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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    I have 2 witnesses that can confirm I told them 3 days before "Going Rogue" was announced "You know what the next accouncement for CoX is, right? Switching sides." You should have seen their faces when I showed them the trailer 3 days!

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    S'funny. Everyone else knew a full 9 months before that.

    As for the graphics update, signs seem to point to 'yes'. BaBs all but admitted to it on Test the other night.


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    Yeah, I realize that there was previous knowledge of possible side switching from certain sources, but how could I have known it'd be the next announcement? :P

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    So..... Do you read only what you want to read or what?

    "The One"
  2. LoL, nice... :P Anyone see that though? Am I seeing things?

    "The One"
  3. Absolute BEST one I've ever heard (during a MoSTF run, no less):

    "AFK a sec... Stepped on a kitty."

    "The One"
  4. The *blank* post in the announcements category posted 5/29/09 at 4:34pm?

    What's that about?

    "The One"
  5. My guess is "yes." I've been wrong a few times before on "CoX predictions," but my close friends can confirm that I've been right on the money more often than not. Not bragging....Just lucky, I guess.

    I have 2 witnesses that can confirm I told them 3 days before "Going Rogue" was announced "You know what the next accouncement for CoX is, right? Switching sides." You should have seen their faces when I showed them the trailer 3 days! Yeah, I realize that there was previous knowledge of possible side switching from certain sources, but how could I have known it'd be the next announcement? :P

    "The One"
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    I have confirmation from a couple of my friends who have seen advertisements where they live for the "posi team" looking for game engine developers... Although this *may* or may not mean there is an overhaul in the game engine, I do think this confirms that they have at least looked into the possibility of it in the future, for whatever reasons they may have for future releases or games.

    "The One"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The logical question is "when" were these ads put out? If they were one to two years ago then sure it might be for CoX. If they are more recent it is probably for something else like CoX2.

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    Good question. I didn't ask him when exactly he saw them. He just told me he saw them, and he had no reason to lie.

    "The One"
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Many people who post here do not read the entire post .They read just enough of the post to find something to complain about.

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    DAMN that was good. I totally envisioned a hard pimp-slap to the face to some pimply-faced [censored] who thinks all his opinions are commandments straight from God.

    I gotta use that in my sig.


    "The One"
  8. And you were able to do it in an even smaller one. Kudos, FredrikSvanberg.

    "The One"
  9. I have confirmation from a couple of my friends who have seen advertisements where they live for the "posi team" looking for game engine developers... Although this *may* or may not mean there is an overhaul in the game engine, I do think this confirms that they have at least looked into the possibility of it in the future, for whatever reasons they may have for future releases or games.

    "The One"
  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    Problem is, people set the bar too high for empaths.

    Asking the average player, who is not always that great at the game to have an awareness of everyones health for healing, everyones buff bar for buffing whilst maintaining a view of the battle so that they can help out with blasting is just asking for too much. Yes, good players can do this. The average player will struggle to achieve it.

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    I agree completely. That's why, in my opinion, people will want a healer of one type or another.

    Bad players are bad no matter what you try to do to help them. In that LGTF I mentioned, we tried repeated to get this guy to use his primary. All the helpfull comments turned to sarcastic remarks, then demands for better performance till finally he got kicked.

    PUGs are full of bad players. A bad player with a healer mentality just might keep a team alive, while a bad player with a blaster mentality might just get a team wiped. I know which one I'm gonna take.

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    a bad player with a healer mentality will be afk and on autofollow on said blaster with the heal aura on autofire.

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    Wrong. That isn't a "healer mentality." That's an "afk" mentality or "leech" mentality, whichever term you prefer better.

    "The One"
  11. That might have been another respawn, if it happened to be 20 min from the time you last defeated it... When it respawns, it always does so back where LR is.

    "The One"
  12. Great post....Was very entertaining to read.

    "The One"
  13. We were talking about Jennifer Connelly, right?

    "The One"
  14. Are Devs too RP-minded? All of them? Probably not.

    The ones who are in charge of final decisions? Most likely.

    I say start nerfing RP'ing somehow. I would laugh. A lot. :P

    Although...To be honest, I start laughing ANY time I see the nerf bat brought out. It's like watching an adult in charge of a nursery:

    "Oooooh, you want this little toy? Here you go!" *grabs it back from baby* "HAHAAHAHAHAA! I was just kidding! You can't have it!"

    I can totally understand why the Devs would enjoy that, which is why I should probably spend more time in CoV than

    "The One"

    How is an RP thread a farming thread?

    Oh, yeah... That's right... EVERYTHING in the game eventually boils down to "HE'S A FARMER! KILL HIM!"
  15. I'd like to shout out loud a big "THANK YOU" to Mid's for his awesome tool. I've gotten to where I ask anyone in game who's build I think performs extremely well "Do you have a Mid's build I could look at?"

    Thanks a lot for your amazing program. Really.

    "The One"
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    I notice so many players shying away from new players.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Seriously, QFT.

    Just did a MoSTF run with a couple toons who had never even done the STF before this evening... Did we get it? No. But, it was still fun. And it was great to see people enjoying one of my fav TFs for the first time.

    That's why I like hangin' out in AP sometimes.... I just escorted a Russian dude the other day who had only been to AP and KR before to all the zones his lvl 14 dude could get to.... It was refreshing to get his reactions to some of the zones he'd never seen before...

    "The One"
  17. AlienOne

    ''The Hive''

    It's more fun in the Hive, and you're bothered a whole lot less by farming chat/lowbies, than if you did it in PI. ESPECIALLY considering he's wanting only lvl 50s to join him.

    "The One"
  18. Simple situation of vet players not wanting to deal with the new influx of inexperienced players coming in due to the MA media exposure.

    Nothing new to see here. Move along.

    "The One"
  19. This.

    Or this.

    Then this. Solo.

    Then when you're done with that (or get bored--whichever comes first), then you grab fillers to spawn Hamidon in Eden, then once he spawns tell everyone "Thnx for teaming... You can all go now." and proceed to solo him. If you get video of you winning that fight, I will let you haz all my stuff.

    "The One"
  20. [ QUOTE ]
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    Why can't people simply disagree with an idea w/o bashing the OP? Just say, I disagree and this is why instead of "you fail miserably..." This is ridiculous..."

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    Because the OP didn't post a message saying, "I disagree with anti-power-levelers, and here's why." He deliberately posted an inflammatory message that totally misses the mark of the argument. It was a troll post, plain and simple, done for the express purpose of prolonging the bickering.

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    Do you guys know eachother or something? No? How can you assume his "purpose" then? Because you are the "all-knowing" TonyV?


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    It's a facetious claim, which makes it really kind of insulting to dignify with a response.

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    And you have responded. Hmmmm. From this, I could assume that you are making those statements with the intent to inflame the OP.

    But, I don't assume. I'll leave that to you.

    "The One"
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    With Ouroboros, AE, sidekicking, and exempting - you can do everything on one character. Okay, one character per side (red/blue).

    Having more than one character takes up server resources and ties up valuable hero names that others cannot take. This is an RPG - and your character is very important. When a new player finds out they can't get the name they want - they quit. You have cost CoX one new player for every alt you have. That's a lot of money for development your selfishness has cost all of us.

    And you can only play one character at a time (if you have multiple accounts - one per account). So having more than one is just a waste.

    And when you play alts you aren't connected to your main. It is an RPG - you can only have fun from the satisfaction that comes from truly knowing and inhabiting your character. You can't possibly have fun having alts - so why have them (I know, I tried it out and hated it)?

    Alts fill up supergroups. The devs have had to waste time making SGs larger so that selfish people could have alts.

    And alts make it hard for everyone else to have fun. I see somebody on and make a friend. Later they aren't on. Maybe they are - but on an alt. I don't know. It just looks like my new friend is missing. Alts kills friendships and community - and everyone knows that community is what keeps MMO's alive.

    I call upon the devs to solve this problem that is driving away new players, giving existing players ennui and making them quit. Reduce all accounts to 1 character redside and 1 character blueside. Stop selfishness from ruining my game.

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    Definitely takes care of power leveling. Then everyone complaining about people mis-using MA will magically silence forever....

    ...wait. No, they won't.... Who am I kidding?

    "The One"
  22. [ QUOTE ]
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    Great satire, but... what exactly are you satirizing? I must have missed the uproar about multiple characters per account that inspired this...

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    actually this is a satire of anti-powerleveling. How some players selfishness is hurting the game, how you can't have fun powerleveling, how there is one proper way of playing.

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    ...But fails miserable at making a point.

    But really, to me, it just comes off as silly.

    Oh, and P.S., I don't think that anyone has ever claimed that there's "one proper way of playing." This is an absurd claim that every anti-power-leveler knows is BS, a strawman used to try to sway the ignorant.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    *Edited for content*

    "The One"
  23. [ QUOTE ]

    Mesmerized by this thread. The healer-hate just seems a little dramatic.

    Healing is not as bad as people are making it out to be. Heals, numerically, work exactly the same as damage resistance in that they extend the amount of HP you can sustain before dying. They are reactive, but they "protect" from all forms of damage, regardless of source.

    Arguments that you can just carry a tray of greens miss the point that you could have been carrying a tray of something else.

    Healing is effective in some situations. Waiting an hour for a "healer" is stupid if you could have had a different team member join you. Both of these facts are pretty much undeniable. I would think.

    I have played characters that have heals. At level 50 they do sometimes have to use the heal. And sometimes the heal helps a lot. Sometimes not. It depends. Just like my Controllers, who sometimes don't get get to use sleep/knockback/knockdown because of what the team is doing.

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    By George, I think someone's *got* it!

    ...And, look!!! His post count isn't high, nor has he been registered for that long!

    Nothing short of a miracle, I know.... But this proves that highly intelligent observations are not limited to the "forum cartel."


    "The One"
  24. Personally, I have only seen them show up (lately) on full 8-man teams.....

    "The One"
  25. AlienOne

    Closed Beta

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    Yeah, that's a pretty good one... There's nothing better than 2 Russian girls who---

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    So that's what the kids are calling it these days.

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    "The One"