... and Mate (poster) - Arc ID# 15095 (comments)
Invasion on Earth BX1132! (poster 1) - (poster 2) - Arc ID# 98943 (comments)
Global @ARH